The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1954

TilE HI INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~~~~~~~~~~~ August 1954 Editorial Comnie nl 1,~: 1 : I ) l t , v n ~ i 11 t l 1 t l <) 11 tr. l t) 11 g· l, )l. ·l~ <l~'<) . l)ttt at•e(>r<li11g- to tl1c l('o~t,11 <l tl1t 1 f Hi r -l1c1 i reci t' '1'l1t'St'\1ts ,,·as t1 l1c111ds{)111r. <lOt1ra- gt'()lt• • ,111<.1 llltt'llig:<.ltlt ) "Ollll g 111a11. llt \\"els fcl1ll( 1 <l for 111igl1t~· clt't'cls cllltl lti, ('"1ll<.)i1s i11c·l11(l<'Cl tl1P . l,1~·i11g· of t lit: :\li11ot at11· i11 r et e. t l1e e,1rr)"i11g· a,,~,1)" of ...:\ria l11a tl1e da11ghte1· of tl1e 1~i11µ:. co11q11e1·i11g tl1 .t\ 1nazon a11d 111c11·1·~"ing thei1· q11een. Tl1e.. 0t1 ·yva exceedi11gly popl1lar ,,·itl1 fair 111ai(l e11 , a11d the 111all fry aped l1i .. e, ,,e1·y ge tl11~e. Ile ,va the l~al1 R11th of hi pe1·iod and his batting a,,.erage wa h i o·h. Bt1t lo, t lie da,· ean1e ,,,11e11 The e11 lo t hi ~ ·111111i11g l1i g·ood 1--ig·ht ar1n no 10110-er paclred a punch a11d the gal– l e1~ie ,,ere emptied. You11ger and more ]1and on1e me11 o-ainecl the at– tentio11 of fai1· maiden a11d it came to pa that those ,,ho had loved hin1 a11d lauded him, booted him 011t of the cou11try a11d he died a pal1per far from home. Tl1e et1. li, 7 ed in the lo1 g ago but the leg·end indi ·ate tl1at ht1man natl1re ha 11ot cha11ged a11d the people of rete we1--e e, re11 a the people of the . . . The citizenry care not for the hero of ye teryear i11 the r ealm of port · an ex-Pre ide11t attract mall crowd , and the arti ,t ,vith– out a 0110· ,vi11 no appla11 e. The aged pa or find few li. te11er , the worthy deacon i r eplaced by a young·er man the ,vord of coun el born of wide experien ce are di re– gardecl and a nev\· ge11er ation ay : ' ' ome, let u be going·.' ' The1--e it i. laid ri 0 ·ht on the li11e for ll . One cannot be a leader and tay ot1t i11 front l111le l1e i continually clo11ti11°· e1n i11to the bleacher . Riding alo1 g on pa t performance i comfortable, but i t i fatal. The et1 wa booted out and died a pauper. u ch might not be the fate of all me11 but Ollr ad, 1 ice to tho e who ht1n°·er for popl1larity i : K eep Going! THE KEXT BE~ T The evide11ce i convi11c– i11g and cig·ar ette moke1· a1·e worried. ~'iome cle– clare that they ca11not quit but to co11tinl1e a. ·ure a po - ·ibilitJ" of cleath f1--om ll111g ca11cer. A con iderable nl1ml)er of men ,vill turn to cigar or a pipe , bl1t the fen1ale . 1nolre1\ ha,..e a I)roblem mo1--e co1nplex. .1. \ t·r(>1·cli11g: t(> H 11P\\y~ (• li1>J)i11g ,lt llcl11cl, {)ll>C 111a11l 1fc1C't t11·rrs c1 1·p r lflt – rc l ,111cl cllrracl)r 1)1'0 l1tetio11 l1as l>rP11 i11 re,1. eel i11 li11 r ,,,itl1 sales. lt is 11ot lilt )l \~ t l1clt ,,ro1ne11 s111ol<ers ,vill • f 11thl1 ·e o, 1 er tl1e olcl-fashio11rcl eor1 - eol> 111odel a11d it is J)rol)al1le that 011 t f ro111 the 111e lica1 p1--011olt11re- 111e11 t there 111a).. cl ,T lop 11ew tyle . Pipe mig·ht be 1nade to match the gla ancl pla. tic ear bangle pur e bel t a11cl hoe . The11 the wome11 might ca1--ry a cute litt l e tobacco pouch, a11d mat che · all in barmo11y ,vith the color cheme. It i too 001 to predict t l1e partic11lar tyle of pipe which wot1ld mo t appeal to the women sn1ok er but it i 11ot probable that they ,vo11ld prefer the deep-curved herlock Holme t.ype. Rather t1ch pipe would dot1btle be mall probably a traight tern for formal ,vear· a11d a light curve for lou11ging . Of cour e there ,vot1lcl be ~0111e advantage i11 the pipe over the cig·ar or cig·ar et te a the -mol<ing Mother wot1ld be lei·. liabl e to clr op a he. i11 the lJaby . eye. . the old-fa l1io11ed niothe1-– pa e from view amo11g t h e , 1 a t majority of ,vomen a1 d the old– fa hio11ed home pa e ,vith h er the g1"eat bul,varl< et again t ,i11 di - appear.. ,,re ca11not predict ac– curately the col1r e of civilizat.io11 on it do,·vnwar·d n1arch bl1t i11 line with the 1 criptt11·e ,ve 11ot that– Ti nie 11 a1·clie On . ... EE and N EEN '\Vhile vi iti11g <amp Patn10 r ecently ,ve noted wo1--l{1nen put.– t ing a cree11 over an i11take 11ozzl the11 attacl1i11g· thi · 11ozzle to a pipe of ·011.·ider abl length the e11d of w hicl1 ,va · ele– vated by t,vo ,vheel . '\¥hen the co11t1--aption " ra fin– i h ed, me1 on t he l alr ba11k rolled the pipe i11to the ,vater an 1 other men car1--iecl it far i11to the l al{e ,vhe1--e it ,, 1 a bllried fron1 ight. 11 ,vater ll, ed at the ca1up J)a e through the .·cr ee11 a11d i carried i11to a larg·e tank f1·0111 whi lh jt i ptrmped throl1o·h the chlori11ato1-– f or er,?ice. To the left of ot1r vie,vi11g . ta11 l ,va. a ftag1)ol e high 011 the ba11k co11.·pic11011 ancl 01--11a111ental bl1 t of s 111,,ill b<'11rfit to tt1<1 c•,1 1111 >. :\la11y sre thP tlagpolr a11<l acl1n ir <> it l)ttt 11or1e ,vill .·re thr \~ital i11tal<e pipe a 11(l fe,v \vill l<IlO\V c>f its ft111c~tio11. .r\ .· it is at thE> t·a111p Ho is it i11 the el111r ·h. ~ •on1r are < 1 011spi c·– uou.· a11cl perhaps ' or11ame11tal ' ' bl1t their a ·tt1al service1 are of small ,vort.h; ,vher ea ·, i11 e,~er y con– g r egation tber ar e t l1ose who are happy i11 ervice at the ' ' valley gate, · er,~i11g not for the applau e of n1e11 bt1t fo1· the glory of our Lord. THE REA O~ Without doubt the diplomat of the West have been out-maneu– vered by t h e Ea:t in t h e cold war, and in 1nilitary trategy. The ques– t ion ari e. whether or 11ot men of the Kremlin and the oriental na– t ion are more intellige11t, better t rained, or nat11rally more a tute tha11 men of the ,ve ter11 po\\ 1 er . . To r each a con1prehe11 ive 11nder- tanding of t he . ituatio11 a car ef11l . tl1dy of the ci1--cum ta11ce , 1nl1 t be made. TJie East 'l' h e oviet unio11 ubjugate · it. people and it atellite all aut.hor- ity being inve ted i11 a group of n1en ,vho chart t h e cot1r e, u11- hi11de1·ed, and with a11 eye ino·le to pe1, onal or corporate g·ai11. Tli e lVest The ,ve te1--n power op erate 1111- der a political p1--e t1re which make it impo ·ible many time , for the r e !)On ible per 011 or per on. to carr y out a promi ing program. Tl1e Executive Bra11cl1 of the nited tate g·o, ,e1--11ment i r e- trainecl by the 011gr e , and the ongTe i i11fil1e11ced by party line ' ' and it member find it nece a1--y to f oc11 one eJ·e on the p1·oble111 the otl1er 011 the ,Toter of the ho111e tate. 111 1na11)· deci ion , the next el ection g·t1ide expr e ed • • op1111on . \Vith a11 ob ti11ate England pt1t– ting· ,,..or ld trade aheacl of common e1 e · a ,veak F1--a11ce to coddle and a dollar diplomac)· exi ting amo11 o· other· natio11 the cot1r e followed by tliplomat of the l . . ca11not at all ti1ne be cha1~ged to a laclr of intelligence.