The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1954

P~ g' T,,·o THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST September 1954 - ~~~~~~~~~~~ -----::::.::: - ~~~~~~~~~~~=:.--- E ditorial Comni ent ~ 11E I 11 1· 0 r t' 11 t l Tl, 1 l•.1 ~ 11 l A. T ~ \" e H 1· • t. }1 c • c 1100 l 11 ,1 , . r 1)1·0, ·id0<l ,111 t t 111)r 0e<'cl c' ll t cl 11 t1111 - l1er of ~-o l111 g g·r ,1cl11at 0R, 1110 ._ t of ,,·110111 cl.. 11ir t o 011te1· t l1C' 1)11l1)it of a11 01~g·c111ized cl1111·<·l1. l1~,1el1 ) "Cell"' tl1e 11l1111l1e1· of g1·ad11,1te fro111 13ible "' cl1ool. , c111i11a1·ie., a11cl eolleg s i11c1· a , a11cl a .. of tl1i date the elio·ible 3 .. 01111g· 111e11 o f a1· xceed the d em ,111d that a proble11 ha bee11 cr eated. \' \1b.en thi a11 1 otl1e1' 111agazine an11ol1nce a , ra ca11cy the chlll' ·h "' l'eceive a d ell1o·e of n1ail, 011e chl11·ch r ecei.,{ing 1 .. ecentl3r ix ty-fi, 1 e 1 ..ecom1nendatio11 man,;r of tl1e e ._ ,,·ritten by the ca11di late. . In many ca e the cht1rch fi11cl . it elf in a tate of confu. ion an 1 111any lette1-- a1'e fo1--wa1--ded to thi.· of– fice for identification, a11 l co111me1 t. On the e l ette1"' we fi11cl t h e ame name month after mo11th ancl year after y ear in lie ati11g tl1at the you11g man, or tl1e l)a tor i11 need of a cha11ge ha bee11 ·tanding in line for a long p e1'iod. .._ ome of the e me11 become bitter a11d co1n– plain that R eg1.1lar Bapt i. t ( ~11lll" h– e fail to make ll e of tl1e c1ec1icated • ervice. UGGE TIO T To. 1 That tlie yoi1/1ig 11ie1i 01Je11, 11 e iv wo'rk. v\Titho1.1t ql1e, tio11 tl1e pa to1-– ,vho enter-- an 01--ganizecl ch l11--ch face inherited p1 ..oble111:, a11d it i traditional that in . 0111e of the church e a large p e1·ce1 tage of the pa tor s time m11 t l)e pent i11 d ealing with i lle of 10110· tancl– ing·, including fa ctional clivi. io11 . The pa tor entering· a mall ch111·ch located apart from a11 i11cl11 t1 ..ia l center, often find hi111 elf withol1t an open fiel cl for oul-,vi11ni11g many church p ew 11ev er occl1piecl . and little to p1~0,ride a challen o·e. Th1 ..oughol1t the 1101~the1 .. 11 ·t ate wide-spread r e. ide11tial li t 1·ict tancl ,vithout a 11eighbo1·l1oocl church a11cl in 11ch area ther·e are usually many BaI)ti t f an1ili . who will j oyou ly co-op e1 ..a t e, ope11- ing t heir h o1ne f 01-- a ,veelcly Bible Cla , ,vith a Bar>ti. t •hu1 i11 view. \\Tith a wicl e ope1 fi f lcl f o1· p io11eer wo1"'1< the1"'e i 110 n ee l to t and in line ,,1'aiti11g to . t ep i11to a cl ea cl man hoes. W e 1 .. ecommen cl that 3rot111g 111e11 who 1--eally mea11 bll, i11e.. f or the L o1--d, find emploJTment i11 the acl- j He011 t e i 1 ~ · t t) 111 <' r t f ,1111 i 1 ) T r Pc { t t i r P- 111 11t :· , lltltil i he' 11 r ,,r c:l111 re}1 l)C– e0111 ('. . c' ll-st11111orti11g. ( 'l l1 c 1 1 r l- 1 o,,~s]1 i J) of Ba J)ti: t 8 J 11 or II 0111r l\ Ii. io11s, P. ( . l~ox + :5, }1.J l)rria, ()l1io, is i11t e 1·c. trcl i11 ) '" 01111g· 111e 11 ,,Tit11 1 ro1)e1· ct11alifi catio11.· for 11r– ba11 . 1"vi ce. ) A. ltGGE ,- TI01\T J.\TO. 2 Tlzat tli e 110 1t11g r1i e 11 p1~e fJa1·e fo r t eacl1 i11g. Bil)l e . chool · en1i11a1--ie a11cl l11"'i tia11 college · al o h1 .. i. - tian IIig·l1 chool ha,re 1)een ha1,cl p1"e. e l for yol111g 1ne11 a11d ,,,. 0111e11 ,vho l1a,re ad, 1 a11 ·ed ecl1.1cation. The chool ta11cl in 1 eed of t each e11. ,vho have adva11ced wo1--lr for , er,..- i ce on the facl1lty ancl a lmi11i ·t1·a- • tive po ition . 'l.'liat tlie yoz,1zg ,1i e1i co11 ·i cl er ;11 i io1z a1~y ervice. Inal)ilit)T to :find a pl1lpit i. n ot a 11fficie11t r a- on why any hol1lcl eelr 1ni. ion– ary appoint1ne11t. II0,~eve1-- ,vith a fa t clo ed doo1, on the 011e l1an l a11cl a wide OJ)en door on the othe1-– the call to ft1ll-ti1ne ervi ·e n1ig·ht ,vith p1·ofit be ~a1·efl1lly r e-ex– a1ni11ecl. 11 the light of Cl11~re11t t1"'e11cl it i hig·hly p1'obal)le that many ope11 c1oor ,,Till be clo ed within the n ext f e,v y ea1-- . 1 l 1 GGEJ. TI01\T 7 0. 4 T7 i at t l i e y o ii 11 g 11 i e 1 i erve at t li e 71 0 1r i e ba ·e . IIow fo1"tl111ate i the eh t1r ch when a yol1ng 111an pre– pare for ·ervi e then cor trib11te that er, 1 ice to th cht1r ·h at ho111e. The l ocal pa t o1" i ofte11 hard p1--e , ed cl11e to a ho1·tage of p eople c111alified for l eader" hip. ft1lly leclicatc l life n1ay be 11 eel apart fro1n full-ti1ne er, 1 ice . l\laJl}T } ...ot111g n1e11 hea1· tl1e call of the Lo1·cl ancl prepa1·e for ·e1·vice, bl1t hi field £01" 'e1·vice n1ay be loca t ecl in t he olcl hon1e ch u1"ch. yot1ng n1an ,;vho i. ql1alified for 1 hri - tia11 leac1e1· hip, hould fi11 l hi · gr eate t inflt1en ·e a1no11g· tho 'e ,, 1 ho lr110,v him b e t. B PTI • 1 Ki1owing that Bap- ti t tre ,,Tater l)al - ti 111 an 1 that Ba1)ti t c1o 11ot i111111e1· e infa11t the Cllle tio11 i f1· ec111entl:y.. a l{ed concerni11g the . al,,atio11 of infa11t , a believed b} ... Bapti t . The c1l1e tio11 i 11 l1all3r a l{e l l)y tl10 e ,,rho con ·ll1cle that • bapti 111 i a aving 01--clinance, 01· tJ1at 11] X()lllP \\' cl)' it J)l'()\' icl e1s H l{P) thc1t tt11Joel<s th e1 cl<><>r of II r a\rr11. \\Tr a r r g· r cl 1 r f 11 l t l 1 at 1 J a 11 t is 111 i. 11ot th(_) l{r)r to II ea,·r11 as 111illio11s \\'}10 c1ir i11 i11f,l11(')r 11 (> \ T(lr J)a ,'.' that ,,·a·\ '" . ,\rho ea11 ha110· }<) l '. 111erc·,· • r •' 011 a11y Oltt,,rarcl rit e althot1g·h ,,·e l)elieve the or· li11ct11(·e to lJe a ble.·s– ed 011e. TJ1ol1 a11cl .· "·ill e11t0r IIeave11 ,,~itho11t l)aJ)tis111, ancl other tho11. a11c1s ,,yill p e1--i. h ''"'i tl1 it. II eav'"e11 ,vill abo1111 cl ,,ritl1 little chilc11·en ,,hic:11 cl eatl1 plucltecl f1·0111 a ::\f othe1-- · bo. 01n, j1t. t ,, 1 h e11 they ,ver e expa11c1i11g ft o" ·er-like in the ' 111or11i11g ti111e of li£e. •· 0 f l l cli is tlie k·i1l_qdo111 of lL ectv e11.'' .· Bible belie, 1 ing l)eople ,, ..atch tl1e ebl)i11g· of life a they h ol l tl1e i11fa11t i11 thei1" a1--111 a ,va,·e after ,,·a,,.e b1--eal( · f eel)ler-- a11d the b1"eatl1 get lo,ver a11d lowe1· 1111til ,,,.it.h a g·entle i g·h ancl a pa , iug c111iver of the li11, ol11-- ·hill leave it bocl3.. a11cl a. - cend to the beat it 11cl e of h eave11, 1Jea ·e i f otincl th1·011gh the clea11 - u1 o· 1Jlooc1 of 1 h1·i t, and 11ot in 01--clinance . Bapti. t believe that John The Ba1Jti t 1)rocl11cecl tl1e k ey to the al, 1 ation of tl1e infant whe11 l1e aicl · B eholcl tl1e Lamb of God " "hich tal{etl1 a,va:\" tl1e i11 of the • ,,To1 ..ld.' It i · gen e1·ally ao·reed that the i11 of the ,, ..01 ..lcl ' i the cla111ic or 01 ..iginal i11 covering all n1r 11 i11 age pa ·t, u1heritecl from the f all of n1a11 in the g·ar"' l en of E cl e11. Thi. in l1a,ring bee11 blot– t ecl 011t b3r tl1e Lo1· cl .J e ll h1·i t, lea,.. . no cl1a1'g·e again t t h e lJabe ,,·ho l1a 110 acco1111ti11g to make for I Pl" 011al t1·a11 g1--e io11 . "\Vhe11 the i11fant 011 of Da, 1 icl ,,ra ial<e11 a,,1' a:y~ he l)olre ,-vo1·cl ,,,hi ·h fall 1111011 the bleecling h ea1·t. of e, re1·~.. ge11e1--atio11 a. a . oothi11g llalm: · X o,,,. h e i d eacl whe1·efo1·e 1 ol1ld I fa ·t ? · ,111 I b1--i11g hi111 ~ haclc agai11 ? I hall g·o t o hi111, bl1t l1e hall 11ot 1·et111·11 to 111e. ( 2 -. a11111el 12 :2;3 ) ,"\Titl1ol1t tllle tio11 the 1ni io11a1•}T p1--o- 0·1·a1n tan cl · at the t, e:1--0 1~oa l a11 l tl1e £11tl11·e i , Teilecl. F1--01n e, ,.e1·3r 111i · io11 fi elcl come di 111ietino· 1--e1101"'t . It i ,,,.e 11 lr110,,Tn that com111l111i ·t ha , ,.e tal~e11 o,Ter in l1ina .I. T 01·th Ko1--e,1 i i11 the l1a11 l of co111111t111i t. , ot1tl1- ea ·te1·11 r\. ia i f eli11g· the i111pact of the l11·g·e l11clia i · clefi11it el)'" llll-