The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1954

Jnr1t1c1r r 1954 'rI--IE OTIIO INDI~PENDENT BAPTIST ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ FLASHES FROM THE CHURCHES ,~~(' llH\(' cl IPtl<' I' i'l'C)lll l{<'\ . \\' il – lin111 I~'lt:sc•c>. J>Hs1c> r <> I' ( 1 , ll\' cll',\ l~Hll - 1 ist ( i'111rc·ll , Nc111<lt1~k)'. l'<'J><>l'1 i11g <>11 <I ()llC'-\YC'<']\. St'l 'l ('S <>f' lll P<' fi11 g·. ...; l'l'l'e11tl, <'<)Jt<lttc·1c•cl ,,· ith l~,·a 11 11 ,•l is1 • <:<1c>rg<' ~\Yl'< 1 ti11g·, cl11ri11~· ,,·l1ic·ll 1,, <'111)' J>t ·r~c,11..., 111ctcl t1 1> r c>f'< 1 s:-;ic>11 <>I' f'aitl1 c1 11 cl lll,ltl\ ( 1 h1·i ~t i,t11~ rc' <l< '< li • l'<ltc•cl t)1Pi1· li,c>~ f~ll(, I<•( J l r . J"1'1l'°'<'C> 1Pll it: "~l :tll\ ot' Olli' old( 1 l lll('llll)'lJ'H H1:tl<·d • tliat this ,,· :1.s th<' fin<·~t S<'l'tPH of tll<'l't 111gs ou1· eh11r<·h hns <'\JH 1 ri<'ll<'<'d 1'01· \'( 1 :1 r·s. J•:,~<'t'\ "il'I'\ i<·l' ,, as a It e nclt>d t,,. • • • <·ap:t<'tf,\ t'l'O\\ ds :t11d < 1 \.lta elt:1i1·s ,, <'l'l' Ust•d <'\ t't.v night t'X<'<')lt t h t• first ,, hl' ll thl 1 l'hlll'<.·h \\':tS \\'l'll fillt>d. '()u1· ~u ucln,· H<·hool :1ttt111 clat1<'l' • j u111pl·d to a ll<'\\' ltigl1 of I :; .\ ll alll 111011d ()l'g:tn \\ras SJ)('<•iall., installl•d fo1 tl1c• Ull't•tings a11d ,vns HUp(•rl>l.v ]>la) Pd Ii., Ila1old l> c 1 < 1 ou, forn1e1l., ol'ganist fo1· .Jnt·k \\ \ r1zt•n . • "h~:teh night lhP <'\':111gt•lis t, ,, lio is a gr;1du:itc• of ( 1 hi<':tgo .\ rt IH:-ititntl', dr<.'\\ ' .i l1t•autiful }li<·turl' 111 full l'Olor, .111, l t' c1 c· h 1, i C' t u r 0 , v: 1 s I, ro \t g Ii t 1 o n eli111ax ,, itlt :1n a1q>roprintt1 , oc-al so lo h.v ~l1. fi,, <1ctillg. "rJ'hl• hun1l,l c, straigh t - fol'\\ ar,1, 8pirit fillccl 1>rl'a(·hing of C~oorgp • 1 ,, t•c1 i11g ,, :t" tJ1e 11igh s11ot of <':tth st• t, ic· . ( 1 al,·ar, l{a1ltist ( 1 }1ur('h of 8:111clusl<,· ,vns grt'atl~· hlPst n11d it i~ ou1 1>ra~ e1 that thes 0 l' 1 net' t in gs , v i l l he t l 1 e . pl' in g l > oa r c 1 i n t o grc·:itt>1 things for (~od.' ' ---------- '1'11<~ l{ P\ 1 • J{ . l{<.11111etl1 8111vl~;t•r, ]>clSf()l' t)f t}1p I 1 ' irst f~ cl J)tist ( 1 }111r<·l1. :\IP(l111 ,1. ()}1ic), 1·ciL·c·11tl,.. c·c>11cl11c· t rcl • <'\'clll~l)listi<· lllPPti11g8 i11 tl1P I~ .. irst ~ l{,11 >tist < 1 l1t1t·(·l1, N11 e11 ('rr. 1\ lrtt "r 1·e1(·Pi,·ecl fl'()ltl f ><l~t<)l' 1\ (la111 ({cllt 1'PJ><)t'1s tl1at t11<1 ~p1·,·1i(·P~ ,,·er P ,, Pll • r1tte111<lPcl a11cl i}1at t l1 P ,,·orl{ ,,,a '°' <lP(i11i1Pl~· "t1·e11g·t l1 e 11 e1cl. Il r 8tctte~ fltl'ther. tl1,1t tl1e1 111rssag·e1s ,,?r1·e l1Pct1·t ~<·c1rel1i11g_ ,t 11 cl fi ll ric1 ,,·itl1 lc>,.P f<)J" t}1p llllScl\'P<l HllC] jc>~· i11 tllC < •11J" istia11 lifc.1. j, Iarl{c><] }Jl'<Jg1·ps~ j~ re1,o r t<-1cl a t 1 l 1 r I1 <> P l > P t <> , v 11 I3 cl pt i '> 1 ( , l 111 r • l 1 c > f ,vl1icl1 Il erbert ,v. Jo11es ih pa tor . , e\·e11t~,. 1ne1nl)e1-. a11cl friencl. of tl1 c}1ltrcl1 1·ece11tlv . t11·rot1nclec1 • Train for $erv1ce in our Mhsions, Chri,tian Educar ,on, Pastoral, and Mus ic Cov1)es.. Wrrtt! Pre~. H. O Von Gilder for detail!> of 3 or 4 year cour\es . WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 528 33 rd St., QB ('\nl.lnnrf , C"olif. , ,t1ll li ll t1c l t,tl> les at cl f<- ll <>\\ <.; }1i1> cl i111l{ ' l' . sti \ e ral l 1H\'( 1 IH'<'ll nclll <'cl 1<> I l 1P < • h 11 l' c · }1 , l 11 c 1 g < > <J cl , l t t P 11 c l ,l 11 < • c' is tl<>tPc l i11 ,tl l cl c1>,ll't111 111 : . 'l l1P t rttHt e 1 s l' Pce11 tl v i11s t,tllrcl .._ a 11 <' '" <>i l lJ11r11i11g f11r11,t e< a11cl a 11c· ,,· llatl1 r oc)111 ,1t t}1p par~c)11a~P, J>ttrc·l1asi11g ,1lso ,t 11 r ,,· 111i111Pc>g·ra1 >h ic,1· ll~(-l <>f t l1<1 ]1ctst or. ' l' }1p (· l1t11·<'l1 is l<>ol<i11g fc>r,,·,1rcl tc> tl1e ret1tr 11 <> f tl1eir 111iss io11:-1r,· • ... I i. s ( '<>1111i c> ()!els, "'c· l1e(ll1l ecl t o lP<l\'P 11 <1 1· st,1tio11 i11 .r\ 8sa1 11, l 11 <lia, i11 t l1P P,tl' l)'" spri11 u·. J l r .·. l3t1rrc>,,·s f r o111 th ,1 t fie l cl \\ 1 ,1s cl 1'0('P l1 t :p a l{ r l' ,lt tl1 e I~c~rl)(' t<>\\ 7 11 1~aptist 1 l111r t' h . 'l'he 1 al,,ar}.. l ~H J)tjst ( 1 l1l1rc]1 of t 1 a 11to11 , ()l1io Re,·. ( 1 l1arl es :\ l r l{i11 - 11r).. r1astc>r l1el tl a l\IisHio11 ar} .. ( 1 0 11 - f(.> r e11c:e ()c:tobe1· 7-11. 1111 (lPr t]1e <lllS]J iec-1. · of t l1r I~ cl J)tist l\I icl-:\Ti ·– ~ic)11 s. l~r,~. F.Jcl,,·. .:.\ f or1·p 11, .J 1· .• - I l (' \' ( ; (. 11 ( I ( I') 1• I)(. t t , J l (. \ 1 • f': ( I \\ . ~ 111<'lf z,,1· i111cl ~l iss l{t1tl1 l'il at \V<'l'c• ill<' llti :-;s ic>ll,ll'i ('S J>l' ( 1 8P III l'c,1· 1 IJc• <'<> 11 f'c 1 1'Pll('C'. 'J' }i(' 't' <>ttlh l 4 Plfc>\VS}1Jj) <>f l!IP (. h 11 t' ( * It I 1 l' I(I " I{ ; t 11 ) 7 I )(. (. (' tl I I) c• , • ·1111 H l l<I Gtl1 ,,itli H <JttHl'ft·( H. 11 <1 J{()\T, ,Jc,) 111 f{PllC> c1f' tll<' (\•clH J'Vi f) , J~ill>- 1 ist ( 'c, llc· gc· 111 c· hargl'. '1'11<' ,\' <>11t l 1 ('I'<> l ll t l 1P 11 (' jg; Ii } H) r j t I g· ( ; 1\ f{ • J{ • c· h11rt•l1""' \\!P r e· i11vit<·<I . ( :\ Jrs. J~cl - \\<11'<1 ;\t'Sl>t11 ) , \ ' (' 1 1, 1, , (' , l 1 (' t t " 1• r r, , ,, 1 .\ l I':,.;. I Jt'<> tl H <:rH\<'S, l{ l'tlilPhv111 l{n1>tis1 ' ht11·c·l1 , ( •1('\'( 1 l,t11 cl , t'('JH)J·t ir1g· <>11 1·c·c·<·t11 J>1·c,gr<·ss 111 ,t<I<• i 11 rt·fi11 isl1 ir,g· n11cl 111<><lc•r11 iz111g t l1 P i11 l<'l'i<>l'. I )t11·– i 11 ~· r t'<'<'tlt \\('<'l{s ct 1i l(' flcHJI' \\,lS laicl i11 111 P ,tlt<litc,ri11111 111c,c lPr·11 lig}1t i 11 g· fi,1tll'>H \V(' l 'P itt"i1Hll<> t l, H <'ltshi<>ll 1 <> 1lC' <'<'i li11 g- \\H"i f>lll i11 1hP l>,lSl' Jll C111 Hlt<l \\'ct JI~ \\'('I'<' t'< 1 - <l(-1c•c ,1·atPCl . :\ f tt<·h (>f' tl1c- \\'()J'}( \V,lS <lc,11P l>.\ 111 P11 <>f t}JC' c·l111r<·l1. 1his lJ<'i lt g ,L J)cl rt of' thP }C>llg-1',lllg ' i111- }>rCJ\'P lllC 11t JJI'(>gr:t] ll l)rg-1111 ctl)()111 t,v<> , ,.ear~ ,1!.!<). '1'11<1 I{ P\'. (}l c 1 11 11 • II l),t\·is i\ 11,t~t<>l' c,f' tt1is (>t·c, - • • µ. r <'~~ l \ ' P c·c> 11 grc·1.r,tt 1<,11. ~ < ' () .:.\ l :.\ I ( J X- 'I' ..\ 'I' l~li 8 ' ' ? 'rh J) l' l'cl(' }l Pl' lilllc;,t }JP l'cll' 1 ft1) 1<> 111ctkP ]1imself ltn<lr r~t<>ocl. \\rr l1rarcl of a 1>re,tc·}1er ,, l1c1 \ ' <1l1111- t<1erecl tlt<' i11fo1·111,ttic>11 i11 r,11e <>i' his . e r111 0 11~ tl1at <>11 ,t c· rt,ti11 1>oi11t c·c> 111111011t,1 t or'> c1icl 11<>l agr<'<> ,vitl1 l1i111. F ol10,vi11g tl1i" <>11 <><·c·asi<>11 of a l' all at t l1c l 1<)ll1P c>f a g<>O< l l )c1ris l1i o 11e r, the lctcl}" of tl1c l10111l' liberally s111)l)li cl tl1e r rar of tl1 pa.·tor'!-) l)11gg,\.. ,, it 11 . \\ raPt J)C>- t c1toes. - 1 l1ri.·iia11 \ ... i ·tc>1~, • We handle the popular ~ inO' piration Recorc1 R. C. A. Rerording , and arred Recorcl . . pre enti11g· the ,,.,ork of ,Jacl{ Holc:on1b, ft eo1·µ: e Be,.,r1·l y ~ l1ea, 1Ic1,·e11 of l{ est Q11;1r1Ptic. a11c1 ()lcl Ji',tsl1ic>11 rcl l{p,·i,·,t l lf<>llr (~11artt•t1 E'. \\"p a l~c> )1,l\<' 11<>\\' H\' ctil– al>le r P<'<>l'cl i11g·s l) ) r l\1 11sic·c1l 1\ f pssP 11 gp 1·s \\' 1tlt \ ric, li11 . \ il>ra 11 ,tril, J>ia11 c>, a11cl ( il1i111(.'s. Sing·Ie on 78 R.P .M.-Each $1.05 ~1 i11 itlllllll <>J'(l P I' l'<>I' ll lct i} <l<'lt\C'J'\ (hl' PC' • • t'<'<·<> 1·c Is. ( \\rp })cl) f Ji c• J) {>SfHg'P) BELIEVER'S BIBLE AND BOOK COMPANY 120 Park Avenue Ely1·ia, Ohio I