The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1954

Octoher 1954 - TI-iE 01110 INDEPENDENT_ BA:_PT..:..I=S:..::T~--------- ~~~~~~~~---------- ·································································:::::::······ . •···········•············ ···························· ············ ....... ::::·· ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• BOOK ·········· ······ ······· ·· · ··················· ·· ···················::·::::··: · · . ······························· ·························:.;···::::: .. : .... ::.:· ····· ······•· ··•·· ·•·· ···· ·· · · ···•····· ···•········· ···· ... I >J~ ...\ \T f., I~ ~ l 1~~ 1-4]'1, l X(1 T ~ \ {;l{~ ...\ ~I t t TTT1I~F~s '1 1 l1i .. bool{ of c1l1011t ll1() l)ag·es i tl1e . e, "e11tl1 ,·oll1111e i11 tl1c ;.lf i J1 - i~'fer ·s II a 11 clboolt' 1 e1·ie. . Tl1e , ..ol11111e ar1·ic. ~ 11ita 11 le . 11b– j ect , c1·ipt11re. a11d 11g·ge. ti,"e lllcl terial f 01.. tl1e 111icl - ,,·er lt . e1·,ric: e. Tl1e 111e age a1"'e cle,,,otio11al i11 e1111)l1a i , 1·a tl1e1.. than cloct1 .. i11al, and een1 to be ,,,,01 ..tl11r. \\.,.e 11ote • that the page are eo11fl1. i112: i11 r elatio11 to the .. 1 a lJbath, ' a11d the a11tho1" . ee111 to co11 .·icler the abbath to l)e the Lo1·c1 ~ cla~... a1.1- pl~y··i110· ()lcl rre ta111e11t 1.. Cl"'iptltl' <:' to it ol) e1r~"a11 e. l)a1·t £1·on1 thi. entr}~ co,Ter·ing· abot1t three pa~:e , we 1--econ1n1e11d tl1e l)ook to pa.·to1--. . Bal{er Boole I-1011.·e , G1·a11cl Rapid 6 :\Iichig·a11 $] .73. GOD .._ 1 REl\lEDY He1·e i , ..ol11111e III i11 the . erie~ being " "ritte11 l, 3, D X LD (}REY B RXI-1 l E ba e 1 011 tl1e Bool{ of Roman. . ,r olt1111e 11e ' 11 c111 • R1ti11J'' co,Ter·. tl1e fir t chapte1~ of Roman . olt11ne T,,,o '· (}orl ' .· W rat Ii ' co, 1 e1... the Bool< of R 0111- a11. th1"011g·h to chapte1· :3 versr 20. ,.,..olt1me Fo111· ' ' Goel .· 1-? i l' er,' ,,·ill co, 1 er the fi1 .. t ele, 1 e 11 ,,er. ·e~ i11 Roman. ·hapt r - cllld 'Goel s Grace ' ' ,vill con1plete that. chaptel'. Dr. Bar11ho11 ·e i a g1~eat teacl1e1~ of the \\r orcl a11cl hi.· ·tt1clies a1"e follo,ved by a ho t of J.,il>le be– lie\1er . 1 D RE:\IEDY dec:11: ,, 7 itl1 Roman. 3, , 1 er e 21, thro11{{11 eha1)– ter 4 to , ,er ~ ·e 25. The v'ol11n1e car1--ie · alJ011t 400 }Jage. and i priced at . ·J.00 l)y ,r a11 Kan1pen P1·e , v\rheato11 lll111oi:. 1:\. l 1 ... \LL T() TI-IF-' l ~ X 1 <)X– \ 7ERT EI) Thi · i a cla 1. ·ic 1·ep1 ..i11t setti11g fo1·th 1ne..·age by RI C 1 II .L\.RD B.A..( '"TER a n1ig·ht~y,. IJr eacher a bo11t the ~y·ear 160(). Tl1e author cleal.· ,,.. ith .._ 1 IX, a11d i11 the olcl-fa:hio11ecl ,,a)~ }Jt1lling no p1111che . "I Dani el understood by books." Dan. 9:2. 'Tl1e 1)resr11ta t io11 i.· i11 t l1r st)'"le of t)cl rl,.. ce11t111·ie c1 11 cl ,,,itl1011t the l10111iletical b1 ..ea l<-clo,,T11 of cl1rre11t 111·i11t. The ·e1·111011.· or cl1apte1"'. are l111ab1·i lged a11cl ther e1 Jr tl1e p1·ea her · tJ 1 1e i. p1·e:e1·,~ec1. The ,,.. 01·]\ ca1--rie.· a 1 out 1 :-o pag·e. ancl i. prif' ed at . ·1.9,... l1y Zo11 ler – ,Ta11 P l11)li hi11g }lol1. e, G1·a11 l Ra1)i 1 , l\ f ichig·a11. .._ 1 ERl\'.[() ~ 0 lTTLI~E .. i II er e i.· a Tl1eol o~2;i ·al ~ l,etcl1- bool{, a11 011111ibt1. of l<et che: a11c.l l< leto11 . of ._·er111011. l}}" ( 1 l1a1·le. i111eo11 a11d othe1\ . Tl1e ,,Torl~ rarrie. 11101'e t ha11 1 000 l)age: of clo el)T pri11t ecl 111aterial. The fir. t . ectio11 0£ the 1 oo 1< c.1eal, ,vith loctrine : rr11c Iloly Bpirit Tl1e Tri11it}' :toc1, 1 h1·i. t, The l l oly ~ ic1'iptu1'e. , .i:\11gcl. :\Ia11, .._'< alvatio11 a11d tl1e 'l\iea11 0£ G1·ac . The , econd . ec tio11 co,Te1--. , Tl1e l\1ea11s f (J1·ace 1 h1"i. tia,11 f 1·aee 1. ( 1 h1--i. tia11 Dt1tie: \'\ ar11- i11g· '011.. e Jl1e11ce · of Ri11 a11cl othe1' 11cl1 title. ·. rrhe ,, 1 01 ..l{ e111. to 0111it e11ti1·e l)' the loctri11e. · of Ete1--11al He ·l11·it)T, The ~ 1 eco11c1 i 0111i11g· a11d other 111a t– t e1· · of i1111)01·ta11ee to l3ihle lJe– ]ie,re1'\ ' a11cl i . 11ot i11 li11e ,,rith " 1 ~1--i1)tl11"e a · toll ·l1i11g· tl1e f-iabl)atl1 ancl 1 c1·iptt1ral lJapti.-111. \\Tithol1t c1ot1bt the l1t1ge \ 1 0ll1111e ha:-; 01110 111e1 .. it a a 1·efe1·e11ce ,, 1 01 .. l{ for t h O.'e ,,,ho a1·e i11cloct1·i11at ec.1 i11 the "\Vo1·cl. Bal(e 1-- 13001< ll ot1.·e, {1·ancl Rap– ic1 6, l\lichig·a11- $6.9- 1 EVE r L .1.\ "\\T" 1 F '1 1 EA ~111~(-} Thi: , ·ol11me of 12- page. by J 01111 :\ I ilto11 U 1·ego1--y ,,rill l)e help– ft1l to t eacl1e1· · of ~y,.ol111g· 11eo1)le. D1·. ll rrg·o1·},. ,,..a a lia1)ti t .:\Ii11- i ·te1· a11d l1el(l e,,e1'al i111po1·ta11t Any book favorably 'reviewed in tliis department may be se– cztred f1~oni tJie B eliever"'s Bible and B ook Co., 120 Park .1l ve– n1te, .k 1 lyria, Ohio. ··•······· ·· ······· ···· •· •··•······•·· · · · · •• ····· · ··· ···•·•··•· •.•. ....•• ••• • •••• • •••••••• ••• • •• • • •• •• • •••• •• ••••• • •• • • ••••• •• • • ••• • • •• • •• •• ••• • • ••• • ···· ···· · ······ ····•····•·· •· ···· · ••· · . . . .. .. . .. . ..• ·•· ·········· ••·•· · ·•• REVIEWS • •• •• •••• •• • •••••••• • • • ••• • •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••• •• ···· ·· ·· ········•··· ···· ·· ················•·······•··•··•·· •·•••·•··•··•······ ~ .. . . .. .... . .... ... ....... .. . .... . .. .. . ... . 110.1itio11. i11 rel 11catio11al i11:titl1- t io11 i11el11cli11g : l T eacl of t }1e cla.. ical cl1ool of Detroit 1\Tichi– g· a11 , •ta t e •11per i11 te11dent of T 11 b– lic I1 t1;l1ctio11 I_)re. ide11 t of I(a1 <1- 111azoo •ollege, a11d Pre. icle11t of tl1 e l r 11i' 'er itv of Illi11ois. • The chapter. of tl1e bool{ arr l)a ic i11 1·elatio11 to 111ethocl ancl })l"'Oceclt1re, a11d ,,,.e definite l)~ 1 ..eco111mencl it to church a11cl chool leac1er . Bal<e1.. Bool{ IIot1 e Gra11cl Rapid.· 6 :\Iicl1i~a11- $1 .75 1 Al)TAIX DALEY~ CRE\\T IN DA~GER 130:vr. ,vho ha,re 1--ead aptai11 f)aley :\Ii. , ing Holl eboat, or < 1 aptain Daley re,v at Thu11cler– head Lalre will rt1 h for Capfai11 Daley ' Crew I 1i Dang er· . It i a 1Jool< fo1 .. bo}?" ,,,,ho lilre ad, 1 e11tt1re a11d the g'Teat 011t-of-door . Th reader ,,rill lear11 of the t111t1er·-cover tactic of Ila11lc I rowl– er ,,rl10 ,,,a the call e of all trouble, a11cl ,,·ill find i11 the end that it ,,·a IIa11lc 1\T ho bt1r11ecl do,, 1 n the <·ht1rch. al o that I{a11k wa tl1e fe llo"\\ 1 ,vl10 hot the deer. B11t IIa11l{, ,, ..he11 it all came to light, ,,Ta· a cha11g·ecl fe llo,v a11cl becan1e 1·eally worth ,vhile. Zo11cle1""va11 Pt1bli hi11g· Ho11 e– *1.00 TRAIL OF (1 LD Tl1i.- bool< co11tain · F l R co111- l)lete torie £or bo)r and g·ir 1 , age 9 to 1:3. 'l'he l\Iy te1'y f ~loaning ( 1 a, 1 e - 'l"'he G1·ee11 T1,.ea t1re Box– 'l1he 1 hi11c e fJ i11x a11d Ch1--i t111a at Lo11e Pi11e 11111. The ...torie all cl eal ,, 1 ith hid(le11 gold, b11t ther e i al o a g·olde11 t h1"eac1 of t l1e Bloocl Of hri t 1·11n- 11i11g· tl1rt1 the 11arrative . The Jro1111g· folk ,vill fi11d the to1,ie ' tl11'illing· a11 1 al o helpft1l. ,. j1·ipt11re Pr'e 434 outh ,,Ta- ba 11 .r\ ,Tenl1e, hicago 5, I lli11oi ,_ price $1 .50. \'\Te a1·e . a, 1 ed by atonement, not by attainme11t. (Dautel )