Gavelyte Annual 1911
THE I AN AFTERWORD OU have read our Greetings with joy. And with pleas– ure you have viewed the pictures of t he various classes ~ and organizations, and y ou have no doubt laughed , frowned and puzzled your brain over some of our jokes and grinds, and yet dear reader do not think tha t you are through with this Annual, for you now owe us a debt. Who made it. possi– ble to publish this book? The patriotic merchants of Cedarv ille and neighboring towns and cities whose advertisements appear on the following pages. True there are some men who did not deem it worth their while to support this College , and it is to this fac t that we are calling your attention. We ask you readers to note carefully those firms whose announcements appear on the foll ow– ing pages, and deal with these firms. Students! You are all interested in the Annual. Some have had experience in. " ad" soliciting and others have not, but remem– ber your day is coming to edit the Annual and your generous sup– port of these hrms will mean another "AD" when you are the Business M anager. OUR LA S T WORD TO YOU IS Support Our Advertisers 73
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