The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1954

· July 1954_____________ ,. i (111 ,-1 l g c1 i 11 i 11 e 111 <> r H l e < I\ 1 i \" cl - lr111~ t>f H, • trrri11g· ,vl1rrl l11·c11,rH a11cl Hl )t'Pclt>111P1<.'t' ,,,it]i ,,·l1iel1 to e11tcr cl<l11lt. lif'c'. l{e- i11g· SC) c1clj1tsiC'<l \\'(' ,,·ill ll(){ p:o ~J)eP(li11g· i rrcsj) () llHi ll I)· (lO\\' ll t 11c l1ig;l1\\'H, .. C)t' life 111r 11c1ei11p; tl1r li,·c\·, ,,.. <'ll-l>ei11g· a11cl 1 o;·srs.·io11s of 01tr .r \l lo,, ~itiz 11 . ' I t is ti111 tl1,1t ,,. tt11·11rcl fro111 tl1 trl seo11r to 111r 111irr sco11 of i11 t ror-;1 >Peti o 11. () l Lr f 11 t t 1re J) r o g· r r ss 111 H. 1 , , , 11 cl 11 11 cl 11ot o 111tt 11 111 011 0111 · })l'Odll 1 1i\ 1 e ,111(1 ire}111olc>g~i<'cll g·e11i11; b11t 1·,1tl1rr t111011 011r 111oral a,,ra1·e11e ' . Tl1 e 11a tio11 11111 ·t t11r11 to it._ el1111--el1e., it: rlti 1·g ·) · 111011, a11c1 it. 1 l11·i ·ti,111 l,l.) 1 111t111. 111· Cr ato1· p:a,,~ 11 .J11·i tia11itJr a11cl f1·eedo111 a .. i11 ' P11,1 rc1 bl r 1)a1·t of t 11e ,,T 11olc. I . it too late to 1)1·i11g· t l1 r old-ti111e Bible ·ta11 l clo,, 1 11 £1·0111 tl1 e a tti 01· 1111 f ro111 t l1 e ellar ? If it i. g'c11tle1n e11 tl1e11 it i "'\ 7 Cl""\ 1 ]at i11cl C :l. • J11. t ho,,, late i it a11cl ,,,11at a1· \ 1 0ll o·oi110· to do alJ011t • 't 9 ' 1 . Whe11 111 11 of affair. 1) al{ i11 the:e te1--111. 1n 11 "\\ 1 ho a1-- 11ot 11- g·ag·ed i11 ('1111~i tia11 e1·vic , p1"0- £e . ·io11all}r 1ne11 ,,~10. eye. are fixec.l 111)011 cor1)01~atio11 g·ai11. a11d lo. se. it i · tin1e for 111e 11 a11d ,,vo111e11 i11 all ,vall{ of life to exa111i11e co11clitio11 , i11 011r cla3 1 • Ol T- It tal<e a lot of , 1 i f1\RTED tl1i11g. to J) 1"0, 1 e tl1at o 11 i . 111 a1--t b11 t only 011e to p1~0, 1 e tl1at 011e i. 11ot. ..(\ fe,, 1 ,veel{s ag·o tl1e Rtate De– pa1.. t111e11t a. l<ecl all fr e 11atio11 to J) er1111 t i11s1)ectio11 of vc.'. 1 011 tl1e hig·l1 .1eas ,,,J1 e11 11cl1 ve.-. el.· ~ 1'e1·e . ·11. ' l)eeiecl of ca1·rJ 1 j11g ar1118 to CJ11ate111ala. R ga1·c1leHs of its ]1igh J)lll'f>osr tl1e 1·0c1l1rst placec1 tl10 l 11itc>(l ~ 1 tatrs 1 0,;rer11111e11t i11 a hig·h]y l111f<l\'oral>lr po ... jtio11 a11 l tl1e rP<Jtlrst ,vas de11iccl l)y p1~ar– ticall.)r e,rPl')" 11:-tijo11 a1>J)1·oac]1ecl. I 11 tl1e 1011 µ:, lo11g· aµ:o a 11ositio11 tal{P11 l)Y thP l 11jte<l StutPH <)f • 1\ l t 1 3 l' it a 1 > l ·CJ\' i C 1( 1 cl a . ta J l l 1 H l' c] 8 r 1 for r 111 t1 la1 ic)11 1>,, the 11101·c i11tc]- • lig'Clll1 J)(l()l)l<'s or 111( 1 \\"()l'](l; 110,v- e\'Cl'. J)l' 1 s1igcl of tl1e flag· l) eg·a 11 l() \\ 7 a])(I ,,,jt}1 1])(' ('Q)lti11g• ()f t }1p l l' 11i1 cicl NaticJ11s ()1·µ:a11izati<Jlt , }111cl i11\ 1 c,l\ 7 P Jll PJlt i11 }>C>]itic·al affai1•s Of llll<'ll]lt]l'P(l }111<.l }1 PHt]1 1 Jl lJatiC)l18. 'J'J1p lJ11itcicJ • 1 ,1tio11~ 0l'gc111iz~1tic>11 is clll .. J) P }lSi\ 1 (1 PX J>(' l'ilt) Pll1 , lie 111,1i 11 ll e 11c~fi1 <>I' ,, J1ic·li Jin s 1>< 1 <' 11 1<> l)l'()\' icl(' ,1 :-iC) llll(li11 J.!, })()cll'(I r,,r ('()l}l - 1111111i st 1>r<>1>n g·H11c ln . J;c'H<l<'rslii1>, \\'hc 1 f li <' r i11 1lt c> l<><·ctl c·h111·c·l1, lit e' state', <>r c1111c>11g· fh' 11,1 - ti(>tt s, tc, IH' c·c>11ti1111<1 I, 11111 :-;L 11a\'<' cl l'<' l>tt{ctl i<l11 1111 ~1, llic·cl , c:111c1 1><' r I'(' ( l r)' () 11 l (' I 1 t n ll µ: 1 p ll 1(' 11 t . .l \ l l () I(l l )11{c 1 l1 j)l'()\. ( 1 1')) 8<l)rN: ,, l\ '( ,,.( It)() .,tJOJl ulr/ <tJlr/ /rJ<J /(ti< sn1rtrl . ' ' -------- l ; l 'l 'I l ;J 1; \ \ 'c ' 11,l\' c• 11c,t ecl 1'1,tt '1' I J I ~ <: N it 's t h <' Ii t 1 l t> 1 hi 11 g·s t 11 c1 t <'<>tt11t, ,111cl 11lc'S<' littl e• 1'1i11g·s <>l'1c-11 lllHl' k 1'1c' lil'l'P l ' 'll<'<' l)l'i\\' t'Pll S ll('C'C'SS Hll<l f'Hi l ttl'C'. \ \ e ltcl\'l' J1c1 cl <>c:<·ctsio11 ic> c)l>- s P r,• p ( 1 ct t l 1 c > I i c • 1 > l' c > c • c l t 1 re i 11 l · c 1 :-t - tic>11 t() clc'ct1h i11 l'c11niliPs <>i' 111<' Jl,1ri sl1 . 111 eael1 i11R1,t 11c·c~ \\' C' 8H\\ \Yl1,1t S<'Pll l <>cl 1o l> n11 l' ltcll c\'.' 1>1·0- c·rssi(>11 <>F I> P<> l IP <111trri11g 1110 l ,ttr 1101110 of tl1<1 clt' ('C',l8P<l. \\ P 1·ri– < • P 11 t ]\" <'ct 11 (l C> 11 P <) f CJ Il r ( 1 cl t} 1 <)] i C • fri 11cls ,111cl lP,lr11cc.l il1at tl1is \VH , 1101 ore:,111izrcl c>r ri111,11 \ ' i8itct1 i<)ll. rf]1exp }1C'Ol>lP clc> ll OL 11 ( g·}pc•1 1 }le' littl r tl1i11tr tlicti 111r,111s 1111tC'l1 i11 fct111il) '" ,ll1(l el111rel1 1· 1 lt11io11sl1i11. l\la11).. 1 astor ·, 1e<te1101'. ' , a11cl <' lltlrl' ll c>ffier r s 1>roet11·r. i11 11 1 ,,,a}T or a11otl1 1·, tl1c l)jrt11 cl,1tc of e,,cr,r 111e111l) r <>[ t11 t1lllrC'11, 01' • tl1e 81111clc1)r ._ 1 ·11001 or tl1e 1 lc1 . s, ,111d 11 t1 , ' er 11 eg· l et to .·r11cl a l)1rtl1- cla3' ·a1·cl. lt l)cl}',' ! "'\\ itl1011t c1l1e. ·tio11 otl1c1· itc111. 111 ig·J1 t lJe co 11. icle1·ell of g·1~ea t e1· i111 - })01·ta 11 c· tJ1a11 tl1:l little llii11g a11cl ·o tl1E\\" a l'E, l1t1 t ,,·e l1a \ "e 11otrcl that th .·0 littl thi11g· ,,. ig·l1 11 cl't– il).,. 11 tl1e . eale. of 1)111J1jc OJ)i11io11. R eg·11la1· a J) ti. t p 01 le ;t1'e~ c1o ·tri11e a11cl ,,·itl1011t co11t1·0\'"e1·.·~r, cloct1·i11e i .· of 1)a1·a111ot111t i1n- 1101·ta11ce bl1t tl1e ot1two1·l{i110· of the cl oct ri11 ) i.· t l1 thi11g· tl1ai 1·eg·i. ter: ,,·itl1 t]1 e i11 li, 1 icl11al a11cl ,,·r lll'g·e for· 11101'<1 attr11tio11 to tl1c little thi11g-. . I' ...\ Rl~iIT~D 1~:R ]:>asto 1·H ,,,ill JJlr<L 1· 111e111b0r tl1at ctll 1· g·ist1·a,111.· a11(l stHf'f 1110111- b 1'8 atte11cli11g· 0 1· ser\'i11g· ell l .. <11111) 1>,t t1110: 11111si 11,1,·t\ ct 11 <lltl1 ee1·tifi– c· a 1 e r or I 1· s 11 t H i i o 11 "'' 11 e 11 11 t 0r- i 11 o· t ]1 ('cll ll}) C'O])\' of' \\ 1 lli C' }l \VH 8 c-, ' • 11ri•11 ccl <>11 tl10 bac·lc eo\"er 1 nµ: () f () ll 1' J H) ' i S8 l1 r . • '1')1r c· 1·tifiec:1tps are l)l'el)clrrcl lOC'clll y; 110\\'(' \ ' Cl', ( J1i s 111r1}1 oc l C)f l1,111cll i 11 g is 11 ot \\' ]1c>l lJ 1 s<1t1sf'n<'tor)' ,l11cl i11 ,l l1 l)l'c>l>,tl)ilit)p 1t cxt .,·ectr, ,t11cl tl1 erpnftel' , il1 P t·Pr1ificn1es \\'il l l}<' ))l' P})Ul'P<l lJ~r 1}1 c \ r t)llllg· l'PO]>l 's I) l ' J) a 1• t 111 <' 111 a 11 c 1 < l i s 1 l' i l> 11 t c c l 1 <) 1·pg·is t1 ·c1111 :,, ,, J1 r11 111' b<>Ht tic·l{e1s a 1• < 1 111 c1 i l t~ < I. TI-IC OIIIO INDCPCNDL:NT BAPTJS,.l' 'fllE OIIIO ASSOC IAr-rJON 01'' ItEGULAR BAP1 1 ISr CI I UllCI f J~S Publicalion OfTicc 110- 118 E . Oal< St., Butl r, I11u . II. K . FINLEY, Ecli lor 120 P ark A v nuc Elyria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. CARL W. MARTIN 316 Tenlh Street Elyria, Ohio uh cripti on Ra te: Per sing le copy .___________ $ .15 Per year _______ ___ - ________ $1.50 Adverti ing Rate: Per column inch __ ____________ $ 1.50 Per half page________________ _ $21.00 Per full page _______________ $40.00 Entered as second class mailer at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE COUNCIL Ohio Association Of Regular Baptis t Churches Cha irman REV. E. V. WILLETTS 11 Adams Street Berea, Ohio Secretary REV. REGINALD L. MATTHEWS 937 Grand Avenue Toledo 6, Ohio Treasurer REV. VERNE L. DUNHAM 227 Kansas Avenue Lorain, Ohio M i ionary REV. HALL DAUTEL Gallia & Waller Sts. P ortsmouth, Ohio Young People REV. W. H. GREEN Baptist Parson age Gallipolis, Ohio Meml>er REV. C. C. CLAWSON REV. JAMES T JERElvllAH REV. ELTON C HUKILL REV. T. FRED HUSSEY REV. ALLAN E. LEWIS