Gavelyte Annual 1911
ti l ' I' JI E <l ,\ \~ 14.. IJ Y ' I' E. TO\. ~~) \. , clret l't'W HI th<' honu: or lt·s. J 11 n111k 'luruhnll. Ir y <'0111 s 11p l'ot· his se111i-1_11011thly vi. it. Dt>t•. ~ Fl rr11cc \\. b l'orc the gam , "1 would like to have a hot toddy". J11 j r, L app arance or the Girls in their new B. B. suits. 1 edar– Yill irl 36, shland Girls 6. Varsity 53, Martlin A. 1 • of 'ol- umbu 9. pread at th 1 ollege afterwards. Dec. llo-ward and l\lary El1en lose their equilibrin'ro on the oUege teps. Dec. - Potato chip sen d during Physic Recitation. Dec. 7- Blind lecturer g,we free E>nt rtainment in the Op ra Hou e. 'rhe choice at were occupied by a '' 'rheatre Party '' of the col– lege tudents- Oh you mix,ed candy in th shoe hox. Dec. - Prof. mith, the o-called English Prof. giYes to the world the noted parody, The Club Poem, on one of Tenny. on 's choic,e works. Dec. 9- ed . Girl 28, Yellow Spring H. S. 7. Varsity 29, Bethel 19. Dec. 10-A few students celebrate the victorie of the ninth ,Yith a formal dinner in Philo Hall. Dec. 16-College di misses for Christmas Yacation. Crep,e hangs on Cedar- ville till Jan. 3. J·an. J-C'ollege op eus. P. Dix and Grace are happy once more. Jan . 6-l11ter-society contest, societies broke even. Jan. 7- Alpine Yodeler in Opera Hous,e. Jan. 10-Girls ' team leave for Ashland. Ced. 17, Ashland 9. Jan. 13-Var ity went to Cleveland. McGaffick (alias Belga s : sp1its kindling for his upper at the Salvation Army. Jan. 14-Fir t Busine s meeting of the Knockers Club, Rev. J. s: E. t[. pre iding. Girls have a '' shadow spread''. J. 0. S. win the "beauty prize" of $10,000. Jan. 1 -Cedarville def.eats Defiance College. Ced. 42, Def. 35. Jan. 20-Mis ha,r and sister Jean go ''home'' for the fortnightly ·week- end. Jan. 21-Cedarville Girl. _ leave for Oxfore!- and defeat l\Iiami mv. 12-10. Jan. 23-Girls return from Oxford. Blow-out at the college. Jan. 31-Cedarville defeated by Carnegie 'J.1ech. 2 -19. Feb. 3-Wilmington defeated by Cedarville 15-6. Feb. 7-Archibald leav,es for the Lone tar tate. B. Isabel's eye are tear dimmed for the day. Feb. -Mr. and l\Irs. ·William Mitray celebrate their wedding anniversary, Boys "bust up" the same. Girl make raid on boys' basket ball uits. Allen gets his wool pulled. Lanning gets hugged. "l\Irs. Mitray 's mother" says, "those boys ought to be killed". Feb. 9-Boy leave for Mudtown, ew Concord, Ohio. Erne t hires a baby buggy and takes hi little girl to Xenia.
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