Gavelyte Annual 1911
GIRLS WEDDING. Jn h,h 1 ·ua 1·y )!' rn10 oc·e11rPcl a "mock wedding", an ·vent confincrl ~trit' 1 I., to tiH' girls and to whi<'h 110 nH' I' man l'Peeivrrl an invitation. When Ul11 rolhd around, o[ course the first mmiYcrsar.v ·allPcl for tlw prop 1· ohsennnec ol' the affair hy baying a 'wooden ·wedc1ing " . rrhe " ·wedding'' wns to h,nc been h Id in Philo ophic Hall and to have been tr1ctly femininP. ( r . Y. of com· e had to be count d among the girl: that night.) But any t'' t'nt that girl. cont mplate i gen rally preceded hy s veral days of verha I actiYity and the group of four and five tliat ·were seen tanding in the 'orridor in " ·hi pered con ultation told the boys to ' get wis ". Th~y did. Th e night came and the anniv,er ary wa celebrated bui the boys ate most of th.e · · glorion, wedding dinn r' '. Three or four days of freezing weather followed. RECEPTION IN HONOR OF MR. AND MRS. ILIFFE. "o often we forget th e "men behind the guns". In college we see the faithful ervice of the professor , tru tees, and others, but ·we f9rget the nob] work of the man who, in rain or shine, in foul or fair, sees that every– thing i ju t right around the ollege. For 12 year Ir. T. V. Iliffe had erYed Cedarville College thus, and when we found out that he and his noble wife ,.-,,ere oon to celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary ,ve vYanted to help celebrate. A reception wa held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Iliffe in Philadelphian Hall. rrhe evening wa most enjoyable to all aud a handsome library table ·wa presented to the guest of honor a a token of the ·respect and affection of the student body for those who have so long labored in our behalf. A luncheon was served by the . C. girls and before ·we left we all expre eel our hope that these two friends of the students might live to ee many another anniversary. RECEPTION TO " GIRLS .CHAMPIONS " . Of course ·we were glad that the girls beat :Miami niv:ersity. For Cedarville to end out a basket ball team that could lower the colors of a team unbeaten for nine years was a .feat that we consider rathe1· ·wol'th while. o we arranged to give the girls a royal reception when they returned, and we felt honored to have the opportunity to do so. The team wa, met at the train by the student body, and amid cheers and ye]] they were e corted to cab decorated for the occa ion. They were driven to the Col– lege \vhere a reception was given in honor of the " hampions " . A luncheon wa erved and ec.!,ch girl was presented with a bouquet of carnation 'rhe
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