The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1954

~P~a~g~ T~~~'~n~tLy___________ ~E OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS~T~----- ------- ·J_u_n_· 19!,1 BOOK REVIEWS 1 \1·c , \l o·(>i110 to l1c:l \ ' t\ cl 1),11·t~,. . ~ ~ \\"11c1t l, iittl c)f <l 1>n1·t~ ! \\Tell 110 111c1tt \r ,vl1nt l· i11<l of a l)art)'", if , t)ll ·rl o·oitl!?.' to 11,1,·r c\ Jlcl r1 )" thi. • t"' 1 'rh· llOOl\. ,,·ill ~:rrt ).. Oll • ic11·t('<. · ) .._ is: 011e ,111 i.t of t lie ' 11 o,,,. To l)o It' ' e1·ie. Tl1e bool~let i et u1) fo1· t ec11- ao·e1· a11d c \'er th 111atte1· of i11- t' , ,.itatio11 , co t1.11ne 1--ef1·e h1nent~ ,111d e11te1·t.ai11111e11t for 1110 t any lci.ud of a pa1·t)r b11t pecifica.ll >r £01·: The IIa,vaiian Pa1·ty the Val– entine P art1r the Ro1111d p Party The Ilallo,;een Pa1--ty, The prin°'– a1·ee Party 01"' j1.1 t a Pep PaI·ty. If it a party, J·ou will get. o.n1e i d e a "". Zonde1', 1 a11 P11 l)l1. 11111µ: II011 e e, ...e11tv-fi,"e 1 e11t ' D .l 'T K I 1 1{ f ... \ A. T-EATER Thi i the fi1 .. t book to l)c r e– ,·iewed b3r thi magazine in Tli c ..ll i io11a,~y Adverif1tre ~e1·ies of ju,Tenile bei11g ,v1-.itten b;r l1a1•lc, • L11dwig for c1 .. iptu1·e P1 .. e ' . The book i a ' ' t hrill r a11<l carr·ie t1 pen e to aln10. ·t th poi11t ,vher·e the r eac1 1· lo e: br eath a · the mi io1 arie ~ ·ta11 (l rnidwaJ- bet" ~ee11 a cl ea th f1~on1 11ative pea1"' on the 011e ·icle. a11c l t l1e 111an-eatiug' lion 011 tl1c 0thp1·. It' · a tr11e-to-life tor·J· obviot1 ly ,,..1 ..itte11 b3r one " rho k110,,· th ,va)'~ of the 11ative african. The book i. ·pi1,ituall)'" in piri110' ancl tl1e bo)r or o'irl n1 teen-age 1 r--acket ,,~ill read it ancl pa it alo110· to otl1e1-. ,,·ho ,, ..i h to ,,i i t the j1111g'le , ·ia the J)1·i11ted pag'e. Lan1inated, illt1.·– tr·ated cover , and priced at $1.00 lJJ" cripture I l'e . , .J.3-! ~ ot1t}1 "\Vaba h A venue, 1 hj cao·o 3. Tlli- • llOlS. CHRI 'rIA 1'IIS ]0N8 (Continued f r om page 15) Lnder God 1 h rj tian Mi ·ion look to Independe11t Bapt.i t a11d lil{e-minded churche. for 11pport and for canclidate . Churche 01·– !;!anized on the field.· are i11dep 11- dent elf-gover11in°·, elf- ·ttppo1·t– i11g· ancl : elf-pr·opagating· ]3apti t chu1·che. . 1 hri. tia11 )Ii.· ·io11 ha 110 e11dowme11t. or g·11aranteed in– come lJllt re t llpon the pro1nise of Goel to supply all neecl . T 1 fj elc1 are white 11nto harvest. P1--a~v· tl1e1·ef<11·c! that tl1 ~ 1..i<)l'(1 \\'il] :e11cl ' . f o1 .. th labo1'er · into Il1s harvest! • Ac l ; 1 .11 l>ooh· fa ,. orabl .11 re 1 1 i < ,~ ('. <l i 1, Il I is <le J , ar I 111 c 11 t 111 a .ll be s <1- c It re rl fr<1111 tl, c Relif1•cr's l3il1lc ct 11<l Boolt· Coq 120 J)arl, ~ I l e- 111t , A,l?11·ia, Olzio. 'I'llE TI Eli e F1·a. er f 01"'111 1.. ( 1 l11·i:tia11 Fi tio11 FJclito1.. £01· h1'i tia11 l ;if e Iag'azi11 , a11cl al1tl1or of ma11,,. . ho1 ..t . torie 11a: 110,,, p1·od11c d a boolc of fi tio11 ,vhich ca1·1·ie~ thrill: aplenty. Fifteen yea1· old fJ lld}r l\Iitchell i. the ce1 tral p er . 011ality a11d the . to1·y begi11 wl1e11 . he teppecl fro1n a boat i11 an Fra11ci.· ·o. Th tory i11,,.ol, 1 e. a11 e. tate ,,·l1e1"e the \ \ ill i: lo. t a11cl cl l1ri11g) t.h 1011 o· 11eriocl of, ll 'l)e11 e a11 i1upo ·· tor, a f ire a11<l ,,re1·Jr in1 agi11 al)le prol>le111 COll– £1·011 t · tl1e hei1-.. Tl1 e ·to1·,.. ·aJ·1·ie · ... tl pe11. e a11cl i fast 1110,,. i11g· i11 pot . ,r a11 ICa111pe11 J">1· :s ,,T11eato11 , I lli11oi -$1.50 'l' l IE (:R~J... \ '1 1 ;\Ji]RN ... \ XD RA E ( :B 1 GOD 'rhis book "\\Ta: ,,·ritte11 l)y c·1jAl{– } X • }1J I l-. BE~~ OX a11cl i8 a to111- 1Ji11at io11 a11cl 1 .. vi:io11 of Dr. l{p11 - . 'Oll •' ' I111111e11. it,r' a11cl 4 l~artl1, • The 'rheatl'C f '1']1c l T11i,"e1 .. s . Tl1e haI t r-. · p1·0,"icle a ci 11 tif i 1 a1>PI"'oacl1 to the I3ool{ of e11e.·is a1 (l 1·e1110, ..e 111a11y . ·tl1111bli11g l>lock. f1'0111 lJef 01.. th f >et of .·e 'k– r r: afte1.. t1·11tl1. Tl1r book (l eals ,,Titl1 the ~ c1 .. i1)t111 ..e. 1111cl I' . 11cl1 ·11 bject. a. : r eat io11- 'l he ) [aje. t3.. a11cl l\Iio'ht Of (+oc1. I111n1ea:ll1·ab] Di tance I11comp1' l1en.1ible " phe1.,e · a11d ., peed . I11eo11ceivable I)o,,·– er. I11calct1lable X11111l)e1-- . 'l'J1 .\ .,.1--eator 1·eater Th;.t11 1 1·eatio11. The Ea1·th t he 011lv Tl a1)ita l)le .. Planet. The 1 1 ..eation of the Earth. The Eartl1' Fi1-- t ata t1 ..01)he . The Earth' '1101 .. y Age. The bool< carrie info1·111atio11 a11d data of high , 1 all1e to tt1de11t. of the "\V 01"cl a11cl ,,,ill t1ndo11btecll>r lJe 11. eel a. a text l)ook i11 111a11}" .1el1ool a11cl cl111r ·h ~ tl1cly g;rOlll):. At the clo e of eacl1 of tl1e eig:hter11 ·ha l)ter: a li.:t of c111e tio11. 111·e– . e11 t ecl lJ}' t li e ,,r1 .. i t e1· '"'ill a:si: t t}1e teacl1er i11 }1i.~ exa111i11r1tio11 of C'lc1:s 1111cler ta11ding. 1\bo11t 22- 1>ag·e ·. att1·acti,· \1)'" lJol111d. . ·3.00 by ~ c1"iJ)tu1·e l_)r·e.. 4B4 • •011tl1 Waba.·h A , ,e1111r, (-; 111cr1- o·o :i llli11oi.· 01· J~c]iev 1 1' s l~tl>l l' b ' ' • a11(l Bool{ ( 1 ompa11y, EJy1·ia, h10. I I <) \ \ " 'J < > I > I i I~.\ ' I I ' l ' I I I·~ \ \ .. < ) I{ I > '\\ 7 f '1 l{ \ A\ f~ 1 l~J'l' ~r 'J hix bc><>l< IJ,~ f/ r c1 11l< '1 1 . I..1ilt<>ri n • ,~ rlif ferr 11t · ,t 11<,,,. a111Jr<J,l ·11 1<> <111 <)1(1 p1·01J1e111. 'J 11 e 1>rr,1.<·l1<1r is <'CJ 11 ~1,11111.v f:ig· l1t– j11g· agai11.·t tl1c 1·1tt. ,111cl i. · e\' (•r at t 111 r1ti11g to p1·est>11 t t l1 r olcl < l <>s– J) e 1 n1e. :ag·c i11 11 e1,,.. ,,, rap 1 > i11g·"· 'fl1i. l)oOl( i: t11e a11. ,y·e1r. The l f7 pao·r .' ea1'l':\" four <li- t', • ,·i.1io11 · : Tl1e }i 1111c1a111e11ta1 rt J)- 11'oacl1, .1\1Jplyi11g· the PX J)Osito r)· 111ctl1ocl to .. elect d llo1·tio11: of tliP ,,r orcl, l)lJlyi11µ: the exJ)O, itor.)· 111 e thocl to the e11tire Bil)le, irre- I)ective of it. 11at111'al cli,~i io11~, a11c1 P1 ..ea hi11g fl.. 0111 , rariOll ' ki11cl.' o.f 13ilJli ·al lite1·at111·e. Tl1e l)ook i.· :at111'atec1 ,,,.itl1 t l1ol1~:l1t :tar t- er·: a11cl " ·e l1 a,Te P,Tri ..-\.. 1·easo11 to ._ brlie,·e that e,·e1 ..,- tea jl1er a 11 cl • Jl1·eael1er ,,·ill 1)<' a l)lE' to 1111111·0,' <' 11 i : , r Q 1' l\ a£ t l' st 11 c 1)" of t l 1 e l) a~ P ~ . Baker Bool< II ot1se . tra11 c.l J{a 1)– ic.l.- 6 Jli ·hio·a11 *2.:50 ( C 1( r 1) '~ 4 \ I) \ T } ~ x 'l' l " l{ ~~ ' 1 ~ 1 EHI}J i IJ011(r o,·c1 .. 11tc l>11t J1 r 1· (' it j:-;! l"" 'I'he.. c f(>111· l)oolzlet: arP hot fr(l11 1 t ll r p1 .. e: · a11<.l tl1e 3"0 l111g:tr1': ,,·i 11 lJP hot aftc1· t l1c111. I 10,,· J) r i <.'P<.1 l 1 l11.. istia11 ]1.. ictio11 for ~·01111g· 1) 11 01>1<1 ') t o 12 ''{ill fi11cl a 1·eac1\" 111 ,11·lz<>t. ._ 1 raig· :\ f a ' e~ ... , al1tl1or of J11c.lia11 I )rt1111 · a11(l ll1·ol~e11 -'\ 1·ro,,·s' l1as 1t11clertake11 tl1e t c1s]~ c>f l)l' C)<.l1 1c·i11~ tl1r · 1·ie. · a11cl l1e1·e a1·p tl1e titlPs (>f t l1e fi1-.. ·t fol11· to l)e 1·r lPaSP< l: ()1 s,,ya ,,.ba ·l~- Gol(le11 1 al{e I~,· ~ . 'I l1c E ire- Rt1ff ()£ Tl11111cle r ~'all~ - :\I )\ 't e1·~, ..c\ t T1·e1ul)li11g-'"f. .r~c1 ch boc> I( ea r1'ies a111)roxi111ateJ.\· ~.'5 J)a~te ·, ·olo1·f t1l. (1111·al)le ttr\ ·t ,r . ,,,.ell illt1, t1'atecl h ea, ·}r pri11t- Zo11- cle1·,Ta11 lJl1bli: l1i11g· TI Oll e, or Be- lic,rer Bible ~.,. Boole 0111pa11y, El) 1 ria h i o- 'l'"\\"EXTY-F r,~ l~ E T . Tra in for service in our Missions, Christion Educot1on, Postoro l, o nd Music Courses . Write Pres. H. 0 Von G il der for d e ta ils of 3 o r 4 yeor cour ses. WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 5 2 8 33rd St., Dept .QB Oakland , Cal i f.