The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1953
THE OHIO INDEPENDENT_ BAPTIST_________ ---~~- September 1953 Edi t orial Comnient ( 1 11 l T~ < 1 1I cl 11 l l ~ 'J, .c\ '1 1~~ \\'re l 1 cl ,. <' ,lt 11,111<1 t 11 <' t r,111 ._ eril)t t)f a llal>leQ:1·a111 . i g 11 e cl l J~T Dr. "\'\.,.. "V\ 1 . Breel~bill a11d 1)1·. \"\"'"111. Il c1rlee l 01·dea11x. r e11- 1·e e11ti11g· t 110 111e1·ica11 01111c il ()f l1ri~tia11 ht11·cl1e. , ,,Thicl1 ,,..a~ se11 t to Dr·. } ... 11g111a11 Rhee. P1·e. i– <.ie11t of the Rep11l)lic of Kor·ea , 1111der d,1te of fJ11lJ'" 27. 1953 Tl1e 11re iclent a11d ec1·etar:v·, re -- 11ecti, ~e1~-, of Thr ... \111e1--ica11 "01111cil of h1·i tia11 h111·cl1e. i11 tl1i.. 106-,,Toi·d calJlegr a1n exte11c1. . ~-111patl1~.. to P1·e ide11t Rhee, ex– pr e. e. fea1· i11 relatio11 to the tr11ce a . ig11ed 1}... t11e 1T.~., co11 - cle11111 0111m1111i n1 a11cl cleclar e. l1ope for the uniti11g of tl1e Korea11 Rep11blic. We hea1·til~r ag·1"'ee ,vith e, 1 el')'"- thi11g cabled 1)~... the. e ,,,.orthy of– fice r to the Pre ide11t of tl1e R r– p11blic of Korea, a11c1 if the 111e. - . ag·e were to ta11cl a1)a1·t fro111 all other cal)le , re. olutio11. , a11cl lette1... acldre eel to executi, 1 e. of tate, ,~e 111ight l"ai. e 110 C{11 e. tion. Tl1e .A111erica11 1 ot111cil of h1·i - tia11 Ch11rche. ,,Ta. or g·a11 izec1 i11 10+l 1),T Protesta11t cl1t11·che. to off. et .'ocjalistic infl11e11ee of thr Fede1~a1 ( 1 0111,cil of C1h11rcbe<:; , a11c1 to acl ,,.a11re CJ1ri tia11 co-operatio11 a1no11CY eh11rr.he . 1·e111a i11i112.· t1·t1e ;,-, to the 'l1ri. tia11 faitl1. Tt 110,,, ear1·i es a 1--o:te1· of 14 cl e 110111i11a– tio11.. Dt1ri11 g the pa t two or th1·ee ,Trar V/P have noted the ,vin2: to political affair , and tl1e vol11miJ.1- 011. r e. olution pa~ ed b)r the Cot1n– ril. a11 cl copie of letter received 111 thi. office ha co11,ri11cecl us that the ...i\merica11 Co1111cil of C'1hri ti;:111 Cl1t1rche. i. goi11g fa1~ afielcl fron1 it . oriQ·i11a l pl1r1)0. e. , r a11,.. of the. e re. oll1t io11. ancl let – ter clea l rl ennitel , with matters 11nrler the j11ri. clif'tion of the ~ tate Depa1·t1ne11t. a11c1 11ot the Ch11r ch . 0 1c r Positio11 BAPTI~ T . ha,Te f1·om the be– g-i1111ing tood for eparatio11 of 1 hu1·ch a11d • tate. If the ch11rcl1 expect the state t o keep Ollt of c·hurch affair . it i. importa11t that the r ht1r ·h keeJJ Ollt of tat e affair<:;. lt is 111 t}1p J)rog· r,1111 of tl1 P \111<.' ri Ccll l ( 1 0lllll'j} C)f ( 1 l1riHtiHll .. l1111·el1 es tc.1 rr 1)1·e. e11t tl1e T!ibl r. llr lir ,"i110 o·r otll), ,,·itl1 tl1 r g·o,·e1·11 - ~ r 111e11t. a. 1·elatecl to r elig·iot1. 111at- t r \ ,1 11 c.l ,,·ith tl1i. J)a1·t c)f t h0 J)rog·r a111 ,,ye a1·e i 11 l1eart:v· c1 reor cl . Tt i. 11igl1l3r 1 rofital)le tl1at the . 111alle1-- g·r ol1p ha,·e 1·ep1·e. e11ta– tio11 l)efor e the clepartme11t. of tate i11 111atter~ 1·elated to the 1 haplai11cJT a11d where n1oral i. - 1-1e. are i11vol, 1 ed a11d i11 r ela– tio11 to lreepi11~: the c1001'. ope11 t o mi io11arie.. 011 f or eig-11 . oil. a11cl it i. the opi11io11 of thi. 111aga– zi11e that. the acti,,itie of tl1e .American 011n il . ho11ld l)e limit– ecl . trictl,r to llC h i ue . ._ LIFE \Vitl1011t q11e. tio11 or clo11bt LIFE carrie. 111an3· i11te1--e. t ing a11d highlJr importa11t ' . fa to1-- a11cl a111011g' the 111a113" 111- g·1 .. edie1 t . 1ne11 are 111a11)' tin1e. at a lo t o detern1ine the 1--elati,~e importa11ce of each . It i in1porta11t that 011e choo. e a proper con1pa11io11 fo1.. Life . ex– perie11ce. a11cl m11ch of ·11cce. . a11c1 fail llre ,, 1 ill r e t llp0l1 the ,vi. c101n of t hat choice. It i. in1porta11t tl1at e, ·e1"Jr i11- cli,Ticl11al ca1 ..ef11ll,,. elect hi. voca– tio11 or profe io11, a. l1i . , tatio11 i11 life a111011g 111e11 ,,·ill be c1e– t e1·111i11ecl i11 large 111ea. 11re l)!" hi. a1)titl1cle fo1' that . electec1. It i. i111po1·ta11t tl1at tl1e pla e of r e. ide11 ce be 111ade a 111atte1· of co11cer11. to the e11d that a 1)rope1· field 111ight l1e at ha11d for· hi , ·ocatio11al or prof e , io11al activ– itie . a11d that climatic conclitio11 might be s11itable for his holl e– hold. All of the e thing and ma11y other are highly importa11t: ho,,,_ ever, the e factor hold infl11ence onl},. f or the pa11 of 11at11ral life ~ a f evv ho1't year - three cor e year. and t e11. Bible believer , a11d many other 1ne11 too are con,,i11ced that ma11 i. a 1ivi11g ot1l, a11d that clo,v11 thro11gh the age. ~ret ll11- hor11, he . hall L r,TE. .L.\11 n1e11 do 11ot ag·ree i11 1'elatio11 to H eave11 and H ell, but clo~·"11 in the brea. t of man, God ha placed a co11- sciot1. 11e . that tl1e . 0111 . hall 11eve1· clie. Believi11g a. ,ve do tl1at the1--~ i. a R eave11 and a Hell, LIFE and a li,Ting-DEATH lJeyond the 11 orizo11, we a1--e faced ,vith tl1e R idclle of Life. Wliat 1·.. it? It i 8 i111porta11t 111at rvr r~ 111a 11 <' 11 oo. e a 111·oper ro111 pa11 io11 for life .· C1x peri c11C'e; that l1e C'arr– f 111ly .· 1ect l1i. ,·orat io11 or p rcJ- • fe. io11 · that he car eft1ll,r sPlect • hi. place of rrsi clenre, a11cl u.i,Tr. c·aref11l ·011L ic1e1·a tio11 to 111 a11~,. othe1-- factor. ,vhicl1 \\rill infll1e11er hi~ co11r. e o,,.er life .· spa11 tl1reP . core :V"ea1--. a11d t e11 more or le... • But LIFE i. more tha11 that: TJie Grea t Dec1·sio1i l ppe1--1110 t ancl far beyo11d all deci io11 "~hich might i11fll1e11ce the contour of life' expe1·ie11ce along hi earthly pilgrimag·e i. the choice i11 relation to GOD and eter11itJ ... : 'I have set bef O'r e yo1t Zif e a1id deatli blessi1i,q and Cltrsi1ig: therefore cl,oose li.f e , tliat tlio1l and tliy seecl niay lii'e.' Del1te1--ono1n,r 30 :19. LIFE i. rz of Plea 11re : Goel aicl -' ' he that liveth i11 plea 11re i dea cl while he li,,.eth . ' 1 Timoth~· 5 :6. While he i ali,re i11 the bodv her 0111 i dead to God. i11 ~ doe 11ot al,vay dre. i11 l)lacl{ he i attractively ador11ed. The joy of the Chri tia11 life are 11ot all . et for fl1ture age , bl1t begi11 ,,,hen 011e k11eel at tl1e foot of the cro . The yol1th con– fere11ce the amp Patmo crovvd, a11d u11co1111 t ecl older folk in Ohio ociation a11cl el ewher e. ,rill t e tifJ'" to the J o~v· of the Lo1-- cl 011 the high,va} 1 of faith. LIFE 1· 1zot RicJie : ' ' Hov;r ll1llCl1 did he leav 1 e? ' He left eve1•)rthing · not a ce11t dicl .he carry a,:vav. Tl1e 1~ich fool aid, ' ' ot~l . . ." take thine ease. ' ' But God aid in Luke 12 :19 ' ' Tho11 fool thi nio'ht thy soul hall be 1 ..eqt1ired of thee." The oul wi~– ner on a mi ionary' alary ,v1l] ha,,e more i11 the end than the " 'orld' great. Buried trea llre i alway a thrilli11g ubject a11d provide a fa cinatii1g ba e for ,:vriter of fiction b11t when tl1e trea u1·e i bl1ried in fleaven tored up in the pre ence of Goel agai11 t that da}" it bec~me 1·eal . The olcl world paJ.. a 1t goe . a pay day tv\rice ea?ll mo11th.. l)llt God 1·e,,-ra1·d 011l3r 111 pa1·t . with a 1--ecompe11 e of re,vard at t he e11d of the l'oad. LIFE 1·s 11ot Edit cati.011: The old " "Or ld i e,rer lea1'ning and 11e,,e1' able to come to the knowl– edge of trt1th. ( 2 Timoth}T 3 :7) LIFE i not Fani e : Thi edito1·
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