The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1953

a . \ll() ll1 1 lll'PC 111 ( 11th'°' Hg'(), ,,·p... Iitl - :\1 is- • • • ...,l{)llS lllt,"'il()Jl - Hl'i{'~ i11 J> c1 1·i 8 ~t,tl't t'<l ~at - 11rtlc1,· 11ig·l11 • • l;(l~l)('] 111e(\ti11l!. fc>r tl1e ... \111 t1riea 11 ~lll{li<ll'" st,1ti<)llrll 11rar J)a1·is. II ,1, i11g· acl,·ertisecl tl1P 111et1ti11g:. off<'ri11g ,111 olcl-fas l1io11clc.l (}os1)rl "<'r,·i ·e1. . i11gi11g-. fello,,·~l1i1> a11tl I'l)f rP~l1111<:>11t~. ,, r ca 111r r, 1 >ect– n 11 t l ,- t<) tl1r fir~t ,·<' r,·iee. I~11t 110 • l>11e rl"<' ,l rri,·rcl. Ho ,,·p l1a cl a g·c)O l 11ra)·er 111eeti11~. Tl1e 11ext ~,1 t11rcl,1>· 11igl1t tl1r :a111r tl1i11g· l1a1)1)e11ec.l. 1",,·o .,·c>1111tr .... 111e1·ic·a11 air111r11. ,,·110 111·c>f<1 ' 8( tl 10 l,11 0,,· tl1P ~-.c1,· io11r. a1>11rarPc1 ,1t tl1<1 thircl lllePti11g. rl 1 }1at ,\'a ' t]1 e })p~fi11 11i11g . l belir,·e tl1at tl1e ti111r <>f J)l'a),·Pr a11cl ,,·aiti11g· 011 the I_Jortl l1ac1 l1re11 11rce.. ·ar,·. Xo,,· tl1r1·e are :3()-~0 • 11eo1)le i11 tl1e 111eeti11g.·. 1110:tl~.. >·c>t111g· ... \ 111e1~i r a 11 :o l cl ier .· 1111 cler 21 J·ea1-. of ag·e. Tl1e~· :ee111 to liltc to to111e ag·ai11 a11cl c1gai11. ~e,TPI"a l l1a,·e (·0111e to tl1e Lotcl, a11c1 011e >'"01111Q' 111a11 11 ,1: gi,,.e11 l1i.· life tc> tl1e ~a,·io111· to se1·,·e IIi111 ,,·l1e1·– e,·er l1e leac1. , :i11c·e the 111erti11µ:. .·ta1·tecl. I >1·a>"" for tl1e:e llc), .. .,. for tJ1p1·e arP 111a11>· tr11111tatic)11~ 11 rr . l\ f l' . l fa l' l' i .". 01 l e Of < > 111' 111 i SS i O 11- a r i e. ,,,ill l1a,·r ,1 I3i1)1 r l' la.. · i11 tl1 e ea1111) fo1· tl1e111 <>11 ,,.,..ecl11 escla,· • e,·e11i11° . , too. If a11,.. <>f ' "<) tl 1·eaclrr · l1a · a f1·ip11cl <>r 0 1·elati,·~ i11 tl1e l "".~'1 .... ~1·111,.. or Air J~o1·c·r • . tatio11ecl 111 F 1·a11cr, 1Pt 11s l,110,,·. a11c1 ,,·r ,,·ill i1r,·itr tl1e111 to tl1e ll lPPti11~ . . ?\fo,t of ~ ..011 11·ol1a1 ,1,.. l{11cl,r tl1at 111~· ·l1ilcl1·r11 a1·e li,·i11g i11 the ..011th of F1~a11ce l'oardi11g· ,,;rith a F1~e11cl1 Chri, tia11 fa1nil,r a11d at- • te11c1ing the , ...illag'e chool. I pent E a. te1~ ,Tacatio11 " ·ith them. The , ...illage people. 11ow acqt1ainted ,~ith ffi)"' children, ~rere mt1ch frje11dlier a11d more approachable thi. time. I WOllld a. k ,ro11 to .. pra~r e. peciall~r for 011e Con1- 1nt111i. t ,vho rem. to be re i. ting tl1e Go pel. H e i. tl1e r epre enta– ti,·e elected from that di trict. He listened to the wav of al ·l.ra tion v A 11cl accepted tract and a ,.l Tew Te. tament. T-Iitherto h e has be– lie, ..erl that 0111,:r the well-to-do are .. ' ' r eliQ·iot1. . · It ,,·a i11 thi. c1i t1·ict of the IIa11t e. 'e,·e1111r. that tl1e :olc1ier'. of I-'<Jtli ~T I,.... co11cll1 ·tecl their THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST B D I (11·ag·() llll,l<lP~ ag·,1i11st t}1p J>rc>trs- 1<111t s clttl'i11g· tl1 <1 1 tl1 c·r11t11r)·. ,\ f' t r r t} 1 e i 1' k: 111 t!' } 1 cl Cl 1' (> l) PH )r cl 1 l l <' 'l'reHt,· c) f' Xa11tPs, ,,~l1i C' l1 ~·,1,·p th r 111 ' 1·Pli ~r ic)\l'i libert,· 111a11,· t>f tl1c . ' . l >1·c>t p:-;t a 11 t J)ast 01·. · ,,·prp 111a rt)"rrcl. A\11~·c)Jl(' fot111(1 ]) rPa ·hi11 i?" tl1 P (}c)~- 11el ,,·a .-- exee11tecl, a11cl e, .. e11 tl10:c-1 ,rl10 offe1·e(l 11081)italit)" to a ( 1 h1·i.·– tia11 J)asto1· ,Yet"r ro11tle11111ecl to :er,·p for life i11 tl1r lall r , r8, ,,·l1e1· r ' tl1e,· ro,,·ecl b,· cla,.. a11cl li,"e(l ,,·itl1 • • • l1a1· l r 1let1 c·1·i111i11al. . I)1·ot e. ta11t 111a1·riag:r: a 11c1 l)irtl1. ,,~e1·e 11ot 1·eeog11izecl. rr11e IIl1g:11 e11ot:. ,vl10 c·o1111)1·i. eel tl1e 1)1·ote:ta11t: of that r c.)g·io11, 111rt i11 .~o]ita1·~.. 11 01111tai11 11 la ·rs for t 11 ei r el111re 11 .'e1·,,.ice.. rrhc)11sa11cl .· oftc->11 ~:athe1·ec1 i11 01>e11 air, t}1eir so11g.· l>realti11g· tl1r eolcl 11101111 t ai11 :till11 e:.;s. Tl1o.-e. eo11- ragco 11 .· J)a:tor.. a r e . ·till 1 .. eferrecl t c) ii ,· the 1)a:to1·: of t l1e le:ert, · a11cl 011 e ('a11 fi11cl i11 .·0111e , ,.illag·e.· tJ1e hol es a11cl ea\ .. e: ,,~J1ere the,.. L ll ·ec.1 to hi . The exee11tio11. ,,.. e1·e co11cll1c-tecl at :\Io11tpellier a cit~.. 11ea r ,,·l1e1·e 111,· ·l1ilcl1·e11 110,,T li,..e. • The 11er:e ·11 tio11 · o 11 t i 11 11 e cl t 111·011~{h t 11 e 1·ei2:11 . of Lolli, T'\T a11 rl Lo11i8 X'\ 7 a11c1 clicl 11ot e11c.l 1111til the J .. J'(:\11t'l1 Re,"<ll11tio11 bro11gl1t reliv:io118 1i11e1·t.,·. f)t11·i11 g tl1;.1t ti111e, tl1e :olc.lie1·s c)f tl1 e [(i11Q·. tl1e l)rag·o11s, c: lai111e(l tl1at tlie)" J1acl J) e1-. ·11acle tl 6(),()0() l)rotP ·ta11ts to l)c>C'o111e ( 1 atl1olic: . ]~11t :~00,000 Fre11th 11 e<) [>lr lr ft l•'ra11c:e. } or tl1 r J)asHio11 ,,,rrl< r,,.Pt1i11g– ser,,ic- Ps, I attr11clecl a11 a11tie11t re– for111 <'l111rel1 ,,,biel1 i: .·aicl to lJe tl1 e fir.-t tl111rc·l1 tl1at ,,,a. l>1tilt 11,,. • l)1·otrsta11t: i11 a11 tl1at 1·eg·io11. l\fa,r • ,orl g·t'a11t t11at tl1e olc1 fer,"011r a11cl !'Pal 111a :v· 1·ea 1111ear a11cl c1i.. l)el ,111 l11l{r,,·ar11111e . a11d i11differ·e11ce . Thi . ,, .. eel{ i11 Pa1·i . Da11 and Ida Fer,~a11ce. ot1r l\fid-:\fi ion ' mi ionarie to Pari , are con- d11cti11g e,Tang~eJ tic meeting. in a ren tecl hall in a commt1ni tic . ectio11 of the citv i11 an effort to • r ear h . 0111e of tl1e t111 aved. To- 11 ight the )f ood}r film, Dt1. t or De, ti11,,. ,,·ill be . 110,vn. fter • the ineeting we will all go to the tatio11 to meet two mi ionar)' cot1ple. coming from the tate , 011e co11ple fo1~ France and one Prompt renewal of your subscription will be appreciated by our Circulation Department. <'<>11111r fc,r "\fri<·a. ?\lcJ11(la, · tl1r. ,J <1 ,,· c11 s ,l 11 c 1 ~ I i. ~ \ r r r b t 1 r ~· ,r i 11 ,1 r- ri , ,. r f ro111 1~ 1 rr 11 c· 11 J-.}< 111 <l t<) r i,l I .,l\ frit,1, e11r<>11tP to thr H.~. ,. \111eriea , <)11 ,,·l1ic·l1 tl1r,· ,ri11 sail • ~ra,· 1:t f<)l' XP,,. )rork·. 'I }1 r~P arc> • 1)1 l~)T cla;"8; b11 t .'t1<· l1 11aJ)J)~" cla.,~ i11 t11e J;orcl. TJ1e T.1a11~11agci 8tttcl– ie,· l'Ollti11t1e. a11cl 110,,· l a1n li,ri11g i11 the ho111r of ,1 .F 1·enc·h J)a ·tor a11cl l1a,Tr 111,· 111eal: ,:rit]1 tl1r111. v :.\J,~ aclclre.,. i. 110,,~ 12bi. i'lt P. ~ J)1 e1· ,·e-,J oiy,1e(l 11J·, B oi.·- r1olo11zb e.·. >- 'e i,, e, 1' 1 rr1nee. I a111 li,·i11g j tt. t l .1 111i1111 t e. 1,.. £a. t t1"ai11 f ro111 • J>ari.-. 1 ha11l{ }"011 fo1· ~""Olll" J)1·a~.. _ r r . lt])po1·t. It 111ea11. . o 11111c·l1 to 11. . Pra~ao for all of 11 . t11cl~..i11g l1 e1·r a11cl fc)r tl1e .-c..\fri ·a11 111is ·io11- c11·ie thi.- l1ot :easo11. P1·a,,. t11at • e,·rr,· fi 11,1 11cia 1 lJ eecl 111a, .. l)e 111Pt • • f 01· t lie tra11 .11)01·tatio11 a11 cl c11.·- to111.' 011 011r IJago·ao'e. I l1a,'e 110 iclec1 ,,,hat it ,,ill co. ·t, for 1 1·ice.' are 110,,.. .'O 111t1ch hi srl1e1~ tl1a11 be– forr. "\\Te a1·e lo11g·i11g· to lJe . 0011 <> 11 ol11· ,,·a~· to :fric a, tl1e Lo1'c1 ,ri]li11g·. (locl lJle. . , ·011 all a , ..ot1 ' . . .·e1·,Te t 11 e .. ~ a,·iot11· the1'e. HlTRCHE. (Continued from page 10) I> rc>~·ra111. } > a .. t or Ila r,Te~ ... J)rPse11te(1 a11 Pxc·PllP11t 111 e8sa~e clPali11'i~ ,,·itl1 t l1r h ea li11 :! of X aa111a11. 'I'l1e c·l111rtl1 s1)011. orrcl . i, 11igl1 t <>f 11rt1- ~:astt-11· 111Peti11g·.,, ,vitl1 Re,·. ,,~alter \ro1111g· of C 1 osl1oc·tc)11 .'J)eal(– i11g· P<1c·l1 r , ·e11i11g. 11:i11~· Iii.· 111i11ia– tt1l'(' 'Pc1l1rr11acle. Bil lle Ili. t()r\'' 11a. beco111e a • ~c·ie11 l'e ; i11 fact, ,,.. e are 110,,T al>l to cleter111i11e tl1e tin1e of cla,.. ,,·he11 ' Acla111 '"a c1'eatec1: It ,,a a littl e befoJ·e Eve. :\ Ir . Artl1ur hi ttock, cor- re ponc1e11t for the Fir t Bapti t ( 1 hl1rch of ... Tile , Ohio. tate in a letter that the co11g1~egatio11 1'e, joicr o,re1~ the ble ing· of God ,,·hicl1 l1a. 1~e. tecl l1po11 the ,vork i11ce n10, 1 ing i11to the new l1ot1 e of ,,or hip . The bt1ildi11g debt ha bee11 liquidatPd, except $6,823.00 ,,~hich will probably be cleared dt1r– ing the pre ent year. Rev. Dean IIenry and Rev. Harlan O'Dell rece11tlv condt1cted a one-week c, 1 anO'e Ii tic meeti11g i11 the cht1rch. .,e, ..e1'al 1--ecei,Ti11g: the Lo1·d. ,,ith th1·ee 1)1·ofes. io11 of faitl1 after tl1e 111 eti11g clo. eel .