Gavelyte Annual 1911
THE GAVELYTE. 41 Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Y. M. C. A. History As nec,es ary as is the Christian church to a Christian community, 'just so necessary i the Y. M. C. A. in the work of a Christian Coll ge. Recog– nizing the grov1ring need for an organization which is founded for the de– Yelopment of '' spirit, mind, and body, '' on March 12th, 1907, a number of hristian men banded them~ elves together to organize a11d maintain a student Y. l\I. . A. in Cedarvi11 e o11ege. From the first the organization has prospered and has been a factor in creating a closer band of Christian fellowship among C'edarvi11e men. W,eekly devotional meetings are held alld Bih] e classes have been organized. This association has publi he.d a year].\' Hand Book wl1ich is found to b a handy ource of information to ue"· students. Ev,ery man coming to Cedarville finds him elf immediat ly amo11g Christian men whose ympathy, hel p, and enco11ragern nt nre one– of tile as.'ets of very new C'ed:irvi ll e student. OFFICERS. Ilo·ward vV. IcGaffick, President. Elwood P . Howell , :Vice President. J . Ear] McCl llan , S ·,·etary. 8. Erne.·t Foster, 'l'reas1u·t>r.
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