The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1954

Pag ____ TI_I------'-E OT 110 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST_ __________ August 1954 - - C A MP PATMOS l)11ri11~' t 11<' \lH . l fultr ,, t'<'l,~ ,rr llcl\ <' , i-...itt'(1 "c11111l I c1t1t1os "t'\'t'l'Hl ti111t'" clllti t'ctel1 , isit l1c1~ ~t rt'11gtl1- , e11.rd 011r 'l)11, ·i ·t it)11 tl1c1t P:\.l)l'1·1c'11e0 t1f otl1er ~-t'clr~ l1,1s 01) r1·att'<l ef– fe lti, · ,})·. lTsi11g tl1is <'Xll<' ri011<'C' a11d. 1111tl(.l1· tl1c g-r110ral lirretio11 of tl1e Rt 1 \ . ,\,.illia111 llo,,'clr 1 (11·e 11, tl1e pe1·iod 1111e1·,..i.. 01· , tl1r .. pec1l,– e1~., tl1e cot111s llor a11t1 otl1e1· 1)e1·- 01111el l1a,· 111·oceeded i11tellige11tl3 1 a11d eff cti, ..e 1,T. ~ e'\'··e1· i11 relatio11 le to tl1e p1·05e t. l1a tl1e1·e 1 ce11 fi11e1· coo1)e1·atio11 01-- 111ore locl{lil<e p1·0- cedt1re. \Ti ito1• l1a,re }1ee11 }}1Ql'e }}lllllel'– ou tl1an i11 pre, 1 io11 3"Fea1"' . FRI– D ~ r ha beco111e a , ri itor' cla~y,. ancl on thi da,T each ,,·ee Jc tl1e ' e,Te11i11g e1·,Ti e i 1no,recl ahead 011e ho111· i11 orcle1· that ,~i. ito1·/ n1av .., a tteud the er, 1 ice a11cl 1"et11r11 011 the boat lea,,.ing the i la11d at :15 EA TERN T .1. rD .t\.RD TI:\IE tl1i late boat operati11g 011ly on Friclay. \ ri ito1· a1"'e free to e11 te1· tl1e di11i11g 1~oom at 110011 01· e,,.e11i11g a11d a di h 011 the tal)le 1 a11 lle 11. rc1 for any voluntars.. oft'eri11r( that they w-i h to make i11 con1pe1_"ation for table e11,,.ice. i itor 011 F1·ida},. a1·e e11al)le 1 to bri11g ho1ne tl1ei11 ) 7 0l111g~te1·: thu aving a11 aclditio11al trip to .. a11dl1 ky 011 ~ 1 at11rda3i .. 11101·11i11g. Tli e K itclier1r Rev. Leona1·d Tra,ri: hc:1.· ag·c1i11 won the g·1--atitt1cle of the f e llo,,,_ hip, a11cl the h ea1·t. of the yo\111g– ter l)y hi 111agnifice11t ,,rorl{. 011- tact ,va n1ade ,,..itl1 a 1·e1)re. e11ta– tive of the g·over111ne11 t a11Ll lie l1a procurecl la1·ge 111a11titie.· of crea111- ery butter ch ee. e a11d ca1111e l commoditie , i11 fact all that h e ca11 u e of the e material. . Tl1e item. are from go,Ter111ne11t . 111 ..1)111~ . I11 relation to the e g·1 ..ant a p1·e i11 g problem ha. bee11 a ·ee11tt1ated. From the beginning the ltiteh e11 ha been inaclec1l1ately pr·oviclecl with refrigeration llnit. . T,,..o el ectric cooler of the home-. ize , ..ariety a11cl two 01· three olc1-fa. l1io11ec1 ice boxe. have been i11 e1·vice. To care for tl1e mate1 ..ial: ,,·hi ·]1 11111 t be tockecl, ~!11. Tra,Tis l1a, bee11 forcecl to to,,T a,, ..ay food i11 pr""i,Tate freezer of the e: hl11·che · and to btl)"'" mater .. ial: i11 all-to- ·111all lot . Witl1011t c1l1e tio11 01· dol1bt, Ohio Regula1-- Bapti. t I-I on1e a11cl a1np mll t p1 ..ovide a coole11 room. rr11c l,itt 1 l1c\11 clor. 11ot rr<{llirr. cl roo111 s1titPcl 1cl le),,. tr11111erat11re, f 01· t lrPJl r C' f rig·c r,1 t io11, l)tl t bi 111 pl)~ cl roolC'1· 1'00111 for ,vl1icl1 the eost ,,·ot1 lcl 1 o t l) r ex c: .-. iv c . TI I i z: · a 1111cst 1·or 1!15:5. Tli c ltcyi ·tratio1i ' i ito1· · at tl1e can1r l1ave bee11 an1azed to note the liberality of the l,itche11 in relatio11 to ·an1p– e1· . Tl1e R e, 1 • orge O 'Keefe an ex1)e11ie11cecl ca1n11 execl1ti,re ays: · I 11e,Ter :a,,· a11ythi11g lilce it in a11y ca111J). hio . ociatio11 ex- 11e11ie11cecl the tarve Oll t in e, 1 e1·al of the ca1np 11re,TiOl1 ly l1 ed an l it ,,,a -n ... ith the cleclara– tio11 tl1at re~i:i ·tra11t. were to have a fl1ll c1i1111er pail tl1at a111p Pat1110~ ,va ope11 cl. Yot111g ter. 1nay lJ1--iug· their plate bacl< to tl1e . er,ring ,,·i11 clow 1na113r time (l 11 cl tliey do ·o. It ha. 1)een the poli ·y of the You11g· J->eo1)le D epa1·tme11t to al – lo,,,. 1--egi. t1 1a11t. to cl100 e their o,v11 " 'eel{ for ·a1np a11d while that i. d efi11itel:\T clen1ocratic it ha. 11ot ~ "Torl<ec1 ot1t too ,,·e11. The ta111p £01,. 1~)3-1 ,,Ta .. et t1p for eight ,,Teel{ . Three of tl1e ,veei<. were le , tha11 ·apa ·it)r i11 1·egi. tratio11 1rhe1'ea · fi,,.e of tl1e ,,·e l{: are l)acl{ecl to the li111i t, ,,,i th :0111e r·eg-i. t1·atio11 cle– cli11ecl. ()11e l)a to1· aclvi. e that hi e11tirc gI'Olll) ,,·a.· force(l to 1'e1nai11 at ho111e a. the 1·egi. t1--atio11. ~·ere e11t in too late for the period e– lected an 1 col1lcl 11ot arra11~:e for a11 a1·li r I er--iocl. It i · hig·l1ly pl"Ol)abl e tl1at 11ext year· tl1e ·amp ,vill 01 e1 .. ate for only e,~e11 ,,re l{. tO t}le ell(l that ca1)a it}T ll1a)r l)e 1·each ecl f 011 a ch " ·eek. The 'O t of ope1,.ating tl1e camp i exceecl– i11g·l}T heav)T an l the expe11. i the ame a1)art fron1 the kitche11- re– garclle. 0£ 1·egi t1~atio11 . Abol1t 1,000 )T011no· ter ,,·ill have been ac– com111oclatecl l11ri11g the pre e11t • camping· ea 011. Tlie Eqitip11i e1it '1 1 he grol1ncl gi, 1 e eviclente of m11 ·h ,vo1~1r ince 1953 . Ml1ch ha been done ,vithin ancl withol1t. POOL your POWER Write a tract for MEN'S LEAGUE OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Write for information BRECKSVILLE, OHIO ( 1 ,1 l)i11 s a11cl clor111itoriP,' havr. llr(>11 l'l'-cle<'o1·a 1 et,l 11r\V st'ree 11 s h,1,Tr l)rr11 plae cl 11 1 ,,' tal1lt1s ha,TP be011 1nade the ele ·tric e11rre11t has bre11 11rovicled a11cl n1a11y ·1nall itC'111s l1a,re 1 e11 plac-ecl i11 scrvit'P. ThP Rev. ( 1 • Dot1g·la · t1rt, Rev. l1~lto11 l 1 • II ttl{ill, a11d 111a11y \, 1 illi11g ,vorl<– er l)rOl1ght thi. al)out. ome partiti011. , i11 the boy' a11cl the gir 1 clormitorie ,vill be of great valt1e i11 a.1. i ti11g· cou11 ellor. i11 the ' 11ight ea. on. The old trl1ck, ,,,bich i o u. eful in a11d abot1t the camp i nearing it la t mile b11t thi ,vill probably rattle alo11g for anothe1~ year 1111- le ome kincl dealer decicle to co11tribute t1ch ec1t1ipme11t. The b11. which ,, 1 a donated b~y· the Be1~ea Bapti t h111·ch i doi11g warrior e1·vice a11cl l1a. I"'ec1uce(l the nece. ity of talci11g private car · to the i la11d a,ri11 0· expe11. e. piritual Valzle Each )rear the yot1ng ter retu1"n to the home lJa e piritually en– th11 ed tal)ilized i11 their ~ pi1"itt1al life a11cl i11 large mea t1re i11dor– t 1·i11ated. The ch111·che of Ol1io A ociatio11 pon or amp Patmo. a11d the cl1l1r che of the fellow hip 1·ea1J a be11efit. f cot1r e there are other benefit thee related to the hon1e life of the bo)... a11d gir 1 a11d f11tl1re . e1·,Tice for ot1r Lord. The o t per ca1 1pe1~ ha bee11 l{ept lo,v and in all probability the1--e -n 1 ill be bt1t little financial aaiu f1·0111 the ·a1np. It i the de ire of tl1e trll tee to ma1<e ome ga i11 · 011 payino· off the i11debtedne and theJT t1rge £01.. maximl1n1 l1ppo1·t. Tbi1"ty-fo1.,11-- of the affiliatecl chl11·cb– e are 011 the Roll of Ho11or ; that i. the e l1a, 7 e co11tribt1ted to the riamp 11ot l e than $2.00 pe1· men1- ber. Ho,'7ever, about 011e-thirc1 of the chu1~che hav·e paid not a cent. Reader will 11ote that each mo11th ten or t,velve cono·regation co11- t1·ibl1te a certai11 amol1nt, indicat– i11g that tl1e camp i on tl1e cht1rch budg·et for reg11lar ·ont11ib11tio11 . It i the 1·eg·l1lar ·011t1·ibl1tion that co1111t in llch project a11d tl1is magazi11e t1rg'e · that other chl1rch– e li elp to ca 1 r1·y tJi e load. The 011ly time a hog i of be11efit to the COllllllllnity in 1\ 1 hich he li,.,e i ,,,he11 lie i dead. Don t be a hog·. (Dal1tel )