The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1954

THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST June 1954 I') a~ Ft.1\11 ~~~~~~~~-~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I~ITIJ_jE BOAT IN A BIG STORM l~lll<' <: .. 1l1}pp \\'c1S C'<"ltl' l1i11g· tl1(' lt1, t l'<l\"S ()f t \ll\ (\\'(' ll l ll ~ 8ll l l \\' }le 11 l"l1rist · ~t(\ l )})(' <l i11i<) .. 1 littl (' l' <> at ,111tl a~l,t'tl t t) l' t1 tnl,p11 tc> t l1 P ot l1e r "itl(' . l t l1,1c] t~c)c)11 ,l l t)11g· a11<l a l)11s,· cl a,· 1)r e,lt·l1i11g t<) t l1c\ 11111lti- • • • • • • t 11cl c~s a11ll t l1e11 rx1 l a111111g 111 11~1- , ·,1te to 11 i ., c1i:e i11le8. C'i l11·i. ·t ,,,as tireLl. ,,·r,1r)·'. 11t t erl)· f ati g11ecl . Tl1 e l1,l,· l1<1Ll t altr11 it. · toll of 111i11 cl, bod\. ,11 d e111otio11. , so l 1l11~i: t . e11c1. t l1r ·11111l t it t1d a,,·a>· a11cl .--tel)R i11t o cl l ittle l)Oclt a11(l 1)r o1111)tl~.. go , t (> : lre1). Tl1r l1oat , \·as , ,·ell 011t i ·1 t 11e . ·pa ,,·l1e11 0 11e of t l10. sto1 .. 111.– so t ~·1>i<:,1 l of (ralilee de. ·e11 r1ecl . 'rl1r , ,· i111 ·ereechec1 a 11 l n1oau ecl a11 1 l)eat t l1e .·ea i11to a ,, 1 ilcl £111·)... . Tl1e ·\,·a,:e. lea1)e l l1ig·h a gai11.·t t]1 l ittl lJoat a11cl al1110. t co, 1 e1·ec1 it . \\T ate1· 1)011recl i11 a1 1 t l1e boat l1ega11 to -fill. H 1· s tl1e Jlict~11~e 110,v: a si11l{i11g . hi]), tl1e ,,"111c1 l10,,"li11g· i11 t l1e clark11r.,. · ,Tete1·a11 sailo r, 1 a 11i e l{)" ,,·it ]1 f ea1" a111 l 1l1ri ·t . lee11: 011 . 'l'hat " ,as t oo 11111 1 1 £01· tl1c clist it)l .· . Tl1e)y 1 .. 11 h o,r r a,,ralce11 t l1e J;or c1 ,J es11. ' a11c1 ' . t h e1 1·eb11l<e I 1 i111 to1· : lee1 111g. 'I'he)'". a)·, i11~effeet , · I f }"Olt ra1·e'-l fo1· 11 ,.. , ) 'Oll \\ro1111 11<>1 1, s]eep i11g: ,,.. l1ile ~·<>11 slee1 ,,·r ar P 11e1 .. isl1i11g·.' ~ o,,·, lJef <)1·e )·011 c·e11s11 r r tl1 e. ·p c]i.· ei11les t oo 11111<' ]1 clslc ) '"011r: l f t l1e ct11e.· tio11, .1\111 T too :0111rt i111c: te1111 tr(l to 1 r]ie,·e tl1r T1orcl ,.J e. 11s clof*:11 ' t c·,lrP ? I l<l lC)\\ ' a ,,·0111a11 ,,·110 l1acl a g1·eclt tragecl)r ·0111e i11to l1e1· life. Il e1· litt lr 1' <))' ,,·a. criJ)- J)lecl b)" })Olio. Nl1e said to 111r 011 011e oeea. ·1011 ' !'-i <>111eti111rs ,,{l1 c.-111 1 loo}, clt tllO.'P littl e 1eg·8, [ ha te 4ocl., ·\\ 7 a. · l1e1· bitte r11rHs j11.' ti- f iecl ? Is t l1r1· a ({ocl i11 t 11 r ,v·o1·lcl , , ho lo,Te: 11s <1 11 l is co11er1·11 ecl a– l1ot1t ll.'? l)or"' (} oc1 ear r ! 1 a11 ,,..e rel)t1l,e ( 1 l11·i. t cl11 c1 1·el)11l,e (-}ocl f 01' 11ot C a 1 .. i11g 1)0<' a 11He t 11 P ,,ro1·} cl l1a: ter r if iec1 11: a11cl ,, 1 H e111 t o l1c pe1·i. h i11g·? Is t lie ,,·or l (l j 11:t a ,,,a:t 111ae }1 i 11e ,,.. l1rr e \\'e a 1·e apt t o get C'a11gl1t 1!1 tl1 e gra r . ~ 1. t l1e ,,·orlcl a elo<'l< t l1at noe l , \ 1 0 1111 cl 1111, took Ili: 1 a11cl: off a11 1 i: allo,, 1 i11g· to rtl11 clo,,.. 11 agai11 a11cl if ,,·e get ea112:l1t i11 t he 111a ·l1i11r l'.'"' , t h r 1 tl1at is j11. t 0111· to11g]1 l 11tl{? Se, al .'·ear: ag·o t l1e1·e ,,·a;~ a t e1~1·ible u1i11e di.~a. t e1· at ,,r. I~ 1 .. a11l{– f o rt, l lli11oi. . .r\ l1 t111cl1·ecl a111 11 i11e– t ee11 111e11 lo:t t l1eir l i,·c\ ·. ( ) 11e of tl1 e111 ,y1·ote a 1 ote to 1 i: ,vif r a 11cl J1e ·aicl, ' ' T lo,T1: , .. 011 ,111 t l1r ,,Ta,,. • • I g·o to11ig-l1t tc> l)e ,vitl1 c·h1~ j~t. ..__ I love I I 1111 too. ' Te11 111e 110,,,. cl icl h e o·et cat1g·ht i 11 t11e 111acl1i11er1r of .. ,/ 07111 (.J. . B rtl J rJ a 11 e1·ratie ,,·01·lcl or i : t l1e1·e a f1e– . ig·11 11 ecl1a11ie ,,,. ]10 i8 1110,Ti11g: t he le, ,er s ? A11 1 i f ( }o(l i. 1110\·i11g t 11 c 1 e, 1 er.· c1ors 11 e 1 o,..e 11. ,,· }1e11 ,ve g·rt l111rt i11 II i." ,, 1 01·lcl ? I. 1Ie aft Pr all , ,,·ort.11,.. of 011r eo11ficl e11ce • a11 l tr tLst ? T 100 l{ ,t t , 1 er :r ;35 i 11 t l1a1)te r· -!: of t l1r Bool< of :\ fa r lc. 1 l11·i:..;t l1cl .' sa icl to tl1e ·r li c: j11l t->. ' I1et 11: l)a:: o, 1 r r 1111t o t l1c otl1r1· .· iclr., ' Tl1at s ,,·11:r· Ile 110,,.. t111·11: • t o thrse cli:e i11l r .· a 11cl :,l~\\ • 1Ia ,,. r , ·e 11 ot , .. rt fa it11 ? , , J11 otl1 r ,,·or cl s • • ' 1Ia,·p ) "Olt fc) r~:ott e11 t l1at ~I)· \\To r 1 l1as 11 e,..e1· fa ilecl ? "\\"" }1 011 [ sc1icl to tl1e pa1·a1)~z0 1 111a11, a1·i:r. t aler 111) t l1):" l1ecl a 11 l ,,·all{ c1ic1 ]1p 11ot ,,·c1 11, ? \\Tl1r 11 I . ·a icl t o t l1r 111a11 , \·itl1 tl1e , \·it l1e re 1 l1a11cl ' .~tret el1 fo rtl1 t l1)· l1a11c1 , ,,,as 1 r 11 ot al)lr to ·t1·rt ·h it f<> T· t l1 J , •c> ,,·he11 l . a)T ,,·r a1--r g·o i11g ar1·os: to tl1e ot l1 er si l e , a1'e ,,..e 11ot go j11 g ae r o..· ! .t\ 11cl ) "Ol t , a ~T ,,Te a r e 11(·l' - i.· hi11g. IT eaJl.· th 1 1 l 6,,T11 fc> 1· lat]( of fa it l1 lJ c·a11:e the,... l1,1c1 11ot ._ l)e lir , recl Ilir.; "\'\r 01·cl a11cl i11 l Ii: '\\ or cl I Ir l1ac1 .·a ic1 ' ,,·e a1"'e uo i11g all tl1e ,, 1 a)' aero.: tl1e secl . a11 cl ,,..<~ 11 11alrc it to the othe1" : i l r . f eo l11·:e1 Ile ..a, ·.· ' 1 a1' r. • ( f I Olll\ ·e f \\ 1 il] ta l{e ) "011 th1·011g }1. 'rr11. t 111e. ' Ile i: . a~ 1 i11g • T1'11. t 111e \\' ill :) 7 0 11 11ot t 1·t1. ·t 111 ? IIa , Tc • eo11f i tl e11 re i11 111e. ' .L\ T of E a: ,y I> er ha1).· it : 1 o t al,;r a:)· ea : ).. to t 1·t1:t t l1 0 011e ,,Te ~· a,.. ,ve tr11: t. ._ J>erha1),: it /01111cl. ea. )' i11 eh11rC'l1 . J:lerl1aps ,vc a1"'e ,,,ell ·0111f o1·ted ,,,hile ,:ve r e l1ea1·i11g· the 111t1 i · a11cl 1]1p lll<'88cl V.P ,lll(l tl1 r )ll PlOllv' <>f thP ' ~:3r(l I>sa l111. I~t1t ihP st or111 c•<)111es a11cl i11 tl1 r 111iclst of tl1P . tor111 ,,·p ,,·01 cle1· ,,. het 11 ~r or 11ot t hr S hr pl1 r r cl 11 a: f ail ecl. I > er 11a 1>: o t1r eo111£ort is oft e11 lil{P a ,jr,vr l a ,,·0111a11 ,~{e,tr.· 011 jt1~t :preial Ol'– l' a.-. io11 ·. ~ 1 l1e 111ig·ht : ay, T ,·{ol1lcl lJe :o ha J)P3' if I co11ld ,vear it a 11 the t i111e. It. bright : parkle c·heer 8 111e ., 1: (.{ o l .. ch ee1~ 0 111,r • ~ i 1111 cla.''" clre. H 01· i : it .. 0111ethi11~ ,,·e ea11 l1a ,,. all tl1e ti111e? (}ocl 10 1 .re 11:. "\Ve hear t l1at i11 ch111 .. ch. ,,re hea1· it fro111 '111--i. t , ,,·e hear it f1·on1 t he Bible ~ l)11 t 110 \\ 7 ,, .. e are 011t ,,.. ]1e1·e the to1~111 ha,Te con1e clo ,,·e ~ till lJelieve tha t ({ocl i. goocl, t hat 011ly good11 e. . a11d mer cJr hall f ollow 11. ? The 111e .. a ge . 01111cl: good all 1 .. i CYht , jt ~·i,· . ll. })eace– f 01· a ,,·hile, pe1~hap f 0 1~ a little ,,·l1ile i11 l1111~ch; l311t- ,ve ar 11ot i11 ch11rcl1 110 ,,·. '\Ve r e 011t. icle– i11 a . tor111. I : thi.· : t on11 iroocl11e.~:? I. thi. t r o11hle 111e1·a3.. ? I .· ,-ocl tr)"i11g· t o 111al<e 111e . ee IIis fa ce i11 t hi. sPe111 i11 g· cl i, a ·t e1 .. ? '\'\r r ,, .. i l l eo11e b ar l< t o tl1at b11t le1t '. · go 011 f o1· 110,,· . '\\ e 1·ead th,lt tl1e l;o1·cl ,Je .. 11. 1~el)111(er1 thr ,,,. i11 rl.- a 11cl 1111t zzl ecl t ]1e :ea. I 11: r tl1a t ,,·o r cl 111 t1zzlecl' l1eea11 :e tl1at : tl1e l)est t1·a11xl atio11 of tl1e ,,·01·cl that '8 l l . e 1 1), .. jf a1·k. IIe ' 11111zzlecl tl1r • sra. ~ 0 ,,1, f ('<111 't i111agi11e tl1e l ;or·c1 .J e:11. · a 111--e Rit1g 11at 11re li l(e that. Ile ,,,.a: 11 't a 1 lre... i11g· ,,.. i11cl ,l llCl ,, 1 a, ·es a11(1 11111zili11 g· ,,Ti11 c.1 a11cl 11111zzli11g \\' a , re:• .o. TO , 1 t hi11 l{ th i ._ stor111 ,,,. as 011e tl1at ,,·a s e 11g i11ee1 .. t• cl 1, .. cl e111011s. ''r (' ] l e, ·e1-- 1(11 o,,. }10 ,r • 11111eh OJ)po.. i t io11 . t e 111: £1--0 111 t l1e t111:ee11 ,,·01·lc1. The1·e a1· ·pirit l)e1·:011a}j t ie,· , llllC}ea11 a11c1 e, ril: <lllCl t l1r. e clP111011 : a 1·2 OJ) J)o:i11g t l1e I101·cl "J e 11:. T ell 111e, ,,·1 at if thr:e li:eiJ) le.· ]1a cl bee11 lo. t ? 1\ f t e1· c1ll, t l1e \,•l1ole of 1 l11·i:tia111t,r i : i11 that • l1oat . l~11t tl1e1·e i .: 110 11 ed t o fear, (}ocl'.· : l1i11 al,,·a~T· 1110, "e~ 0 11 a11cl c1 11 hell ea11 't t o1 it . 1 t i · g·o i11g– t o tl1r otl1 r 1· . ic1e. \\Te 1·eacl i11 el1 c11)t er 3 a11cl , 1 e1\·e 1 of ~J a1 .. I( tl1at it g·ot t o th othe1· ,'i l e , too . (.J. oi 11 ,r; r) t'c r ! I") e1· 11,111: )"011 a 1· ') i11 }ocl boat . J ee cl 11. 'E ) · oll ha , ,e eo111e t o ,J er-; \1s ( (l1ri..,t , ) '"011 l1a,·r ae ee1)t ed lli111 a: ) "Olll' 0 ,,..11 1) I ' 'Ollcl 1 ~a, 1 i01ll\ ) "Oll a r e i 11 ( 1 o( l 's 1 oat, t 11 e 1-. oat of .,al– , i 011. 'l'l1e11 , ... ot1 11eed 11ot fr r t . • 'tr Oll a,i·e goi11g all t l1e ,,·cl)" tl11' 0 11g l1, c111 ~l all l1ell ca11 't ·to1) tl1e hoat '" l1er e J ·11 · i · t he I >ilot. B 11t