The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1954

TI..JE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS"r November 1954 ~~~----------------~==- - ------------~---- omo A SOCIATION OF REGULAR BAP'l'IST CHURCHES Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting 'l'llt' ,1t1tl1tL1·i11111 c>f t lie l{rook– si( t: 1 ,11)tist t l1111•t"ll1 ' '' cl" filletl al– lllt)st tt) Sl ati11g ca1)acit)" ,,·l1e11 the tir·st sessio11 of t 11 c1111111 al n1eeti11g· ,,·a ()l)e11ecl 011 i1011da)r e,l'ening ( ctobe1' l e 1954. Rr,,... Earl r. illett , , tl1e chair- 111a11, ope11ed tl1e e io11 promptly at 7 :30. i11trod11ci11g Rev. J. II0" 1 - arrl tT 011e of Buc,,.r11 who read .. t lie c1·ipt111--e a11d offered p1·a~v~er. afte1· w11i h the ho t pa tor, the Re,". Teorge 'Keefe e ~te11ded a hea1--t~· welco111e to the delegate a11d ,Ti itor f1·on1 ch11rche of Ohio .1.\. o iation. 011 T11e da3' ... n1orning H. K . Fin– l ey cond11cted the ' Get quaint– ed , eI·vice 11nder the text, ' ' nd they tood ever}" ma11 in hi p lace r o1111d abo11t the camp . ' ' (Judge 7 :2la ) thi Prvice progre ed the delegate were arriving in ar eat n11mber , and oon the an– nual meet.inO' wa.. off to a good tart. • THE l\fU I \\ 7 hile tanding in the foyer we overheard a member of the Brook- ide Bapti t Church talking on the telephone and h er e are her ,vord : ' I wi h that 3rou were here the mu ic i imply '01lt of this tvor·ld.' ' ' The i ter wa in error the IDll ic wa in this world, hut it wa withol1t que tion hea,,.enlJ... mu ic a. arra11ged by the mu ic ma ter Re, 1 • William Fu co. Each evening one of the local choir pre ented a special num– ber: ~ottingham Baptist Chur ch, Hough Bapti t Church~ Calvary Bapti t Church, and Brookside Baptist Church. Wonderfiil! pecial numbers were al o pre- ented by everal group from Cedarville Bapti t College~ Rev. Lynn Roger Mr . William F11 co Kenneth Grig b3r Larry Buchan– nan Dr. Howard Young:, l\f r . Robert l\T c1' fillan Gordon oover and Rev. Hall Dal1tel, in addition to a choru con . i. ting of all pa - tor pre ent. Re,' . Fu co "'~a a i. ted in lead– er hip of congregational mu ic b:v· Robert Titu Lynn Roger Richard Durham Don Loomis ~Iax Harvey, H oward Young, R. HERE IS THE STORY J( (l1111rt l1 ~111elH<.>r. 1>rio1· to c,tc· l1 of tl1e ,lftrr110011 a11cl e, ,et1i11g· "e1·v– il: s a l1alf-l1011r of 1ut1 ic att1·actecl 1nc111~'" to the all :lito1·i111n, the p1·e- er ,1i.ce e11trie. co11 i. ti11g· of piano org:a11 anc.l i11 tr11111 11tal nt1mber . Dt1ri11g one of the afternoo11 . e - .. io11 the tr11 t e of Cedarville Bapti t College a e1nbled 011 the J)latfor1n a11d .. e, 1 eral . tt1dent pre– . e11ted brief n1e. . age a11d m11 ical 11umber . . Rev. J a1ne. T. J ere– miah the 11ev\ 1 ly ele ted pre ident add1~e ed the delegate for fifteen mi1111te making a tirri11g appeal for maxim11m p1 ..ayer, :financial 11pport and enrollment. The ad– dre convinced all p1"e ent that the tr11 tee had made a timely election for the important office. TIIE PROGRA f V\ hat hall we ay concerning the prog-ram ? F1--01n the keynote me age pre- . :ented by Rev. . E. pauldi11g to the benedictio11 ,vhich followed the me... age by Re, 1 • Wilfred Booth on Th11r day e,Tening, the peakeI' ,arried the audience. to high piritual le, 1 el. . Ther e wa no con– £ ere11ce then1e ~ however, all me - age eemed to center in ' ' The 1 h ri. tian W Pa. tors Max IT ar·v·ey tanley olli on John . Bal}ro Harol d Allem, Wjlliam I-Io,, 1 ard Green and "\\Tilfrecl Booth provided expo itor·y me aO'e which were God honoring and worthy of the occa ion. THE FORUlVIS Rev. J. Irving Reese conducted the ' 'surprise' ' hour at the Thurs– day morning se ion. The general theme wa ' ' Good Ethic. ' ' and it wol1l d lJe utterly impo ible to . et into thi articl e the item cov– e1--ed. The pealter dealt with . llC 11 thing. a the right and wrong in procedur e on the public p latform, in the home whe11 entertaining \"i. itor on tour when arranging for peal{ing appointment and man\T other ite1n of i11t ere. t 11ot • ll ually di cu . ec1 in pl1bl ic e1 .., 1 ice. It ha bee11 t1gge t ec1 that !\fr. Ree e be in,,.it ed to contint1e the forl1m i11 the a11nual meeting to l>c l1elcl 0110 ye1,tr }1(l11 c~. Many t,1lltecl f1·om th(_) floor of t11e al1c1i– to1·il11n, b11t the 011e ho11r servi<'e pro,rided 011ly a lJ g inning· .for a ge11eral 1·01111cl-table. Re1•. Rcgin(1ld L. ~l atthews anci "Jl f r. J ohn !(110.x ro11d11rtecl a forum for men under the . ubject. ' ' What the Pastor De ire. of IIi. Peo– pl e, ' a11d ' ,,rhat the people De– .. ire of The Pa tor.' ' About O me11 were pre ent for the e . ion and the di Cl1 io11 " 'a lively. The 4' poi11t ,vere . o \\Tell made and fa1"- r eaching that " re ha, 1 e decicled to r efrain from comment in thi i - ue of the n1agazi11e re er,ring comme1 t for the December n11m– be1". "\"\ e have procl1red complete text of the paper pre ented by the t,, 1 0 leader a11cl have macle excerpt of general comment and con iderable pace will be given to thi whe11 the report i set into print. l\II 10..c 1 ARY R e1) . IIal i Daitfel wa in charge of all mi . io11ary e ion . Rev. J. Te\,land Pfaff of Bap– ti t l\'fid-jfi io11 Japan wa the peal{er Tl1e day e, 1 eni11g and i11 hi. me age expo ed practice fol– lowed by ma11y mi -guided agencie now attempting to r each the people of the Far Ea t. · Re,r. Gerald .... mel er uperin- t ndent of the le, reland H ebr ew 1\Ii io11 pre ented a t irring me .. aO'e at the Th11r daJr morni11g • e ion. Mr. Dautel presided at the 1\1:issionary Symposium Wednes– day afternoon and presented to the large a u d i e n c e, Rev. Llewellyn Thompson, Director of The Bible 1\fi ion: R ev. J. Irving Ree e. Director, Bapti t F ellow- hip For Home :\Ii ion , al o Don a1·ner of that n1i ion. Then came Mi Dorothy l\f eyer of the hri tia11 Ii ion Kenneth l\fit chell and Richard D11rham of the A ociatio11 of Bapti. t For World E, 1 angeli m and the fol– lo,ving mi ionarie a ociated with Bapti t 1\1id-1\fi io11 : Jame Rt1s– . ell Robert RoO'er , William Tirn– mo, and George lVIeyer . The ympo iun1 wa intere ting and piritually elevating.