The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1953

l ag .... 1',, "ll t~r- F Otl 1· 1"1-IE OHIO INDEPENDEN'l" BAPTIST ~ --~=----= - BOOK REVIEWS ( ( ' <)tt t it11tt\cl ) , t t) r, i 11 a I l l 1 a r< > l 111 < l t l 1 c l 1l' n l t t i e~ • t>I tltt' ,,1r1·l 1111tli11u.· 1tt(>lt11tc1i11-... Hlt <l • "t' t' 111, t <) ea r r, t l 1 e r P n t l t 1 r fr l> 111 • ,111 en,, ·l1c1ir tt) 1 he fni- ,, t\~t . • 1 t 1, ,1 l" l 11• i ~ t t: e 11 t <' r l' ( l ~tor.,· , t'H" ' to r ),lcl. c111tl , t'l'\ 111l1e l1 ,,·c)1·tl1 • • ,Yltill' l\Io1't.' tl1,111 l,>() 1),l~e>~. ,1i- trc1cti,·t,1,· l)Ollll<l. ~<>11cl l'\' ,111 J>11b- • li~l1i11g ll l)l1.:·c. ( {1·c111cl R,111id: - ..·~.01. ]~E i- T .AC R . j- 1(I~ T l~ 1·0111 t lie })P11 of II0,,·c1 r el 1 • J .. ~111111011s l1a ,., co111e a '1h1'i tia11 ._~ to1,~· ,,·i tl1 a . etti11g· i11 ~J e1·l1 al e111 d111·i11g· t l1e ea 1·t 111}... 111i 11i~tr~T of '1l11·i. t. ....\ 11t l1or E111111011. l1a. 111acle ,,Ti le . tl1cl~· of l1i. to1·~~ a11cl ~:athe1·ecl ,-oll1111e of datc1 to e11able J1i. 1·eade1· · to ,·i llalize tl1e cene. ,,·l1ic11 ,,·e1·e con1n101 place i11 t l1at cla ,r. • Hi. J)o1~traJ·al of cl1ar·acte1\ · i Qood. The central figure i a r1·i1)plecl g·irl, cla11ghte1' of a l)eg– e:a1,, a11cl i11 the e11d . 1 e become. · a belie,.. e1' i11 t l1e ... razare11e. ,T a11 Ka111pe11 P1·e.. . "\\TJ1eat o11 , llli11 oi. - . 2.50. ITA1 TE~ TI .. TG THE D .L\ y F G D Tl1i l)OOl{ i. a lil)1'a 1·,r of thirtv- • • . ix 111·ophet ic 111e. :age. a. deli,Ter·ec1 (1111'i11g· tl1e I11ter11atio11a1 011gre.. of Prophec>r ]1e1c1 i11 Ne,,.. Y 01·lc it>·· °;\ ... o,..e111l)er 10:-2. H e1·e a1"e l)I'Ol)het ic . e1~111 011. cle– l i,·e1·ed b1T Wil1)1ll' :\f.• 111ith. l, 1 a • .T. :\Ie lai11. fT . ,, . B1·a 1b111·v, H . W. Fe1·1,,i11. L. T. Talbot ,r. R. Eclma11. H erbe1"t Lockyer, H. ~J. .... ppeln1an. a11d ma11v other r ecog- 11ized ex1Jo itor. of the W 01'd. Eac11 •peal{er '"a a. . ig·11ed . on1e . pecial pl1a. e of prophec~T a1 d thr me . age co,.,er a ,vicle ranp:e of .. crint11re and Cl1rre11t eve11 t . Abot1t 275 paQ'es. $3.00. Van Kampe11 P1'e.. , Wheaton T1linoi. . - ------- FIFTY TIIE:\IEi FOR CRRI~TTAX ore .4\ . 10.l T~ I11 thi. hooltlet of 55 pag·e. ar e fi ft~" hort tallc. for ,ra rio11. typeR of meeti11g. . 11ch a. J"01111g peo– nle' QTOllP meeting. . pra>,.er . erv– ir.e. H 11 rl 11ch. The 1n aterial ,·vill al o be fo11nd of ,,.al11e . 1o the te;:lrhe1· and pa. tor. Keitl1 T1. Brool{. , D. D. is thr ~11tho1· a11cl 11i" rXf)O itio11 . aT·r ~ 1- ,,·a, .., r r l i,1 h 1r. .. \ 111r1·i ca 11 P1"0- 1 ) l1Pti<· TJr 8~11r . Box 41-10 , Ea!tl P. R O<·k ~ta ti 011. T;o ,:\ 11 g-el e. . ra 1 i– f o r11 i a- flO (' e 11 t~ pr.1· cop:v·. • • •.••- ,1- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,1- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- o_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_.,,_ ,,_ ,,_ 1,•• • ' i ! i I . . I - I I I i - I I I I ! Dr . F . B. )I eye r wa. on e of thr greate. t. 1110:t i11fln r 11tia1 j ! a 11<1 bPst loYc>d nan1e.· of' the twentieth <'entury. Tie 'Na. an or- i I (lai11e(l Ba11ti.·t pa . t or and introcll1recl l\Ioc>Cl)'" a11cl , a111{ey to = • (i1·e~t B1·itai11. Hi. book are deep rich, ancl bea11tifl11 . The I ! i I J)Ol) lllct1·it~· of lJi.· \\·1·iti11g. called f o1· J'eJ)ri11ti11g· a11c1 the follo,,.. _ = - 111g· title. a1·e 1·eadv fo r di. tribl1tio11. I I . · i I EPHESIANS i :: ' ! .\ clrYotio11a l connnentary · an expo ition of th e .\ po. t I e Pa II r. i I }) l'aetiral \\ i. c10111 g·i,·e11 t o th e 1~Jph e. ia11 Cl111rc·h- $1.~f5 = - ' ' - i 'I'l1i: a11.· ,,·er.. on1e of the qt1e tio11s related to tl1e attai11111r11t I - of a nohl er ilea] in l1ri t ia.n Ii ,rinQ· ~1.95 I- I .. or = i ! I THE SHEPHERD PSALM I ! I 11 t,,·e1,·e :011l-i11 ]) jri11g· chapt er tl1c at1tho1' b1·i11g. 11e,v· 111ea11- j ! ing- to P . alm 2:3 1,1.95 j ' :: - ' ! DAVID SHEPHERD, PSALMIST, KING i ' :: • \ l)iog·r a J)ll)" of Da,.. icl ,,,. hirh trare t l1e tep. b~.. ,,·J1i<·l1 tl1c t I "hrphercl became th e king-- $2.50 i ' ~ i ! I ABRAHAM I j lf e1·e i.· a biograph~, of r\br~a}1am traci11g tl1e la,r. of .fa itl1 ! = c111(l i1 g1~acl11al i11 c1·ea. e $~.50 I ! i I PRESENT TENSES OF THE BLESSED LIFE I - ' I Thi . book empha ize. what Ood is to thr belieYe1·. m1L1 lli I fait hfl1l11e . . The a11thor expound. 11po11 ,,·orrl. F111<l pl1ra. e. , \·11iel1 e pre. . a ction 011 t l1e pa rt of r, od to,,,ard Tl i. p eo11le- $l. 9:i i i I _ MOSES, THE FAITHFUL SERVANT - i I i :: ' c ' I t - 011t the good fJ11alitie ~ In thi. biograph~, the al1thor points in l\fo. e. a11d othe1~ n1en, "'rhich , neecl to . l{ilfl11 and di. ce1'11i11g· biog·raphy-$2.50 be de,Telopecl. It i. a j PAUL, A SERVANT OF CHRIST In thi l)iographical pict11re of Paul, the al1thor de. rribe Pal11 life from ,vithin a11d the historiral has bee11 . llbordinated to the at1tobiog·raphical Pal1l own ,,ro rd beir1 o ll ed a .._ th e ba. e---$2.50 I I I I I I i = The books are neatly and uniformly bound in 1rreen I cloth, dark blue jacket, 125 to 200 pages in each volume. I I I i BELIEVER'S BIBLE AND BOOK COMPANY I =, 120 P ark A venue Elyria, Ohio I j ••• . ,,_ 0_ 1>_ <,_ o_ c,_ n_ c,_ 1,_ 0_ 1,_ 0_ 1,_ ,_ 0_ 1,_ c,_ ,,_~11..-11~ 11- ct-...,-11--,•.• •