The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1953

Pa :1t_') ,,,c THE 01110 INDEPENI)ENT BAPTIS1, .J n 1111:11·, I !).';:1 • • Editorial Comnient 'l'l{J1: ~,)~ ( 'l11·1"t 111c1, 1, t)\ t'J' ,l1l<l ,, P ,tHllll H1 tJ1p 1)(, !.!' i 11 11 i 11 p: () r cl ~ }~: \~.,. ')" Ve\ I' : tl 11 t' t 11 H 1 • })1'()1111~( 1 1 () 11(' tlt'vi,i\"P 111 111,11·l~i11g· t11P l'<llll'~t\ <lf tilt' l T11i1l'<1 ~tc1tP~ of ~\tll l>l'it·,1. a11cl tll<' \\' t)r1c1. I>r<1- tlil·ti<l11 <>f tl1i11g·" t<> v<>Jll<> t·,"111 l)cl 111,t<l<~ <>111., · <)11 tl1e l>as1~ <>f J>l'C'!"\e11t t rr11 < ls. Ea1·l~· re1><Jrt:--. i11clit·c1te tl1,1t tl1P ~alt) <>f 111rrc:l1c111cli~r cl111·i11·1. tl1p ( ~ l 1 r i ~ t 111 cl ~ PH , < > 11 <) f 10 ,3 :2 . e " - vPPclecl ,111 e"tal1li~l1ell l'<'c·c>r<l~. 'l"l1P t,ro l1c>licla,·. 111<)8t s11t·c·e ·. f11ll,~ ex- • • J)lc>itecl lJ~· ,·e11c1c>r~ Hre ( 1 ]11·i~t111a" a11cl Ji:astp1·; t,,·c> r<>lig·ic>11!-> l1oli– tla~-~. Tl1e \Y<)r1(1 '. sl1e1)]1ertls 1~:110,,· t 11 at ~ 11 <le 1) <) f t J 1 e ( ; r e at S l 1 P 1 > b Pr< l h,1,·r lc>11~r. fi11r ,,·oc)l, ,Ylli<'l1 111a,... l>P • ~l1Pc1re<l clt a l)rc>fit, ,,·11t111 rli1ll1Pcl c· lo~e. c111cl tl10 sl1eari11g· .'fla~o11 i~ "'Pt ,,·l1e11 p111otic>111..; a11cl . c>11ti111( 1 11i . arr t11e 111c>1·e easil,.. 1110,.. r 1. ITo,,·- • r,·er . \'/P 11c>tecl a11c)tl1er ]011!.?. st<'}) a ,v· a~- f I'<J111 ( tl1 ri ~t. i11 t 11 e c.l i rec-tio11 <>f · • ...( ' ' i11 acl,·<1rti\e111p11t~. ()11r f11ll I)HgP a(l,·erti.. e111e11t i11 a 111ei ro- 1>olita11 11 e,,·~11a11er i" C)]>r11 l)t-1fc>re 11~. l1eralcli11g· X111c1~ cl!-) tl1r ti111e fo1· tl1e g·i,·i11g· c)f !!.·ift:-;, 110 111r11tio11 of tl1e ( 1 l1ri t. Tl1r11. so111e c>f tl1e ]ar– ~e1· 111·<)Clt1e e1·s of ( 1 ]1rist111H~ ( 1 arcl, c.l'P clrc>1)I>i11~·. <>r l'P<lltc·i11 g [><1 r – tP11ta~·p <Jll 11rc>cl11etic)11 <>f tarcls l>Pari11~ ~l'l'iJlt11re tP'X:t, <1~ tl1c> larg:r r>r<>J1(>rti<)l1 r>f 1111~.. rr. 1>rPfe1· <>11 I.,· 11011~·. va11cllr~. bell"'. ti11~Pl a11fl Sa 11 ta. T/1 < ~\ ... c ,r IJ ibl ( J?or tl1e fir. t ti111c> 111 111c>re1 tl1,l11 tl11·pe l1l111clrecl , .. Pars. tl1e tl111J·tl1 • fi11cl~ it~Plf ,,·it}1 t,,·c> T~il lle:. 1'11r ~11lf bPt,,·Pe11 tl1<)~e ,,·11c) l>c.,liP,.. P ,t11cl tl10 r ,,·l10 lle]ie,·e 11ot. ha~ 1} e11 ·,\~icle11i11g· fc>r t11e }>H t <111a1·tp1~ of cl <·P11t11r)-: l1<>\,·e,·e1-. 11ot tl11til tl1e ~·ea1· 1952. clicl tl1P sl{eJ)tieall~r- 111i11clecl 111al{e l)olcl to eha11g·c tl1e Bil)le tc, 111eet their o,,·11 01)i11io11 . "f}1r l'f-' ' i. io11. ,·vhile cle£i11itel,r cle- • ~tr11 ·ti,·e t<) tl1e ,, .... 01·cl of (}ocl ha. • 11ot 1·ea<·hecl tl1e £1111 le11gth. 1101' ,rill it l)e 1 .. eachecl c1t1ickl~.... Thi. eclitor , i it cl a local l)a11k ancl a )·01111g· lac1~.. eallec1 t1 to he1· ,vi11- clr>,,·, . a)"i11g: 'I ,, 1 011lcl lil{e for J"Oll to b1'i11g 111e a Re,-i. rel ~ '1ta11cla1·cl \""ersir)11 c,f tl1e Bil)le. ~' ,, ....e acl~:i..,ecl tl1 !!'i1·l tl1at tl1e B elie1·er ·..; Bible c1,1rl BrJ(>R Oo1111Jr1J1y clicl 11ot J1a11cll t ll<' \ 7 <'r"i<>ll, ,, h('l'('ll }><>11. ~h<' s,1 t<l : ·· \\<' II . I clcl11 '1 \Ycltl1 1<> 1)11,· <>11<1 <>I' • tht' ()l(l-rc1,l1i<>llP(l l,i11cl. •• 'I hi, il- 111,trnt<'"' tl1t• pff'Pt·f c>f 1ltl' ,, i<lP– ~ l > l' <' H l l H( l \• <' ri i "1 11 ~ < > f' 1 }1 P 11 P \ \ • • , l ll - 1 }.c) J'i%<'( l, • \'<'1'SlC)ll. ' l 11<1 .'1r<'llg:tl1 <>f' 111(' l '11itPcl ~tH1P~ ,,f. .. \111eric·a rr~t~ at its ~1>iritttc1l 1P,·<>l. a11cl tl1P aJ)}>l'<>,·,11 c>f tl1c> Re1 - ,·i!--.Pcl Rta11cl,trcl \Tprsi<>11 l>.\· tl1r J,1rg·p a11<l ,,·<'11 c>r~c111izrcl cle110111- i11cltic>11, i11c·l11clell j11 tl1e ~Hti(>llcll ( 1 <>1111c·il <>f ( 1 l111r('hP~. i11clic·atP~ <1 lcl11g: stPt1 clo,,·11,,·arcl. O J' f J (I II i ZC(] ( 1 J' i J J l r T • . <>t l'-iO 111a11,· ,·eat's a~. .?:<) <·r1111e • \Yet" ,111 i11cli,·icl11al 111c1tte r a11(l tJ1r 1· r ~J) <>11 ·il>]e i11<1i,·icl11c1 l 'i11ffr1·r(l tl1P 11enalt~... ( 1 1·i111e1 j., 11cJ,\' <>rg·a11i7ecl c-lll(l tl1c-> i11cli,ric1l1al i~ i11 t11r 111ajor .'P11se. Lt1t a ft·o11t. ( 1 1·i111r is a11 c>rgr111 i %rel raekrt. a t1·affie s11011- S<J1'P '1 1>,· ,,·pl} fi11a11c·<->c1 s,·11cliC'ate.. • • (""11t>rga 11 izrcl, 1111 t c)c·e1111~.,.i 11g· a lc1rg·r l)laee. is tl1e tPe11-c1g:e1·: i11 f,1c·t, tl1e tl1ie,·e" c111cl tl111g-s cll'P i11 111a11~· <'HSP~ ·o ~"01111g: t11at the c·<>11rt'i arP clt a l<>s~ 1c1 fi11cl 111e,111~ <>f 1)1111i:l1111e11t. Tl1r "tatc) ea11 cl<> little l)11t 1>,lb c>11t 1>1111i~h111011t, a11cl tl1c 1 0111,.. • pffrl'ti,·e 111Pa~111~e r est~ ,ritl1 tl1e c·l1111·c·l1. \ rp ai·e t]1p . alt of t11e (artl1; l>11t if tl1P ~alt 11r1,·e le>. t its sa,rc>ttr. ,,,.l1rre,rit}1 :l1all it l1r "a 1 t P c 1. ( :\ I ,1 t t . ~ : 1 :1 ) I ntl 1·11r1fifJJtrtl ( 1 l1rt<JS ~ r,·p r l1c>fc>rr i11 tl1e l1ist<)1·,T of • tl1P ,,·c>rlfl l1<1s tl1r c>11tlc>olt for J) raee c1111<)'1~· 111<1 11atic>11~ l1er11 o clarl,. 1"'11P Pcl.'t clll(l \YPSt, ,,·itl1 e11ti1·el,· • < l i ff e r e 11 t i cl r<>log i es, cl rp e11ga g·ecl i11 cl 111ar,ltl1011 of flcc..;t1·l1c-tio11. Tl1r T ').: l1a · (lr111<>11. t1 ·at<lcl its i111po– t r11t,~. a11c1 :-;tc1te ' 111e11 tre111l>le ,,·l1ile • ~e<>lz i11g· a sc)l11tio11. Tt i. a cla~· <>f clist1·r:~ <l111011g· tl1e 11atin11:, a clct)• of })fll'J)l rxit~.,. i11 lllcl11)r 11c>111es. a11<l cl tl<1,.. ,,·11<111 <'i,Tili7.atio11. l>cl etl ' 011 111e11 ''-) ~t,111c1arc1s, l1a11g·~ i11 thP bala11te. . '· Tl1() vo111i11g· of tl1e Lo1·cl clra,, rtl1 11ig,J1.' ( 1 or1)01·c1tic)11 · la1·g:e a11cl 'i111Hll J)l'c>,-iclP £01· tl1e e111- 1>lc>~Tec>s \,·l1,1t a1·e t1:11a1l~,. te1·111ec1 •fri11p:e bp11rfit:, thi: r r– frr1·i11g: to C'e1·tai11 J)ro,·i:io11. 111acle for tl1e l1e11 efit of tl1e e1111)lo~ 1 ee a11cl l1i fa111il,... <>,--e1· a11cl al)o, 1 e • t l1e aµ:1·e<:>c1 ''"'ag·e 01· . ala1·}r. 'rl1 e f' 11e11efi t: llll. 11all,.. i11e l 11cle t H 11 i11. t1ta11ee 11olie~.. . tl1e J)1·e111it1n1: of ,,·l1i<'l1 ,t1·c J)ai cl i11 ,,.. l1ole 01· pa1·t I>,\ t hP c·<> 1'(><>1'H1 i<>ll. lil<P\Vi. <', }1,>s– l > i t H I i 1.a t i c > 11 • , 111 cl a 1 > P 11 sic> 11 • l · 1 > <> 11 1·P t i r r 111 P 11 t cl t cl g <' ( > f> • t h r P1 11 - I) l()) (> p i s l 1 cl 11 ( l p ( 1 H l ) c-l i( l- l l ] ) i ))- ~•1rc1 11c·r 1><>lic·., r,111~i11!!, i11 \"}1]11P fl'C)))l $1,0()0 t<> $2,()()Q, 1,.,. lllHJl~- l'Ol'(>()l'HticJJl~. 'l 1 hP r111J> l <J)'PC clll1'– i11g· l1i. 1>e1·i<)<l c>f :-;pr,·ie c·o11t1· il>- 1~te1~ cl <·crtai11 a111<>11 11t, tl1P <·C)T}><>- 1·,:1tio11 cl lil<:r a111<>l111t, to .•oc·ial ~re1lr1t,.. l> ,,·l1icl1 a... 11rc1. • aclcliti<>llcll i11c·o111e 111><)11 retir 1ne11t. Tl, c [ )r1stor :Ee,,. 1>a ·to1-. · re<·ei,.. e . alcll')" ~tLf– fitie11tl~.. l,11·ge tc> l)ro,.. iclf l)a11k l>c1la11ees. The J)cl tor of a Regl1la1· 11a 11ti:t ( 1 l1 t1rc· h or a11~" other <·11t11·tl1-i.· 11ot eli~·il)le for , 1 ocial ~ e<·l1ri t)~, a 11cl 11 c) · · f ri 11 g·e be11efit. ' ' arp 111·0,,,iclecl. f 11 111a11>- of tl1e larg·e cle11c>1l1- i11atio11s a 1Je11:io11 l)lc111 is 01)erate<l. c:111 cl t 11 r af f i] ia tecl eo11&t1·ega ti 011. c·o11trilJl1tr to a f11111 \,hieh . lll)- 1>01·t: thi. pr11. ·io11, ,111cl i11 • 0111e c1e- 110111i11,1tio11:-,, re1·tai11 l)e11efit ac– (•r11e to t11e l)a')toI\'. tl1e be11efit~ s1t111)01·tec1 1>)'" the ge11e1·al ft111c1. Tl1i .· 111·ol)le111 l1as l)ee11 g·i,re11 ea1·e– f 111 ,1 tte11 ti 011 11~.. 1·e1)1·e:e11tati,.. e: of I 11clr11 e11cl 11t 11apti. t 11111' ·l1e . ,,·it 1101 l t clr,·e 1 OJ) i 11i.r a ,,To1·lra l)le 11 la 11. I 11 1110. ·t c1e110111i11a ti 011. t l1ere i. a c· lose 1~- 1{11 i tte ] 01·µ:a 11izatio11. ,,.. ith a11 o,.. r1·-hratl c:011t1·ol. ,,.. ith j 11ri8clic:ti 011 o,.. e1· l)c)th tl1e pa.~tor ctllc.l tl1e C'h111·<·l1. l T"11(1Pr sl1el1 01·– gc111izatio11. a co11t ret<' l)la11 ea11 lle ,,·01~1<ec1 ot1t. \,·itlJ tl1e .·a111e de– u ree of effieiPill')"", a: exi~ti11g be– t,,"PP11 t l1r t'01·1)01·atio11 a11c.1 it" e111- 1,l<)~""ees. ll o\veve1\ e,,e1·)r I11c1e- 1,e11clP 11 t B,1 J)t i.1t Cl1111·c.- 11-or Re~- 111,tr l~aJJtist l1l1rch- i. al1to110- 11101ls, ,ritl1()11t o,.. 1·-l1eac.l ro11t1·ol. ,111cl 11<> 111a11 or ral)i11et ea11 . et 11p a 11)" ~y... ·te111 a 11c1 c·o111111~111c1 ·0011e1·– atio11. 1 1 l1is ]( 1 a,·es tl1e 1>a"'tor of a Reg:– l11Hr Ba1)tist c~11111· ·11 ,,·itl101Lt tl1e l)f'llPfit of cl.', l11·a11ee cl111·ing hi 1>e1·iocl of ~el' '"i<'f\ a11cl 111)011 1·e– ti1·e111e11t it is l1is J)1·e1·ogati,·r to Pl l ter <l 110111 e for t l1e ag·ed of ,,·l1iel1 ,,.. l1a,.. e 11011e-el{e 011t a11 c~xi. te11 ·e 1r,.. :f'lli11g· Bil>le. . li,... e . ' ,,·itl1 rPlati,.. e., 01· a1)1)l~.. to the state f c>1· s11 lJ... i, ·te11c· . ~Ie11 a11c1 l11·etl1I·e11, tl1i. i . 11ot 1 ig·l1 t. .J,. 1'e ,~e to a. 11me that the ,,·01·ltlli11g·s-the t111g·odl}r co1 .. po- 1·atiou. , tl1e labo1· 1111ion , a11d 11on– (1l11·i. tia11 g·1·01111. • rxce l tl1e ch 111·cl1 i11 lo,Te ? Tl1e a \"e1'ag·e p1'eac 11r1· 11- cl a,·01-. to g·i,.. 11 i cl1il l1·e11 a11