The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1953

'l'l-tF"' ()1110 lNl)EPENl)EN1' I3AP'rIS1' ~-~~~~~ -------,=~--~--~~ l la, ( , c1 11 • ' ' cl tt• l1t\<i t h l' ,,i .... tf11l l'n<·<:~ t)f H 1 itt ll' (•1·i1)1>1 Ptl llo)· n.... li e sat 011 tl1<' .... itl c> li11es ,,·att·l1i11g· tl1r t)t11er 1) o ,~ s • Illa~· l)<l~<.\l>clll ? 11,1,·e ,·011 11otil't)cl t l1 r 111a11 ,\·110 • t '<)lll<\~ tl L1 ,Y11 t lit' street ,,· l1 c.) 11 t l1e \Yeatlit)r i" fa,·oralllr . ~11l1ffli11g: ,1 - lo11g- 011 t ,,·o la11e " : IIa,·e ,·ot1 eo11.·itler cl tl1at bel1i11tl • t l1e a tt1·atti,·e fro11 t of ev·e1·,· 110. - • 11ital. tl1e1·e i.· . 11fferi11g· e,"er3... 110111· of e,·er,.. cla,.. of e,·e1·~: , ..ear ? I. • .. • Ha,·e ,·011 t1·iecl to t111cler ·ta11 cl • tl1e diffic11ltie.: experie11cecl b~.. 011e ,,·110 i. bli11cl or cleaf ? II,1 \·e ~·011 r e:tecl )·o tlr P)'f\ · ll })011 t lie aged 1)e1-. ·011 " .. 110 ._· i t8 011 t l1r f1·out I oreh i11 ·11111111e1· a 11 cl lJefn1·e t lie 1·adiator i11 " ri11ter. k110,,,.i11g t l1a t the . a 11cl. a 1·e rl11111i11g lo,,· i11 t lie 110111~ gla ·"·? !Ia,·e )-011 a fee li11g· of . J-11111at l1)· fo1· tl1e J)e1111ile. ,,,.iclo"· w 110 fa ·e.· l1e1· little g1·ot1p of clepencle11t rhil- 11·e11 ? IIa,,.e }'"Otl t1·iecl to })lal'.e )'"0111· --elf i11 the po itio11 of tl1e 1)are11 t .. vvl1 o l{no"· that tl1eir l1elo,"ecl . 011 i.· . 01ne,vhere i11 a Ho,·iet 1 la \"'e Labor 1 an1p ? IIa,,.e 3·011 trietl to i111ag·i11e tl1e feeliug·. · of the 111a11 \,...110 i11 a11 l1011r of ,,·eak11e.· ·, or 1111 lel' .-trr.-.'. ·0111- 111itted a <·ri111e a11c1 i.- .-e1)a1·atecl fro111 l1i.- lo,·ecl 011e.- to SJ)e11t lc>11 g 3·ea1~ behi11c1 I ri:011 lJar.· ! If ~·011 a1·e 11ot 011e of t l1p. ·e ( "oltnf .1101cr bl l'.·:i11r1.· . 11a11l e tlic,,1 on e b.11 011 e. c111rl it 1t·ill .·1rr;;1·isc .11011 ,, 71 <1.t tl,c Lorcl l1<1fl1 rlo11 e. Tl1i. eclito1· fr ec1l1e11t- 1,... ,·i. it the hon1e of a .. relati,,.e- a ho1ne ,vhich i a delight to 11 . 'fhe 1·elativ·e k110,v. that " "e e11jO}" pa11- cake. anc1 . all aire. a11c1 11 t1all,.. ,,·e • lt110,v the b1~eakfa. t me1111 i11 ac1- , ·a11ce. "\"\Then ,,·e ha,·e 1~eachec1 tl1e end of the roac1. a11c1 ,, 1 ith ro11- .·iclerable effort co11. t1mecl the la t cake thi · QTacio11. ho. t e. ,vill urge that ,ve ha,~e jt1 t 011e 1nore pancake a11cl 011e 111ore . a11 age. The arO'UJl1e11t i. ll. llall ,r 1)1 .. ief l)llt • the cook i 11 e,.. 1· co11,·i11cec1 tl1a t ou1~ appetite ha l)ee11 . ati fiecl. Tb erl of co\1r"" e. ,,·e ,Ti it cht1rch Editoria. l Comnient "'Pl'\ l('P~ llPl't' Hll<l tlt<'l'(', Hll<l \\ 1t }1 <)lll' t'Hr tc> tll<' t?.rt>1111cl, l1rar ·c>111 - IH('11t 1><>1 fl fl'()lll t }10 J)lt l t>it clll(l 1 llP J )( ,,.. . rr}l <' J>lll'})O~P of t]1is C'Clit ol'iH] i'°' t ,) J)Oi 11 t ot1t tl1c1t 111a11)· ot l1er,,.. isr J'itl<' 111erti11Q:s arr ,,·r0<'l<Pcl 11,· a11 • c),·e1·lc)aclr'cl 11·0µ: r ,1111. ...\ t t 11 r HileC' ial-oeeasio11 se1·,riee tl1e 11astor 01· tl1r c·<)111111ittre 11~•1c1ll.,,. 011c1ea,,.or .· tc) i11el11tlr a r PJ1- rp. e11tati,.. e of r,.. r~.. cle11art111r11t <>f tl1e el1111·rh, ,1 11cl 111altrs ,1 1>lclrr fc)r all ot l1e1·: 011 tl1e c: l1111·rl1 roll ,,·ho 111igl1t br offe11clrcl if 11ot 111 l t1clecl. r1' 1 e:e 111a11,· t i111C:'. ' 1·eac1 ~ a el111r ·11 hi. tOl')'" , 111al{e a fi11a11cial 1·e1)ort, 1·ela e happe11i11g. of t11e l 011g· a g_ o, 01· i11 0111e other 111a1111e1~, s1 eal{ 1111cler a heacli11g ,v l1ic h ,,To11lcl . ee111 to j t1. tif)'" t l1eir ap1)ea 1~– a 11ce. I11 t l1e lo11g. lo11g·' a~ro ,,·e atte11clecl .·11cl1 :e1·,rice ,,rherr the a11- flie11 ·e hacl lJee11 l1el 1 to the l11~eal{– i11 '2 1)oi11t, a11cl l1ac1 beg·t111 to . huffle a 1--01111c1 a11c1 t l1e ~~0111 g pa. to1~ a– ro e a11cl .·aic1: •B efo1--e I i11trocl11ee the ,' l)ealrer of tl1e afte1~110011, I ,,·011lcl lil{e to ha, ..e .·0111e te. ti- ~ 111011ie. a11cl f a,·orite , e of Script111--e. ' t the 1·eg·11la1~ ·l111rch . e1·,·ice or the e,ra11£rel i. tic meeting', the )rol111g 111a11 of :111a] l ex1)erie11ce, the olcl ma11 i11 l1i.· clotag·e, a11 1 the ego– ti. t 111a11,r ti111e · 1111de1·sta11c1... l1i. • BULLETIN The Baptjst Bible Institute of Cleveland is now in nos– session of Cedarville Col– leg·e, deal con$ummated Sa tur– day, April 4. 1953. This is not a mer irer. The Bantist Bible ., Institute in full possession of camnus and buildinirs . with full equipment, estima ted v alue one qua rter of a million dollars. The Bantist Bible Institute will onerate the Baptist Bible Institute and a Fundamental Baptist Liberal Arts Colleg·e. F acultv members move to lo– cation, additional f ac11lty mem– bers to be emploved, will be rea dy to open in September of present year. The t>roperty located 22 miles from Davton, 13 miles from Snringfield, 7 miles from Xenia. Full story and pic– tures in next issue of' this mag·- • az1ne. J~il>l<1 111t1<·h l,c 1t<11· 111<111 he· 1111clc·r– s f H l l ( ls b i ~ H l l ( l j P 11 <• P . \ s j l l P <I t j 11 t!' 11,1 11c·c1l<rs, tl1rr<' t·o111<>s <1 J) <>i 11t ' ' llPl'P 1hr H})J)c>titc> llHS l> Pr11 sati:– r i" cl. \ \ 1 1 e 11 111 is p <> i 111 i s 1 ·ea (' I l l' < 1. 111(' ,1t1cli e11c·r ,,,ill s it r rs1>retf1 Lll y l>ttt ,,·itl1011t a l>r ai11-c·<>l l 01 Pr,1ti11u. 'I,l1e ll}P lltcll a11cl 1 l1,r8il'cll clistrPs~ (J f 111a11.\· i11 the a11c1ie;1ce. ,,,]1r.11 th<! . c~1·111011 or the 1r<>g·ra111 cl1·ag-.· 01 to 1t1111:t1al a11cl t111r ea. 011al)le le11gtl1, i 11ot c1 t1 c to a lclt l{ of i 11 terr:t 1)11 t 1·at}1er to a lacl< C)f 111e11tal 01· ph)rS– ic·al ·,11)acit)... Tl1e 111a11 i11 tl1e J)e,v tlOel-)11 't 11. 11a}l~r tell t}1e pa:tor C)l' t hr co111111ittee l)t1t tl1e er111011, Bible .·tt1clJ"" , 01 .. prog·ra111 be:t e11 - jo~·ecl a11c1 1110..t l)rofitablr, i. c1i- 1·rctec1 l)~.. the l)e T' 011 ,,,1 0 1{110,v. · ,,·l1e11 to c1l1it. llT 11 c rr.f ore b .lJ t li e;r .fr 1 t it. · .lJ e : 71 all h~ no l l' tl1 e}} l . ) r cl t t 7 :20 Tl1e frt1 it .·e1·,..e to ic1e11tif>" the t1·ee a11cl 011 t 11 e ba.:i. of .. ·1·ip– t11re the late ~Jo ·eph 8tali11 ,,·as cl eo1·r·111)t t1·ee. 1 11ro1111tecl t 110 tl a11cl. 1)erisl1ecl 1111c1er hit c1ecree. , and other thol1- .·a11c1. ,,yere tor11 f1"0111 t l1e a1·m. of lo,..e 1 011e.· to pe1·i.·h i11 .. la,.. e labo1· c:a111r) . D111·i11g· l1i. reg·i111e 11atio11 , ,,·e1·e l1elcl i11 bo1 cla~·e, a11cl othe1· 11atio11s ,, 1 ere forcecl t o a poi11t of tl i., t1·e. ._· b)'" threat of hi p1·e. e11ce . ,Jo:e1)l1 .. 1 tali11 :at a.. t1p1~e111e .it-1c1p:e i11 a11 e1111Jire e111 b1·aci11g a 1,-ir~.r a r ra of the p:lolJe, 1)11t i11 t ]1e c)11cl l1e :ta11c1. a · t l1e at·c·11,·ec1 l)efo1·e tl1r ,J11cl!.!.·e ~lt111·e11Je of tl1r 1T11i– ' rersr. i.'(tali11 a11cl Ilitler a1·e 011 t l1P ot l1er .·icle <)f thr Ri,.. e1· • tix. T t i: 11ot l)l'ol>al)lr tl1at the~.. ,,·ill :it c10\,·11 tc) c1i. e11.. llattle .· t1·ategJ'°, a.· the~... ,,·ill :it i 11 ot1ter c1a1·l<11e.,. . • ~ eri11t11 re elea1· ]~.. i 11clic:ate. :1>e– c: ial 1·e,,"arc1 for the 11eo11le of 1ocl . ba. eel 111)011 faitl1f11l :e1·,riee. Tt al .·o i11clicate. cleg·1·ee of J)1111i h- 111e11t fo1· tl1 e l111 ·a,recl, lJa eel t1po11 . i11s co1111 1ittecl. Tl1e 11ocl,Tlie c11 - • :111·i11ecl i11 :\fo. co,,· lJ11t ~Jo. eJ)l1 " 1 tali11 l1a. g·o11e to 1 1eet Go 1. DRIFTIK T 0£ e11e111ie the1·r a1·e 111a11,~a11c1 to t11e "- ca llal ob e1·,rer. 01111111111i. lll V E11e111,.. ... To. 1. "\Ye a1--e of the • opi11io11 tl1at the , Tatica11 repre- . e11t a g·1~eate1.. threat to ,-vorlc1 peace a11cl c l)eciall)" to 11 ri. tia11 11eople. t11a11 the l)0,, 1 er of the I( re111li11. IIo,,~e,Tel'. ,ve a1 ..e con– , ..i11cecl that the 1110. t cla11~:erol1