The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1953

THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST November 1953 ~~~--~ - ~.~~~~~~~~~ - tha11ks • • • ~----- - ----- - d o,rector "" LartY _w __ ar__ ------ ti·oa•• ~ cal.ii· . . . . . - - uayward A street, 131 - - - s u\te 3 • • \ -- - --- - -- -------- --- - ( '011ti11l1ed f1·c>n1 page 2:-3 ) i taki11g ot1r good. to J apa11 i: doi11g o at ;zo co ·t to 'lt . The trip i. extre1nely ]011g· 0 to 5 cla)..,'. a11c1 "·e ma~- ha,Te a lig·ht ,,·ait for 0111, good: lJ11t at a . a,·_ i110' of ·e,te1·al l11111clred dolla1· . It ha been , Terv diffic11lt to rai e .. ca h £01· tran portatio11. hu1·che . eem to be gi,rino· to thei1" capacity. Through the kinclne of the . hipping company and a delay in our hippino· which may mean no import duty on our car we ha,,e been able to realize a a ving of . 2500.00. Kag·a hima 011r 11e,v hon1e to,vn i. . itt1ated near the Ol1the1'n tip of Japan. It i tl1e orp11 l11·i ti of Japan. it11atecl on a bay ope11- ing i11to the Pacific Ocea11. For thi rea on, it ,va. 95 % de. troyed during the war. Beca11 e the in– du trJT of the J apa11e e p eople it i now a thri,Ting city. W e will be nearl,· 600 mile. from the .. Pfaff but we tru t to ,Ti it them from time to time. Kaf?,'ashima ha. a population of 250,000 people. l\f1·. Jame · :\I organ, Ollr enio1· 1ni io11ary ,,~ho i 11ow i11 Kaga– . l1ima with his family r epo1'ts that i11 hi. . 11r,,e,r of the area a1·ot1ncl • ---- -- ---- -- ---- - Kag:a. l1i111a h e l1a fou11d a popula– tio11 of o,Ter 2,000 000 people· h e 'Olll l 11ot n11d a . ingl e hri tian t e~· ti1no11y. "\Vhe11 v,e l)eco1i1e l1u1· c.len ed do1,,·11 ,,,ith th e d etail. of 'Ul)POI't pa - .·age pacl{i11g: saili11g date · pa ·– J)Ort. , and all the oth er 11ece. ar)· movement to ay 11othi11g of '. l1ot ' we can11ot h elp but ay it ,vill be " 1 or t h it all \\rh e11 they ee Je u. .-------------------------------· 1,500 PEOPLE and NO CHURCH!! ·, • • I '. ...._.,.r ... . __ ..., ·-- WHERE? In many new residential areas of the U. S. A. Help us reach them! FELLOWSIDP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS P. 0. Box 455 Elyria, Ohio r • • • thanks Othe1· Jr0Ull!2: p eople are catching the h1lrde11 for thi. 11eed)· ,,01,k too. )Ir. a1 d ::NI1-. . Pa11l ~ book fro111 Plai11fie1c1 l ov\·a alo11g witl1 their t,,·i11 bo,- , 110,, 1 .. e,·e11 n1 011th. .. old " ·er e ju ·t a eptec1 to h ell) i11 t 1 i. ,vo1·l<. Tl1e 11ext ti111e ,,·e \\·1·ite ,ve .~ hot1ld be i11 :ra1\"e:to11. Tex a. . To th i.· e11d ,v·e co,~et , .. 011 r .. THE H EWTFE TA KE.. T FOR 4-\ RIDE (Co11ti11ued fron1 page 23 ) l1a11g 011 u11til he o·ained hi.- llal– ance then l et g·o. Mi1"a ·le of 1nirael e , ,,~ith the trt1ck ·a1·ee11- i 1J g th1--ough the cl a1·k11e. . at fort~· n1iles a11 }10111· 1r a1'k la11ded 011 hi feet. Hot11· late1· Gl e11 hacl fo1111d him 1111hu1·t, ploc1di11g· dow11 the road with the tool pe1·ched ja11ntily 011 hi h eacl . He aid 11e had creamed at ll bt1t with the cab windo,,· clo ed , ,,e had 11e, 1 er heard a 011nd. It will be many a l ong· day bef o1·e I forget }f ark and hi long brow11 o-ve1'"coat. P.S. Of cou1~ e, we mi ed the plane ancl h ad to d1,i,ye the whole five hu11d1·ed 1nile to the coa t wl1ich mea11t that faitl1f11l Bob ha{l a thou a11d 1nile. t o dri,,.e. Tl1a11k , ..011 . Rol), for the ride! •