The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1954
Pag 1 ,, l'11t~ Fot11_· --------=--------..::.TH.=.:.=E OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST_ ______ .-.._ _ November 1954 PRAISE THE LORD FOR MY TOOTHACHE . l Newland Pfaff HOME OFFICE: Baptist Mid-Missions 1120 Chester Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio Tl1e 11eal~e1" ,,fa a dea1· little tT a 11c111e e lad~,. " ~ 110. e body wa l1e11t " ..itl1 tl1e wea1 .. i11e of hard lal1or ,l11cl toil of 111a111,. ~v.. ea1.. · h er ._ . ha11d ,,~e1·e cc1 llo11 ed a11d ore £1·0111 he1· dl1tie a. a . er,ra11t in a l1ot 111 ..i11g 1"e 01 ..t l1otel llI) i11 the 11101111ta i11 . After 1na113" ,veel{ of 11ffe1--i11g ,,ith pai11 he had finall) 7 been gi, ... e11 p e1--1ni io11 to tal{e time off and go to the city for de11tal t1·eat.ment . It wa. a lo11g· 1·i l e of mo1·e tl1a11 two ho111-. in a j olt– i11g\ pitching·, ll1ml)ering b11 80 it ,va with ~:1 .. eat 1·elief that she a1·1·i,red at the tAtion and ta1·ted off in earch of a denti t. ~.\ h e pa ed alo11g the c1--o,vderl narrow treet h e l{ept h er head d11clled low b11t h e1" eye a11d ear. we1"e talring i11 all the trange ight and ot111c1. of the 11nfa1111l– iar 111·ro1111cli11g . Pre. entl1.r . h e pied a car being dri, 1 e11 ·by a fo1 ..eign er, an American . he . 11p– po. ed . i11ce ther e we1 ..e . o many of them now i11 the co11ntrv b11t • he wa. not wearing a11 arn1)r 11ni- f orm a11c1 a. .. he . pecl11atec1 abol1t l1i. pre. e1 ce i11 thi particl1lar city . he noticed a big po. t er on the ha ck of the car. It wa. an an11ol1ncement of . perial meeting. to t11dy ahol1t Chri. tia11it,T. I-te1· • hea1"t leaped with i11ter e t and he q11ickly noted the addre given on the po t er. The anno11nced meeti11g wer e j 11 t pa t b11t t h e man m11. t lJe a mi io11ar,T . o she r e olvec1 to find hi ho11 e·. A harp tab of pain in her jaw r emii1c1ed h er of h er i1nmedi– ate de t inatio1 . o off he sc11rried t o the cl e11ti. t '. offi ce. k h e wo11l d A ... TN"OlT.i. El\1E1 TT The R ev. Glenn Gree11wood of Bel1nont l\Iichio-an, has ac– ceptecl call to t he Ble ed Hope Bapti ·t Chur ch , pring:field Ohio. the p11lpit having bee~ ,,.acatec1 rece11tl)"' by the Rev. ... l, 1 i11 G. Ro , n ow e1·ving i11 Hambu1"g .... Tew York. FIELD ADDRESS: Japan Baptist Mid-Missions P. 0 . Box 49 Fukushima Shi, Fukushima Ken, J apan Bv ERD PF FF • wait a11d call 011 th e mi. io11a1'ie afte1· the n1icl -day 110111". It ,,Ta 11 t at all cliffic11lt to locatf the ho11. e fo1· it eemed that mo. t e,rer,..011e k11e,, abo11t Pfaff- • . a11 a11cl the 11ew i\[i., io11 l-1011 e which had j11. t been b11ilt. B e– fo1·e lo11g . h e ,va. ri11g'i11 g the bell trembli11g ,,it h e111lJarra - 1ne11t a11cl exciten1e1 t a. . he ,,aitec1 to ee ,,hat the fore ig11er wer e lilre. I-Ia1<o-. a11 ca111e lr11ocl{i11g .. oft- 1}7 at 1ny door. ' ' Iada1n, the1--e i. a wo1na11 do,v11 tai1... who wa11t. to ta11< witl1 VOll. ... he aw the • po..t er 011 t h e c a1' and h e c a1ne to in<111i1"e al)o11t ch111, rh . e1",,. ice . l went CjlliCl{ly to tl1e li,ring room a11c1 '\\"a. int1·odt1cecl to 111.. v· • g11e. t. ~ 001 ~ h e wa t elli11g h er tor,r. • Iler pare11t ,,..e1--e "\"er~r poo1" a11d a a . 111all child . h e had to ,vo1--l{ hard to l1el p he1 .. pa1·ent. , l1pno1"t tl1e fan1ilv. One dav . l1e fe 11 fro1n • • the loft , a . 01·t of platfo1·m b11ilt 011 t]1e 1--after . of thei1-- . n1all ho111e, a11d . 11. tai11erl a . e,·e1--e i11j111--y t o h er· l)arlr ,v11irh 11ever pro1)e1·lsr hea1ec1. 111 . pite of tl1e nai11 . he . wa~ f orrecl to wor 1< a. l1ef01·r a11 cl i11 h e1" 1ni. e1·>r , h e ofte11 ,vi. b ed that . h e n1igl1t clie. ~ he tho11ght al)o11t life a11d <l eath a11c1 wo11- der ed wl1v 11e l1ad been born. • j To one in l1er f amil>r hac1 e,"eT h eard the Go p el a11cl when a yo11nger . i. ter hro11ght ho1ne a tract whir h had bee11 gi, 1 e11 ]1e1' at . chool tl1e re. t scoffed and paicl n o atte11tion to it. IIo,vever . b e r ead it o, 7 rr and over. She co11ld11 ' t 1111cl e1-. ta11c1 it all b11t r ealizecl t11at , 11e wa a . in11er i11 the . iu·l1t of Goel a11cl that if . he c1iec1 . lie a 11£fe1-- th1 ..011gh et e1·11it>r· Glac1 11ow that . h e l1ad not diec1 he be– gan . ear ching to l{11ow l1ow . 11 e rol1ld have p eace witl1 God. Later she ,vent to Tokvo and fo11nd a Cl111rch ,vher e . he wa. l1antized ancl co11firmed a . a Chri tia11 . • h e ohtai11ec1 a Bible a11d rearl jt eagerly eeki11g wher e,Ter he ,,.,e1 t to learn 1nore abo11t God and abol1t Hi Word. Verda Pfaff A. ,, 1 e tall<ecl ,,,.ith l1er of tl1e preciot1 p1"on1j. e. of Goel ancl the II ope of 011r I101~c1 0011 comi11g, g1"eat tea1... of joy ro111" ed cl0"\\11 her cheek a11cl l)athecl h er poor ha11c1 whiel1 ,,.,e1·e folcled tightl,,. i11 h er la J) . he tolc1 ll that ~ h'e hacl gon e to e, ..ery ch11rch . h e d • lJee11 alJle to 1--eacl1 l)11t 11e,.,er hacl . he h earcl 11ch wo11clerf11l things. Whe1 we t ol cl her that ther e " roulcl l1e . er, ice in 011r l1ome each night tl1e r e t of the week, h e1 .. happi- 11e. lr11e1'{ 110 lJ011nd and lie fi11all~r left bean1ii1g wit h antici– patio11. 11r little frie11d wa the fir t to ar1"ive tl1at e, ,.eni11g a11c1 . l1e j 11 t c11'anl{ in ever~r word writi11g dow11 the , 1 e1-.. e. a11cl 011g and tal{i11g· little 11ote-.; o h e wo11ld11 't fo1·g·et a thing . It wa the an1e each nig11t . ,. l1e " ..e11t to the <le11t i;·t ·acl1 mor11ing and came to t h e e1·, 1 ice. at night. ... h e had exp ec-ted to 1"etl11"n to the mo11n– tai11. on .._ att1r·clav... b1 t co11ld11 't " l)ear to 111i. . tl1e " 11nclav e1·vices .. . o . ta,... ecl o, 1 er. • 1\ t tl1e clo:c of i- 1111cla}"" 11ight 's 111eeti11g· h e ca111e to tell 1ne gooc1- l)JT. r\. g1--eat glac111e ._ : ,,·a. . l1i11- i11g f1--0111 h e1· £ace a. . h e cla 1Jed m~... ha11d i11 her a11c1 t old n1e that 11ow h e lc11 e" · £01" 111·e that . l1 e wa I"eallv a,.. ed and l1ad Eter11al Life. · R emembering why h e had come to the citv he 1--eached 11p to pat IDJ" fac~ and with a 1nile of weete t p eace he ai cl ' ' Pr·a1·. e tlie L o1·d for'" rriy tootlz aclie. ' ' Hebrew Christian Society (Incorporated) 2524 Euclid Heights Blvd. ,, CLEVELAND 6, OHIO REV. HOWARD A . KRAMER, Founder REV. ALLAN C. METCALF, Director "Ye that make mention of the Lord. keep not silence, and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Je– rusalem a praise in the earth."
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