Gavelyte Annual 1911

.'ept. 14-Coll ege opens. Dr. ).IcKim.ey i11 the Ot>enmg 1·ema1ks .aid.''The College i. gro, ·ing older e\'ery ~·ear''. ,'ept. 15-E"eiyone to the '':\lelon-patch''. D. '. ).I. , tarts the ea,011 with a new gir I. Nept. 23-Philaclelphi,rn or)eniug r ception. ept. 26-'l1he Ilon. J. D. \,\Tilliamson generou ]~, '' clonat d ·' a Few fowl for a chicken 1 oast to the new tuclent.. , 'ept. :~O-Philosophic opening reception. Ro~' L. entertain with hypno- ti m. Oct. :")- Lanning in a pc_rnring-clown rain donned. a pair o E rubber hoots and attempted to get up a spnad at th horn or fair i"'1anc~·. Oct. 14- ophomore-,Junior Ba.. ket Ball er1e begin . Sophs ·win thl' tir t game, core 33 to 1 ;-i. Oct. 19-Prof. llen tenderly lrn 11g the can on his last se11so11 ·s tim1e.: ce c11Hl takes into the protection of his large and hn1w11)' c1rms another for this sea. on- lla. Oct. 25-An enjoyab le' eYening spent at the' horn or ?lliss ).!111·tha Euott hy se\' ral ouples. >'ome lose their war nncl c1rri,·c' :ntl'. Oet. 30- R "· W. "\V. OJT starts to'' •lean liou C'" i11 (',dnnillt•. 'o\'. 8- , 'iclJ1ey Jjan gdon ill thl' Opera llou.-e. "l'ncle ~c1rn 's l 1 'crnnl)· " dt'\ t1rl) imp rsonatec.l. 1 ro,. 4 Pl'of. ,Jurkat relates oJH' of' his 11011-lrnmo1·011s jokt>s. Bohh; sa) s h, iim 't large enough to put 011 the long lH't't't'liC's > l't . • \n. S to]:~ All st11d•nti:; attc->nd 1l1e n•Yi\'Hl se1·Yil'l'S 1·t>g1.lal'l)' 11nd lia,e dates witlt 1l1C' girls. • o,. 17 Ntudeuts givl' a <;pr<',HI to ou1· c'stl'<'tll<>d l'rit•mls. :\Ir. .iud :\[I'-; Iliff. ltonoring their -lOtl1 ,,·t 1 clcli11g ;11111ivt'l'HHI',\.