Gavelyte Annual 1911

TI-IE , ELYTE. 43 numb r of ·o ·ial eYent have been given but one of the most su ·ce - ful wa the May 1, .e tiva1 held last fay whicl1 proved to b uch a ucce both ocially and financia11y that the girl decid cl to make it a custom. It may rightly be aid that every girl graduating from C'. . will often look back with a feeling of tendernes and thankfulne for the hour. pe~t ,Yith the Y. W.' , the uplifting influence of the meeting , and the Christian comrade hir of the Y . \V. girls. OFFICERS. Vv. Edith l\Iitray, Pre id nt. )fary Ellen Lown , Vice Pr ident. Emily l\Iilligan, S cretary. Tla 1\1. Ram ey, Trec1 . nrer.