The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1953

..\ pr i l I H ."i :l c111cl clicl it ,ritl1clt1t c:c,cl .' ' ()11, that tl1 .\' 111ig·l1t H< 1 l<tl<>\Vl( 1 <l~c' 1lt c'i r 11t1c'(l l1 c f'c)1'(' it iH {C)() l(t1P . 1 tl (: ('1'1\lclll.\', .\ C)\l )1H\' t 1 cl ~f H1l' elllll'C'll, <l)l(l 111(' l11HNSPS l l t 1 lc>11~· 1cl 1ltcl1 cil11tr<·h, ,rl11c·l1 c 1 H11 1 l'itllt' l' ( 1 at ll<lll<' C)l' r>rc>tPs1Hllt , cl<'ll<'ll<littg' 11 ()<lll t l1p 1>1·c)\?111vc' i 11 ,rl1 ic· 11 ) ' <>l t li,·e. 'a'<> ll Hl'<' 1101·11, l>,ll)11%C't1, C'Oll – f'il'tlll'cl n11cl tll('ll t>cl.\' tc1,c•s l'c>r the' r s t<>[ .,?c>ltr lifr, 1>111 <>11 sc> f't1,v l!cl\•p Hl\\r HHSlll'clllC'P <>f' life ,tl'1Pl' • (lt1cttl1. rr}1c' l>ltl]~ c>f t}1p ( :r rll lclll ( , l1riRti,1118 l>('l c> 11g 1 <> t hP ' ' I~'rc><' ( 1 l1 l1 r C' l 1 , ' a 11 c1 i t i s ,,, i 111 i 11 111 i.· g1·0111) tl1nt ,vc ',·p ]1,1cl 11rc'ci i<>11 . frl – lo,,,sl1ir1 ,,·it l1 l)rc>thc'rs <ltlcl siste11·s lll ( }1riRt. f 11 o, 1 e111be1r 10~{), I 11,1 <1 t l1e J,ri,ri }rg·e C)f g·c)lltg· l C) l~H\' cl l'iH, tltr .. ,01itl1rct :ter11 1>rc>,· i11c·e1 c)[ ({pr111,lll.'", ,, 11iel1 l1acl ctl,YH\'. l><lHstc,cl c>f l1ri11~· . ' !) })(\ l' ee11t Rc>111a11 ( •a tl1ol1 (· l1pfc>rr. ,,ro1·lcl \\Tc11· TI. \Ve ,rc)rP 111,,it cl l))' a 11011-l) 1ie, ri11 g 1 astor 111 tl1r }>r tc'. ta11t • tatP 1 l1l1i-el1 for ,1 ,,~ el{ of el1ilclrc11 8 111ecti11g· be,·,t1tRe :o lll<lll.\' of l1i. rl1ilc.lre11 ,,,. r l c-1,1,, i11g t lie I)1·ot ... ta11 t fa i tl1, ,,· l1ere t l1P 11<><)1· 1·ef11gee: hacl t o gat l1r1· i11 l>a 1·– ra('l\ ·h11r 11 a11cl "'' 1· ~:oi11g: to tl10 ( 1 atholic fc1itl1 1) ea11sr t 11eir ~l1t1rcl1e. ,vr1~e so 1) al1tif11l. Tl1i8 111a11 i11 l1is c1e. 1) r ra tic>11 t 1 0 t 1g'l1 t tl1at el1ilclre11 s e,·c1112:eliHt ie 111eet– i11g· · ,,l'o11lcl l1PlJ) a11c1 11rai:-;e tl1P JJorcl fo1· })l'e ·iot1: ('}1ilcl1·e11 cl11cl 1),11·– e11t a. ,,, 11 ,,,011 cl11ri11g tl1a t ,,,rel( of 111erti11g·.· . R11t ,,,l1ilE tl1PrP. tl1e ·at 11 ol i c Rt ate ( ~ h l 11· · 11 ,,. a... l 1 cl,, i 11 g· 011e of th0i1· 111,111,? ch t11·('}1 l1olicl c1,T· • • ,,~J1 e11 tl1 peo1)le all clre8j· ecl i11 l,laC'lc a11(l 111arcl1ecl i11 lo11g· J)l'O– ees.·io11s to t 11 ee111rt0rj" to J)ra)r f<>r tl1<>i1· cleacl. 'rl1eir lool< of l1c>1)c– lPs,11C'~s a11cl c.l<-1s11air c.l ic1 so111 tl1i11g· l<) 111P a11c1 f1'<>111 tl1c1t 1110111e111 0 11 t11e 1(),0()0 0()() i11l1,ll>ita11ts c)f l a- ' 'a r ia. 111 P ~o 11 t 11 Pastcr11 J?rovi11ee ()f ( ler111all:)" }1a ve l>er11 111>011 ll l,\r 11 <> a rt . 'l' h ro 11 g l 1 t 11 e i 11 fl , t x of 2 I ~ Jl 1jJ]io11 rrft1g·rrs, tl1e1 J>Pr c·r 11tag·r <)f 1hP J{ .( 1 • c•]llll'('h ill l!cl\ral'i<l ]1H8 <lr<)J>J>< 1 <l 1o 7..t- J) fl r <·P11t. 'f'l1osP rrf- 11i~:ees arP 111al<i11g a J>rotesta11t ,,,c1rl< J><>8Hil)]p i11 t}1i8 J)l'<>Vi lll'P. [ ,,·p11t l)a c· I( to 111\' l10111 r at • tl1c1t ti111P i11 1~ ra11]{ft1rt , <1Pr111 ,t11y, a11cl 111·a.\"P<l tl1c1t if it 1>< 1 Iii~ \\ 1 ill , HJl <Jf tl1c• 1i<l-l\1issic>11s 111i s .· io11 - Hl'iek 111igl1t l )c l>lll'(lPllPCl i<> \\'Orl< 111 J{a\·aria. \VJ1,tt a tl1ri11 it \\'H8 ,vl1 c11 ottr first 1\\'C) c<>tIJ>le~ ,t r·ri vPc l 111 Jf)31 a11c.l tlic.\y \\' f t'P l >t1 1·clPllPtl l'c)l' t11c~ 11 ~(·ds c,f! lla\ 1 ari,1 . It ,,,as jt1st ,ts g·1·Pa1 a tl11·ill ,,·l1 c11 5 <>111)1· 111 i ss i <J t 1Hr i f'H •cl In<' i 1 t 1 !) G2 ,l 11 cl t It P \ ' • 1ol, \\' Pl'P lJltJ·<l 111 r 1 cl f<>J' I~,l\'Hl'ict . 1\::, \\' C tc1lc1 111 1 Jp1·111,t11 ' J1ri s- 1if1t1 , of' ou1· ))\ll'Cl 111 fc,1· l{a,raria , Tl~JE 01110 INDEJ)ENT)EN'f' l~A fJ1" IS'I' \\(' <ll<lll { l'('('<'i\' (' Hll\' ( 1 11('()111';\U('- . ~ lll<'tlt , l'<>l' th <' \r snicl tlinl \\<>rk l't>I' • I '1< 1 l 1c> r<I \\'<>11 lcl IH· r1l1u<>"'il i1n1><,s- s 11)1<' thc'J'<'. 1>111 els \\<' 1>1''1.\<'<I n1 1cl l 1i <' 11 n I a < I <' i 1 :-..<' < > L l I i 1 1 µ: 1 r , 1, f < > f I," I HJ'<'ct, ( :c,cl ,·c>11fi1·111<'<l tliP c•a ll , n11,l i11 1\11 ~11st. l!) ;;:l, tll<' t'irs t 1ni""i,>11 N t c1 t i < >, 1 c > r ~ 1 i <, _ ~ 11 ~~ i <, 11 ~ i , 1 ( ~ , , 1•- Il l cl 11,\ \ \ ' , l S < > J > <' 11 P < 1, k 11 < J \ \ 11 < l 'I t I 1 <' I n1111 H11 t IH I I1 H I > t i" t J I i ss i < > 11 . \ \ ' <' H I' (' i 11 f Ii (' (. i 1\. \\ l} (• 1 ·(\ ~ cl I' i is 11 l I)( 1 - • g· rt 11 a 11 < l ,, 11 <' r <' t Ii <, <' H 1 h < > I i c• N l H I <, t •l1t ll' <'h <'11cl< 1 t1\' <>l'~ 1<> sf<>1> <'\' <'l'.\. ,,·i111c•s" f'c>l' ( 1 ]1rist, ll111 ~ ~ J·~\' T~I~ – 'J' I I I·~ I J I·~~ •N : () I ) ' i' "t i 11 () 11 111 (' ' f' h l' < >I I <' . \ \ r C I c• cl 11 ' { I' c 1 } ><> I' ( H 11 ,\ '\C > l l ) ~ , H\ ' (' c l H'-; \ ( l 1 i 11 < > l l l' 1 )I j ~~ i < > 11 • J > l l t • \\(' l)l'H lSP (:c)cl f'c))' ( 1 \ ' ( 1 1'.\ S( 1 (•l,i11µ: SC)l l] \\ Jti c·h ('()lllC'~ lit l'<>I' C>lll' lll <' Pf - j l \ ~·s. r() r t l 1 p ' . n I' (\ H 11 \\ cl 1' 11 (\ ( l l (. • f <> l'Pllclll <l 1}1a1 it ii-, Hll llll)>cll'll<>tl - clll ]p si11 tc) e11t<'I' <>lll' clc><>t' . j \ l'<' – ('< llf 1P1 lPl' l'Pl><>l'lP<l <>l' 11<>\\ 1 ]1e l)< <>– (>)e ,trP l>r~i1111i11~· tc> ,ts l< c111P~ti<>11 :-.. clll (l 8('\ 7 ('J'H l el l'(' l'<'H<li11g t}1p l~il >lP . \\ 1 c' C'H11 tr,1st (:c><l l'c>1· J>l'<'c·ic>\l'I sc)11 ls i11 t}1,t1 1>1a<'<, a11<l ,,·c,11 't .,·<>ll J>l'cl)'" ,,·itl1 11s tl1a1 a gr<)llJ) of l,e– Ji p,·p1·s ,,·ill l>P PS1,tl>1is l1r<l 111 tl1at 111i s~ i <>11 l1c1ll. T~lll 11()\\r 0111· llPcll'ts llll'}l t<) t]1<1 <>t11Pl'8 c:1l'Olll1l1 :\J11111c·l1 \\'}le> ll <' <'<l C 1 l1ri8t too. It i~ 111r 1>la11 c>f tl1 , 111i.·sio11c11·ies to la1111el1 011t i11t<> <)tl1er area: east of :\l1111iC'l1, ,vl1c'l'C i11 111a11,,.. cities a11 cl , ·illc1 ~·c8 tl1r,.. ,yr • • 11 ,r l' ]1 8(1 cl g·osJ)e] ,ritllP'iS <lll(} ,,·l1rrr P1·otf.· ta11t;-; l1a,·e t<)t111 l it i111J)Os:il>lc to \\T<)rl,. ~r P 11,1,"r t,,·c) 111is~·io11ar,r fa111ilies ,rll() <ll'(l ctl )] (l ... t<) la1111el1 Ollt, <1 11 cl i11 SJ)it of tl1c-' 11 ,11· ]:l1i11s ,,;r}1ieh ,vill l>P tl1 irs. tl1r,· }'(' \\ 1 illi11g· to g '(). '1'11e11 t <>(), • 0 11<1 of c>11r 111issio11c1ri<1s, l1<1i11µ: a c·a rJ>t 11t p 1· , as ,,,r ll a: n 1>1'P<1el1rr a11cl a Hi11g·r,r, j8 l)11rcle11<'cl 1o l>11ilcl <1 ) ·ol 111 g · J>eo11lP 8 <' cllllJ> 111 ]>,l\'"ctri,1, 111 t11r J101)e of J'Clcl('l1i11g 111Hll)' <>l' 1h(l (j (-ll'll)Hll Yo11tl1 c'111C1 \\ 1 l1iel1 \\ ill t' , r t> 11 t '1 ,1 11,.. l1 r cl J ~ i l) ](' ~ (' l 10() 1 r() 1' • tl1e tr,1i11i11g· of J)l'ec·io,1~ (~rr111,t11 l'(Jll \ '"Cl 't 8. Yc)tl 111i!rl1t l><1 s ,t,Ti110· tl1at tl1Psc> <' • r, 1 l,111 .· arr 111a11~.. c1 11 cl lli u: ,t11cl tl1<1t th r)r arP, l)ltt \\~it]1 tl1r llf\\'S of 1·e– c•()llt cl,lVS \\' C (lO tl '1 1(110\\1 11 0,,, lo11g· • \\'f' ,,?ill 1>c al>lr 1<> \\' Ol'l{ i11 (]pr- 111c1 11\r, Hll(l \\'P \\' Hll1 i<> l> al >c )\11 ' <>11 r J .. ',ttJ1p1·'s ,,,ol'I( ,vl1ile_, 1ll('r<~ i:-: , ·rt 1 llll <' . J~11i ,vr v,lll '1 clc) it H • Jc>ll P. V\T(' ll<lPcl {)1p J)l',l.\ C'l'~ c>l' (:()(1 s J>C'() l )]p ,111cl if 1llc'SC' l)lHtlS are t<> 111atc,1·i ,1 li %C' t)1p1·c 1 ,,,ill l>P H, 1· c_:i,1 J 11 cPc l f'c,r J', i11 cls, l)ltf HH .c)ct 11,ts l>llrclPtl Pcl (>lll' l1rnrt8, ,,,c l>r– l it1\ P 1hit1 ll c' Jl sJ>PHl\ 1<> .,011 . <·at1 :-;– i11g .\' <>tt fc) J>t'cl)", c1 11 cl tl1C'11 jf )<>ll (. ,l l l 1(' I() i J l H ll l ii t (\ l' i cl 1 '\ cl) \ \ \ ( I lcll(>\\ ({ p']f 1>1<' !--iS \ <>ll fc)t' 11 . ,\ '\ • ,, <' h<l, l' ::,c· 'll I I is bl<'Hs i11g· , ,, r l<11 c>,'"' J I 1 ;i I ' ' ~ Ii! \T I•~ I< ' I f I I lj I J I 1~ NN ' ' 111 ('()llf i11t1f• 1,, l,·ncl IIS sf 1· 1> . c:<>I> ' ' f " I > 1 > ,\ ( J•:, Ii f <>I' 's ~c,t r•: \J H 11 , , r <·Hr l<·rs ,v iii rc 1 c•,1ll llt,11 1\ f i:,;s l 'cH•lhli s lH·l'~'<'l ' l>l '<'S<'lll<><l f }11 :-, f'i11e1 lllC'SSHg'C' HI 1hc• 1· ,·,·1·11 I 1\f icl - ~I iss ic,11 :-.. ( 1 <>11 l' c·r,·11,·c' i11 J~; I,\' I' j ( I , J I 1(\ 111 i ~ s i () I l " I' ) ' \ v i 11 s 11 l,- 111 it itl't ic· IPS f'r (' Cjll('lt11.,r l'<>I' 11,is IIIH"il Z i11c• .) l~' l, .\~11 J•:S 1 1 ' 1{<> ~1 < 1 11 l I{ 1 111•:S ( •,,11ti111t c·cl l' r·c,111 J>Hg<' 1:1, ,vii ,, ,,< 1 1'(' j>l'( 1 S< 1 tll r,,,. ., l!J {I f) ..i.,· ' ' c, 11 ,1c1rc·h 1:i 1) 1•. 1 ~: s 11 , c, 11 c 1 <' . 1 j""·.; \ v, · 11 <J r r( 11 c > x- \. i 11 (.• I () \\ " I'(' (. (' 11 t I \ l 1 (l J( I t \\ () \ v (' () l< s • <, I' C' \' Hllg'<'li '°' f ic· lJl(l (•f ttl } .. !,'S i11 (•<1] - \ "r.,.. J1n 1>1 i"' t ( 1 l1 t1 rc·l1 . 11 ,Jlpf'o11 - t (1111< \ ()}1ic, . 4\ clnil>' 1·t1c1ic, J>l'<>g rc1111 ,,·c1~ <·Hr- 1· i er l c, 11 1 I, r c > 11 g I 1<, 111 1 li c, 1 n <' ci 1 i 11 g·s ,lll <J i11 ,1 ll}()"',t llll<' '\!>< 1 <·1P<l 11lcll)ll('I' 1 It ( I ( I() () ). \\' H" () 1) (' l l ( ~ ( l ~ () t j l ( l t t l1 p c · h l l l' c• l 1 <' < > l t f < l <• ,l l' 1' ,\r i f <>I l }1 Prl ll H- 11 <11 l t l,\,. . \ f' i l 1(' g I•() 11 I) () f' (. () I) ,re I' 1 s \\(ll' (l J1cll'\'PS{P<l clllcl )}()\\' ,l\\'ctit l)clp– ti ", lll . rl'h p J>clSt<>l' , }-{ p\?. ']' . J .. 'l 'C (1 l I 11h~e1,~. ltc 1 ar1 il,,. r c <·<>111111 ~11cl~ I)1·. • • l,a ~",,ell to tl1<1 c·l111rC' l1rs. YOUTH– WHITHER BOUND? If you hope to launch in to a life of f r uitful service for Christ , you n eecl spiritual training n ow! Con s ider the school tha t offe r s y ou : • Strong Biblica l Traini11g • Baptist Dis tinctives • Excellent Full-time F aculty • F e llowship of 350 Stucle11ts • Active Chris lia 11 S ervice • High Scl1olas tic Sta 11cla r cls • 15,000 VolL1n1e Libra r y • All Courses A pproved by Boarcl of Rcgc11ts of New York Wl'i{c for ~atal(>g P aul R. Jacl<so11, D .D , P1 es1cle11t J 01111 R. Dur1ki11, Tl1.D ., Dea1 BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY