The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1954

THE OHIO ' 0Ju111e XXVI MAY 1954 ~ - -- Apple-Blossoms < :,>cl 111ig·l1t l1 a,T cloth e 1 tl1 ap1)l tree I 11 .·c 1 tle8. l)ro,v11 1· o·ra,,- r- • ~t1c·l1 f rail a11cl f lert i11u· blosso111i11g·. ~() S()())I t() ~)asr..; R\\' H~ - J11i-;teacl of thi s fair SJ)ri11g·ti111r ira1·b ()r f' ra ~>; r a1 t l)i1 k a11<1 p arl ' l'ha1 f 111t tr1·s clt>\\' 11 lil<P 1'08\' .; 11<>\\ <>11 <'\' <'r,\" brPe%e a-,,·l1i1·J .· I-I i. g·oc)cl11 ~s gi,·e · t l1c r>lrasa11t frt1it ()11 lacle11 l)o11g·l1s c.lo ,v11-l) e11 t ; ~J i<.; l<r\Ti11g·-]<i11cl11es~ H<lcls tl1e l>l<><>tlt, I ts hPa11t, 1 a11d its sc·c 11t . • II r lc>a<l~ t1s ,,·itl1 Il is be11rl'it~ l T11til 110 ,,·a11t ,, e 1{110,,, \ tt(l tl1c11 lf t> 'i t111,l~ tl1 c litt lt) n1<>rP 'J'l1c1t 111a l~ri"' <>llt' <'lll 1 t>, 1 rl'I<>\\ . li e\ <11)e11 · ,,,icl e lJ is l1,111<l ol' l<>\e : HP g·i,rcs 110 sti11g·)' (lol 1; I Ii~ t e11cle1· 111 1·ei s c1· c>\\ 1 11 ot11· cl,1,\ :,., ~ < > bless t l1 r I ;O 1·cl, Ul) so1tl . - ; \ T I ] J~ J () I l N8 l ) :\ I 1 J , l \ 'I' Number 7