The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1953

Seple1nber 1953 ~~~~~~~~~- ltc-t 8 :-i<'C' ll lllHll.\" 111 r 11 rc'ac·h tl1 ' }1ig· l1 () ()~1 ,l8 l)r<'H1ClP11t <> f tl1 e l 11it ccl Nt,ttrH. 1 ,vct.Ys iltP l' l' is tl1e 1011<1 cle<' l ,ti111 tl1cl 1>l ,t~' i11 .~· c>f' l )cl ll<lH a11cl li e g·c)cs i11i c> c> l'f'i l·c ,vitl1 t l1 r cl l)l)l' <>\Tcl l <1 1' H 111aj c> rit)" c>f' ,tll c · i t i %; 11 H. .. '< c 1 c 1 <> 111 11 cl H n l > l' c> s i < l <' 11 i ell' . fro111 tl1 r r l1Hir ,,·it} 111or e tl1,t11 l101101·,1l)lP 111p11ti c>11 . I l iH f cllll<' 8 e I 1o111 1 <1 : t . t l 1 r o 11 g· l 1 111 o r <' t h ,-t 11 fot 11· or (_) igl1t )' ar. c) f seJ'\' i<' '. t1r cx11e1·i r 11ec' ,,,itl1 ehl1 r c· l1 rH a11cl 111· ae l1er:.; i11 cli ea t rs tl1ctt . car cel,T l>efor (l tl1 r ' ' "\\T leo111c • ._ 0 11g ha~, e11 cl eel , a 11 c1 l)rf or r t 1 r r l1ai1·111e11 of tl1r eo111111it t . t1a,·0 f or g·otte 11 th eir ,, 1 e l ro111r <lcl clress. . on1e l)egi11 to r<>ll tl1 e clr11111s ~,11 cl poi1 t t11rir fi11grr of e rit iC'i . 111 ,1t the pl1lpit . Tl1e 11·ize figl1t er ,,,11 \\•i11s 1l1r c11 ampio11 hi11 i: ea1·1·ie 1 f r o111 t11 e 1·i11g· 011 the sho11 l l r . of 111 .. f1·ie11d.. "\"\Tl1e11 tl1 e titl r is l ost h e g:oe. 011t '\-Vi t l1 t l1e bc>o ' th1111cle1--i11g i11 hi .. a1\. Tho e ,, 1 110 1·ea 11 t 11 to 1 in sta~e 01· c1·ee11 ofte11 die i11 p o, ,e rt}t c1 11 ] . ec lt1 ion- 11111<110,,·11, f o1·got te11. LIFE i 11 ot Ji11·iencls : 111 the olcl hon1e to,v11 t l1e ftoocl frie1 d. live ~ howeve1-- t he e g'oocl frie11d.. move a,vay, they die. 01· j11. t gr o,v old. Tho. of 11. who left th olcl l1ome to, v11, 110\\T after-- the pa ing· of ~rea1· fi11d ar ely a 11er ·on ,v ho kno,, 1 s ol11· 11 a111 . Tinie niar·c}ie 011. lVlia t is tli e ai1. 1,•e1· to t 7, e Riclrll e of L1"fe? ' ' Ile that hath the . on hatl1 l if . 1 J oh11 5 :1... ' ' I an1 the \'\7ay the trt1t.l1 a11cl the life.' J oh1 14 :6 ' I a1n co111e t l1at ) re 111igl1t J1a\'e li fe.' ' ~J ohn 10 :10 ~ • ome . ay t l1a t Life 1) gi11 at 40, ' l )llt f1~on1 t }1e v i \\rpoi11t of (}ocl s \Vord, J_; JFE brg·i11 . \\ 1 h e11 thc> I{i1l g of Ki11gs is i11, 1 itr(l i11 • t o r e1g11 . --------- R<JI J~js at1cl 111 th lo11g' ag·o, pirat(lR off t h :i • '1 J)a11is l1 111lti11, :'\ ~~C 1 KS lJoa rtl ec.l tl1r sl1i1J, 111t1r– d reel 1 l1e e1·e¥,1 1 oo tecl 1 }1 \ ' PH8c~l a11 cl sail Pel a \va,r. 'l,}1ese • J > i I' at s \Ve!" " f <-1 a r '.l tl by cl 11 <lc.as1>isPcl l>}F t:)ve r,y r1ati o11, \ v l 1 )l l (. cl r) t l I r ( 1 t h (> y s \\' 11)) g tlit,) gallo\\ 1 8. J }1 <1 11 , <l l 1 cl f l" Olll 111 t}1is ac.l,,a11c· c.1 ugP, 110 t i111e j:-,; SJ><' 1 t i11 looti11µ: \' <1ssel s, a~ g r'<",t1P t' g·,1i11s ,t1· r t<> l> <1 hHcl l>,\ ] <> < J t i 11 g ) l ,l t i <, t 18. Tl-IE OI-110 INDEPENDENT BAP1'IS1' r I' Ii f' 8 )l l ( I 11 I' ,.·' g·" i ll ,l r(" I()\\' i I l µ:. 11 s 1 1, 1 l l,\' H J > < > ri i <> 11 c> f t h <' , t r n I)' , at1cl 118<' th r <'<> ltJ> cl <' 1,t1 , 1>r <> e l,1, j111i11 g· tl1c' Jll H<' l , ·c·s tit <' r ttlP r :,.,. 'PJ1c' l>ig· Hhcl t ~ Hl tc·h as Il itl<'r I ~ t C' t l i ) l } l11 c. I () t h(' )' 1 , 8 i l l l 1 )I y I ) () l 1 11 (' (' llf>011 th r 11c\ ig J1l>c> 1· ,t11cl t ,t l<<' <>\' l' J' l 11 P it li er C'cl8<' ] i\' ('~ cl l' P l <>St HJl<l 1) rso11al l1l'OJ)P l"t y i.· 1>l1111clrrP<l . 'l 1 l1e tr<tgccl y r rst.· i11 i J1, fnC't tl1at c·ivi li zrcl 11ntic>11 s ,ll'P rP<jt 1irc.'c l tc> r rc·c>g 11izP t l1r r 1t lc' rs l11 1> <>f t l1c· 11i rat cs a11 cl ,tllc>,v tl1P r <> (>P t <> 8,Vilt g· f'rOl ll t lie ~fH l )(>,\ 1 S, 1101 Hi · tc1c· l1ecl to H 11 rC' l{. ()NX () ( rr ---~------- J\ s ,,·x l>xgi 11 <>lll' ,vorl, for t l1x cla,,. ,vx fi11cl th,tt • 0 11 x lxit x r is 111i . si 11 g i11 th x t.Yl )X ,,,ri tx r a1 cl ii 1 hro \\' 8 x, 1 .. ' r)rthi 11 g· Olli of J)la11 . Wx 1<110,v t l1at t l1 x. x li11xs arx , ,xr v 1111 - • c-1ttract i, 1 x b11t ,,,J1c:1t ect 11 ''-'X clo ? "\\Tx 11a, 1 x cl xciclxcl that it is fa1· l)xttxr to lil11J) ,11011~· cl c)i11g thx lJx. t \\' X ea 11 Sl1l1stitt1ti11g for thx 111i • i11g 011x t l1a11 to e losx t l1 .. offi ·x. \ x ho1)x to l1avx tl1x 1111 . i11g lxttx1-- 1·xplaexcl l>y to- 11101·ro,,r. If 0 11x li ttlx lxttxr 1l1al{x.· thi. 11111c- h cl i ffx1--x11 ·x i11 a sx11tx11ex. ,vx ,, 1 011dxr ,,,hat tl1x ·v ixw1>oi11t of 011r l .Jor cl 111l1.· t bx \\Thx11 011x litt}x \\rorl<Xr fail.· to aJ)l)Xa1· 011 1- (llllcla)r 111or11i11g. . ,,,e go to 1)1·es. t l1 e II011g·l1 Ave1111e 13apti t •11t1r 11, C 1 le,yr– l a11cl a111101111ce. tl1at arra11~:e111e11t: • have been 111acl e to 11. e the l)11il cl- i11g: for111erly OC'Cllp i ed b),. thr Bapti. t hl11 .. h of the :\fa. te1'. l o ·atecl 011 Ea:t 70t]1 ~ t1--eet ancl F..111clic1 .1\ , ,e1111e, l111til l )e ·e111l1er 81. t. The ,ht11" 11 l1 as lJee11 1111oec·1tJ)ircl f 0 1· , ·e, reJ·al 111 1 th.' a11 d is 110,,, l>e i11g ro11 di tio11e 1 b1r n1e11 of t 11e ~ ' llo11g·l1 A, 1 e11t1e l3a1) tist ( 1 11111·c·l1 , l1eacl ed b, .. 1\I1·. R. T. reclclrs, a 11 • <>ffi ·e1· of t l1e ro11 greg·a ti o11. ---- ---- FLASH! 'I'}1e l{e\ 1 • fJ 0 ]111 (}. l~al)' O, 1 astor of' t he l !il)l e ]~,111t i~t (• t111 r e l1, l(ol<<>Jll<>, I 11 clia11 ct, 11,ls ,l<.'(' _\ 1>tc~tl e,t ll to t l1 J)l tlJ >i1 C)f Il<)llg·l, 1\ \ r(' 1111 t) Ba J) t is t ( 1 1 l l l r l' }1 , ( 1 l <' , ,<' l ,l 11 c 1, ()11 io. 'J, l1 c~ 11 <' ' '''-'' <'~tlle1cl J)HH1<ll' ,vill Pll1c~r hi :-; llP\\' fi eltl <>f Hf'l'\' i<'<1 Hll()llt ()c·tc>l>( l' l f> }1 . Pag, Th rP THE OJ-IIO INDEPENDEN1 1 BAPTIST Publishl'd Monthly lJy THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CII URCIIES • Publication Office 110- 118 E. Oak St., Butler, Ind . H . K . FINLEY, Editor 120 Park Avenue, Elyria, Ohi<> MRS. CARL W. MARTIN Circulation Man ager 316 Tenth Street Elyria, Ohio ubscription Rate: P er single copy ___________ _ $ .15 P e r year . __ ________ ______ ___ $1.50 Advertising Rate: Per column inch ____________ $ 1.50 P er half page__ ___ ___ __ ____ ___ $21.00 P e r full page _____________ . $40.00 Entered as second class matter at th e Post Office at But ler, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE COUNCIL Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. JA:MES T . JEREMIAH 1501 E ast Third Street Dayton 3, Ohio Secretary DR. HOWARD G. YOUNG 202 East H errick Avenue Wellington , Ohio Treasurer REV. VERNE L. DUNHAM 227 K ansas Avenu e L orain, Ohio Missionary REV. C. C. CLAWSON 58 South Central Avenue Columbus 4, Ohio Young People REV. EARL V . WILLETTS 11 Adams Street Berea, Ohio Bible Conference REV. REGINALD L . MATTHEWS 937 Grand Avenue Toledo 6, Ol1io Mcn1b r REV'. C. DOUGLAS BURT REV. T . FRED HUSSEY REV. GEORGE R . GIBSON REV. HALL DAUTEL