The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1953

Pag THE OIIIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST - September 1953 ~~~~~~~~~- THE HOU EWIFE I-IA A LE SON IN PATIENCE ( )llt' t)I' tilt' itllll()l'tclllt lt'""l) l l"' :l ,l1r1,11n11 11n, tc) lt)Hr11 i~ })H - 1 iPtlt:{'. ,t) t<>tl,l, ,, e Hl'l' lt',ll'tti11!!. • it. \\Tl\ cll'l' e11 l'<)llt{) t() tilt' (i() l(l l '<)c.1,t fr<lt11 I ,il1Pric1 ,·ia l)al(a r . l~rl'lll'lt \\~t."~t £\ fri<·H. ~i11t·P t l1r 1·<1111" l1c1,·t) c1lre,1cl , · l}t}~1111 i11 I Ji - • bt"\ ricl, tl1e air1)01·1 is elc)~l"\(1 tc> t l1c' l1 i ~ t" o 11 "'t e 11 ,1 t it) 11~. ea 11 s i 11 D.' 11 s t <> lln<·l,-tr<1el, ""0111P t,Yrl,·p l11111rl r ecl 111ile~ c11· 11101·p to Dal{a r to gc>t <lllr 11lc111e fo1· ... \ c·<·ra, i11 t l1r Golcl l '1 Ocl "t. "\\Tr c1rri,·ecl allo11t :ix-tl1i r t)~ i 11 t lie r,·e11 i 11g·. ex1)ert i11 g· t <> I e,1, ·e a.g·ai11 al)Ollt t,,·e11t~~-fo11 1· 1101 11-. 1,lter. ,,Te a1·p i1 fo r111ecl b,r P a11- • ...\ 111eriea11 tl1at 0111· p la11e i. a t lrast .. e,·e11tee11 110111\ latr. . o- ,,-l1at to c1o i1 t l1r 111ea11ti111r ? 11 011r bagga Q·e exce11t t ,Yo ,~er>" 811 all o,·er11i!c?:ht l1a 2-. ar e · · i1 1011cl . · ""\,e ha,·e 110 rl1,111 '!r of rlothi11u· of a11>· lti11cl ( T'111 j118t t1·:y·i11g to pi~– t111·e tl1e Bo.. at l10111e ,,·eari11g: the . a111e . l1i1--t t l11·ee <la,... · i11 8ll<1- ·r.' io11 . ) \\..,. ell. ·yre ,,rill 11a,"e to 111al~e the l1e._ t of it a11rl g·o di1·t)· - at lea t ""e ha,re p l e11t~ ... of eo111- l)any ! Ol11· hotel a1·1·a11fte111e11t. a1·e tal{en ca1·e of 1Y,· J)a11-A1ne1--ica11 • .-\ ir'\\-a~~., . o ,,·e a r e . 11·e of a pl acp to eat a11cl "·ate1-- to cl1·i11l{. Tt i. £1111 to ,,·atC' l1 t l1e exn1·e.'. io1 of 11tter a1 1aze111e t1t 011 t l1e face. of the ,,raiter , whe11 " "P 1·eft1 e a11,.. • l,i11cl of , ,·i11e. The,... a1·e 11ati,..e • l>o,·.., ( their· aO'r: 111fr\" r a11!re a11, ... - • • w 11 e1·e f ro111 fi ft re1 to fi ft , .... b11 t • t11 P). c11--e till l)o,·.· · ' ) c1 r e.. eel i 11 l)o1·t ,v11ite iael{et. a1 cl lo11 ~r . , ,.e1·,.. • f11ll hlack bloon1er. ~rather ecl at tl1e a11kle. with ela t j r. e,re1 of them ha, .,e fi "r·e or . ix verv tight • br acelet 01 th eir arm. abo, ,,e the elbow. The,? look a. if the,· ha <l • • 11Pen pl1t on ,, ..hen th e~· wer e ver,,. 111all ho,... and 11e,Ter taken of f • " il t<'l'\ ' l'l1P 111<1,l l s ,11'<' S<' l"\ '< 1 <l s i e t11· . , I l e> follc,,ve1 cl tts f <>r bl ,>c·l<s l 1 ' r <'11c h st., lP ,,· it}1 rc1c·J1 <li:-d1 cl~ <' <> 111i11g clo,v11 i11 J) ri t'r p , , r r~· fc>, , c·o11rs0. ' l' l1P r <1 is a l- Htr i1, l111til 11 cl r r,1 1 h<1cl a ])it if,11 c1 sP 11,1 r el tt1 ,,.<l \ ,.~ t 11 (.) i 11 r , .. it ctl )le ehe1rsP a11 cl :3()0 fra11c·s ,rhr 11 he cli.·gt1 st 0c1} )r .:\ t tl1is rnt r ,,·e a1· <' 1Pft llS. I ,,r<l.H l1rc·o11'li11 0· \ ' f' r ,· 1t1 1- • l1a rcl r oll .·. ~ . l)<>t h g·o i11g· to g ·cli11 111Hll)" llll\\'clll tC'( l ea:\r <lt 1 i8 I>Pr !->iHt e ll C'P a 11 cl 80 ,,·a'°' 1)<>1 111 1:. g· la cl t o :er hi111 cli:c1ppea r i11t<> 1£ , ·ol1 r ,·r1· ,,·a 11 t tc> fpr ] 1·eall,· t h e c1·0,,·cl . • • fc> r. altr11. jl1 t : 1)c> 11 cl a fr ,Y cla)", · .A. ,~·e pa. ., 011e ve1'}" l111s>r st r 0et i 11 a fo r c> ig·1 la11 cl ,,·l1 er e )"011 ca 11- eor11 er, ,ve o1J. er,..e a ... Ioha111 111ecla11 11ot . 11eal( or l111cl e1-. t,111cl a . i11J.rle u·e1 tle1na11 ~ to1 a11d ope11 llf) J1i ~ ,ror cl of t he la11g·11ag·e. Y 011 ,,·011- l)raye1· rl1g\ carefl1ll~r la~v· it 011 cl 01· to , ,.0111·sel f '"11, .. i11 t l1e ,,·orl cl t 11e . icle,rall<, the11 k11e0l 11po11 it. • • ,rc)11 cl icl11 t lea1·11 Fre11c h ,,,he11 t o11chi11g· h i. heacl t o t1 e r11g· a11cl • >"011 ,, 1 e1·e >'"Oll11g· a11d hacl a1 01)- 1·epeati11g hi. pra>re r .. . What a po1·tl11 it~· t o lea1·11 it . ""\Vith .·0111e 1,el)t11<e t o the a,,.e r ag:e eh11rcl1 fl iff i 11 lt,· ,,·e fi11cl a 1)11. t o t o,, 7 n . 111e111be1" ,,·h o ,,., ill 1 ot eve11 a t te1 fl • 1' l1e11 the f 1111 r eall~"r l)egi11. . ""\Ye a . treet n1eeti11g· f or fe a1· . on1e 011e ar e to fl.'O t o t l1e n1ai11 of f ice of h e k110,v. ,,.,ill ee l1i111 . I f 011 r P a11-..c\111e1--ica11 i11 tl1e cit>'" a11d ha, Tc' t e ti1no11)" a Chri. tia11. · " 1 er e a. j 11 . t a c::11·cl ,,·ith the acld1"'e . ,,rit- appa1·e11t to the ,,.,orlcl a. the t e1 01 it. W e . ho" · it to . e, ·e1·al fal . e t e. t i11101 )'" of tl1e. e poor 111i: - Fre1 l1111e11 ,,..ho all c1i1--ec t 11. , b~,. Q' t1idecl 0111. . ,,·hat a po,rer.. f or t11e . ig·1 la1 gl1ag·e. to a cliffer e11t God ,·ve co11lcl be. locatio11. •To,,· the I Jor cl . h o\,·.· W e co11ti1111 e 011r ,,·a11cl e1·i11g l,8 ag·a i11 tl1at 1-Ie i . till th e Pilot al1011t 1111til ,,·e co111 e 111)011 a11 a11d . e11cl . a Fre11cl1111a11 ,, 1 h o h acl i,,.or>'" . l1op-. b eer pa1·ac1i. e t o 111e. . ee11 11. at tl1 e a i1--po1·t t o 011cl11ct a collect or of i,,,orJY. T n1a11a2·e t o 11. 11e1· 011a11,,. to t l1e offi ce £01· b t1llJ'" the Bo... i11t o parti11~ ,,yith • ,,Thir h ,,·e a1·e looki11rr. . 0111e precio11. Ameri c: a11 clollar. Tl1e people ar e a , re1·},. • t 1--a11g·p con1bi11atio1 of civilizat io11 a11 fl h eathe1 i. 1n. 011 the . a111e . t r eet c·o1·11e1-- ar e ,,·on1e11 clre.. ed i11 t,, .. o 0 1-- three long· fl o,,-i11 <2.· clre. e. ,,·itl, e11or111011. h eacl r loth." , , 01111rl a1·01111cl t h r i1"' heacl s a11cl oth er . 111 tl1e 1110. t 111ocler11 of F1~e11rh clothe ·. -:\fa11~~ of t l1r ~ e11e2:ale. P 111e11 R l 'r 0, t1·e11101,.. ta 11 , . ix fee t fo111, 0 1· n,"P (t l1e>" ,,·p1·e f111ite fan1 011. i11 the l fl I t ,,•a r f 0 1' thei1• fi er ce n g•l1 t – i1 °·.) ) r o. t of t h e e 111e11 are rl r e. ed i11 , ,,erv lo11Q' r ohe. . r1 rag·- • Q'i11g- 01 t he gr o1111d a1 rl ]a1,g·e white t l1 rban . 011e of the. e Q'e11- tl Prne11 attachec1 hi111. elf to 11 . a11rl t ri en t o . ell 11 . ome ta,vdr,.. br·ace- • let. f or ' ' 011,T 1.000 f I·a11c , 1\101 - • f! 11cl con1e a,,·a:v·· ,vell conte11t . ~ o,,.. l the prohlem ari e. how t o ~:et l ar lt t0 thP Pa11-, 1nerica11 l1ot e] ? ~ ft e1· 11111c h pic1g·in E11g-li. h a11c1 111 a11,r o·e. ti c11latio11. ,,·e hail a • ta ~ i (, · j 11 ta ge of a1o11 t 1 9 85) a11 ( 1 A1·e r et11,~11erl . af el,... W e h<1,rP • .' ()rn e PiQ·ht ee11 h ot1r. OJ' 1110r e ah fl a rl of 11 . Jl () ,, 1 1·iti112· l)ane r. 110 E11u·– li h r eacli11 Q· 111atter e~cent 0111~ Bi– hl p . l 1 0th i 11 ()' A y Ce 1) t l"'ll , ,. l" l 1 1 t t 1) l q,. Dirl T . a,.. natie11 ee ? Y" e. . ,,-0 are l e A l'11 i 11 it it the J1 a r el ,v a,... T,, ;:ill 011r tra,,.el t ()rlfl,. " "(.\ ha,re 11ot I ee11 a ', i11 °•l p bit of e,Ti~ de11re t o ,, . t n thi nl, th ;;it t l1p £Y n T'P l ha P~TPr t o11c h Pel th P li,,.e nf thi . i11 h~rcl e11 Prl 1 ponl tl. T ,,·()11cl P1' . ,,·ill th e wor rl nf \ . B . , i,,, n "1, . o11g l"' e a 1) n l i e rl to 11. ·n 1 11 eel a,,. ? • Tt1e, ,. ' r e l)a.. i11 g-. 1 a . i11u· fa. t awa,,.. . • .\ l11111 rlrerl th o11 a11c1 . 0111 a cl a,.... • T11 f1hri. t le.. Q·111lt ct 11cl 0·100111. O r •h,11~r h of hri. t . wha t wilt th 011 . a,,.. • "\\The11 i11 th P :.1 ,,·f t11 i11n q·111p1 t rla, ... 'rh e,,. ch ar ge th ee with their 000111 1 • - ' ' Tf ,,·r r p g·oi11Q' t o 1"'e11:t111P La],P . 11er·r .. . 1 0,,.. ~ bo11t I11cl clle P ,1cl– cll e? ' '- Chri. tia11 , r ict or,"'" •