The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1953

THE 01110 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST F brua ry 19:ia --~~ HICH AY \ l1ilt' ,1.111,li11u" 011t (lH\T nt tl1l' e1·<)"' ron<l..., - . I lit1ircrccl <1,vl1ilc a I c1t1cstio11ed \\rl1iel1 ,,.,lj it \\ }l l>C'st il1at I O'(): I ,,· ,)lltlt'l't'tl • • \\T l1iel1 ,, a, "'l1nll I tal{<'. · • • 1 1 C)l'. aJ,1~ l 11c1,l 110 (' J)e1·ic11 e, .. \11 cl J,11,,,v 1t()t ,, l1iel1 1·c)a,l~ to ft)r"nl-i.r. ,\ 11 tl cl .. 0' l' 111, r r) ro l) l e 111 I J)On ( 1 PI'ecl, ..\ sc1i11i cn111 fro111 Ilcave11 I lrno,,,. 1 l,11,~,, 11<.11 if tlt")"'t'rt tr ' "~ill ,.. • I Ie 1t>lcl of tha1 1Jefll1tif11l cit).. \ \ < > 11 l, l t 1 o 111 f' ,11 t J l l' e 11 cl f t 11 r , r a , : • ..\ t tl1e e11cl of tl1e 1·oac.l tl1at ,,·ru stee11; Ile tolcl of 1·e,,·a1·cl that ,ve1'e give11 I lZll(' ' ' ll()f if fol'( ~t 01· eit,r • I 'tl fi11<l ,1t tl1t"\ t•l<)se of tl1c <la,·. • 'J'o tl10 'e ,rl10 l1i })ath,,ra)r. }1011ld l{eeJJ. l 11t l'llHLl t'lllll)cl to 111c to be calli11g·, \ ronll tl1c1t ,rel" l)<1, 1 ecl, f,1ir a11d b1·oacl, LI ,> tolcl of tl1e ...~.'.lviou1· ,vho loved 111e ...\11 l (1 iecl fo1· 111y in on the tree; ' r' 11,1 t c>ll(l 11 ,1<.1 l)ee11 callecl tl1e , e 1£ TTigh ,v a,... ' . That I-Ie 0111e glacl day to that Jieave11 1\ \\ 7 P lco1ne wot1ld offe1~ to me. .\11cl lllclll)- it~ l,111g· 111ile ]1a,re t1~od. .\11otl1 1· 1·0,1tl '"' e1ued to leacl clow11\\·ar 1, \\"'ell lig·l1ted I tl1ot1g·l1t it to be~ ..11cl o I l1ave taken the teep road; .i\.nd l"Ocky although it may be, 1\11Ll t}1i 011e ,,·,1.;; 11a111ecl tl1e "To1--ld . B~'"\Va)r. t\i1cl lo11cll,~ t11i ,,a,· callecl to me. ' . Each l"Ock ha~ bP<1ome but a bles ing, • i11ce -Te u is wall{ing with me. .\.11otbe1· 011e . ee111ed to leacl 11pward, ...\ 1·oacl tl1at ,,~a I'Ock~ ... a11cl teep ~ .....\.nd ,vheu I hall ee Him in g~lory, Hi p1·ai e I 11 ing· all the day · 'rl1e fi11~re1·-boa1·cl thr·ee . aid. ' To Hea,.,e11 ' ' ' Fo1 .. Je us ha avecl me a11d kept mP .\ roac1 "0111e \Ye1·e . t1 ..i,,.i11Q' to lreep. 'l'J1e 1 zech •011. J i1·ator.· · ' ·oA- TFE ~ 10~. ' I~~ .. D1·. 0111 011 hepl1ercl i11 .:.lie . a.qr to I srael < 11 Decembe1· l, 19.-2 ele,..e11 1 zeC'ho. lo,{ia11 ,T e'\\"i h 0111m11- 11i. t ,,e1 ..e ha11gecl i11 Prag·l1e after bei11g co11victed a J ewi.. h ·apital– i. t -. a~re11t of i11te1--11atio11al Jew– i. 11 co11 IJi1 .. acJ" ancl p1·otector of Zio11i t c-011 pirato1· . Tl1 i. i · belie, 1 ecl b,,. 1na11,.. of 11: .. v ,i'I a J)la1111ecl a11ti-,Jewi h cl1 ..ive ,,·J1i ·11 l1a. l)e 0111e a11 01)e11 i11l"ltl'll- 111e11t of C'101111111111i t 1)0 lie~". ,,,.e cannot belie, ...e the.·e ratlio 1epo1·ted ' ' confe ionL· ' a11~.. 1nore tha11 ,,Te can belie,..e ""hat co1ne 011t of :\Io co,,. Peo1)le to l)P tl1l1. p111·~ecl a1,e to1·me11tecl. beaten, ~tar,recl 1111til tl1e,.. ''"i11 c-onfe. ' tcJ a11~"thi11g. The. e political l)l'i:011er~ i11 111an~T i11 ta11ce. a1--e 110 more g·11ilt~T of c1·in1e tha11 mill1011. of me1"i– t·a11. who belie,"e ,,Te 11eec1 a cha11g·e i11 acl111i11i. t1·atio11 i11 OUl' O\\rll \\ 7 a J1ingio11. ... l)er 011 ca11 be ta ll{ecl to l),T hOl11· a11cl e,"e11 1)\T . .. cla~ an cl a tape 1·ec·o1·din g: 111acle of e, 1 er,r . taten1e11t. Tl1e tay is .. ~ tl1e11 clitecl a11cl ' ' 11ot' ' ' a11cl ~ '11ev- r1· '. ', a11c1 othe1' . 11el1 ,,yo1·cl clippocl out so a to change tl1e tate1nent .frOill 11egati,,.e to J)O. iti,re. The eclite(l ta1)e i. then })llt 011 the ai1· a11cl tl1e man'. voice i. cli ti11ctl\T ... l1earcl to . a~... ' ' I clicl J)la11 to o,·er- · tl11·0,,r the go,re1'llllle11t. ', ,,~ he1·ea ~\11c1 ,J e tlS will leacl all the ,,ra)T. he r eally aid ' I clicl uot })la11 to o,rerth1·0\v the go,re1·11men t. wave of t1icide i ,, ..eeping zech J e,·vrv i11 the wal{e of the. e .. pl1ro·e trial a11d hanging . Among tho. e reported to have l{illecl the111 el,?e are Eric ob11, ·ec1·etar}.. of t lie P1--ag'11e ,J ev,i h com1n1111ity a11cl hi wife; Rudolph Bi tricl{i, forme1· zech Aruba "a– dor to B1--itain; D1·. Tibor Kovac Brati la,Ta 01nmuni t leader who 011ce headed a 11ationalized indtlS– try ; a11cl everal higl1 tTewi h a1 .. m}'P office1· . . I t \,,.a further 1·epo1--te l that ev- eral week. ago the non-Jewi h l1ou. el<eepe1· at the I raeli Lega– tio11 i11 P1-.agl1e killecl he1"' elf af– te1.. lJei11g· g1·illed by police. "'\Ve neecl to thanlr ocl that we li,...e in me1"ica a11d ho,v we hould l)f a~r that Ollr belo,red COlll1tl .. }r be l{ept from uch ungocllJ" l)a1"'ba- 1'i m. The verJT be t a11tidote fo1· thi i for ot1r people to obe}r II Ch1--011icle. 7 :1-4- • ' If 112 y zJeo pl e, wli1·c1i a1..e call eel b.lJ tJiy 11a11ie, slzall li1i11ible tl1em– selve., a1ld pray, and seek 111,y face, a11cl f ztr11 .fr·o11i tliei;' icickecl ways· tlie11 zt•1ll I Ji ear f1·o n1 li eave11 a;zrl 1uill forgive tlieir . iri, and will lieal. tl,eir land.'' ---------- ot1 ca11 . end a me age a1·ound tl1e ,,ro1·lcl in a eventh of a econd yet it n1ay talre year to force a imple iclea th1·oi1gh 011e-c111a1 ..ter inch of human skull. .'fHE E RET F BEI~ 1 POPUL R Do yoll \Vant other people to like )'"OU f Would Jrou be o,re1"j oyed if yol1 cot1lcl find a mag~ic formula that wot1lcl in u1 ..e your popularity an1011g all yo11r frie11d ? Pe1"'hap there i 110 11ch 1nagic fo1--1nl1la. Bt1t if )rou d like a hint a to omething~ prett}r clo e to it }~011 'll find it in these t,vo ,,rord : BP co11 ide1·ate. - Thoughtle ne probablJ'" cau e.. more sor1'ow ancl trot1ble tha11 a11J"- .. thing el e i11 the wo1--lcl. It ,v1"eclrs 111an}r friend hip e,rery clay. It 111alre · people l'e. e11tft1l, a11~'rJr a11d t111happy. .A11c.1 thot1o·htle ne i simply rtot being con ide1 ..ate of others. }, ome of t-u are . o bot111d up i11 vlll' el,re that we don't have ti111e to bother about el e' .. ,, elfa1·e. a 1·e ult, ,ve wound their feeli11g , and oon ,ve find Olll .. elves di liked. The Golde11 Rule ha been a 111atchle ta11da1--d of conduct for 111a11y l11111cl1 ..ecl of Jrea1.._ . It till " "' "To1 f ollowi11g a11cl i11 it yo11 lllo.}'" fincl that e 1·et of bei11g· po1)ula1\ m1 l1i11e 1aO'azi11e The rea 011 ·o f e\,~ peopl a1~e ag·reeable in co11,.,e1· ·ation i. that each i thinlcino· mo1-.e of ,,.,hat he i intending to ay tl1a11 of \vhat otl1er a1·e aying; and we never listen when we a1·e pla1111i11g to peak. '