The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1954

- Png T\, o THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST February 1954 ----~------~~--~--~-- ~~~------~----------- Editorial Co,nnient .. \ t: )t)l) 'l'l:\lr, .\ ('('()1'(li11g 1() l~('('lt1~i ' astt'8, ('llH})tl'l' :{. tllPl'P is a t i 11l t\ f () 1' (\ \ el'\. t l 1 i l l o·- ._ r-. ' ' 'l't) ti,·rr,·tl1i11~ tl1Prt' is cl . ' ~t1,lSt)l\ . • · 'Iltf'l'P is cl ti111t} ,,·l1p11 it·~ eels~· tt) tlt) g·ootl. l1,1rtl tt> <l<) ,rro11g·: a ti111t' ,,·l1P11 tl1P (1<>s1>el see111s tt) s\,·pe1> f<.)l'\YHr<l ,llll(>11g· tl1e lllcl,:ses· H t i111<1 ,,. l1t' 11 t 11 r sa111e l f <.) 'P<' l Sft'111~ to lllcll{e 11 <) i1111> rt1s– sio11 llJ)Oll the lllcl ·se,: a ti111r ,vhe11 11a ti 11. i.: ee111 to cr~t 011 t to Go(l . • ,111(1 a ti111e ,,,,l1e11 tl1e 11atio11 · ~ee111 to -- a,... '· tl1e1'e is 110 (}o 1.' • "".,.O\\" i ' a .CJOOCl fi>>lC fc)l' 8atclll to cli,,,e1·t tl1e atte11tio11 of 1 eople a\\'clJ'" fro111 -rocl. 1Io11e:r· i.· J)le11ti– ft1l a11d o,"er the major'itJ,. of l:0111e the1·e i. t l1e e,· itle11ce t l1a t ,,·ithi11 the ho111e tl1e1·e i._ a te le– 'Ti ~io11 011erati11g· far i11 to tl1e 11ig·ht. ( n far111 1)ape1· reee11tl~,. carr·ied th acl, 1 ice tl1at the far111- e1' hot1lcl 111alre hi., b11si11e:. ealls 11po11 the 11eig·hbo1-. clt11·i11g tl1e claJ"ti111e a' tl1e 11eigl1ho1-- ' do 11ot lilce to be cli. tl11·becl ,,,.hile ,,,atc.:h– i11g the ho,,,. at 11ig·}1t. 1 1 l11·ot1g·l1 thi 111edi11111 the J"o1111g· ·ter .· a11d the old ter too are feel ll l)011 that ,, ..hj h j 11ot bread. It i. lt goocl ti,1i e, ,,,itl1 pro:– }) 1·it)r at ha11 1, £01-- l)er ·011.· to acq11ire ta ·te ,,, hicl1 11eecl l i tt1 r e11lti, 1 ati11g to ter111i11ate i11 ex– travaga11ce ,,,.a8te a11cl ev011t11al })o, 1 e l'ty. The p1·e. · 11t i.· ct goocl ti,1le fo1· ch t11·cl1e. to 1)11 ilcl extra , r,:1ga11 tl.y·, l)e}·oncl.· p1--e. e 11 t 01· f oreseeablr need. mo1 .. tga~ri11g· tl1e i11con1e of the 11ext ge11e1·atio11. 111111e<·c:\·:a1·– il,1, ._ A goocl tinie to c·o11si<ler thr pt1rcha:ing po,,,e1-- 0£ thP J)reael1- l' s dollar i ... the prese11 t. 1 h ttr(·l1 :tati ·tic.· . ho\v that th average pa ·to1·. ,,ritl1 his 1na1l}" i11 ·1·ea.·e. · dl1ring 1·ece11t 3tea1-.·, ha., 13% le.\· ]Jl1rcha. i11g· po"·er tha11 i11 19:39. l t ,,,.ill be 11oted that i11 i11cl t1. tI"}' ",,age. and alarie ince 1939 ha ,Te bee11 increa ed approximate– l:-· 42 % ,\·hicl1 i. far beyoncl the i11c1·ea e frra11tecl to cle1·g:v··me11. Febrt1ar}· 1954 i. Cl goocl ti,iz e to e11ter t1po11 ·01ne active . e1~,/ic i11 the cht1rch. It i " ack110,\'le(lgecl l)J" pa. to1·.· t11at 11ot n101·c tha11 10% of the n1en1lJe 1"i hip is a('ti,Tr– l~· e11g·agecl i11 the ' '"'orl{. ( Thjs J>erce11tao·e cloe: 11ot i11C'll1cle tho. ·r ,,,.ho e aeti,,.ity is lin1ited to at– te11c1ing· set'"\"ice. a11cl <'Ontribt1ting n1011e:v·. ) The pre~ent i: rt goocl tin1e to et ,l})cll't H l'Pl't,lill t illlt> <>f l'ctt' ll <let.\" ft)l' [ll'H)" \l' H llCl 1 ll (' l' t1cl( l i11g, C> (' (ic><l 's \\"c>rcl. ' l'l1i~ l1,l,·i11µ: l>e(' tl <l(>ll(). lllclll,\. J)l' C) l l ll'lllS \Yill llH\' P l>c'P 11 ·c>l,·ecl. :\<.)xt ~1t11cla)· ,,·ill l1<1 <t f/<J(J(l ti,11e to Ht,l1·t })la1111i11~r for tl1P 1·egist1·<1tio11 a1 ( 1 cl11111 J>at1110~. l\I a1 l},. \Yrre c1 i:a 1>1)oi11 te<l 1,u:.;t J,.ec1 r (lt1e to late 1·pgistratio11. ( 1 l11trel1Ps ,,,,hiel1 ,,·e1·e last cl111'i11g 19~:3, .·l1011ltl l>e fi1-. ·t i11 19f>4. 'I'he c·l111rC'h ,,·hicl1 l1a~ a slo,,,._1110,·i11~: 111 e111 lJe1·shi l) sho11lcl sta1·t . ·0011 er, t he11 i{ee 11 1110,ri11g, a11 cl thri1· :v·o1111g:ste1·s 111a~T lJe fir. ' t 011 tl1e boat. ~ ,.o,,,, is rt grJo(/ ti JJl e to lie 1 J) ( i l~D.r\ R \TIJ.JL ~~. 111 tl1P lo11g ago ,ve t3 7 p c1 o, ·p1' a11cl o, ·e r agai11, · Xo,,.. i: tl1e ti111e fo1· all g·oocl 111e 11 to c·c>111e to the aicl of tl1eir par·ty. ' 111 1·elatio11 to c~ED . ..\R– \T"I I_J IJE, · • ... \ "rJ1,1_· is tl1 e tinl e. ' DE( 1 E l\TER~ 1 ,,Te li,·e i11 a cl,1,· • ,,·l1e11 clec i, 1 ers go a b<l11t els 1·oari11g· lio11~ :eel<i11g· ,,TJ10111 th e,r 111a,.. cle,·011 r . • • '"".\.. 1101)11la1' 111a~:azi11c-1 <·,1rrie~ cl f11ll-1)aue acl,Te1·ti:e111{)11t i11 ,,·l1i<'l1 t 11 rre ir-; }) i<·t t11·ecl a lo,·e 1)~ girl .·111oki11g· a <:it!arett0. Sc:l>Ti11g·: · Tl1i :-; is jttst \Vll,lt tl1e llc)c·to1· <) rtlerec1.' Nc)l)l (l acl\'f>l'ti. ·Prs \V()lll(l l1a\re lli"\ l1elie,·c tl1at foocl c·a1111c>t l)e J>l'OJ)– < rl).,. clig·e:tecl t111less tl1e c.l i1111 er i~ f ollo,,·ecl b)· t 11 e :111ol<i11p: of a <·ertai11 l)ra11cl of eig·a1·rtte, <>l' c·l1p,,ri11g· a c·e1·tai11 lJl'clll(l ()f glllll . .L\ ,,,rll lc110,,· 11 title i11st1rc-111c·c C'C) lllJ)all)'" ,,.<>tLlcl l1a,·p 11~ ll<1lie, 1 p tJ1at 1111lrss a la11cl titlP is fia,,·l<--'ss l>atl< to tl1e t1aJ'"8 (>f t}1e l 11clia11s ,1 1>rope1·t)'" i.· j 11 jeoJJclr<-1~,. 1111 lP"is c·c)\'e1·ecl 1>,r titlc-1 i11s111·c111c· e. • 'fl1e realr:tat l>1·olce1· i11fo1·111s tl1c seller t 11 at r t 11 ts ,-l re <) 11 t he cle– c Ji 11 e, the olc.l-fashio11ecl t,,·o- ·to1·,,. • 11ol1: ., a1·e })a i11g: 011t of cle111a11cl a11c1 that ho11. i11g p1·oject: ,, 1 ill , rel')" . 0011 111al{e it i1n1)0. :il)le to fi11cl r e11te1'. . The . a111e 1·eale. tate b1'0- l<er i11fo1·111.· the bzt.1,Jer tl1at tl1e gooc1 olcl t\\"O-. to1'}" l1ot1 e: are b1tilt £01· tj 1ne a11 c1 ,,ea1· a11 cl a r· ~ 11 el'e to .·ta}'": that tl1e <>11e : tor>,. })la11 iH a fa(l, a11c1 that 110,r is tl1e ti111p to J>i ·k tip ,1 1·eal l>arg,1i11 £ro111 SC)lllt) ,vl10 al'e r11"ihi 11if fc)r tl1P 11 e,,,. 1~l' J)e <)f }10111e. rrh e No,·iet { T ll io11 11 rges fol' J>eace 011 arth, ,,.. hile e1np lo~Ti11 ~· it.· agent. · to ol)~·trt1et pea 1 e. "\\Y"p ,tr<.> tol(l l>.). ~c,111P t l1Ht l1<1,t,·e 11 ,, ill l>P c·lusecl tc> illl \Yh<> clt'P tl<>t '· ll<tJ1tize(l 11.'· i111111rrsi<J11 f~T() tl1 > l><>tl.\· <)f ( 1 l1rist,' ,t11<l ll~· c>tl1t1r tl1c1t t}1ere is 11<> ..a1,,atic)11 fc>1· t11c>se \\·l1<> 1 1 cl\.e 1 1 <) t l > c> c-> 11 ' ~ s P a 1 P cl ,,, it h t h r. SJ)irit' <lt1cl <le111011. ·tr<1te l>)l' ,' J)ec1k– i11µ: i11 to11g·tLe:. l ~,\T :till others \\' < 1 ,lre tolcl that 110 l)P1~8011 ,\·ill P11ter tl1e I>Par·l}'" ~:atrs t111les.· l1e is <fllali– fie(l l>v a ·t11't,1i11 tl1111·c·h ,~/bile still • a11othe1~ g·rotl}) tell.· t1.· that the1·e is 110 cleat }1 110 hea\ 1 e11, 110 he 11, . 0 ,,,11, 1 ,, 1 orr1'". There a1--e :till otl1e1·. ·. " ' ho,,·e,re1', ,,·ho , a~·: ' 1lTllat ,'(fitli f /1p 1 "c ripf l(J'('.'? • • .. e,,·:pa11e1·. g1,·e aC'to1111t of e,,.e1·-i11- <·1·ea:i11g· la,,·le:. 11e•• · a11c1 .itr,Te11ile cleli11c1t1e11<:~· i11 ·l11cli11g· : tree t <'ri111e: a11to tl1eft, g·a11g· fight: ancl ~t hoo l 1·iot. . ~thool teacher.· 1·e- 1101·t tl1e i111po. :ibilit}'" of lceepi11g 01·clet i11 the . ·l1oolroo111, b11t pub- 1 ie se11 ti111e11 t a11 l :tate la\\". p1·0- l1 i lJi t tl1e teac: l1e1"' f1·0111 acl1ni11i ·te1·– i11g· tJ1e t},.})e of p1t11i. h111e11t tl1at i: .'() ,,,.e 11 l e. e1·,·ecl. 1 t is t l1e g e11e1· al 11olit)'" of tl1 e 11 11bli<' .·el1ool c1d111i11i." t1·atio11 to al– lo,,· tl1e ~·ot111g. ter. to 'expre:: the111. ·el,·e. , a11c1 t<) •' tle,relO}) alo11g 11,lt11ral li11e:. ', 111 l)1'ief, this r11- ctl)le. · tl1e '·ego' ' to gi,·e it. elf ex- 1 >1·es "io111 £01· l1etter or "''Ol\'e. , \re tlo 11 <)t 11,rY'e great acl111 ira tio11 for tl1e l~l'iti:11 i11 r0latio11 to 111etl1o(ls 01· p1·0<:e<.lt1re:. l111t it 11111. t 11 a<l111ittrtl that tl1e Ja,,·s of the la 11 1 <ll'f> e11f01·eecl, se11te11ce.· j111- })0~Pcl 1>}" tl1e cot1rtH are l'arriecl 011t tc> la:t 110111·. fi11e. as\e.1."ecl <lre J>ai<.1 tc) the la.·t clc>llar (li ·tiJ)li11e i: 111ai11- tai11ec1 i11 tl1e J10111e"i a11cl the .·el1ool teael1er i8 i11 l'harg·e of l1is ela88. , , itl1 tl1P ro11ti1111ecl lJ1·eal~i11g clo\\ 7 11 of a11tl1c>1·it}' i11 t]1p A\ 111eric:a11 l10111e t l1 e re1striC'tio11s I)laercl t1po11 tl1 teaC'he1· i11 the pl11Jlic . cl1ool, the ope11 11egotiatio11 ,,·ith tl1e i11di– ,·icl ll al 01· the g·a11g· tl11·ot1gho11t t lie la11c1. a11othe1· 1eeac1e 111a~.. J)la ·e the l r11ited tate i11 a elas: b,.. it elf • a. the ,,·01·ld . 1110 t la,,~Ie · 11atio11, to ,,,,hicl1 the othe1· 11atio11: 11111.~t .·e11(l co1111sello1·s clll<.I 111i.·sio11a1·ie ·. 13 I( i l) '1 1 Rl.,. ~ o, Y 11 erc o 11 t 11 e ~ "01·tl1 ..i. \ 111eric·,111 ( 1 011- ti11<111t l1a: t}1p l)ig·otr)Tof thr Ro111,t11 ( 1 ,ttl1olie 1 l1111'l'l1 l)ee11 11101'e })ro- 1101111 ·eel tha11 i11 tl1e P1'Q,yi11 ·e of (~t1ebe-, ,vhe1·e . t1·eet 111eeti11~·: ,11·r