The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1954

~ovemher 1954 ------------------------ TIIE OIIIO lNDEP~ND~NT BAJ)TfST I.)agc Twenty-Three - - ~----~~------------- Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions ,J. 11{\ ' l . <1 1 1~J 1~JN l 1 ~, c:('tlc'r·a l l >ir·c•vtc> t' I ). (). I~():\. '"' G !) I·~ 1.v r i H ) It i O Tl1r 1>1rasc111t ct llt',V' J~,t11tiH1 1 }111rel1, 1 ]1ieo, ,,ll ift)1·11i c1 ,vas r - ··a11irctl l)y Ir,·. l{ol)rr1 ,Jc>l111Ho11 ~ ' cl, t l\1a)r Hll<l 11()\\' t l1P llli88101lcl l')T ,·ritr.·: ~,,re, ,1re gi,,i11g' $40.0l) >er 111011t]1 to 111i. sic111: H 11cl hope o i11 r re a. r it $ 1 0. 00 p Pr 111 o 11111 .. o • , 1 e ra11 b givi11g $12<).00 per· 11011t]1 bjr t l1c ti111e vtr a1·r a year >ld." TlJis e11111l1R8lZC:\ ' 0 11r of lie ol)je 1 tive. of t l1e J?el /01< sl1 iJJ oj' 8(1pt1·. t /01· Ilo,11 e ftf ,zssio11s, 1101 >11ly to . tart 11r,v ,]1111·<'hr. · 1)111 t1 o, to n1alr tl10. e r11111·rl1 111iR– ,io11a1·y to the f11l le. t drgree. 1\ 11- ,the1-- ch111·cl1 i11 1 e,v 1r or]{ st,tt , )rga11ized i11 1050 tool{ as it , 111i - ,io11ar3r lJuclg()t l,1. t )rra1· $1,500.00 Dllt act11ally @:a,r $2,100.00 a11d the pa tor tated I l1ad to re– ~trai11 the1n 0 111e·v, 1 l1at in tl1ci 1· lagerne.. to give to 111is. io11 be- 1a11 e of 011r local 11eec1... . So111 nay ,,ro11de1-- j11. t ,v11}T a ·l1t11·rl1 that i till 1.. ei,ri11g· 1ni • io11a1--y ~ift hould it elf gi,re to 1ni... 1011 •. \Vh3r not 1 .. etain that 111oney to de– velop it. ow11 worlr ? Tl1e an ,ve1· lie in tl1e need to form the prope1· tial)it of giving in the e infa11t ·h11rche . If the hurcb i tal1g·ht .)arlv to thinlr of other l)e ide. • it el f it will in t l1e f 11 tu1--e 1--e- tun1 much more i11to tl1e ·ha11- ne 1 of mi.. ion tl1a11 ha l1ee11 ~ive11 it. A the t,vig i be11t the tree ,, 1 ill grow. ' ' The F ellowsl11·p of Ba zJt1'st. f 0 1· ll ome ~1f issio1'ls held it a11nual b11. ine and f e]lov?. hip meet– ing in the _ Fir. t B apt i . t Church of 01·th To11a,va11cla !. e,v York October 13-15. It ,va. in ma11y ,vay one of the mo t en– couraging meetings e,,er held by this mission. The General Di– rector repor ted that a total of eight churches were organized dur– ing the last mission year, besides several new works which were ')pened b11t not yet organized. The mL ~ionaries r eported a total of 818 profes. eel f'Onversions a11cl 2 ] 4 lJaptisms. 1~ i1Janc·jal]y thP yea1~ was tl1r l)rst al:-;o i11 tl1c l1i 8to1·y <Jf FJ{TTM, the total 1·rceipts ff) l ' Hll 1>11rposrs 11ei11g $99,834.!3:J. l>PPJ) gratitt1dr to (1o<l fot· tl1i. \VHS expressecl along ,vitJ1 f11ll HJ>– J>rPeiaii<J11 t<> the c]cJ11ors '\\'ho Jt1aclr it pc,sf.tible. R Pv. J{pn11,,,t}1 A. l\ J Lt (•l< <Jf .. J aC'l<– son , 1\1icJ1ig·a11 \\;:1q Pl r.C'tc~cl c·l1air- 1na t1 to s 11 C'C'Pe<l Rev. 13. (.}. II a 1n w11c, ha~ l1eld the office f 01" two .\' < 1 Ht"H. J{p\y. l~HlJ1l1 Tc)rcll1111cl c)f' <>tlr c)\Vtl xtntc. ,~,o~f <>rirt, \\ H'-4 :1 u.·~1i11 <' llc)s<'11 as t t'<'cl S Ltl'<'I'. 1\ 11<)('1Pr () }11t> lllclll h<>tl<>J' <'( l \\'HH f{ p\r. l~JH t'l , Vi l l~tl s, l~rrPa , ,vile> ,,as J>la c'c< l <> 11 t l 1 <' I~J >.. (' c· 11 t i ,, r ( 1 <) 111 n 1 i 11 "P. l lPv. 1 fp11r\' l )<' N< 1 11 i. < :c>lcl 'ti, • ("'ol()l'H<l<>, \\ 1 11 () lt,l 8 8<' l'V<'<l <I N J) r ]>ll - 1H1ic) tl 1~ <' l>l'<'H<' 111Ht i\'r f'c1r 1 Ji l)ctHf >r<'Hr \VH8 ll1clC1<' ))C'J>ll1 cl1 i<)ll l)i – l' 0<'10r. l?P, 1 • ~[1·. I e Tr1ti l1c1 s l1r1rl :1 V<'l'Y (i 11e1 re er11tio11 }l111011g t J1c l' l111rc· l1PH clll(l ,,,ill 11()\V ll<>1 ()tll\' • LABORING T{ic·h,-1rcl I~~ l'l) frc)111 tl1r > it r11tl1rr H Ba11i isi TaJ >Pr11c1<·lr ,Y,ts , ·pry l1:-1pJ>) 1 ,,,l1e11, 011 "\VPfl11rsc.lay f°iC'f)1r111l)<'r 1 f5 l1r r rrr i, 1 r d 111r 11r,, 1 s tl1,1t lir l1c1c1 rc' C'ri, 1 t1<111is , ,i. a f<Jl' J>,l]cis1,t11. I IP 11 a < 1 b r P l1 1) a t i r. 1 11 1 >.. , , 1 a it i 11 g fol' tl1r ' g lH<l ll C\VS' for fjlti1 P :-;0111 r ti1ne, for l1 r l1 c1cl }111.4 r<(t1 i11- 111 r 11t a11 1 11c>t1!.!·]1 111 0 11rv f<>1~ Rc'ti l- • 111 g. 'I'l1C1 11tll)I)) 1 fa111il~r i11C'111 cli11g- )1i : pa1·e11ts, a llr otl1 rr <1nc1 t,yc1 Hi . t e1-. ·, joi11ec1 l1i111 i11 tl1r b11::v· 1·011ti11r of fi11"11 1 1·rpa rai 10 11 . · a11cl the l)a e]{ i11 g· of .·0111e of l1i. rcr11i1>- 1nr11 t : f 01· 11r ,,,a. to . ail 011 t of J31·ool{l,T11 ,\ 1 itl1i11 t}1r. 11ext 11i11r • cl a ,r . . Ri r l1a1· cl ha. frrc111 e11 tly te. tified that at thr agr of . r,,en he felt a ker11 . e1Jse of ro11, 1 irt ion of ~ i11, r111cl at tl1e . a1nr ti111r ca111r to the l,1 O"\\' lrclire of , a J , ra tio11 fro111 , i11 . "\\The11 in l1i.. e11i or , rra r in l1ial1 • . el1 ool }10 frlt lr cl to cl rrlarr l1i . A HOME MISSION OlJR CHARACTERISTICS Extensive Evangel ism Intensive Visitation Bible Preaching Effective Teach ing Organizing Baptis t Churches OUR SUPPORT Dependent upon t he power of the Jloly Spiri t Needing your p1rayer and financial contribt1- tions OUR PUBLICATION Wr ite for the Broadcaster, 011r quarterly magazine IIlAWATHA LAND INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MISSIONS Rev. Guy E. King, Director 1109 Ludington St. Escanaba, Micl1. ·c> 11ti1111 c t1i s c,,vr1 clrpt11a1i on as <>r>11cJ1·t 1111it.v c,f'f'prs, l>ut ,,·ill ,Li se, ass i~t in l>11ilcling· iti11<1rr1ri<'R fc>r <)1 h e1 1· ,,,o rl<c 1 rs. A11y <>nr clP~irir1g– H s J><'Hl<P r 1o r ( 'J>l'<'HP t1 L 1l!P r11i ss i<>11 :--iho11lcl H<l<ll'<'SS tl1<1 J'Cfjll<'St to 1, rc>llt <' I: I)<' ~P11i a1 tl1 e l1<>1n<' r)f'f!iC'P. IN PAKISTAN cles irc tc) , , jrlcl al ) to ff es118 HS I-'ord <)f l1i .· li f.. e. Tl1is cleclaratio11 wa. 111acle i11 p11l)li(• i11 a11 e,ra11frclistjr .· e 1· vi · e. Fro 111 t 11 at ti111 e on it '\',ls a r ral o 1). c~., io11 ,,'.Ti th l1im to clo ,,,J1atr,~0r t}1(l T-'or cl cl s ire 1 of l1i111. IIe g·1·acll1atecl .from Bob fT 011e 1r11i,,e1· ·it,r i11 tl1e s1 r·i11g of • 195:1 a11cl ,,,orl{ecl for o, 1 e1· a year i11 a itv ::\Ii io11 i11 Ca11ton, Ohio. .. H e al o had experience dl1ring his yea1·s at chool in Gospel Work in jails, on street corners, and preaching in \ 1 arious churches. Richard ha made hi appeals to tl1e Chri tian in hi l ast ap– pca1·ance in Cl111 1·cl1e8 011 tl1e l1nsi t11at ' ' ,,ye a r c labor e1· to– g·rt l10r ,, 1 itl1 (Joel, ' I (... Ol'. ;3 :9 ,ltld 1l1at tc)g:etl1 r r 1()(1 111 iµ:l1t · r e,rc al Jiis .. 0 11 i11 1110 t11,1t I 111i g·l1t l 1 l' ('cl<· l 1 11 i 111 a l l lO 11 g· 111 (' l 1 ,11 ] 1 Cl l . ' ' 1101 11 s 11 c)t clisH1)11oi11t Ii i"' ) 1 <>1111~· S('l'\cl llt l)llt f,1it}1f11lJ,r ~llHl'C ilS I • <•f>-lH l)Ot'c' r ~ ' tc)g·rt l1e11· \v1111 f1oc1. ' ' "'NPest 1l1c)tl a 111c:111 1hat is hast.\ 1 i11 11 i , ,, <)rcls? 'l' l1erl' is 111c)r i l10J)P. ()r U f oc> I tllH11 ()f ]1i111.' Pro,,. 2rl =~ )