Gavelyte Annual 1911

'l' H E G A V E L Y 'l' E. College Directory for 1910 and 1911. Pre ident Y. 1\I. C. A.-H. W. 1\1cGaffick. Pre ident Y. W. '. A.-Florence Williamson. Pre ident Philosophic Society-Wendell Fo ter. Pre ident Philadelphian ociety-Robt. 1\I. Conley. President Oratorical Association-W. P. Harriman. Pre ident tate Oratorical Association-De "VITitt S. M:organ. Pre ident Tenni Club-Wendell Fo ter. Basket Ball Captain-J. Earl 1cClellan. Ba eball aptain-Wendell Foster. Girl ' Ba ket Ba]] Captain-W. Edith iitray. President enior Class-R. ,Voodbridge Ustick. Pre ident Junior Cla s-Phil D. Dixon. President ophomore Cla s-vV nd 11 Foster. Pre ident Freshman Class-J. Wayne Iarkley. 71 Y. ~I. and Y. W. Handbook Editor-in-chief-Elwood P. Howell. A o– ciate. -Grace L. Beckley, vV. Edith 1itray, Alberta Cr swell. Y. :\I. and Y. W. Handbook l\1anager- . E. Foster. Assistant , H. \\. 1\IcGaffick, J. E. Ic l.eDan. Editor Gavelyte-D. . Morgan. Busines Ianager Gav lyte-.P. D. Dixon. Pre. irlent Prep. .- Pan] Ramsey.