Gavelyte Annual 1911

To 11deaYor to g1 ve an account of all th ocial event of CedarYille ollea ,Yould h an undertaking entirely too great. The reception . the pread . the chjcken roa t . th banquet , and o many thing that we cannot haYe pace to mention form diYer ion which fill many happy hour and in futnre day will be remembered a the 'joy of college life". vVe het>ein mention but a few. and no de. cription could amply de cribe the. e. TO THE MELON-PATCH. Thi '"a an eYent ,Yhich wa the ' tarter·· of the year, and coming, a it did. upon a night at the fir t of the term proved a good opportunity for eYeryon to become acquainted in a good informal fa hion. On the evening of 'ept. 1.-. all Cedan'ille , tudent that could be found ·were e corted to a melon-patch outh of town. Around a blazing fire and by the light of a beautiful ,-'eptemb r moon ,Ye enjoyed a feast that will long be rememb red. If you ,Yer not there you hould haYc been: if you can go next year. do o.