Gavelyte Annual 1911

THE G VELYTE. G7 Cedarville Directory revised edition. Thoroughly endorsed by all the Faculty and Officers. ALLE>J (Latin, a-leni -from mooth or g nt le.) - A n ame ignifying a per on who make th way to passing grades not very , mooth. Well known for hi accura y in keeping account of a l I yom r dits that you hav n 't mad . ynonym-Ram e)'. Example- 'Have you en Prof . All en . '– Ila Ramey. A JNCAL - A publication of Cedarville Coll -'ge that ha the roughe t led– (ling of all. Th r cipient of a lot of hard " knocking " . ..;ynonym- wol'k, ,ro1T~·. Example-I am r epre enting the AdvertisinO' intere t of the Cedarville College annua l. AE 'THE'rI -TASTE- ienerally us d as a compound word in o iology. .Jolm 'tewart' tock phrase when talking on ubj ct of which h know hut littl . Syn.-1 am not prepared to r cite. Ex.- Sociologi ally p ak– ing. 1 h eartily approve of any adornment that the human family may 11 ·e which appeal to the a sth tic-taste.- J ohn Stewart. B.A, 'KET BALL-A game at which t en can play as well a five, thi fact heing cl mon trat.ed very practicall y to Findlay, Denison , t al. The player. of th game r epr s nting the ' Orange and Blue" l1 av maJ'\' el– ou opportunities to ontinually be in t.h lirn e-lio·ht by the ki11d11 ' of the " Knockers 'lub' , yn.-Admi ion 25 and 35 cent . Ex.- T am coach of Cedarvill 'olleg Bask t Ball team.-J. "\\T ayn :\[arldey. BLOO D1r-8nppo ed to b an adjective from it u e. U d by "\,\T alter H arri– man a. a d e criptive adjectiv in lieu of oth r tron ·er wor 1 . ~yn.– Prsky. Ex.- I rn•v r could under tand thi bloody Gr ek.-Vv. P. Ifar– l'illlan, So. Hy<'gat e, V rmo11t . Bl·, "l'f~D- A word signifying a financial, rather than a ph, · 'ica l. conditio11. Frequ -'lltly con iclere<l no di grac , but univer ally acknowledged to be \'C-'l',\' unhandy. Syn.- Broke, I 'm busticatecl. Ex. 'I'IH' Ba ' ket Ball '1'Pa111 <·amp honw husted.-Yoh o. <' ffAJ>EL-(a )-A <lail.,· ·onf,renc:e or student bod., mid l'a<·1dty, wliieh nll just long to att -'IHI. p ' L'i od ol' advic·e and ,,·arning, or ' Pl'l'ehes, long and short. ( h )- \ room when· sho1·t eoll rl'l'l'IH'l'S n1·e held, gl'lWl'ally l r' I ( ) "Hl'!!11l ,11· n1 lwt\\·•pn two pal'ti es, and dat t-'S 111cHP. ;,:rnmpt•s n v ( 1 tl ( I ) '')wouldlih t •rnlall<" at C'hapel is requir<>d '' <'oll Pge a a ogtH'. > - 1o 111<-'<'t you i n tl1<• c·h,qwl ''.- ll . \V . :\lae<l. to A. ;\ .<'.