Gavelyte Annual 1911
'1' 111 1} U,\\'gl1Y'l'g. lnter-S ciety Contest On 1 Ill' l'\ t'11ing ol' ,Jan. 10, the i11tc>r-socicty cont('st vvai-; liclcl in the Opern 11011. l. 'l'hi, e-ve11t ncH' l' has failed to worJr 11p a grc>a1 arnonnt of t•nthusiasm arno11g (' <larvill , tnde11t and the contest tliis ~'ear was no c_ erption. Tlit' ,rnrk of e-very cont tant howecl in very particnlar the l',H t'ul preparation of tho who ·were triving to bring honor to either Philosophic or Philo. Thi conte t wa the fir t Inter- ociety 1 onte. t that had heeu held for a numher of years, and was the renewal of an affair " ·hich in former year wa of gr at intere t, not only in colleg circles but in the who] co111munity as well. Owing to a number of good rea ons the cont.e t wa di continued, until this year, a committee representrng both societie , after careful con ideration, decided that uch a contest would be again ben :ficial. 'l'he prize wa *25 in gold, donated by the Rev. John lford, D.D. of DeLand, Fla., and the award is made to the winner m each production according to a chedule arranged by a joint committee of the ocietie and the faculty. CONTESTANTS. PHILOSOPHIC. The Gallery of the Pni ,·er e, Bertha A. tormont. PHILO. Essay. The Waning of the Briti h Ari tocracy, Ila 'L Ram ey. Declamation. The Lo t Worcl, J. Earl 1\Ic leJlan. '' 0,'er the Ocean Blue, · ' Hugh Turnbull. 'I'be Ta k of the Time , ,Vendell Fo ter. f ,olo. Or ation. J DGE . When the J\Ioon Aro e. Florence William on. " The Armourer 's Song," John 0. Stewart. A Golden Opportunity, Ream hroades. l\Ii s Hallie Q. Brown, Wilberforce University. Dr. J esse Johnson X enia Theo. Seminary. Prof. E. A. Kolb, South High School, Columbus.
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