Gavelyte Annual 1911
THE GAVELYTE. 39 The Alumni Endowment The mo t pre sing need of CedarviUe College at the pr ent time is money. Of al] the people ·who onght to be willing to respond to this need the Alumni . hould be the most 'Willing. An ffort to inter.est th Alumni in the n-ork of endowing the college i nov1r being made. At the last meetlng of the Alumni Association, a committee was appointed to take the matter in clunge and to en.deaYor to arouse a entiment among the Alumni for the endowment fund. 'rl1is committee is composed of one membe1· from each cla that ha graduated from the college. It bas been at"' ork all the year and at the coming meeting 0£ the Association a report will be made to that 1Jo<ly. The indications now are that this report will be one of encouragement. The College is a live institution. It is growing in influence and po,lirer for goocl, ~'.ear h~' year. It is novi, up to the Alumni to prove themselves live wire by taking hold of tlle Alumni Endowment proposition and handling it in a way worthy of the sons and daughter of a Christian College. Remem– ber that money placed in endmvment is money only the interest of which can be n ed. The money we give to this cause ,lirill work long after we' haYe pa . sed from the stage of the ·world's activities. Sincerely, S. C. WRIGHT, '03. Sec'y Alumni Endowment < 'ommittee.
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