Gavelyte Annual 1911

ITEl ' l .\ ptl' <' I' ol' hlul' p..ipt'I' a11xio11sl. look d for wh<'ll i11 tlw 1-11'orrsr1icl hw..t1•d l'Ondition. "\\ hf'11 ehPel i. ll<'C'ded it is v ry Pvidrnl h,\' <111-won - .·olnfr look: and honrl) 1rip: to the P. yn. ,Joy. l ' l, \i\l .\ proee:s b)· which on<> tri . to J arn in .Aft n min1tl s wlrn1 sliould ha,, 1Prn l arn ,(1 in two month,. l!J p <'ially indnlg d in \Vlwn tP:ts are e_peet d. 'yn.- ' · iO"gin' in". E., .- ( 'ram)-' ' thing of which ,ve arr [earfully guilty' ·.- Dr. "\ . R. le( 'h snry in P ychology. ' Ll'l - \ plac,e when' , t ud nts at who. ·redit i xhau ·tec.J at l~inney ·.- or " ...,' p ncrr ·., Re. ta unrnt ". 'l nhit are a ily r ·o niz d by ho] lo\\· cite k. and nw nou appetite when attending " pr ad ". , 'yn.-).fang r ( ren h ) . logan-' ' He who eat a bale of hay, know how we Eare her' every day''. Ex.-"I jut go to the lub".-G. L. Be ·kley. l'1'T-(n. or yerb ) . 'l he u ual procedure (i. e. before :ou ha,. perfonnr·d th operation three tim ) \Yhen unpr pared to recite. ,·•ee "E.-am. '' for p nalty when more than three ar taken. yn.-Ab ent. Ex.– '' ay, Kid, I got three cut now I don't dare cut again. ' - Grace )Ior– ton. HIC'KE -RO T-A compound word ignifying an evenina of joy. Where the fowl are procured generally remain a my tery and an)' one at– t mpting to ati fy hi or her curiosity along that line u . ually come. to grief. • cene : Deep-Fill. Cliff . Alford Gym or Ba ement. Ex.– " ay. Fellow . will you go to a chicken-roa t to-ni<>"ht if we get the chi ken. ? ''-J. E. Mac. and R. A. L. DOR IITORY- A dream of th future. An edifice much needed and much talked of. but the corner tone till unl aid. 1 yn.-A vi ion. Ex.-" I wi h we had 'nice dormitorie like Antioch".-Edith fitray. DEA cognomen of two ' fratres in rure, ·' very boi terou and actiye in cla ru he . It bad b en rumored that one of the gentlemen wa. u pended from the in titution for twenty-two hour .- 'We do not care to ub cribe for the Gavelyte. '- Dean Bro . EXAM -The penalty for three cut . Bewate of Prof. J\Ic he ney in uch a cr1 1 . "I it po ible that I hav to take tho e horrid exam . ' '-Ila Ramey. E 1 LI H- dead language which Mi s Smith is endeavoring to reYiYe . th ame having been upplanted by a corrupt "United tate . A gen ral belief ha prevailed that this i an ea y elective. but thi belief ha J.ed many to a sad end. It need i e pecially demon trated by an excerpt from copy handed to the Gavelyte, "I haYe aw what you have wrote.'' P< OTBALL- (foot and bawl ) to cry: A game played by el ven m n ,'"110 dr– :ire to make their feet . trong. A11en' Foot-Ea e i the antidote for