The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1954

GIFTS TO HOME AND CAMP (Cont inued) ~ l t . a , t , l :\ l 1'" I ,. \ 1 ~ 1 , .. n 11 t • l \ >) 11111 I > 1, ~ • .. ~--···················· ~() ()( ) :2() .()() ~(){). ) ~ 1() .()() I ~{).7G :l I I . ~2 1\lr. .llt <l ~Ir, \\'1l l1u 111 .J . 11 <>\\< l., -... h<'ll. J>1 c·l,e ri11gt(>11 ................. . l\l r . ' l"l t() ll\H, l l . ,1 ,lllt\~ . l 1lt' \ <' lHttc l .••••••••••••••••••..•.•.••••..•••••.••••••••••.... ' l't'll'-.{(' l\" t> I 11 (}1\l\' <!Ptl l 1 Hll\l) •• · •··• .•••••••••••••.•.•••••••.••••••••.••.•••••.••••..• l) t1 ('1 ' 111 l!~ Ht ( ' <1 ll \ l) l ~};)~ .......................................... .. ...... . .. ... ........ · ) 11 e r i 11 u., <l 1 ' n 1111) - l ~) ;>;l ...... .................... .................. ........... .......... --- ,JUNE --- ... <) tti11 g l1 ,1111 l1<ll)ti~t t •t111rtl1 , l "le\ e1ln 11<l .. ........... ... ........... .......... .. . 1(() , ()() ~(} . ()() 2:i .()0 1 G.51 :3 () . ()() "nJ, ell'\ 1~cll )1i~t '1 l1,1l' vl1. S,llllll1~l, , · ................................. . ..... . ....... . • t 1~:n~t ~itl(' l Hl)tist < ] 111 r el1 . l101·c1 111 .......................... .. .............. . r:,1~t ~1<.ll) ]{,\})ti~t l ' l tlll'ell, l 1<) l'ai11 ( ' l11'i8t lclll l )ltil(1Cl'8 (; l,tsH..... . Calvary Baptist Ch11r ch, Norwalk ....................................... ........... 1 tl tl1tll I H})ti~t ,,.\.s. c>e i,11i o11 . ~01·tl1 .......... ..... .................. .............. ... 2() . 1 ;-) l ~l.75 15.0() 12.5() 1(}. ()() 1().(~() 1(). 00 1{) .0( ) 1().()() 1().()() 10.( )() 1().() 0 l () .(),) 1 ().()0 Ambrose Baptist Church, Fayette ............................... .................. . F irst Baptist Church, Gallipolis ........................... ....... ................ . ,11\ c11·)· l1,111ti~t ( 1 ll11rel1, I~e llefo1 Hi11 . ............... ....... ........ ....... . Penfield Junction Baptist Church, Lorajn ............ ........................ .. 1,, i l' . t l ~ ,l }) tis t ( • h l l l' l' l 1, :\ I e]) o 11 cl I c 1 .................._ ........................... _ ....... Ber ea Baptist Ch11rch, Berea ............ ... ....................................... .. 1~,·,111s,·illt1 B,111ti.-t l l1l11·cl1, Xil es .... .... . .. ......... ... ..... ....... .. .. . .... . ..... . F irst Baptist Church, Elyria ... . .. ... .... .............. ............... ...... ... ..... l~l es~ecl H ope Ba1 ti st (;l1l1rel1. 8l)1·i11g·fif'](l ............. .. ..... .... .... .. .... .. l:i1~ ·t Bapti~t ( 11111·<·11, ri11cll c1 )'" ... .... .............................................. .... . Calvary Baptist Ch·?1rch, Cleveland ...... ..... .. ...__ ................... _ ... _ ..... . North Royalton Baptist Church, l'T orth Royalton ............... ....... .. Bethlehem Baptist Church, Cleveland ... ...................... ................. . Trinity Baptist Church, Lorain ...... .. ... .. .. .... ,....... ......... ....... ......... . - -- ,1 . ,),) .) . () ) Independent Baptist Church, North J ackson ................................ THE BRIEF CASE Tl1e R e,·. ])al1l J\irlc111a11. }J cl , to1· o[ E,·,1 1 s,·ille l apti .·t Cl1t11·(·l1. l1c1~ ct: lee l lls to 1·e1Jo1·t t 11a t f11r11it11r r tc> r tl1e 11e,, 7 1,· cleclicatecl l1() ll:e of • ,,·or.·l1i1) \\ra . 111acle b~.. 'll1 e ~-.ta te I.1 i11e ( 1 11111· • ]1 }"'l11·11it11re ( 1 0111pa11 y of Xe,,, Beclforcl. 1>e1111 s, ,. l,·a11ia . • Tl1e f l11·11i tl11·e i. of :l1ch l1igh c111al - it~T an l ,,·as pric: ecl .·o rec1: 011a 111)·, that )fr . l\ irl{111a11 fe ls tl1at otl10l' to11g·1·egatio11 ~· ,vill be i11te1·e8trcl. The X otti11g·l1,1 111 B,11) tis t 1 l1 t1 r t l1 iH 110,\.. lJeg·i1111i11g· l.'<)118t1·11ctio11 <> I' the 11e,\T l1ol1.· e of ,,. 01·.. l1i 1) i11 l ~ll – t li(l. ()l1io . tl1 e fi1·:t l111it <)f \\ 1 l1i c.- l1 ,,·ill b e co111pletecl latP i11 t l1 pl'e:– e11t , rear. Tl1 e Re,·. Alla11 B Le,,·- • • i : a11cl f a111il,· ha,·e 110\\' 111 0,·ecl . - i 11 t o t l 1 e 11 e, \,. l) arso11a g·e 1 o ea t ec 1 cl t 27430 F 0 1~e1 ·t,.. ie,v ....\ , ·e11 l1e , E l1 c- 1 i<l, Ol1io. , , ~ w here the roads are mudd iest ••• ~ where fhe need is greate st • • • •• -- there you w ill f ind PTL Gospel teams - ~~ taking the Word of God to the peop\e of ~ , • Japan, Formosa, Kore a . Go w ith them, -;9/~ A through you r prayers and your g ift, . -~-~~~ The Pocket Testamenv League ~ 156 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 10, N. Y. , , Te a g· a i 11 1· e 111 i 11 c 1 t 11 <) s e ,,· 11 o ]) lcll l to att0ll(l C}\1111) J >atll}{)S S(\S– . io11s tl1at <1 111eclital c·e r tific·nte 11111. ·t be p r rse11tecl to t l1e 11 1: l' ·r ,,· l1 P11 r 11t e1·i11g· tl1e <:c1 ·111) . c·<) l1)T c> f , ·l 1 i c: l 1 Yr as cl is p 1a>·ec1 o 11 t 11 e b rl c · 1 ~ (' C>,.. e1· 11ag·e of <>111' :\I a>· iss11P . Thr J'P<111 i1·e111e11 t c1 J)l)lie.· to reg·istra11t . , c·,,1,11selo1·.· a111 . taff. 'I'l1r a111111al 111e ti1 g· of H eb1·c)11 A\sso(·iatio11 \vill br 11 l cl 111 al– \·a1·y J1a1)tist 1 l111rcil1, 8a11cl l1sl<)y. ()l1io, irc>11clay a11cl 'l"'11escl ay, ;ep– t e 111 b e 1-- 20-21. 'l' l1e Re,.. . (:eo1·g· (iosl>:· is a– , ·ailabl fc>1· ,' lll)Pl~ .. ,vo1·l{ a111011g· tl1 e ·h111·l.'l1es . Thj , i: a11 exc·elle11t l~ibl e 1) 1· eae l1er a11cl \\'e re('o111111e11cl J1i111 . ~\ cl(l1·rs.-: 1-1-.17 l!eatt,, ~\ , ._ • e1111e, ( ia111 lJ1·icl o·e, Ol1io. I{ e,·. Ralp l1 E . H o11e, f<> 1·111er 1),lS- 101· flt tl1 e Fir.·t J{apti:t ( 1 l1111·e l1. } 1 0.-toria, a11cl l 111111a1111el l3a1)tii--;t ( 1 lllll' ·11, ( 1 01111111)11.' , ,,,.ill joi11 ,,r11ea t () 11 ( 1 <)11e g·e cl.' a 111e111 be1· of tl1e fae11lt~· at the ope11ing· of th e fa 11 t e rn1 i 11 Se [)te111 lJe r. R ,.. Ifo11 e }1a.- sCl''/C(l at (}orclo11 ol- lege for .~e, · ral ,·ea1\·. :\Ia11 ,. • • f ri r 11 cl . i11 () 11 io ~ : O('ia tio11 ,vill r<'j<>ic·e i11 11i. aJ) J1oi11t111e11t tc) ,1 < ·} 1H i l' j J 1 t 11 i S Ol l t .' t <l 11( 1 ill ir i I1Ht it l l - • t io11. BOOK REVIEWS ( ( ; 011 ti 11 t1ecl ) \ \ r111 . I~. 1i; e1rcl111c111 s l '11l>li s l1i11!.! • ( 1 <>ll1 J>cl 11)' , (: r;-t11cl l<a J>icl s :~ ~I ic·h- jg·a 11 $1.{H). 1' f ~\ ~ - J 1 ;~\ 'J' J~J~~ 1\ ~ I ) 1\ l 1\S1\I ~ 1) 1~} \ 1{~ 1 ( 1 h a r 1 's I .J 1 t < l\,, i g· 1) t• <' s P 11 t s H 111 i !-i– ~ic>11c11·,· H<l,·t111111rr :-; t(>l'V l'c>r })<>\' " • • • \rhitl1 ,,·ill Jll \ct ,111 l'PC1tlil' )}ll P )l1S 1'01· tl1ose ,vl10 \Vc111t tc> s it i11 a sa t' c 111 a t e i 11 1 h r h <) 111 <> I i J > r ,1 r v. t a11cl stil] e11te1· <111 the tl11·ill~ <>f a t 1·i1) to t]1p big· g·cl111 ) eo11111 rJ· ,,rii ]1 ~ la1na ,111cl ()c- hella . .i. To t 0111,, cl o v,rilc1 a11i111al8 1·11sl1 • j11to th e .·t or,·, bl1t also fc111atit 11a - • ti,·e.-. i11tll1cli11g· tl1e ,ritc:11 cloet or. l t'8 ,l 111i.·.-ic)11arv :-;tc>r,· a11 (l • • t l11·c>11g·l1011 t t 11 e1·e is f ootl J or 1 }11·is ti a 11 yol111g· peo1)le. ~ (· ri l)tlt r e 1~1' ess, -t.:3-t. ~<>ll t 11 \\.,. a– l)as l1 1\ \ ' Cllll(_), ( 1 }1i(·ag·o ,), l }litlC>js, $1.()0. T1IE ~I ~ST}~R ·~ lX l) .\\.,.}: I.J l11X<: Jl<->rP is a rPJ)ri11t ea1·r.,·i11g· the c·la-.;: ·ie ,,·riti11g.- (> f a h!rt-1at 1>1·e1at·hrr of the l)a.·t- ~\ ~DR~: \\r ~ll TR– RAY. 'The ,,·riti11g·: of I )1· . ~ l 111·1·a ,.. a rP ,,. ll l<:110,, ·11 t<> J~il>1c,) ~t11clr11t:: a11c l 111a11~,. ,,·110 l1a,,.e 1·ea<l (}fJcl ,s H est Secrets, ,,Till ,,·a11t al. o ti1e. r ex– c·r lle11t :e1·111011s fro111 hi.· J) e11 . 'rl1 l)oolc ea1· r ies 1:~ 111e.-sa~.f(ls ' 1t11cl e1· the follo, ,~i115.!' titles : ( 1 ar11al • ( 1 l1ristia11.· 'l 1 l1e Relf I.Jif<-1- \"\Tait- i11g· ()11 jocl E11tra11c-p l 11to Rr~t– TJ1e Ki11f.rc10111 _B.., i1·. ·t ( 1 l1rist ( )11r <. Lif'r l1ri:t s I I 11111ilit~-, ()11r 8al- , ·atio11- Tl1 e ( 1 0111J)1etr S1t1·1·e11cler - Deacl "\"\Tit l1 ( 1 l1ri:-;t tJ o,T 111 ' l'l1t> t IIol~T ({l10:t- T1·i1111111h -Of Faith- rrhe ~Olll't f l'>O\\' 1·- 'I l1at (l oc l :\Ia,? Be 11 In ..c\11. ._ ~011c1e1·, 1 a11 ! 11l)]i l1i11t>· I I ot1~e, l}1·a11cl Ra1)icl ·-$2.50 A HOME MISSION OUR CHARACTERISTICS Extensive Evangelism Intensive Visitation Bible Preaching Effective Teaching Organizing Baptist Churches OUR SUPPORT Dependent upon the power of the Holy Sph·it Needing your praye1· and .financial cont1ibu– tions OUR PUBLICATION Write for the Broadcas ter, our quarterly magazine HIAWATHA LAND INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MISSIONS Rev. Guy E. King, Director 1109 Ludington St. Escanaba, Mich.