The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1953

'1,1-IE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAP_!~IS~T~ -------- November 1953 THE ANNUAL MEETING J I t) 1 l 1 er a t l l l' L\ , , , l , t l rt\\,., s C' < l i 11 11t\ l' t!.'ct, t''-t !!'cll'llll llt, ,1"' tll'lt'g·,1tr~ lll<)t(ll't';l f1·0111 c,·t'l')" l)Hl't ()f 1 • t }1" ,tate tt) nttl'lltl tl1 c ' f',, ·p11t~"-~l:\._t lt . \ 111111c1l ~l "t;\ti11n· of l)l1ic1 ~\,. or1a– tio11 <>f l\ pg·11l<1r l~c111ti,t ( 1l111rC' l1r1~. llt'l l i11 '['e1111)le 1~clr>ti~t ~ll ll l' t' ll . l)t1rt, 111<>l1 t11. ()l1ic). ()t·tol Jt'l' 10 tel 2~. i11l'l11 i,·('. rrl1p a~-.;()t•iatio11 ,,·n: t•t'llrlJ1·c1ti111.r it .._· ~ .... i/1·£ r .... 1 11 nil· f r. rrr.11 ,111cl tlPleg,1te._ fc>1111tl tl1r s11ac·io11: l 1 o l l ~ t" < > f ,,· c) r ~ I 1 i 1 ) l) r ct 11 t i f 1111 ~ · c 1 P <' o- 1·Ht )cl tl1ro11g·l1011t ,,·itl1 trra111~r'i <)f ,il,·< 1 rt<)11e. ,1 11tl i11 tl1r ,r1lr ft)\"<'1' ,,·a, a11 ,1tt1·aet i,·P. il,,.e1·– tt) ;1 e J)latfo1·111. 011 t<)J) of ,,·l1i.<'l1 ,,·a a 1111!.lr liirth .. ( 1 c1kr. a gift fro 111 tl1r l1,111cl. ()f Barto11 -:\Iag·11i1·e of T lz t> ll <T J..· c ,_ Ii op. :.\ f rs. ITall Da11t rl ,l11cl :\ fr~. Ti rs~ l•:11µ: lP.. rr!.!ist1·a1-. ·. ,,. 1·~ . eatecl .at tll<' t1e. 1~ c111cl ,,·e] l c.)t1111p1 rc.1 ,,·1t}1 a11 i11(lt xecl ta1·c1 file, 111a11. <>f t l1r <·it,·. a 11cl tl1r a11. ,,·e1~s to e,·e1')" <r11~. t io11. "'\.1111)le h 0111 e arc·o111- 111 ocla tio11. l1acl l)ee11 ,1 rra11,g·e,l <' \ .<l1·,· r e!!·i~ t ra11 t ,,.. a 11 a11cll <'f] ,,11iel~l,· a11<l eo11rteo11sl , ·. ,,· itl1011t <lPlr1,· · or c·c>11f11~io11 . . l lJi!J .iol;. Ir r 71. r l n n r .1 Re,·. ,, .... illia111 II0 ,,·a1·cl ( }rrr1l ,,·a, i11 el1a1·ge of all 1·pg·11] }1r a11cl 1)eeial 11111. ie a11cl 11ric>r t o tl1 e <latr of tlJP c·o11,·011ti011. tll<1 cl P- 11,1rt111e11t of l1}ll. ie l1acl l)eP 1 1 ,,re ]l oroa11 il'e(l . l\f1~. lil'PPll t011 Cl ll 1 terl <·0 11 ~1·eO'atio11al 11111. ir at t,,·o of tl1r ~P~ ' io11. . ot l1er ·e.·. io11s lJri11°· l1::i11rl]ec1 1111cle1· t l1 r clirr<'t io11 of \'\,.illir11)1 H,11 ·r,). D ea11 Tie11r,· TTo,,·arcl n. Y o1111 Q' . R. K r 1111 et l1 • •111Pl~p1·. Rol1p1·t TJ . Tit11~. ,111c1 Do11 T 1''()1111 . Pro111i11e11t a111c>11g· t l10. f' c'o11- trill11ti110· ,·o,·al c111rl i11 .· tr11111e11t~-1l l1111 11 1 1 rr~ ,,·rrr ,rr. . '\Trt1'1}l n.Pr 11011. R ol... e1·t 'T'it11 ,f1· . }, the r 1.,..011112·. ,rr~. "\"'"el111A TieRtl1 . )fr. . Do11~:l~ T~ra. 011. a11cl Dr. TT 0 ,,.. ::1 1·c1 0. 'y 01111g. Pre icli11g at t11r 1)ia110 a11rl or!ta 11 ,,·prp :\ r 1· . Willi a n1 F11 co . Rr,..... \l] ::111 ( 1 hPr1~,·. Re,... Hall Dal1tel. RP,.... A1·tl1l11· F . .Jo1 e. . , ....ir9i11ia C111·cjo. I1ila ,J1111e F11ltz. ~11rl Oail . 1 1ith. Tl1P 11111 ir ,,·a 011 tl1r 11. 11a 1 l1iQ·}1 Jp,·el a11rl aclclerl 11111el1 to t}1r . J>irit 11al fo1·<1e of tl1P e1·,·irr a11cl to tl1c ~·me11t of tl1 delegatr . WILLETTS HEADS COUNCIL F our Church es Added 1 I I 1~~ , \T ::\ I}.; i\ -:\ 1 r~. I eg·i11alcl T1. i\lattl1e,,·s of }: 111111a1111c 1 Ba I)ti, t l111rc 11. To– lrclo, tl1e cl1air111a11 of tl1 e ,,.,..0111- 0 11 ·~ :\Ii. . io11ar)'" l T11io11. ope11e 1 tl1r Tl1111-. · 1aJ" afte1·110011 . e io11 1)1·0111 1 t 1~,. at 1 : 30. . The ,,,0111e11 }1 ,1 , 1 e ea ·11 1re a1· 1· eg·1 te1·ecl coin- • • l)lai111 that tl1ei1· , , . io11 ,,·a. 111- tr1·rt1J)tecl at 8 :00, a . a ge11e1--~l !'-IP8sio11 ope11ccl : t l1 er ef 01·e, th 1. , ..ear t 11e ,,·0111 e11 ,,·e1·e g·11a1·a11 tee(l ~1 ga i11 .._ t i 11 t1·11:j 01 a11cl l1a cl tl1e e11- t ire afte1·110011 i11- cloi te1·. bo11t • 2()0 ,,·0111e11 atte11cl e 1 the . 1011 . ...\l1011t t111·ee o ,elock thi .. edito1· , ..e11t11recl i11to tl1e ]1allwa~r ancl '\ro111 e 11 ,,.. ere e,.. e1·J··,,.. her e. W e 1·,1. · l1Pcl t c) :i\11-. . :\Ia tt h e,,· · to c1e– te r111 i11 e ,,. 11,.. .,]1 e had c lo eel he1· . r8xic) 11 so ~a1·l,.. a11cl fo1111d that t l1 e1 ,,·0111 r 11 ,,·~re .. i111pl:v· tal{i11~r t l1Pi r exerci. e. a11cl , 1 e1·~.. . 0011 e, '"Pl' 'i'"t 11 i11g• '\\ 1 (1,: a g•ai11 i11 0 1~a e1• a11cl · t 1 r 111e ti11g· c·o11 t i1111ecl l111 til fol11· thi1·t.. r·. rI']1 e Htaff of llli iOll81')'" pea]~– (l l'8 i11C'll1cl ecl : :\f 1\ . Gale11 1·ozie1-. T11 tlia; :\f 1.,·. Dol1g1a. ~ ta1·l{weather , , .,.e11er.11elct : )I1·s. Rol)e1·t Knicel~·. :\ Irxic·o· i\ Jr:. Robe1·t B11rrol1g·h. , ... ~sa111 : _ \ :\f i.,. Dorot l1v )f )re1-. . ..\fri <'a . a11cl i\Iis: F-'1111i ·e .. t o" ?e11. } 1 ra11cr. ()11 r , ,.ea r a~:o :\I1· '. :\f atthe,,'R i 11 t1·oc1 llC:P l l)i111e Ba 11k. . the ·e be– i 11 ~ i11 tl1r ha11d.· of t 11e , ra1·io11, .·c)('iet ie8. a11<l thr8e ,,re r e 1·et111·ned ea 1·r:\?i11 tr . ·273.~)3. The ba11l{. a1·e t11r11.. ecl i11 t,,,ic:e cae]1 ,·ea1~ a11c1 tl1e • f•o11tr11t.· i. clist1·ilJt1tPcl c1111011g n11. - • • s1 c>11 a 1·1es. Dt11~i110· tl1c >"Car tl1 \\ 7 0 111e 11 s ) 1 is~ io1J a;,.. l 11 io11 1 re. e11tecl 17 :-– <· a 11!'-) of fr11it. to eda1·, 1 ille BRn– tit..:t 1 olleo·e. al. o :-;0111e ite111. fo1~ ( 1 a11111 l.)a t1110:. Office1'.. ' eleeted t o .,er,,e 1111til Octol1er 195~ ,,·e1·e: 1/ r . George R. G1'b .·01i , 2R01 T.1il)1--a1·,T , .. e1111e le,·elai 1 cl 9 P1·e. ir1e11t: nf r . 1.,.e,· 11 <' L . D 1111 l ia ni, Lorai11. \ 7 ice Pre. icl e11t: .J/r. . Earl Frarzt · ( 1 01111111111 . .• ec·r·eta1--~r-Trea. 111·e1--. ED R,TILLE F ollo,ving the Bible le on by Re, ". William Fu co, Tue da).. 11101·11i11g-, D1·. Leo11ard Web te1'. l)re. ide 11 t of Ceda1·ville Banti t •oll eg·e a11cl Bible In titute n101111te 1 he I)1atfo1·m, followed lJ,r l)r . \ 1·tl1tll' 1~ . \\rillia111 ·, 1'1'{)– f~. :or '\\'T illi,1111 I:> . .i\..m bro e, Re,r. Pa11l I Iai.-t a11tl Re, r. .Joh11 R n o. 1ne1nlJ r . of the facl1lt}T. 111 the rhoir ectio11 23 111e1nl> l':-i of th . t11c1e11t hodJ.. clivi. io11 of 111l1 ·ic, pre. ·e11tec1 a . t1·iki11g ap– I)ea1·a11ce i11 t l1ei1· ,re.. tme11t. , a11cl 1111 l er the cli1·ectio11 of Profe so1· ml1ro. e, a IDll ical program wa. rar·riecl Ollt. 11 r eport. i11dir atr the ca1>ability of :\f 1·. mb1·0. e a11cl t lie ma1·l{ec1 11rog1·e... 1nacle b).. thr t11<le11t · of 111u. ic. Ear 11 of the fac11lt:y· 111e 111b e 1-.. i11 t111·11 . poke £01~ a fe,,, mi!1t1te. ~ncl ea1·1·iecl the r eo·ret that 1t wa. 11n– po: ible £01.. tl1e entire trachi11g . taff to be pi--~ e11t. Di· . Weh. t e1-- 1nade a goo 1 in1- p1·e . i o11 11po11 hi. al1dience a11cl the hi~h 1·eg-ar<l for the . chool al- 1·eacl,· hel<l 1), .. tl1 e pron1r of 011io L\.Rso~ria ti 011 . · ,v a. clefi.11 ite l>.. en– l1a11red b,T l1i : ac1dre . . I 1 the. afte1·110011 D1· . "\\Te 1 1 .. ter <:011 ll1cted a ~ 1111da~.... c-11001 F o1·11n1 ,,,.hieh . ee111erl t o he one of the 11 i g 11 J)oi11 t . of t l1e co11, "e11tio11 ~a~ .... . n,· 11. i110' H b1ackl)oa1·d, he 11111. - t 1 .'atecl th~ t1·e111 of the ti1ne. a11(l t] 1 e al). ol11te 11ece ity fo1-- · 11c·l 1 ,. ·11001. a~ ( 1 eclar,,.ille f o1· tl1e J)ro– trctio11 a111 11ro111otio11 of tl1e c11111·c h. Fro111 all 1)a1·t. of the . f ello.",.._ 8 lli p ,vp lea1'11 of i11 r r ea. 11~2,· 111- te1·e t i11 the . choo1. "\V1tho11t clo 1 1 bt 01· r1 l1e tio11 ieda1:,.. il!e i. a 11 expe11. i,Te 1) roj ect h11t _1t 1. c?11~- 111011 tho11 <zl1t a111011e.· B1b le brlie, - i11g l)eople t ha t cl i,ri l e11a. 011 tl1e ill\'"e.. t111e11t ,,rill be l)e,ro11<l calc11la– tiOll i11 . pi1-- itl1a l , ral ll e. Ced Al'– , ,. ill e. p,rp 11 a" 1 a 111 J) Pa t1110 . c.1e- e r,"e: a 11lac·p o11 e·'\'·e1·~· <·l111rel1 l)11c1!re1. • "\\ 1 } 1 a t hall ,,.. e , a).. eo11rr1·11111 ~ tl1e p1·og~--an1 ? F1·0111 the fi.1· t 111e. ag·e of i\Io 11- cl a,.. e,,.e11 i11g 1111til the fi11 a 1 be11r– d i<'tio11 b)y Re, r. II all Da11te 1. Tl1 ll l'- da:v· e,..e11 i11g·. t l1e . peal{e~· l ecl the al1die11ce. to the 11101111ta1n top. It wol1ld be impo ible for 011e write1· to indicate tl1e-o-ood. bette1' a11d be t · howevei·-. we n1a1{e bold to a Jr that o11e of the n11 e~ t of the 1ne .. age ,,.. a. de– li,re1·ed b~... a ~ 7 0lll1g· pa. to1· f1·0111 \.1·ca11l1111, l1io tl1e Re,... Thon 1 a