The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1953

T,, 11 t, -1• 0\1 r • }(<l\, lllHll, titllt>" hH\<' \\l 1 \\'l'it- • tt)ll Hllll cl"l'<"<l ) C>ll 1<> J)l'H) t}1,1t ,,·<' 111igl1t 1>e nl>le tc> ,tnr1 H l' 11 ll ti111t 1 1 il1l< 1 ~c·hl><)l l1erp i11 :\Iar– t i11itlll< 1 ! :\l,111>, 111c111., ti111<1s ,,·p 11 ,l, < 1 a , I,< 1 < l > · <) 11 t <> I l r a~·. a 11 c1 l 1 ct , • e ,1"l,t 1 <l {;<><l tel lt)n rl tt~ cl ll <l ;.111~ \ \'PT <>111 l)l'H\·pr". . \~ Hl\Y,l\' "'i tlli'-i ~<>l't • • < ~ f t l 1 1 11 ~- v H 1 l P 11 l 1 < > l l l \. <> 11 <1 \\.a \ .. (j(>c{ Hll!'...\,-e1·, l)l'cl)"<:11'. rf)1 p l' Prl , <>ll'-=? 1 ) II t) "',litl ll r \Y<)ttlcl. if ,,·p \YC>11lcl ,:"1, c1c·e<)1·<li11t.!· tc> IIi, ,,·ill: ~ ) Jfp lc>\P" Ili" c·l1i lclr{"ll clll<l 1<),·r~ t<) <ill \\'Pt' tl1Pll' l'P(jlle~t~: :l ) llP lc)\'P"' tl1p lc)"t c111cl ,,-c111t" to ·ee tl1P111 ,a , ·eel. . \l111c>"t "'i11te ( 1 l1ri~tia11 :::.\li:-;sio11s l'< 1 ir,111 ,,·orh:i11g· i11 ~I<1rti11ic111P, 11art ti111e f1il1le St·11<1c)l...; l1a,·r l1re11 c· o 11 - < l11ctt 1 cl 1>~· tl1e 111i~ ic>11arie~. Tl1rrP– l),. . on1e of tl1r c•11ristia11: l1a,·e • l1er111 t,111cl1t i11 tl1e "\\... orcl . l{11t t he1~p l1as brr11 a clfe })<.>r 11 eecl t l1a 11 a 11art ti111 e s<·110<> l for se,.. era l rea– . ()}] , . Tlzr .(i,·st i. · tllclt thel'e is a 11ePcl fc>1· £1111 ti111e ,,c)1·ltt)1·s tc) . 1>reacl tl1e i(J })Pl. ()11r <·a11 rraclil,.. 8ee t l 1P a <- 1,· a 1 1 t H g: r <> f 11 c-1 , · i 1 1 ~ i ~ a t l"\'' r Jf a1·ti11i<'a11s ,,·110 are fittrcl tt> g:<> <i111c>11g tl1eir C)\\"11 1>e<>11lP tc> ,,·it11e~~ fc>1· ( 1 l11·ist. Tl1e,· alrec-1cl,· 1111c.1er- • • ..... ta11cl tl1e c·it ·to111 , lc111g·11a~P. 111 P 11- 1a lit,·. ,l11 cl c1ttit11clp" <>f tl1eir c>,,·11 • J)P()J)lP. ,\yitl1 a ,,.<>l'l{iJl l_?' l<ll()\\·IP<lo·e <>f tl1c> ~c·1·i1Jtt1rr~. the~· ,,·ill l)e al)le t<> c}o a 11111<'}1 l1( 1 ttPr jc)}) t}1a11 trlr . . . lll}S,J()llcll'lr"-t. Till s(CrJllrl 1'<1,1-..,011 i'°) <>lJ,·ic>lls ell– ,<>. rl'}1e llll"~i(Jllal'lP~ \\'}10 ctl'P hrrp <>11 tl1e fie l <l ar<> cllrc:>acl~- <>('<'llI)iP<l t<J tl1e li111it. 1'J1e,· ,1rc 1 cloi110· a"' . ,... 11111<·}1 1111l>lie 1)rt1af·hi11u c111cl ,·i!'-,it- i 11 ~· as 1) < >" i b1 e1 • 1' l 1 e t · l i 111 at P i ~ 111 o 1· e fliffic·t1lt tl1a11 tl1at i11 tl1e t ·.~. s<> tl1at r,11r ,·a1111ot ac·c·cJ1111>lisl1 a · 11111<'11 a"' <Jlle ,,·oi11,l i11 a 1l101·e 11ortl1t:11·11 co1111tr>·· At J)1·e. e11t the1·e i~; a 1·p,tri('tio11 011 tl1e 11t1n1l· er of 1n1"..... i,,11arie" allo,,·e(l to re icle i11 .\f c11·ti11itflle. I{o,,·e,·e1·. ,,·e arr fJl'a>· i 11 ~ th cl t th r I-'orcl ,vi 11 ·hange tl1i~ sc, tl1at ,,.t .. f·a11 XJ)a11cl tl1e ,,·c,rk ct ·e<)rcli11g· to tl1e 11eecl. l\Io1·e 111i sit>tlctriP!S arf> 11eer:l cl tcJ 11tc1111- tai11 t11e ,, ... ,>1·}'" a11cl ex1)a11. irJ11 c,f tl1<1 11il)le . ~c·l1ocJI. l)t1ri11~· tl1 11~xt sel1c o] , · ea1· 2\l1·s . \\... Pe}.. , cl11tl 1 • ~J'fIE OHIO INDEI->ENDENT J3AP~rJST J I ( .....) . n 11 \1;11·, ,J.,,, • MISSIONS, Inc. 1~~- J 11 .N "\\ 7 1(~ 1~1 ~, ]3oit e J->o, tale il43 I•'() r 1 cl e l ., r H 11 (' (l , }\ I R rt 111 i ( l ll e F . vV. 1. • SCHOOL TIME • \ril] lll' l1c>111<1 <>11 fl1rlc1,1u·l1. '1'11Pr<>– fore ~c>111et)Jl e ,ril1 l1p 11PP<l rc 1 to t 1 <>nti11llP thP r , ·a11~?:elizat io11 i11 t11e sr,·Prcl 1 <·<>1111111t11itit1:, a. \\·ell as t<) t P ,l < • l 1 i 11 t l 1 P B i l> lr ~('ho<)1. 1 1 / 1( f 11 ir(l rPaso11 ,,·l1ieh i:--i r<J11a1- 1,~ a1>1lare11t i~ tl1at tl1c>11sa11cls a1·e • l) Pri~l1i11g· ,vitl1011t 1 l1ri.·t. ,,rh<> \Yill gc) tc> tl1c.1111 ,vith the \\Tc) r (l of < i{> tl ! H< ,:c-1·1111 l)a, 1\.(l\re11ti. ·t: ae- • < 111 a i 11 t t }1r111 ,vi th t 11 e I~ i 1 le a ft er cl fa~l1io11. h11t at tl1e sa111E1 ti111P c·c>11 f 11sc> t l1e teae l1i11g· <)f ~rrac·e ,rjt h a . , ·st e111 c>f 1a,,·-,,·or 1 <: " ·hiel1 11t11- • lifi e. tl1at g·1~ac·e. The 0111,T ,,ra,r • • t r, eo111l)at tl1is fc1111i11e c>f tl1e "\\.,.c>1·cl <>f (i ocl is t<> trai11 JI al'ti11iea11: to 1>11bli ·h a11cl 1J1·oc·lai111 that \\ro r (l t l1r111.' r l,·e.·. "\\Tr are eo11~c·io11s tl1at tl1is ,,~11ole l)rogra111 c·a1111ot be bro11 i!.' l1t to f1·11- iti(>ll c>,·e r11ig·l1t. It 11111 ·t c·o111r tc> r ealizatio11 a. tl1r r e. t1lt of 11111tl1 f)raJ"er a11cl pffc>rt. 'l'he l1egi1111i11g· 1 ! a~ l>re 11 111 a (le. Xo,,. it i.1 \ "Oll r • 1·E-"-.; l)<>11~jbilit.\· a lo11g· ,,·itl1 ll8 to t>ra_, .. ,111c.l gi,·e tl1c1t tl1i: f11ll ti111e Bil)lr ~ 1 c·hool 111a,.. l>eeo111P tl1<1 .·011ree of a11 p,rer i11c·reasi1lQ.' lllllll- l1e1' of (}osr)el ,,.. 01·l{e1-.. (1ocl i. faitl1f11l. ')11r f)J'cl_\..e r .· fc>r cl £1111 ti111P ~c·l1ool l1a,·e l> ee11 a11s,,·r1·ecl :o tl1a t 1c>\,. t11err arr t\\'C) Jlarti11ic·a 11 1>rc>t 11 Prs i11 ( 1 l1ri~t Ji,·i11u c-lt 011 1· 1l1is!'-,iC) 11 c11·,, reHicl e11c· e 11 ear I'i'c,1·t • cl e I~, ra11<' e. l~ac·l1 cla,, fi,·P cla\"~ cl • '''f>Pl( tl1P,.. atte11(l c·la(,,srs a10110 . - \,· it h se,,.r1·a l .'iste r: i 11 t 11 e I 1orcl fr<>111 tl1e Foti c.lP 1~,1·a11 c:e c·l1111·el1. 1''1e sC'hool is c·o11c.l11c·tPcl for a lJer – iclcl <>f eiµ:l1ter11 ,,Trel{s eac·l1 ~ ..ea1·. ~t1l1jrtt~ arr c1e.· ig·11c)cl tc> g·i\.,.e tl1r .~t 11cle11 ts c1 ,,·o l' l<i11g· 1{11 o,,· Iec.lge of t 11<) T3ible so tl1at tl1e~· 111ig·ht g·o 011 i11to clee1)rr .·t11cl .\' as \\·e ll a. to ac:c111aint otl1er: ,,,itl1 1l1e 1'rt1tl1. ( 1 1as ·ps a1~r hel(l eat'h 11101·11i11g· fro111 ) :8() 1i11til 11 :00 i11 c-1 s111all hl1ilcl– i110 acl 1aer11t to tl1e 111is.· io11ar,· rt:l.·_ ~ . i<le11t·t-1. 'T'l1is is ~r<>o(1. ,,... e tl1ct11l< < {ocl for it. Ht>,,·e,·er. it i...; 0111,.. t11e • 1 )P !!. j 1111i11g·. 'l l1e1·e i · a l'Pal 11ee(l for a 111ore aclel111atr l>11ilcli11~· for tl1r J-{il1lr • 1 l'll(>Ol. J >l-.OJ ) f' l't.,.. i~ alrPH<l.,- ()\\'11e(1 1,). tl1e 1Iissi<>11 fc,r thi~ }>llJ'IJO e. f>]a11s Hl'C llll<lPr ,ya\r t<> <'(>Jl"tl'll<•t • • J>utcrsor1 2, <l })C)ll">P ())1 t])(l J>l'()l>Pl't,\· fc) llll"Pt f}lis Jl eP( [ . J>] easr J>l'H~.. \ 1 (ll'~r c}pf– l!lit c> J~.. tl1at aclrc111atr, ftt11,l"' 111,1~· l>e1 <) 11 }1a11c1 t<> c·c>111r>let<1 111i~ i111- J)Orta11t f)l'O.]rtt l)Pf<)re tllP !)PXt "<• J 1 <> <) 1 ~ • r cl r l > r g· i 11 ·. . ' I ~~ 'r I I r: R"\ (; . " HeattlP '~ ( 1 i11 i~t111as l1c){)J)e1·. :--t1rg·ecl tl1rc>11i.rl1 stor<:)~ a11(l :trert'-i. .... \ 111i(lclle-a~ecl littlr ,,To111a11 a1- te1111)tecl t ,> !.!.et i11tc> a ~t1·ret ('a1· lJ11t ~}1p ,ras l1a11clitaJ)l)Pcl b)· a l>11lg·i11~ J>at'ltap:e a11(l a 11aJ>P1· .·l10J)J)i11!r lJag_· :t11ffrcl sc) £111] he1· fi11~·er., ba1·r l,· t<)1111et'tPll o,·pr tl1e • frail ha11 ell rs. ,.\ t t 11c:> 1110. t cliff i- r 11lt 1110111e11t a l,i11cll,· ,,.oice at l1r1· • Pc:ll' saicl . ~ Jf a(la111. 111a~· f }1el11 >'011 1111?' ' · · 011 tl1a11l{ , .. 011. ' ' sl1e exc·lai111ecl. • Re leasi 11g· t l1e lira ,,.J.. l1c1 g, i11 to his ,,·illi11g_· l1a11cl 8l1e ste1)J1ecl 111). l)cti 1 her fal'e a11tl ,,·a: tt1r11i110· to ~ re(·ei,·e her l)a~r ,,·I1 e11 a , .. oier at t11e fc)c1t of the . te118 c·1·iecl c)11t. ''Sto11 tl1at tl1ief '. · Tl1e ) ·01111~ 111a11 ,,·a · cla~hi11g· thrc>11g·l1 tl1e (•ro,,,cl ! Tl1e strret c·ar stal'tecl 1111 i11 1>111·– :--.t1it. a11cl tl1e littlr ,,·c)111a11 l1P– g·r111 t <> Ja11 <.rh a11cl lall irl1 c:111cl lc-1t1irl1 . ' ' lf~·steri c·al!' ' ·aicl <>11P 11a.· r11- Q: e l' to a 11 <) t l 1 er, · · I cl o 11 t J) 1 a u 1 <> hel' ! I '11 l)Pt it ,,·a . rt1ll of l1er µ:1 ;t J>11rtl1a~e8 ! , , · <~o.' ' s<)hl>rcl tl1P little ,,·c>111a11 i11 tear.· <>f l r1ll!{ l1te1·. ··Xe>.', sl1e ex– }J lai11ecl, '· I.i r t 11 i111 g:<> ! H e l1a. stol– r 11 a clea<l t·Ht. I \,·a. ,g·c)i 11g to tl1 c·o1111tr,· tt> b111·,· it. I li,·r i11 a11 • • c111c-1rt111e11t a11c.l tl1Pre ,,·as 11c) 1>laee , , . . . . ...\rp )"Oll ('al'r~'"i11g . c>111et l1i11~· , ..ot1 'cl lil{e to !!'et 1·icl of ?-1 he 011- • , f ll er<> r. ---- .\ ,ro111a11 i11 t}1p 11l111rl1s ,,·a <·l1,ttti11~r o,·rr t11e J .. atl{ fe11eP ,,·it l1 J1 e1· 11ext-clc>or 11eigl1bor . ''"\"\T'e'1·e g <>i 11 g· to l)e li ,·i11g· i11 a better 11eig·]1l)o1·l1oc>cl :0011,' ' lie saicl. ••• 1 0 a1·c., ,,.P, ' ' l1 ei- 11eig:}1bc> r , ·<>l- 1111t<1el'<..)tl · · \\TJ1c1t ! .. \rp } '<>t i 1110,·i11g:, tt><) ! '· · · ~o. ,rP '1·p "ta).. i11g· l1erP. · ·