The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1953

• 'r'l llt t)l II ) 1NT1I~l'EN f)ENT 13AI)'rIST Editorial C o ,-n 11·1, e n t ' I' 111: \ t t l 11, l 1 h r i, t 111 ,1, c. 11~" r~ S('H,tltl tilt' ])P<)lll(' elf l1()tl ()})('ll tlltlll' l~ill]('"' t c tllll~t' l)H""H!!l', tlf ~<·t·i}ltlll't' ,,·J1iel1 tt'll <.lf tllt.' llirtl1 elf tl1e lJt)l'<l ~lt1,11, ( 'l1rist. a11ll tllf'l't' ,1!.!,1111 g·i,·c, attt'lltlt)tl t<J tl1c' ,,· i~c' 111e11 clll<l tl1t1i1· lt ,,ill b t> 11cltecl tl1c1t tl1r>· 1Jltf ( ' /1,, ·t fir .· t a11cl ,,·l1r11 t11c~· l1a<l fclllllcl ]1i111. tl1<1J 1,·r>r. ·l1ip<d l1i,,z. < 11ec' i11 l1i" 11re r11, 1 e tl1e)· µ:a,·r t • l1i111 tl1ei1· l1r"t; fir~t t11e)" l)rt111g·l1t tl1r111sr1,·e. , tl1r11 tl1Pi1· trea 111~<> Tl1r~... gc1,·r ,ol<l to tl1r l(i11g:. cl ,-1111101 of l1is 1·0,·alt,-. "B1·a11lti11- • • • ('P11~e a ,·1111101 of }1i. 1111rit,.. a11rl ... ' . . irag1·a11er R a P1·01)l1et. a 11cl .\f,·r1·]1. c1 l1itter }1e1•l). ,·111l1o]i 1 R] • • <) f l1iq 11fferi11g a11d . a 1·ifice :- t11eir P1·ir~t. .... 111011g tl10 e 111a11~- tl1011. a11 l . of ' l11~i~-- tia11 tocla,.... . 0111f l1a,Te g·i·v·e11 ~ t l1eir all. F ro111 . <J111e tl1P ftif+ 11a. ' l)ee11 111011 e,- : ot 11 e1-- 1111ro1111 tPcl • 110111-. of 1abo1·; ,,·l1ile fro111 :till otl1e1' t 11e 2·if t ]1 cl-' l)ee11 t l1e . a e1·i– fjre c)f ho111e 0111fo1·t. , thr feller,,,._ l1i1) of lo,,.ed 011e : a111 a. , i- <le11r() of the . 11111·e111e . c1c·1·ifir·e ,,·e J)Oi11t to t11e little ~·ra, 1 e. i11 tl1e lo11e. ome 11laC'e. of thr ,,.. 01·1cl ,,·l1e1·e 1 nan,~ '"'·ec:11·,~ l)oc1ie. ,,e1--e c·o,·e1·Pcl, • • tht11·e to a,,ait tl1e :01111cli11g of the 11·11n11), " -he11 the:" will l1ear tl10:P ,,·elcon1e ,,-01·cl 'co111 e 111> l,itl1- e 1 •• TJITTLE THI ~ "'"G. ~ n1a11 fal l. i11 ] o,·e ,,·ith a cli1nple a11d mar1~ie the ,,hole girl. 111 electi11g a home tl1at ,,<)11cler– f11l lcitche11 , or that darli11~: po1·ch, or that pe1·fect bath. cli ·tate. the choice. I11 calli11g· a pa tor-- the little thi11go. n1a11~- time. o,e1~ hadow ba. - ir f11nda111e11tal . .. 0111eti111e ago • a . i te1· aicl to tl1i, ec1itor: ' ' h, I ·e1·tai11l~· hope that he gPt. tl1e f'all. ' ' K110,,i112· tl1at the 111a11 hacl lJ11t little to offer. ,,·e a. ked the I'ea. 011 for l1e1' e11tl1t1 ·ia m; where- 11 po11 he aicl : 'Diel 3,"'0ll e,· . ee a11~... per· on loo]( i1ieer t ha11 he c1icl i11 that light 11it a11cl blae1< ti c? ~· 111 electi11g a cht1rch ho1ne the 11e'\\"come1· are often g·uided by 1 he a1ne philo. oph}... The ch11rr11 i. elect ed heC'a11 P of it. f1·iencl– l i11e . it 111a11J" >"Ollllff ])C(>l)1P, it !!<,ocl 1t111 ic·. <>1· 01ne other . 11ch t 11 ing. E 1 .. 0111 a J)11rel~.. h 11111a 11 t a11 cl- Jl<>i11t. ,, l1t'tl ··~t'l<'<·ti11µ: ' ,l llcl'lf<>r. 111c111,· l'netcll''\ ,1t<>lt1(1 <>t1t,,e1iu.]1 tl1<\ • 1 < > r (· (l <) r 1 11 o !'-I<, 1,, <> sr 1• 111 <) 11 s. 11 i "' a 1 1- llf',l l'<l ll<'('l, 11 is 11111"ivc1 l ,1 l>i 1 it,\T, <>1' hi, J)<?l''iOll<ll c·l1,11·111 . < ;rn11t i11p: tl1P ,1cl ,T<111t,1~·p c>f tl1PsP, ]1i. <loc·tri11}1l ,·ie,,·"· l1is . Ilirit11nl lifr, a11cl 111"' al)ilit,.. to l1ct11cll0 t}1p ,\rorcl 11111,·t • 1 > e ~!.' i, Te 11 fr c) 11 t 1 i 11 r <· o 11 s i cl r rat i <) 11 . 1Jilcr,,·i:e, ,,·l1r11 1'elig·io11.· J)Pople 2.·o ' :l101111i11~: , for a tl1,11·c:l1 }10111e. it is ,,·ell to <1011. i(lr1· fir. t 011 tl1e age11cla, t l1e f Ol111cla tio11 ll po11 ,,·h ic 11 tl1r rl1l1rcl1 i l1,1ilt: ,,·hetl1er 1111011 tl1e T10l'(l .Je. 11. ( 1 l1ri t cll1Cl 11i · , \T 01·c1, or 1111011 a :oc-ial 11lat£01·111. "l1 l1rcl1r.· a11cl 1)a:to1-. tl1e ,,To1·lcl aro1111c1 loolc alilce l11it the 1)1·ocl11ct i'> 011 t11e 011e l1a11cl , g:olcl, :il,Te1· a11cl J,re ·io11. . to11e. : 011 the other, ,,·oocl, l1a3... a11cl t11 b l1le. 'f'R""\ ) fPi. It i.· .·aic1 tl1at c:1 t1·a1111) tt1r11.· hi. lJacl{ to tl1e ,,.. i11c1. ~ io i. it ,,·itl1 111a11,r .._ c11111 ..c 1 t1--a 1111). a. the~... 1no,Te f 1·0111 011 cl1 t11·c 11 to aJ1otl1er :ee lci11 g' the path of lea.'t 1·e. i:ta11ce. \Vl1e11 . to1·111 clot1 l a1)IJear 011 tl1e ch11rch 1101·izo11 or a bit of rolc1 ai1· ee111. to l)lo,,· f1·0111 ·0111e lepa 1·t111e11 t, or .· >111e 1)e1· 011 plac:e. a tone i11 thei1· path to po1)11la1·it~", tl1e}" t11r11 tl1ei1· lJac lt a11cl cl1·ift 011. I11 the fi1.. t P . al111 the i11 pired '"'l"ite1· point to tl1e 111a11 ,vho de– light. i11 the la,,· of the T.Jorcl a11d a\". tl1at 'he l1a 11 he lilce a tree ~ J)lantecl l)J'. tl1e 1·i,'e1~. of ,vate1--. IIr J)Oi11ts to ot11e1· ,,..110 a1·e 11ot :o ])l<ti1tecl, a11c1 are1 · lil{e tl1e el1,1ff ,rl1i ·11 t}1 ~ ,ri11cl (lri,Tetl1 ,t,,·,1,... ' • I11 to e\ 1 e1--3r eh lll'C h the . ·to1·111~ ,,·ill come a11d l1a1)J)J ... i the 11a to1 .. \\ li<>~P <>f f'ic·pJ·~ <lPl iu.111 i11 tl1e \~ c>rcl <>f ( 1<><1. \\ }1c>"'P Hllll>ifi<>ll. Hl'<• ll<)t H<'<'<>1·cli11g· 1<> tltt' f'],sl1. ,vlt<>SP p~· s clre fi,<1cl 111><>11 -Je1~11~: 111c·11 ,,·he> Hl'P lih:P a trPP J)lc111tecl l>) tl1r l'i\' Pl', <>f ,,·atPJ'. \\T }lP11 f }10 "f<>J'lll.' l~a,·e t..;,,·e11)t . <>111 011t 1111<lPr a11- <>tl1rr 1·c)<Jf, thr~r ,,·ill hr seP11 tc111cl– i11u· 11111110,,ecl .·r1·,·i11~r t11r I c)rrl. ~ll<'h ,,~rre t]1p 111011 <)f (liclr.011. ai-, 1ec·or lecl i11 fJ,1clge. 7 :21 - ' ' \ 11cl thP)... to<J<l e,Tel')" 111a11 i11 l1i · 11 lal'e ro1111cl alJol1t tl1e <:a111J) . ~ 1 El"> ...\ R ....-\ TI< ... T > ,e1Jc1rc1tirJJl i the Wat ·h,, 1 orc1 a111011g· all Reg11la1· Baptist (il1111·eh– e. . ...\ : tl1e ... \ g·e of (}1·ac-r clcl,,.a11ePs, Bil)le l)elie,·i11g· peo11le see tl1e flo,,"eri11g of t l1e 1>1·eclietecl apo ·– ta. )" a11c1 the })eop]e a1·e 1110,·ecl to e1)al'ate . i11e lie £1·0111 all g1--011p. } 1'01110ti11g·, OI' i11 f e} 10,,~:}1 i 11 ,,·i t}1 the a1)0. tate. . Tl1e1·e i. a te11cle11e)~ 011 the })a r t of . 0111e to l)e tolera11t ,,·itl1 tl10~ e ,,·110 tolPrate 1111belief, a 11 l to tho e ,,·110 clo 11ot acC'e11t the W 01·c1 of ({o l a: a11tl1oritati,Te, the ,,orcl .·e7Jctrc1tirJ;z i 1·e1)11g·11a11t. I11 the l) liticc1l fiel 1 tl1e1·e a1·e tho. e ,,ho ,vo11lcl ·ocl lle t l1e ~ • o,,.iet ~ i11 t l1e relig·io11. 1·e<1l111 tl1e1·e are tho e who ,·ri. h to 1·e111ai11 i11 the g·oocl g1·ace: of the co11 ,·e11 ti 011, a 11 1 i11 e,eI')" cl111rel1 tl1ere a1·e tho. e ,vho ,,·i11l, cl t . i11. TI o,,"e,·e1·, it i. 11oted that Clo 1·. riC'l1e. t l)le. ·:i110-. a e,.. icle11cecl b~~ r l111rc 11 attr11da11ce, fi 11a11cial 1·e– c-ei11t , 111i:. io11a1·ie. . ent fo1·th, a11cl )"01111g people atte11clin~r Ril1le . c hool, re. t . 11po11 tho. e ,,,ho fol– lo,,.. literall_\ .. the . c1·i1)t111·e a11cl – co,,z C' 01tf .f1·0111 a11io,1g tlie11i. ,rolTTII R :\IP ,L~ TI .. T T The ri. i11~: cl e– l i11c111e11c~7' a111011g· j 11,"e11 ile . ee111 to l)e 1,e,7'ecl to tl1e 1·i. e i11 cli,..or (·e. • I t i. g·e11e1·all~... a ~1(110,vlr lg·ecl that c1eli11c111e11t 1)are11t. eo11tr·ibl1te to c111·1· e11 t ·011 cli ti 011 . . 11e co1111t,.. i11 tl1e . tatP of neo1'- • iria 11a11cll ed 699 ea. e. of j11ve11ile 1eli11c1t1e11cy i11 t,,el,·e 111011tl1., a11 i11e1· a e of -!0% o,·e1' tl1e J re,,.io11. , ...Par. a11cl tl1i: i11e1·ea e ,,·a i11 al- • 1110. t exaet 1)1·01)01·tio11 to tl1e i11- c1·ea. ~ i11 d i, 1 01'ce. 2.1·a11tecl o,.. er t lie ~a111e pe1~iocl. It ,,a f 01111d t l1at .1~% of tl1c clcli11cr11e11t. ca1ne fro111 1)1·0]{011 ho111e. . Tl1e b1·olze11 110111e fc>1·e . hc1clo,,.. · b1·ol{e11 li·'"·e c1111011g tl1e ) 011110· 1)eo1)l . '1 1 h0 co111·t i11 tl1e co1111t,T eitecl l1a. ~ •