The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1953

ag t,,,) Editorial Comnient ()\\' 1•, l{– ~Il l l) 111 tlll' (l<l\~ • () r t 11<' l'l)\ - (' l 'l' ( l \\ cl g l) 11 , e,ll'<l\ c:111~ al– ' ' a , s t' 11 - • <lt',l\ t)rt 1 (l t <> e,111111 11 e a r ,,·t"ll-1( 11 0 \\ 11 "llri11c~. ()11e ~11t·l1 s1)rilll!.' ,,·as. Pii'r l 1\,- tl11·(~) 111()11 ,Yl10 extort tl <1 l)ig· J)ri('t"' ft)r ,,·ntcr. 'l l1is l1ig·l1l1,111clPcl ,l )titl11 btlec1111c ,,?ic.1e1\" l,110,,·11. J->l'(\'- • e11tl~~. ,,·l1t 1 11 c-1 cc11·,1 1 {a11 a1·1·i, 1 ed, tl1Prc ,,·ere 110 111011, b11t i11. teacl, 1111· '.}e g1·c1 ,·eR. ...\bo,..e tl1e gra, ,e ,, as ct Jpg·e11cl: ~' Tlie)'" tl1011gl1t tl1e)' <),,·11~<.l tl1) ~1)ri110\ l>11t tl1t\\– tlitl11 't. ' ' Tl1e 11ri11ci1)lc l)el1i11tl tl1e ·i1·– ·11111~ta11~e i fo1111cl tl11·011g·ho11t ec– t let·ia:·tieal ci1·cle. . 111 111a11,~ of tl1e laro·c'r cle110111- ~ C"' i11atio11 · a g·1 .. 01111 01 .. tho c ,,·ho are icle11tifiecl ,,itl1 011e . hool of tl1011Q·l1t. ha,Te eizecl the )l1t11·cl1 of the Lo1·cl .J e.·11 h1·i.:t ancl co11- cl t1 ·t it a thot12'11 the,T ,,Te1--e tl1e ., ."ole owne1 ... Theu. i11 tl1e lo ·al ch111-- ·h ,ve 111c111,T ti111r · fi11c1 t11i: ro11clitio11 • ct111011g 111e111l)e1 ..: of 011e fa111ily, 01-- faetio11, a11 cl f e,,T ,,To11lcl l)e al)lc to 1· cog·11ize that tl1e fo1111cler a11cl l1ea l of tl1e cht11·ch ,,·a. other tha11 tl1e cl1ief a111011g· tl1e lo ·al 1'11le1--s. T l1erP i~ a cla~,. of rrC' l{o11i11g· a- 11 Pcl<.l. ,,,, l1e11 r,.. r1'J" 111a11 11111:t g·i, 1 e a11 ,1teo1111t of hi .. te""a1·cl. hip aucl -vr l1eI·e tl1e T.1orcl .J e. 11. 1 l11·i. t l1a.: b e11 1·ol)l)ecl of l1i 1·igl1tft1l place. 1"et1·ilrt1tio11 ,,Till l)e 111etccl 011t. 'I IIl~ 1 1-If ... R< 1 II '1,l1e lo ·al ·l1l1r ·11 i. the Di,,. i11e1,T c - • tal>li. hec1 11 11 i t of ,,·01~1, i11 <:a1·1,\"i11<>· 011t t}1e 1>roo·1,,a111 '- ...... ' --,. <Jf t}1e f.JOl'Cl .JP ll.' ( 1 }1rist. (_)1.11· f101·cl clicl 11ot co111111it TTi~ c·om– J11 i~ io11 to tl1e 4\1Jo ·tles. b11t to the ( 1 l1 t11·e11. IIe cl10. e fro111 tl1e Di ·c-iJ>le , t,\·e1,re ,,·110111 110 ealled .1\.1>0. t 1 e~. Tl1e~.. later· cliec1. t hei1· J)eriocl of 111i11i tl"}' e1i1cle<l b11t tl1e l)i~<·iple hiJ) conti1111e. . Tl1e loc·al \·11111~eh i~, 111ac1e lll) of <li~t·iJ)lP~ of ;111·i~t. Tl1e ,, ... 01 .. cl cli.·– c i1JlP 111ea11 a lertr 11 cr: t 11e1'efor·e. tac· }1 l)el ie, i a lea1·11 er . 01· 1111- Jlil. i11 tl1e c:h 1 >ol of 111 .. i t a11cl tl1e ,-i il)le 1111it i11 IIi~ rhool i the l,,eal c·l1111·t·l1. Tl1e ,,·l1c,le JJl'Ogl'a111 ,f • 111 i'->t eeute1· i11 tl1e local l'hlll't•h. rl }t(' lo,•a l t'llttreft i,.;1 t}llH>l'l S tllt' llttlt)it, tPHt'!lt':--i i11 1l1r N,111cla.'l ~elt<><>l. l!illl l' ('1ln~sc's c11lcl ,lt l 1 c>11- f't'l't'tll'<" rl l1c lclc· ,t l c·l111rc·l1 ~p11cls 1l1P <1<)"1101 ,ll>r<>cl<1 . e~tc1llli~l1c's c111cl ~lllll)<)l't8 t r,1i11i11g· ~(·l1c>t>ls 11rc>,,. iclr8 l)11ilcli11g·~ f<)l' ,,·or:-;l1i11. ,111cl all llr- 1 ic'\' '01'8, \YitllOll t e,t'Cl)11011, , ll()ll l<l L cl 111 c111l1er of a ]oca,l cl1111·el1 ,111cl tl11·011gl1 it earr)r 011t tl1e (lreat . . 01111111~ ~ 1011. 1 To,,. i11 t11i. cla)" elf 1·11gg·e 1 i11 - cli, ,i l t1,1li. 111 , t111c·ot111tecl t 11011: a11 1: l1tte11111t to (lo tl1e ,vorl{ of the Lo1·cl . c1 J)a1·t f1·01n th e.·talJli. l1ec1 ag 11ey·· the local ch111..c11. TT 11co1111 tecl t l1011- a11cl. of clo11a1, are co11t1 .. il)1.1tecl a1111t1all,r b,,. . a, 1 e 1 n1e11 a11 l ,,·0111e11 • • 1o 1)1~i,~ate 1>rojec1.· a11c1 t' lat -t1~a11 1110,,.e111e11t ,,·hicl1 ha,T 110 cl1l1rrl1 i le11tifi atio11, ,,,h~1te,,e1". Th e 111011- e3r of n1a1l}' othe1~"·i. e co11. i:te11t belie, 1 e1~. i. .1cc1tte1~ccl al)1"oacl as chaff 1)10"·11 befo1·e tl1e ,,·i11cl. ,,re l,a, 1 at ha11 l a hl11~ ·11 re1)ort fo1~ tl1e y ar 1952 a11 1 the g·ift · to mi. io11. loolz.. lilre a pa1·ac1e of i11ter11atio11al 1,eligjo11 i11 tit11tio11. . Prate ·ta11t J>eopl a1~e a111azecl ,1 t the 1111mbe1-- of a11to1nol ile. li11Ptl 111) befo1"e the Ro111a11 atholi · h111--che e.,{el'),. 81t11c1a.:r· :\Io1ni11g·– a11 l here tl1e . e r et: Prote:ta11t peo1)le. a1"e 11ot 1 . . 1 vo1.1t tl1a11 iatholic. · 110,;ve,·er, the (.1ath- olic believe. that t.l1e pre ·e11 ·e of :rocl i in tl1e ,,..afer 011 the altar a11cl tl1at to ,~ro1-.. hip ocl accept– al)ly 011 11111 ~t be p1·e~ e11t in the -.h 11rch a11 1 i11 the p1·e e11ce of tl1 e i11te1 ..ce or- the J)rie t. Tl1e P1·ot– e. ta11t if he i. · a belie,,.er lr110\v that ' ' They tl1at ,,~01-. l1ip 1 ocl 1n11 t ,,"01· 11 i 11 IIi111 i11 1 i1--i t a11 l i11 t1"1itl1 ' c1t1c1 11eitl1e1· i11 J 1~11. ·al 111 nor i11 ~It . G 1~izi111 can Ile l)e localizecl. Tl1e P1·otr - ta11t believer ltno,, 1 : tl1c1t J c tl pa.icl it all aucl tl1 e1·e i therefo1·e 110,,r 110 conclemn;:1tio11.' 111 the ligl1t of tl1e. e attitl1cle , the atl1- olic g:oe. to l1i. l1u1--cl1 l)eI·foru1: l1i.· ' dutie. lea''/e hi offe1~i11Q; a11d goe. home. l\Ia11y P1"ote tant J) eo1) le sit at ho111P, attencl ch111"ch ,·ia 1"ac1io a11(l co11t1·il)t1te by 111ail to a 1)1~oject. Bretl11·e11 ,, 1 e 111~g·e tl1a t the LC)- 1..1.1-I; 1 1-Il R ~11 l)e tl1e ce11te1~ f 01" all Ch1"i. tia 11 :r1·,·ice, a11<.l tl1at t lie f a111il , 1 co11tr·i1)11tio11 be h<:111c1ecl ~ to tl1e c l1t11·, ]1 1111cle. ig·11atecl to tl1e e11cl that the e tal)li l1ecl cl1l11 .. h 111aJT clece11tl3r an l in or le1' ca1·1'y <>11t tl1e p1·0~:ra111 1111to ,rl1icl1 it ha. lJeeu co1u1ni ioned. I{ J J I~N !'i I ~ ( ~ ~ I ' ' ( ' () I( }I I ! I ( J I( ,. bfr"isillfjS, n ( I JJI f 1 l/1r 111 tJJlf' /J/j r,11r 1 011<7 if 1, 1 i/l Slt1' 1)1'/S(! .IJ(}I{ ,~ 1 !1r1f f /1 (' / 1()}'(/ /1r1f I, (I {) J I (' • ' ' 'f'J1is P(lit<)l' is 011 tllc' ~l111s01 sicl<' <>f lifc>'s :--;iCP!) hill. ,l11cl fr<)111 111P [)Hges Of' CJlll' 11101110I·y f il ec>,,erj11g 11101·0 t ha 11 t l1ree-:eo1·0 years, ,-vP fi11<.l t l1at ,,rl1ie]1 l1ri11~{.' joy a11cl :or1·0,,, ])llt at thi: hOlll• tJ1e re– actio11 a: the page: are tur11ecl, i.· c1111azen1e11t. We ·011fi11e thi.· clitorial to l)h)r: ical feat1.l1·es 111c– c·l1a11ieal cle, 1 elop1n tit ancl the tllillO'.' ,, 1 hic}1 ac11 to creat11re C0111- f Ol"t. 111 tl1e far-c1i~ta11t PAST c·a111e t 11 e fi1-. ·t hor:ele: · ca r1.. iage ·h t1µ·– gi11g· clo,v11 tl1e .·tr eet with l1ip:h– pe1-- ·heel occ11pa11t ,,reari11g ,vl1ite clt1~ ter. goggle a11cl cap a11cl f ro111 e,,eI'J'" part of to,v11 ca1ne the 3'"01111g· "t e1--: a11cl the ac111l t citiz 11ry to Cl"Ov\ 7 l aro1.111cl the thi11g i11 fro11t of the to,,r11 . l1otel a. the tow11 ,' :\f a1·. hall atten1ptecl to keep a11)r £1"<)111 to1.1chii1g~ it. Tl1e11 we 1--e1nembe1-- the ' ' ha11g– i11g·-lamp i11 the ce11te1· of the roo111 operated by a p1.1lley e11- alJli11g· 11 to pt1ll it do,v11, or pt1.. h i1 111) to t1it tl1e fa1nil,v conve11- ie1lce. Of col1r ·e, tl1e 'coal oil' ' a11cl ,,·i ·l{ 1)1--0,ricl ecl a dail)T ·1101--e a11cl tl1e ' ' chi111ney'' 11111 t be ltept .·hi11i11g. The 0'1.. ate ,,·itl1 it ·1oac1 of coal ,,..a.· aref11ll ,... ' ·overecl' at 11ig'11t a11cl 1--attlecl 011t i11 tl1e 11101·11- i11 g'. Of co111· e the ,,Tell-to-c1o ,,Te1·e ec1l1ip1)e 1 for ga. b11t it ,,,a. co11- . i le1~e 1 , re1·, 7 ' ' ll11healthf11l a11cl • 0xcee li11g'l~r ex11e11 i,re. A f11r11ace j 11 th eella1' ,,,.a. a tl1 i11 o· 1111- lt11 o\1{1. rr}1<:> tlOOl' bell ,,·a · a ~ l<llOtl, r' ' --01.. iu 0111e,,· l1 at late1~ '"ea1.. a ' 1~1101) "Tl1i 11 " ,.a: t111--11e l 111al<i11g· '- a serie: of 0·011g::, 01· a rlatte1~. ""\\Tell clo ,,·e 1·e1ne111be1· uf iee l)ei11g· c11t i11 tl1e ri,·er, tl1i ... bei11g· lJa · l~e cl i11 . a,vcl11.· t f 01 .. ~ l1111111er u e. a11cl ,ve 11 clo ,,·e 1· me1nber the g:lee ,,·l1e11 ,,e ,rol1lcl l1ave ice-wate1" 01~ ice-c() 1cl le111011ade. Bt1t ,,·l1at of tl1e PRESENT? ""\"\ e l1a,·e j 11:t 1"et111·11ecl f 1·0111 t lie l,11~i11e." · clist ri ·t, 01ne l1al-f clozeu tit,,. blotl( a\ra,... \\Te <.11,0,~e clo,v11 . ' i11 Ollr c·a1.. of 'Ollr e. E, 1 e1Tbocl, ... • • l,as a e,1r a11cl thr t1·i1) ,,~a. 11ot llllllSllcll 1101' tli(l t1 1l\·l)OC1,r C'l'O\\'Cl ' ' a1·01111cl.