The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1953

A LEITER FROM THE CIRCULATION DEPAR'I'MF:NT \, , tl11 ~it 1·p:1tli11~ > tllll" Ol1io • l 11ci, /J 11,ir nf /{ ,1 JJt 1,f. tl<) ,\ t111 t' ' <'r ,,..c,11,lf'l' nl)<>11t tl1(' rff< rt, 1)11t fortl1 1 0 O'l' t 1 f 111 f () \ () \ l l' 11 cl l l ( 1, l 1 l l l p 1) l' i- -. . 111:11·,.. pfftlt't i~ 111,'1 <lf tltt' l 1 tlito1-. 1 l l l t . \ \ t' \ \ n 11 t t () 1 H 11, H 1 Hl l l t t l 1 <' ,t'e<)ll<lc11·~· <:\ff<)rt. ,,l1iel1 i" f<)llll<l i11 t l 1 <, < > t li l' e <) f e i re , 11 < l t i <) t l H11 < 1 t o r 11 - 11, t ~ {) l11' , 11 l) l) 0 l' t i 11 11 l H 1\ i 11 u_· < l l l l' t•1re11lntit111 ~<)llll'tl1i11g <)f \Y11iel1 ,,e en11 l)l' 1>r<)lt<l. IJt't llS ~\l])])l)"'(1 tl1,1t ,\ ()ll Hl'P ,t tl<' ' ' "11ll,<·ril1pr, p11t<1ri11!.!· ,\·tl lli' ~11ll- . eri1)tio11 ft)l' tl1e first ti111r. l 'r 11<)11 l'Pec>i l)t o f s11 ll:e1·i 1)tio11 1)1·ic 0 • t,Yo ca1·cl" are 111 a cl e 011t f<)l' , ~()11. ,,·l1irl1 earr,- \ r(l"\11' • • • 11a111e a11cl acl<l1·r. s a11cl elate of tl1e t)~11i1·atio11 of ~·ol1r s11l):e1·i1)tio11. < 11e ca rcl i?.·oes i11to tl1e alt)l1al1et ic·<1 l file . tl1e otl1e1· i11to tl1e eale11cla1· file. ....\ go,·p1·11111e11 t po:ta1 at 1{110,,· 1- eclgi11!!· 1·erei J)t of )"Ollr 111011eJ,. i. e11t to ,·011. • To,,,. , 7 011 a1·e a .· 11h- . ~ ~l·1·ibe1· a11tl , ·0111· 111i11 <.l ,. a11 be at • 1·e~t. Tl1e11 f ro111 t 11is of fitP ,r i11 t<)111 e a ....oti e of ·Ex11irati<>11. telli11g tl1at : ·011r • 11h. eri1)tio11 ,,·ill eXJ)irc ,,,, itl1 tl1e 11ext i. 11e. ITere is ,,,}1ere , ro11r • OJ)J)o1·tt111it~ ... to l1e lJ) ·0111e: i11 to t 11 e 1-1ict111·e. B}T ~· ot11· 111·0111pt 1 r11r,r– ,1l , .. 011 ,,·ill 11ot l1ear fro111 11s for .. a11otl1e1· ,--ea1·. l)tlt if \.. Oll fail to l)r .. . 1,1·01111)t ,, ...e ,,,.ill :e11cl ~ro11 a . eco11cl 1·e111i11cler, a prettj· reel ea rtl ,,. 11 ie 11 a~l<:s •• IIa,·e ~;Oll £01 .. g·otte11 ?·' :\fa11y, • stemat1c 111ct11., f)t'<l11lt' ,,ail l'l>I' tl1is sc'<'<>lt<l l'<ltt<' t'. ()11r vnrcl" Hl'<' all 1t1nrl,P<l Hllll \\1l' <'Hll 1Pll Ht cl !.! lHll<'<' \\' }lcl( • ., C)tt c1 rt' i 11 t l1t1 l1n lli1 <> f. cl<>i11g·. I I' tl1t' ,c'<'<>ncl 11<>1 il'<' i~ 11c>t lit'P<l<'<l, \\( Hl'l' f<>l'l'P<l t<> Jlltll .\. <>lll' <'cll'< ls l'l'()lll <>lll' fj}('s Hl1Cl 1l<>tif',· 111P • l)l'i11t<'r 1<l cli~to111i1111r 111,1ili11p: tl1e 111H!.?.',t zi 11P tc> ,·c>11. Th e' c·c>st <)f • !.!'Ptti11g Ollt ! hc 1 ll\H~cl/'111(' is \'Pr~· 11i~·l1 clll<l ,,·p l·a 1111<lt <tffc)rcl t<> l,<'Pl> 111ai l illt?. t c> , ·< >lt 1111Jc,ss \ ' <)ll 1·p111it • • tc> 11~. ~<><>11 ,1ftpr ,·c>ttl' t•arcls l1H,·e l>f·<'ll • ])l111Pc1 fr<l111 011 r filrs \Y t) 111,11,r <' tlc> 111or0 atte1111>t to ,,·i11 )'"011 l1aeh: a 11 ·l P11c1 ,·c)tl a fi1·st <'lH . 'i letter. '\'\.,.P • <' a 11 it <) t1 r ' I I a 1 f - \\.,.a,.. I Jett<>r . ' · • \\Te cl ·I<: ~·()11 t<) 1·n1>l)· a11cl trll llS ,,·l1crei11 ,,·c> '1c1,·p failc'< l tc) l1c>l<l ,·011r • i11tc'rt1st. \\Tc' 11c>,,. l1a,·e 111,1cl p tl1rc'l' atte11111ts t<> l(ce1> ~·011 <)11 <>l tl' 111c1il– j 11~· li. t. ,,-re l1c1 ,·e 8<)111e s11 l>stril>ers tc> \\ 110111 ,re 110,·er 11ee(l to . ·e111<1 a · Xotic:e of 1~~x1)iratio11. ' ' 'l,11e~· ~e11cl tl1eir r p11 r,,·als al1ec1<.l of ti111e. 1'111~ is f?.'l'Pclt l~· a1)11retiatecl a11cl s1 prcls 111) tl1e ,,·c)rlc i11 thi~ c)ffi~r. 'fhe 11cxt ti111e :·011 J) itl{ 111) :"C)ll l' 1t1ag·azi11e, ,,·ill ~·011 c1sl< ~·011rsr>lf · ' .1: \111 I o·l1ilt\"' c>f faili110· 1<l l'e11c>,,, t"' • r-. 111><>11 re<·t1i1)t of t11e f ir"'t 11oti<·P ! ', '1,ht l'P clrr cl fp,,· i1111)<>1·t,111t r 11lrs tc) follc1,,· i11 sP11 cli11~· 8ttl ' sc·1·i1)ti t>11s t<) 11s. (+i,.. e )"<>11r ft1ll 11a1110, 11ot SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, 8 big Volumes, only $29.95, delivered. This fine set cove!'s the entire scope of evangelical, fundamental , Christian doctrine. This fine work meets the standards of the most exacting Bible believing student and has been widely used in classrooms through– out the country. It is truly a great work by a great theologian. Bound in maroon buckram, stamped in gold, beautifully styled 61,2" x 91;,2"-2,700 pages. BELIEVER'S BIBLE AND BOOK COMPANY 104 Denison Avenue Elyria, Ohio s i 111 111 .,• • J• S n 1 i 111 • a 11 < 1 <• ,1 11 1 I > I <' t <, a , 1- < l r <' ~s. I l' , · c > 11 I i,,,, i 11 a <• i 1,, t h" 1 • • hcti..; t><>~tHI Z<> ll<'S l>P Slit'(' tc> !.!i\rp .' () \ I I' i' ( ) 11 ( I ) l \ l l l l ~) (' I' • I t ll p 1 ,) ~ 1() ~ J l <' <' c l t It r < l " J i ,· <' t •, , < > F , • < > 11 1• 111 <1 t.! - • ,l 1, i 11 <' . S t ,l t P t 11 <" ct 111 c > 1111 t c > f 111 <> 11 <, ,, • ~<'111, Hll(l jf (>C>S~il>]e. ~fi\'C' llS 1}1p 11 ,1 111c' of ,·c>tL r <·l1t1r<·l1. '1'}1i~ is <>f • t!.' l'<.3Ht as~ist,111e<' ,rl1r,11 H c·hair111}1 1 1 ctsk:s ll~ rc>l' H li 1 <>f' ~ttllsc·ril)c'l'~ i11 l 1 <' 1 · c • < > 11 g· r <' .! a t i c) 11 . ~ I ,111., 1 >Pc) 1 > 1 <' l) c' lc>11Q·i11g t<> <>11<1 c·c>tl!.!l'P!.!'at1<>11 llcl"\' <' 1><>'-it c>f fi<·P acl<l r c>. i...r"' f'r·c>111 <>t h<11· ( <>1111111111 itie~. \~~<' h,1,·p 11 <> ,,·,1,· c>f' • l,110,,· i11 ~ ,,·here ,· ,>11 r 111 c 111 Le r . 11 it) • • is lllll PH.' \ '011 tc>ll ll.'. • Th i ~ i: a 11 a 1 > a rt n f t h e I-' or cl '~ ,rc>rl<. ,111(1 p,·r11 thol1µ:h it 111a~· l>e1 c, 111.,· a s 111a 11 l)a rt . ,,·p cl r <' ~ 11 r c' 111ar JJ <1 ,,· (1 11t · lL · t<) clo a gc>u<l jc>l>. "\\Till ~·<>11 l1 Pl11 b)'" f)r<>11111tl,\· l'<'11e,ri11g- ) .<> ttl' :-;11hst·ri11ti t>t1 to tl1P 111a~.fa%i11p ,111 tl JJ~~ e 11li:ti11g· tl1P i11 - tC' 1·e:t <)f <>t l1e1-..? 1\ i I~ ••. ( 1 .l \. RL \ \ T • ~ I £ \ I~ 'i 1 1 x ( 1 i1'c:11 l atio11 l\Ia11age1' :j l(j 'l 1 r 11t h 1.. tc<>et 1 1: l ,· r i c:1 () 11 i o • 'rhe 8i 1111er eallll ()t fi11(l ( ;(>cl for t }1 p sa 111e 1·ra:-;011 tl1at cl thief t,1 11 - 110t f i11 cl a 1)olite111,111. I J<'a rn :-;c>111Pt l1i11 ~r fr<> 111 tl1e1 111is– tc1l,es lllH(lP l>~~ ot l1er J>P()}>Je. ) r()ll ,,·ill 11ot li,.. e lo11g· c> 11 011gh to 111c1l,e tl1e111 all , ~t>llrself. • Children's Gespel Ho• 97 stations in U. S. and over HCJB, Quito, Ecuador; DZAS, l\fanila, P.I. ,,rnoK, ]~60 Kc, Cleveland, 9:00 a.n1 . Sat. \\' \\? T. 960 Kc, \\ 1 00 ter, i: 30 a.m. un. WWST, FM, 104.5 l\1c, Wooster 10:00 am. Sun. ,,..TOD, 1560 Kc, Toledo, 7: 30 a.m. Sun. ' '' ft'O B, F~I, 105.3 Fostoria, u: 15 p.ll \, Ull. \\rFRO-Fremo11t-9 :15 a.111. Sat. PraJ? for the Children's Gospel Hour. IfE R1." C. GEIGER, Director Living ton, Tennessee