The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1954

Ja11t1ary 1954 ---- 1ril>lt11<)11 <)l' 111<' <: i<l< 1 <>11 ' ' Nt' ' ' ' l'Ps1 H 111('111 I~il) lt', ct N,1i11t ,Jc1n1e~ \'(1t'Sl()1l,,, HC'('C> l'(li11g· 1<) the l) l't'SS rrll'HS<'. 'l'l1, <'<)\tt't i11 lic111<li11µ: cl<)\\tl its \ \ \ \ T () ( l 1' e h(' 1' (l ( • () 11 ( f ( \ I' 11 (' ( 1 'v i t h cl \' i1 cl l <fll<'S( l<>ll lll\'<)l\' 1llg 1llc' \ 1 l'l',\ l<>lltl<lct1 i<lll c>f <>llr c·i,·ili ;,. ,1t i<>ll. l 1 p 11 t l 1 l' i P s H t!_' <J <> l 11' I' cn· <' f cl 111 <' I':-{ ~ f<lttg111 ,lllll cliP<l l'c>l' 111<' 1>ri11c·i1>l< 1 ~ 11 < >,, · <) 111 cl i 11 Pc l i 11 t 11 P l > i 11 c > I' r i g· I 11 ~ <)f 1 ]tP ft\lll'l'cll Hll<l ~<'\\' ,J l'I'~(\\ ·<)11stit11tic>11~. 11 is <>ltl' s<)IP11111 tllt1~~ 1<> ])l'(>hil111 Hll_\' Pll<'l'<)cl<'ll- ll1Pl11 lll)<)Jl f}lPlll. ' l'<> ()Pl'lllit t}le' <listr-il>11tio11 c>f t l1t' I{i 11g· ,J a1n es ,e1r- , s i <) 11 o f 1 I 1 e I~ i 1) J l' i 11 111 < 1 I> 11 l > l i l' Sl'llc>c>l"' c>f 111is stcll< 1 ,vc>11]cl l)c' tc> tcl~1 asiclr t]1p J>l'<>gr<'s~ 111,1clP i11 t}1p l T11itPcl ~t,ltPs ,111cl tl1rc>t1g}1c>ltt ~<.1,r .Jersc->\ 111 t l1<\ fi<· lcl <>f reli ~i<>tts l 1 (> 1 er ,l t i <> 11 a 11 cl fr P ('cl c > 111 . \ \ ' <' 11111 s t clP<·li11<' t<> clc> sc>. '· 'J'llP j11c.lg ·p~ ,,·}to l'l'Jl<l< 1 l'('(l 111 i .~ <>J>i11ic)11 111,1)· 11,1,·p l>e1e11 "i11fit'l'<>, l111t S0111P1 l1i11g tPlls llS tl1at 11eitll<'l' ,J11~til'e "'\ rtl111r 'J'. \ Ta11clt'1·l1ilt 11c>r 811~'" of l1is ct.'S()l'iHtPS <ll'l' l~H])ti~t ~. 'J It< J{ ea<l<1·'s /Ji{Jcsl 111 its J)per111l>er 11l1111l>er r e- 1>orts tl1,11 ,,·l1erec1s 111 1 !)-!(), :27() 111illio11 ea11s of b,tb~.. ft><)<l ,,,c:i rP solcl, tl1e scll(l~ cll1ri11g 1 n~;i \\rp rc.~ 0sti111ate(l to l>e Ollr' c.-lllCl 011<~ half l)illio11, i11clil'ati11g ,1 bal))'" 1>0<1111 cl11ri11g· tl1<1 })ast tl1irtrP11 ~·e,1r:. '['l1i~ 111ec111'} tl1at at tl1c> 1>1·esc11t rat) c>f j11('rP,l~P ,t ·~fiftl1 })l<tte' ' ,,.·ill 11e1<1cl t<> I><' set f'o r r,·er,· fct111il, <)f • • I~.i\ 11\r ]~()()}\ ! fottl' J)Pl'!-;C)l1S 11()\\. Slll"l'<)ll11(1i11g tlll' 1al)}P, \\rjt}1i11 t11P lll'Xl fiftC:)ll ,·e,ll'S. • • 'l,}1i\ ctlso 111ea11s tl1c1t tl1e1re i. 111t1el1 ,,·ol'l< to IJe c1011~ b,T tl1e • <'l1t11·e}1 i11 tl1i~ ,·ast 111is~i<J11 fie lll l,11c>,v11 a~ tl1t 1 {;11itecl 8tc1te1:,.,. t ;11- <• <) l t J 11 <> < 1 t } 1 t> 11 :,., cl 11 c 1 i-, of t} 1 P ) " o 1111 µ: JlP<JJ>Je ,ritl1 s111all c·l1il<lr("'ll ,ll'P 111c),·i11~ 1<> tl1 P 11rl>cl11 tPrri1<)l"\ ' a<l • j,1c·c-11t 1<> i11(lt1st r, a11cl tl11~ 111 eclll:--i • tli,11 t<J l{<' l 1 I> J),1<· l ,,1 itl1 t11<1 11Pecls, <·11111·,·li<'"i lllll~t l)P ( 1 ~tcll))i~l1t1cl ,111(1 l{il,lc• (']111>~ 111t1st l)<l <>1·g,111ize1cl. '/ 1 !1t !· 1 el /011 1 sl1 iJ1 tJj' Ila JJI isls /t"'r1 r !lt,111< .l/ 1s,1t,11s SI><'<·ia l izP8 i11 tl1i~ }>i<,11 e<) l' \\ 1 <11'1(, l,111 <)J>11<>1·t 1111 it iP!-, ,ll'<' <>f>C'lJ f<,1· 111' Jc,c·ctl c·li11r<·l1e>~ t<> PS1c1l,lisl1 c,111-J><>st:-s a11cl earl'>' (>11 <>t·ga11 il<"<l ,,isit,tt i,,11. N,•11tli11g 1n is– Hic,11aril·s 1<, l'<>l'e1ig·11 :-;c,il is <'<ll'l'.,·i11g () l l 1 (' 11 l .\ 7 cl I) ( l t• t () r 111 (' cl :,.; s i g J l II ) (' ) I 1. 'J' I I J·~ l1IH'I' l )J \\' • g<, \\'it}1 cl l'\tSh ,t11,I tl<J\\1)1 \\ 7 (' ('(JlllP \\ 1 ifl1 a l)11n11,. I t is r,,r11111,11< 1 1} 1 a I 111 a 11 's s I > i 1 · j t i ~ 11 <, t 1) r P n I<, 1 l > I P ,,,jtli Al 1c·l1 rc,,1g·J1 11·e1aiu1P11t, Hll<I i1 j · g<>(1tl f c, l1a,1p ,t J>lll'JHJ"'<' ,,,}1i< 1 l1 '1'1IE Ol'IIO INI)EJ'J~NJ) l1N'"r 13Al'TIS'J' <·,11111<)1 sf ,l llt'<'S. • ('11'1'11111 - I lt 1 1"1' ':-, tl1, s t<>1·~ l."1·11111 <>ltl' 1,11l>- lis l1<'l'S \Ve' re•(•f'i\P(l ,I 11(;1 \\r, 111>- l<>– clnt1• li st <>f tl1, s 1tl ls<· rilH·rs n11<l cl<'– ,·i1le1<l le> a11c1l,rzc• it. 1\ s \V<' t11r11t•cl • l>ilg'P ;if'tfll' j> c.Jg' <', <'Xtllllit1i11g 111< 1 list c>t' ttlltl<>SI 1. :-,()() s11 l ,~1·1·i l><'l'S, \\'(' ,v,, 1• <, 1 i r 1{, < 1 1 < , 1 1i <• h <• i ," 1t t ~ 1 1, 11 ,1 1,, ~ 11tP i11tert•st 111c111il'es tc• ll at ·c>tlll' l1><·c1ti<>ll S, illl<l the· lll{l'l' lc1c·I, c,r i 111 ( I I' (\ s t cl t () 1 I 1( I I' l )() i 11 1,."' l ) I' () l l g I 1( 11 • <le>,, 11 ,vitli a 1>111111>. ~<>t11ca r,•Ia - t i , <' l., s 111 H I l <• l 1 11 r <• It < ·:,;; l 1, t v c, I > r a c• 1 I< • c1 11., r l I 11 . <) , 1 , , l'" g <\ , , 111 < t s,, 111 ,• ~11·c,11!..! 1·J1ttl'<'l1c•s l1a, 1 <' litt1 ,1 l'<'\V "'t t l lS(' l' i I)<' I'S, I, <' '..! l I I c1 r I ! n r> t i s t I) <, c , I > I e I I c1 , , <• c·c>1n111c>11 i111< 1 res ts ,llt<I clif'f'p1· l,11t li t t It• i11 t.,·1)<' c>r ,tl 1 it lt<lP. ' I'lt<' ,vic'P (l i Ir(')' l' 11 (. (. i l l l' 0 \ 1 (' 1' Hg· p is ( I u( I t c) Ill<' clil'fe11 ·ci 11t·< 1 i11 1>l'<>lll<>1ie>ll 1<.'c·li - 11ic1tt<'. }11 lilt' l'P}lC.)\VSlliJ> 11iPI'(' Hl'P ',(>lll<' c>11tst,t11cli11µ: (l\,llll}>lt 1 '°I c,f' S,t l C'S ,1l>ilit, 1 • I 11 ('\ 1 }'\' c·httl'<•11 ()}' c·it \' • • • ,, }1111' <' t lie• 11111111>< 1 1' c,f s11 l)s1 ·1·il> 'l's is llllll~llctll\ l1in]1 \ V<' ell'(' cll>}p to \Vl'lt<· . ...., clc>\\ 11 tl1P 11,lllll' <>I' tl1ca J1Pl'S<)ll rc• - ~1><>11~il,l<1. J>l'()lll<>t i<)ll j~ itt(li,ricltt,l}, )> Pl'S<>ll – rll, a11cl ,,·e cl~J( fc>1: th e f11ll ~llJ>t><>i-t <>f P' <.' 1')' l)il~t<>l' Hll<l l'0l)l' P"(.l ll1Htl\ 7 P 111p111l)f' l' ,1111011g t 11 <' HffiliatPcl <'lll11·c·l1e~. 'J l1P !'-)ltl>~c·ri1)tio11 list i~ g·t'<)\\ i11g PH('ll 111<>11t 11 clllcl l'or 111e o·oocl ,,·ork: alre,t(l,r tl<>ll<' ,re1 f'P<:1 ...... . < 1 1 P I ) l) ~ g· r ,1 t l'\ f t I l. ... \ (1(1l'PS~ ,1)} 11('\V ~ltlls(•J'iJ>1i<>llS a11(1 l'Pll<l\\'cll" t<>: lfrs. ( 1 r1rl 1, ... .l l r1rli11. :Jl{i 'f 'r11f /1 i 1 lr<rf, f~l1;ri<1, ( ) /1irJ. l~ I) l T l . .l \. 'l' l () A T i[a11~· )'Ollllg lllCll Cllt :}l<)l't tl1eir Pcl11c:c1til>11 ct11cl e11t )r tl1c.1 111i11i~tr,· • <)l' 111issio11,tr\ 1 fielcl ,vitl1 ,l J~il)le • 8c· 110<>1 (liJ)lo111c:1 011 l>·· t111clc)1• t llt' h)' J><>tl1t>si" tl1,-1t tl1erP is ,1 11eetl 1<> ··µ:et f)llt' • tl1e ( :c)~l>C'l. 'l'J1p f'<>1111cl,t– t i<>11 f<>l' t}1i~ l'CHSC)lli 11~· i:-, 1...;()llll<l, l>tl1 i~ l'Pcl t• ti11g t() 111l' <1Ptl'illlPll1" <>f' tl1P J)t1l1>it a11(l 111issio11 fi<1lcl. J~'1111cla111<111tctl sc·l1oc)ls ,1re 11,tr<l 1>res~t1(l i'c>l' f,l<'lllt)· clll(l ('"\.<.1('1lti,re l)Pt':-,()llllPl \\ l1ic·l1 lllPPt 111<1 S(' l}c>lclSti e ~ta11clctl'<l"' c>l' tl1 e statPs. 'l'l1i~ <l<li- tc,1· 11,1" 1·pc•e i,·c 1 cl f'<>ltl' i11c111iriP~ l'r<>111 ,, <>rtl1,· ( 1 l1 ri~1 in 11 "'<·11<><>1" H~I, • i11g lls 1c> li~t 111t-11 i11 tlt<' i'c 1 ll<>\\'°1llit > ,vitl1 sc·ltc>lnstic· ~1,lll(li11~·. 'L'l1is sltc>1·tc1gc- <>l' <(ltHlifiP<I 111 P 11 sc• t'\ < 1 ~ H"' ii l1l',tV~T l1a11 clic·n1> tc> tl1 <1 sc·l tt><>l"' c111cl t l1c'l'Pl>, 1 l'<'<llt(' Ps 1 lll' \ ' ,tilt<' <>I' • 1] l ( 1 () t } l C ' I' \ \1 j SP \ \ <) 1• t } 1 \ 1 j 11 :,.; 1 1 1 l l t j < > 11 ~ . • \\ 1 ( I l I I' c ,. (' \ 7 () l l l \ ll' l l I(\ I 1 t () I) I'( )(. l I I' l \ n . n il' J><>ssil,le a11 P l11c·nti<>11 ,vl1il·h ,viii c 1 11 c1 1 i r., t 1i ci 111 1, > 1 n c, (' t t 11 c, g, .<>\vi 11 g 11c•<'<I l'c>1· lP,t<'l1,•r:-; ,111,l ( 1 h1·i st it111 1-,<• }1c>(> J t'X C'l' 111 i \ 1 <'S. T'I-IJ~ 0 r-I r O lNDI~PE:NDEl\I'l, I3AP'J'lSrI' J>uJ)lis l1 "cl Mo11ll1ly l,y '1'111!~ 01110 ASSOCIA'rJ ON 0 1 1 ' l{l ~CiUI.JJ\ I~ J3Al' 'I'JS'l1 C IIUJ~CI1l~S J)ul)lical io11 OJijce 110-118 E. Oak SL., Butler, Incl. IT . l{. 1 1 INLEY, Edilol' 120 Park Ave11ue I~lyria, Ohio MI{S CAI~L W. MAf{'fIN Circula Lio11 Ma11agel' a16 T ei1tl1 Street Elyria, 01110 S t l l,sc ri )> tio11 lta t(~: Per s i11gle CO!)Y ---------------$ .l!'i Per year __________ ------ ____$1.50 Aclvcrti~i11g Itatc: Per column incl1 _________ $ 1.50 Per half page________________ . $21.00 Per full page _____________ _$40.00 E11terecl as seco11d class matter at tl1e Post Office at Butler, Incliana, under the Act of Marcl1 3. 1879. THE COUNCIL Ol1io Association Of Regttlar Baptist Churcl1es Cl1air1na11 REV. E. V. WILLETTS 11 Adams Street Berea. Ohio Secretar)' REV. REGINALD L. MATTHEWS 937 Grancl A venue Toledo 6, Ohio Trcast1rer REV. VERNE L DUNI1Al\1 227 Kansas A , ,e11 t1e Lorain, 01110 l\Iissi<>11ar)' REV. HALL DAUTEL Gallia & Waller St<".i. Portsmot11h, Ohio Y <>t111g J>e<>Illc REV. W. H GREEN Baptist. Par.::,011age Ga1lipol is, Ol1io l\le111bers REV. C C C'Lr\WSON REV. J ,\l\IES 'I'. JltRFlVI l1\I l REV EI~'l'ON C. 11 UKILI..1 REV. T. FRED HUSSEY REV. AI"'I..,1\N E. LEVlIS