Gavelyte Annual 1911
T II 1,; U \ \' J,; I 1 Y 'I' E . FJorellC'·C' ,]Hue\ illianrnou, . B. Philadelphiau Y. W. 1. ., 'I utor in Math. Bask t Ball, '09- '10; ' nter for Girls' hampions, '10- '11; Inter– ociety cont t, '11. '' One ray the more, one ray the less Ilad life impaired the namele s grace That waved in every golden tre John Orr Stewart, A. . B., "Bo", "Mutt" "Jeff" '' · Phil.adelphian, College Male Quar– tette, CoU.ege Minstrels, '10; Capt. Reserve Basket Ball Team, '09-10; Baseball, '10. "What need to a k, 'HaYe we a poet here ?' " "His thot were cong,ealed into lines in hi face As the vapors Freeze in fantastic shapes on the window panes in the winter.
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