The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1953

Editorial Comnient ~ I)1I~ I rl' l ' ..\ 1 J l 111 l, I, I~,~ ~\l lt)tlt t}ll'P(> ,·('ell'~ a~<) cl • g r {) ll 1) () f I1 i g l 1 S l' 11 <) o I "'t 11 cl l' 11 t"' \,·Pr t ~ 11 l cl \ T i l l ()' • t"' .. l 1 l1iC'l((\ll ' ' 011 t11e l1igl1- ,\·a> l)rt,,·pp11 I,.: l>·ri H a11cl l) l>rrli11, ( l1io. ...\ t tl1c) eo11el11:io11 elf tl1e g·,11lll'. tl1re0 J)erso11s ,,·ere <.l c1cl a11ll t,Yo ~e1·io11:·l)'" i11j111·r l. 'l' /1 i. · is /1,)l(' . 1 1'lll' clri,·er of tl1e rar t11r11s 011t all liQl1ts a11 <.l l1e,1cls . traig·ht for c111 c>11to111i11~ ear. I I e l1olcl: tl1 ,,·l1rel ai111ecl llir eetl,· at t l1e ear • 1111til 011e of l1i: a ·soc: iatr: C' ries ot1t. Tht:1 011e ,,·l1<J c·1·ie~ 011t i: ·' el1i ·l,r11. ( )11 t l1e 11ig·l1 t i11 1 oi11t, 11 o })er.1011 (•riell 011t a11tl t,,·o ea1· , te l t>. '<'OJ)etl 011 tl1e l1ig·l1,,·a.''"· '"I'l 1 e cl r i,,. r r of t l 1 e <) 11 c- o 111 i 11 ~· (· a r \Ycl , 01 1).. ·lig·htlj" i11jltrecl. altl1c> l1i: ,,·ife a11ll cl1il c1 ,,·er e 1<illecl . Tl1e l1e1·eft l1ll. ·l)a11cl a11cl fat l1er ,,Ta.· 111 )"" ·tifiecl. ~ 1 ai<.l lie : ' ' I :a,, 1 11otl1- i11g·. there wa.. 11ot a ear i11 . ight– tl1e11 the e1·a. 1 . I-Io,,Te,.. e1· the ' 111>- ~t er~" ,,~a ..· clearec1 ,,·he11 011e of t l1e g i1· 1. · co11fi clec1 £1·0111 1 rr 110. ·r)ital l)ecl that t l1 e~... ,,..e1·e 11la.'·i11g ' ' ih jcl,– e11. ' · ~ o J) er:011 of 11c> r111al 1, al a11 ·e ,,·011lcl })la~~ · 1 l1icl{e11, ' ' t o t l1a t all ,,·ill agree : }10,,·e,'er, 1111eo1111 t ecl tl1011sa11 ls are cl a i 1 .'. J)la)ri11g, '. ~ 1 J)iritl1al ( 1 l1irl{P)l. , Tl1r i11e,· i– tal)lP e11cl is a ·l'-110,,·l eclgecl, tl1e : i11 i. r e<·og11izc-'tl, t l1 e c·loc·l( is til'k:i110· off tl1 P 111i11t1trs. bl1t t l1 p,· re1f11se t~ • <'r.'· 011t 1111to (Joel f<>r sal,·atic>11, ,,·aiti11g· fc)r a ·' 111 c>r P c·c>11,·r 11i e11t ·riasc)11.'' rf}1P.'" J1la 11 to llr Hcl\'P(l, l)11t tl1 c.\i r er.,· <·<> 1i 1c->s t<>o latP. I~y TTil~ < J->E~ ~ 1 or 111a1i:,.. )"ear: it has bPe11 c·o111111011 1t110,v 1 ecl~:e a111011g· tl10. ·r ,,·110 .·t11cl,- 1·elig·io11· t1~e11cl . t 1 a· t BT~ 1 Il () J) I~R 1'II.JEY < XXA..\ :\f of the ) r ethocl i ·t 1 1111 r c·11 hc1: l)ee11 J) ro1 t1 i 11e11t i 11 01·µ:a 11 izati 011: l,11o,,·11 t<J ser,·r a:-, c·o1111111111 i:t f ro11t:. TT o,,.- <,,·e1', cl11e to thr ,,·01·1< of tl1e 1,.11- ·"111eric·a11 .... eti,·itie: ( 1 0111111ittee, a1)J)oi11tecl l)~· tl1e 1 011fr1~e::, a11cl tl1e ,,·icle J)lll)lir it>.. gi,"e11 to Ox11a111'. l111cle1·- ·c),·er ,,-01·1{, lJ~T Dr . 1 a1~1 )fc– I11tire of tl1e .. l ,11cricr11l r ou ,1cil of (' /11· isf irt 11 ('l, 11 re 71 c. ·. Bi.·}101) 0 Xll<l 1~1 l1a l)ee11 l>1·011~·ht 011t i11to t l1e opf>11. 'l'he Bi hc>J) ,,·a · clecla1·ecl b,,. 1 • cJ11~re 111a11 T)o11alcl I.J.. J aC' 1, 0 11 of 1 a1if<J1·11ia t(> '· c->r,·e {ocl 011 " t111- clH,\" a 11cl tl1t 1 t·<>111111tt11ist l'r<>tl1 for t l 1(' I cl 1 Hl l (. (' {) r 111 e ' '.(' (' l\ . , • ..\ :-; J> c) r 11 cl J > s 11 <> <> 1 11 r r 111 ,t 11 , ( ) x- 11c1111 l'<' }>rPse11ts tl1e1 1><>1)t1lar. ra cli – t'cl l, J)l' <>-c·c)1111111111ist elr111e11t i11 r c- 1 igic>t ts eirelrs c)f tl1 r eo1111tr\'·. II0 • r rc·0 t1tl)'" aclcl1· rssc:>cl a lett r r tc> e,·pr~· :\l rt l1 oclist 111i11ist er. r 11elc>s– i11g· ,Yitl1 it a ec>111111 1111i.·t l)ool<let . Ile i.~ 1)r o111i11r 11t i11 tl1e ~IPt h<>list .B rtlPratio11 for ~ ocial c·tio11 , ,ritl1 cl 111 e111l)er:l1i1) of -!,0()0 :\I rt l1ocli. t 111i11i:te1·: ,, 1 l1icl1, a111011g otl1 er thi11g·. , acl,,,oeatr.· ·' Tl1e c>\'Prtl1ro,,· of tl1e 11re~e11t capitali ti c· 1s.\·· - te111.' IIis to1111111111i. tic·-f1~011t ae – ti,·itie8 o, ·er t 11 e ,,.ea1·s 1 as lJ0e11 Oc a111a zi11g:. ()x11a111 11 ,1: ,·i:itec1 R11s- . ia three ti111es to tlate a11c1 i: ae– <111ai11tecl ,,·itl1 111a11,.. of tl1e ~o, ,, iet • leatler.. To 111a11>~ 1 h1·istic111 1)eo1)lr, J~ i. ·ho1) ()x11a111 is .· i111pl)'" a 111ocl e1·11- i:t. b11t to C)t l1er .· l1e i: a cla112.·e rc)11s ' ]eacl er £01· ('()1lll1111lli.·111. ·o, 1 er ec.1 b,.. • t 11 e ·loalr of t l1e cl erg,,,, . ""\\-re oc·ca~io11al1,, r - • e ei ,·e l ett e1·.- f 1·01t1 C 1 a t]1 <>- lie })eople .·0111e . ig·11ecl a 11cl :0111e 1111. ig11ecl tal{i11g· ll , t o t,1~ l{ fo1, cle rog1ato1~~,. ·0111111e11t i11 t 11 e 111agazi11e. ,,Te ha,·e . ll~h a lette1, t oc1a,·. • a 11011~'"111011s, c.;011ce1,11i11 ~r t·o111111e11 t 011 the eclitorial 1)age. of the 1Iarcl1 a11cl i\ 11·il i.-.·l1e. . Tl1e ,,·rite1· at– <·ll.'(\ ' 11~ of l)ei 11g i11t ()]era11t. 1111- C'l1c1rital)lr a11cl lllll, i11 tl. rrhe ,,r1·it– C'I' a.·l'"s t,,·o <j11estio11s: · · \'\ 11 )~ i.· it t l1at , .. c)\ l f c->cll' tl1e ( 1 atholie • ( 1 h111·l']1 ! •'--' ' 1~ tl1c r e H r ea. 011 ? ' J~il lle l>Plic,,· i11g· 1)<' <>1)1<' 11eitl1rr fPHl' 11 01' clis}il((-' tl1c) ( 1 ,ttJ1 oli c· l>P0- 11l r: 1> r rso11 ,1ll.'.. ~ ,,·0 1111111l>e1· 111a11)· ( 'atl1 c)li <'s a111c>11g 011r (' }1oic:e . "\\Te1 l1a,·e 11<) c111arrc-> l ,,·itl1 tl1e i11 c1i– ,·i<.111a l 1 a t lll)lie l)P<' a11se of 11 i: l)e– l ief. I111110.·t c·a:e:, 11e i. · ,,,}1at hP l'-; l)eea11se he ,,·a.· 1)01·11 tl1at ,,~a1r. \\re • 1·eeog·11i ze t l1e 1)1·i11 ii 1 1 of l il)e1·t)'", a11cl ,ritl1ot1t J)re.itlcli 1 e. 1\Io. t of th r 111 : i11 1 e1'el,· l)elie,'P that ,rl1icl1 • has bee11 ta11gl1t to the111 ,,,hiel1 i. their })ri,·il ege, a11cl ,ritl1ot1t per . e– <:llti011 . Tl1e critiei.·111 of ]~rote ta11t l)eo– I)le i. l e, ·elecl at tl1e hierarcl1)r, ,,..hicl1 11a. t ·\,'"O face. : Tl1e -re– l i ff i ou. · f ct c e a11 cl t 11 e l Jo l it i ca Z fa cc . rf'l1e e1·itic· i.1111 of P1·ot e. ta11t p eo11l e. i'i 11 <>t ai111ecl at tl1r 1·eli gio11. a. pert. of R o111a11 1 atl1olici ·111 l>11t at tl1e l)Olitical a:1)i 1~a tio11: f 01~ :11111·e111ae)'". Tl1e rea. 011 fo1· Hll ·11 ·1·itiei 111 i. r e,realrcl th1·011gh t l1 i11tole1·a11ce of <..,; t I 1 <' h i r l' a r < • h.'·, cl ~ P , r 111 l > l i H P c I i 1 1 ( 1 <) lc>111hia. N1)ai11, lt c1l,·, \ r. 11 e7.11rlct • a 11cl J\ 1 <> x i <' <>. I 11 t l1 es E? c, <> 1111 tr i r ~ • a11cl r lsr,vh er r ,-trc)1111 cl tl1e1 ,vc>rl cl. 111i11<>rit~.. gr <> ltf).· :11ffer 1>rr sc>c· 11tic>11 t l1<>ir c·h11rC'l1es arr t l<)HPCl, a11cl i11 111a11.'~ i11 ·ta11 <:es th e leacl er: a11 cl . <>111e1ti1110s tl1e lJr lie, ·rrs, arP clri,·e11 fro 111 the1 te1·1,itor,... :\Ii11orit,· . ._ gro11p.· 1·e<'ei,·e tol e1·a11ee 1111tler t l1e -. itar~ a11 tl • t1'i1)e: , 1)tlt })e1-.·ec11tio11 ,,rl1er e the 111aj orit~- fa,·or. 1 atholi– c·i:11. Of cot1r:e tl1e. e fact: a1·e 1111l{110,Y11 to lo ·al •atholic people, a11c1 r epo1't 0£ . 11c h i. 11ot l)e1 ie, ·ecl . To ll, , Ro111a11 1 atholi i ·111 pro, 1 i les a 111e11a e to ,,·01·lcl p eac e, a11cl I'e– ligio11: lil)e1·t)T, 11 ot : eeo11cl to ( ' 0111111 ll ll i. 111. J>RISO~ER1- 1 TJ1 e ho111· of r e- R l~l-' l~ S}~D l ea:e ,,·ill 11e, ·e1' lJe f orgotte11 b)r tl1e l)riso11 P1'8 of ,,·ar ,,·110 1,eer11tl, .,. ._ r ea ·lied ~ 1·eeclo1n I i t,... • '\\Tl1at 11111:t l)e t l1e .-e11 .·atio11 rx- 1 )erie11eec1 1)~.. tl1eHe fi11e bo,,. ! 011e .. cla~,. :ta11cli11g· at tl1e l)o1--Gle1--li11e of <.leatl1 fro111 :ta1·,,ation, cli ·ea e or ,v·ilfl1l exeet1tio11. the 11ext la,..- B, REE. .. l To,,·e, 'er of far 111or e , Tal11 e i11 t 11 e lo11g· ~' I)a11 i. the 1·e lea:e f1--on1 t he I o,,,.er a11 1 pe11alt)" of ·in. Tl1at i. tl1e ( }o. J)el of ~alvatio11. 011e llaJr f aci11g· ete1~11al cleath, t l1e 11ext )" fac:i11g eter11al life. Tl1 e att e11tio11 of th ,Yorlcl 11a.· lJee11 fixec1 111)011 Ko1·ea a11d t l1 1)ri8011 c a1111) , . bl 1 t eo1n 1)a1~ati ,,e 1,.. f e,Y are c·one 1·11ecl c>, ·e1· tho. · ,,~1{ arP tl1e })l'i:011r1's of 8,1ta11. JI~~LLO TIIF.JRE . ..Jo 1111<1 a r1·i ,· rel 011 1\ 1> ril 1G. 1 ~);j;J, aeco1·<.li11g· to tl1e a1111 01111cf>- 111e11t l),.. Re,". a11c.l :\f1·s. .r\la11 :\l et- .. ·alf, (li1·e ·tor: of tl1e Ileb1'e,,· ( 1 l11~i:- tia11 ~ 1 0 ·iet~ .. , 2-:24 El1~licl H r ig·l1t: J~o11le,·a1·c.l. 1 le, ·ela11d II eigl1 t8 1 , ()l1io. TJ1e 111agazi11e exte11c1. lJe. t ,,·i. he tc> A Ian , .. J t111e a11cl little ..Jo ~~1111e. al.·o to tl1 (tra11cl111a :\Jr:. IIo,,·ar cl I 1·,1111Pr. --it__ TII .r\ ;. ""I .. ! /i rr11e Fir. t Ba1)ti. t lllll'Cll , El- >'" ria, Ohio, l1a i11cl11cl ed i11 tl1e 1J11clg·et ·~o. 00 p er 111011th. It i. tl1e _. , ... t e111atic eo11t1~il)11tio11 tl1at • 111t rt: t 110 111011tl1 l:r· obligatio11 a11cl the eoo1)eratio11 of cl1l1l'che. to tl1at e11cl i. de01)ly cl p1)1--e ·iat ell b~- t l1e t1~l1 .·te0s of Ollio Rcg 1tlar B<1pti t llon1 e r111cl ( 1 <tJ>lJJ.