Gavelyte Annual 1911

'rHE GAVELYTE. Junior History Hi tory cannot repeat itself in this case, for the simple reason that there neYer was, and never will be a class so great and glorious a.s ours. It i · only fitting that our president, Phil D. Dixon, be the first victim of our attempt at hi torical rhetoric. He has been a loyal, yea, very loyal, adherent to the dear old college of hi home town, for a number of years past. His wonderful capabilities for business management i evidenced by his constant occupation in that line; this, with all his other good qualities comhine to make him a most ·worthy president of our cla s. Ream Shroades, t he Yice president, is next in order, genial, aspiring to bigh tanding in every "·ay. Truly he is ambitious. Hugh 'l1urnbu1J, commonly known as " Hug", is a husky fellow liYiug a few miles from town. H e is always disseminating about him a uper– a hundance of surplus energy, occasionally allowing hi eye to rest on t : e open page of a book. Then comes Grace Beckley, the honorable secretai :-'· From C'oulterYiHe, Ill. , she comes, bringing with her an intense love for lier state and woe betide the one who dares to say anything against it. , 'he was a wee lassie ·when she first came, but now has developed into a little ·woman. Th e fair Ila interests u next. She d·wells but a short distance from to,,·n and is a mo t striking example of a edately modest maiden. Authur Dean is another of our comely re idents. His characteristic quiet manner ancl steadiue. s betoken his- sure uccess. We are proud of him. We boast of a p1·ospective minister of the Gospel, W. P. IIarrima11. who has already held his first funeral ervice. He comes from Yermont. i~ rn.uTied, and he's all rigbt. From P ennsylvania we claim another, Howard -:\lcGaffick. The only one of hi kind, he impresses everyone a a perfect gentleman. Ile has fine points galore. DeWitt l\Iorgan we kn w not till lie came to C'. C. We will soon los him and w ar very sony for it. How– Pver, ,ve are all thankful that w ]iave so long enjoyed his companion. hip. hi. lH~lp in all times of ne cl, his cheery countenance all cl all. The new friends h will lllake iu :mother locality will assuredly think tl1e ame. Of tit( ... writer, the least said the hest. \1ffi it to ay tlrnt sl1 e ('Omes fro111 IJondon, from wl1ere nothing hut g·ood can come. , , . Edith 1\litn1;,'.