The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1954

THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST October 1954 =--~~~=-~~---~----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WIIAT CAN I DO? I~:v· I) l f1 li. l\TJ~'l'ZI1JTII~, /1 (1J1tist illicl- .lf i . sio,,s , 1120 rl1 f's fc1· ~lz 1 e111re, ('l el'e lct11<l 14, Ofiio 111 tl1is artiel r I ,,· ill ret,1r11 to t)110 of t 11 111a– t 01·i<:1l 11recl. t l1at ca11 be 111et e.. - 1)eci,1ll).. l))'" ,, ... 0111e11 ·.. 111i ~ io11ars·· P:l"<.)ll l) ,. , ,\T (' eo11ti1111e to a11 . ,, 1 el" tl1e q11e8tio11. · · 1,"llaf ca11 I do! 1~,. ll at O 11 (i r o ll1J Did To . 11go·e. t a11 a11 ·\'rer to that q11e tio11 I ,vo11ld lil~e to tell yot1 abo11t ,,·hat 011e g1 .. 011p did. About tl1ree " ... eelc. before tl1e write1.. of thi a1 .. ticle ,,·a ched11led to r e– turn ,, ...ith hi famil1t to Fre11ch "' Ec111ato1'ial .1-\. f1..ica ome )rear. ago \\"e recei,red a11 i11, 1 itatio11 from thi ch11rcl1 to peal{ at p1--aJ·er meeti11g. Tl1i of co111 .. e ,ve g·laclly did be– cau e we hacl enjoJted fe llo"· hip ,,.. itl1 the pa tor and tl1e people 011 everal othe1 .. occa ion . After botl1 IDJ'" wife a11d I had poken. oliciting the praJre1.. of the people \Ve ,vere a ked to go into the next room for a bite to eat . "\Ve ,,·ere rather 111"– pri ed for ,, 1 e had not been told that there ,va to b e a ocial time. "\\Then we aceompa11ied the people The Bible Expositor & llluminator An advanced Bible Sch olar's Quarterly Treating on t he INTERNATIONAL UNIFORM SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS A quarterly with Scriptural and spiritual study material, based on the King J ames Version. It fea– tures a wide scope of thought as presented by various spirit filled writers. Indispensable to dis– criminating Teachers. Price, 50c a quarter or $2.00 a year Write f 01· sample copy Address UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059 CLEVELAND 1, OIDO i11to tl1c ot l1 er 1·oc)111 it lool<e(l a,s if tl101·0 had l)e011 a 1ni. talre a11cl tl1c1t "0111eo11e hacl l1l111g ot1t the ,v e l~ly ,,Ta 11 i11 the c l111rch ba:e- .. 111e11t. "\Ve f 01 lll Cl that there v'\ 1 ere ix li11e a11d that the lotl1e ha11g– i11g· on t he1n ,,re1"e for five childre11 1 .. ang·i110· in age f1--0111 ten to t\vo a11cl for 011e la(ly. Y 011 can imagine the e1notio11 of my wife a11d me ,vhe11 we 1·ealized that the ladie of thi mi - ·iona1 ..y ociety had made clothing f 01~ my wife a11d every one of the child1·en ancl had hung them 011 tho e line . The 11pply allowed for the gro,vth of the children during the four JTear ,ve would pend in Africa. I might tell you a ecr et. The 1nan of tl1e hot1 e had bee11 o bu y getting together b11ildi11 a tool a light plant a well p11mp a11d other eql1ipment that he had never even tho11ght of bl1yino· clothe for the family . II er e before I had even thought about it the Lord had up– plied the 11 eed. Ther e were ome tear l1ed that 11io-ht but they wer e t ear of joy to ee the thoughtful- 11 e of the. e ladie ancl to r ealize the ,, 1 011derful provi ion of 011r Lord. lVIy childre11 are now grown but there are plenty of mi ionary fam– ilie who are faced with the p1 ..ob– l em of outfitting their child1"en and outfitting them 11ot for j11 t the pre e11t but for a full term of service 011 the field. You will 11eve1· l{11ow the joy that ca11 be yo11r. 1904-- SOth-1954 ANNIVERSARY CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Testimonies to Jews Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsy 1 vania and Brazil Quarterly Magazine "THE TRUMPETER FOR ISRAEI," "News and Views" of local and world- wide interest concerning the people and th e land GERALD V . SMELSER, Supt. P. 0 . Box 3556 Cleveland 18, Ohio 1111les.· ) rot1 1o . 01nrclay 11nclrrtake to 011tfit a fa1nilv s11ch as th<.> laclies .. of thi. mis. io11ary ·or iet)" (lic1. >- tyl e f'lia11ge 1,V/iile tlie Jll ission– ary i Go1ie l\Ii · iona1·ie come back from their field. too, and ,vhen they do ometime , they receive a hock. "\Ve arrived i11 Tew York during the war. ur children came run- 11ino- into the cabin aying ' ' Come quickly the1 ..e i a circ11 in town and a couple of the men have come aboard the . hip.' ' We went 011t to the deck and ,ve had to admit that it looked like the e fellow mu t have come out of a circu . They we1 ..e wearing bright colored lack and b1 ..ighter hirt of a different color a11d their hi1 ..ttails ~,.ere hangi11g on the out ide of their laclr . 011 their head they ,vore ·traw hat of brilliant ht1e with a broad ribbon of a different l111e . When ,ve arrived on deck the e men came di1 ..ect to me and I founcl tl1at they were armed with pencil and pad and wanted an i11tervie,v. They were not circu 1nen at all, but repo1'ter . Then it dawned upo11 m e that evidently tyle had changed a great deal. \Vhen we we11t a hore and . trolled dow11 the treet people t11r11ed to tare at t1 and we 1~eal– ized that we wer e certainly fun11y looki11g to them. The only cloth– i11 o- we had for 011r boy ,vere khaki pant and ome tripped gym hirts that had bee11 given by the mi - ionary ladie ,,T he11 we left Amer– ica fo11r year before. ~Iy ,vife i.- 11ot a big ,voma11 bt1t he triecl to n1ake h er elf even n1aller to keep p eopl e f ro111 looki11g at her . The11 I r ealized that omething had happe11ed to the length of dre es a11d to the ,, 1 a i tli11e ince ot1r de– partt11 ..e fro1n the tate . V,...T e ,vent the l1otel whe1 ..e we had bee11 tal{en in lJ \T faith and rather re- .. lt1ctantl}r becau e we had only one dolla1.. and ,vere unable to pa:y· i11 advance. That 11ight "\\ 1 e we11t to p1"a)rer meetino·. EvidentlJr the appearance of the e pec11lia1 .. loolt– ing mi ionary kid with their pare11t did omething to the peo– ple f 01.. ,ve were taken to a home a11d pre ented with everal boxe of children lothe and ome ladie d1 ..e e . You can imagine the e11.joyment of the childre11 as