Gavelyte Annual 1911

T 11 g U A V I•: I J Y 'I' K Parodies The l'olowino· "·,ere writtrn wliile in cir ·um. tan ·ei-> tlrnt w r in ·pirmg. Tht' Ii.I'- t is n ballnd which was compos cl ·while eating cliickrn at onc> of thosr • • 110.' ;_'' ;pread '· (Tun : "ln th }Dy ning by the Moonlight. ) ln the \'ening by th moonlight ,Ye could hear tho e chicken crowing; ln the e,·ening by th moonlight ,Ye could ee that pop afloy1,ing; IIow tho e girl , they would enjoy it If they could be here and taste it ,Vhile ·we sit in the moonlight eating chicken. Then of cour e the girl had to haYe a song and they ,,Torked two long ,,eek to compo e the following: (Tune: ' By the Light of the ilYery Moon.) By the light of the moon overhead They had a spread, in the ''Gym'' so they said. they did. They had '' Doc '' And they also had ''pop'' And they ang, "Mercy no, Could you ever say so, By the light of the moon.· ' Boyhood home of Hon. Whitelaw Reid U. S. Ambassador to Great Britain. Near Cedarville.