The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1955

August 1955 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Three --~~~~~~~---~-- ~~~~~~~-~~~~~--=-~~~ ,·r.r11 acl1 lc1 r i11C' l 11cl i 11µ: .·] a 11 g exJ)re. - Rio11:"' , . l1 n11l cl l1r a,·oiclr(l. rl ']1p })Hstor sl1ott lcl cllso a,,c>jcl t l1r 11sr (>f a tl)' \'\"O r el:-; or PX J11'0881011 , \\'lli<· }1 \\'()lll<l ill1J>l,\r <)\\'llP1'8}1i1> Or <· c>11 t r ol, ,rhe11 r eferri11g· t o C' l111rl' l1 af fclirs. ~() rr ' ' 111). trt1st ers, - ·' 111.' ]1Pc>1)le '- ' ' 111.,, a11clitori11111, ' - '111)'" 111 l'rti11g:.,' ' ()l 1 R ' 111al{ <.:'.~ <l 11111el1 111ore fa ,·or cl 1) le i 1111 ressio11 . \< ) I I I ~ I)l T 1.J I) r T E '1 1 11 I( 1 ~ .. : rr l 10 at - tit11clt-1 of ,,To r sl1iJ1, els t l1 r l)t10])le < 1 11trr the 1>e,,\ , .· l1011lcl be e11rol1r – a~recl. 'I' l1r J)a"tc)r <'cl 11 a cl c.l 11111e l1 to tl1 e s1)irit of ,,ro1\ ·l1i1) b5· ob– srr,·i11 ir goocl J)ltlJ)it et}1i ·~. ( 11 - cler 11 o ei r t·t1111. ·ta11te,1 :11 Oll l cl tl1e1·e <1,·rr l>r f ri ,Tol it,.. or soe ial eha ttrr ._ 011 tl10 1>latfo1·111, l)rt,ree11 tl1e J)a. - tc> r a11 cl gltr. t.· or a. ·:i." ta11 ts. Tl1 c 1>astor : l1011l cl 1·e111e111lJe1· t l1at l1e sta 11<.ls or 8i t ~ l)Pf ore a ,va tcl1ft1l l lc'O l>le, \,r}1r r thot1g·}1 tR \\' ill be 111olclecl to 80111e e'<te11t l))T hi. 11111 I)it ethit ·. 'I'l1e i1111)l' (\ : io11 , fo1·111ed 1,. t 11r , ,i/i tor a1·r 111a11," t i111es l)a.'ed • L 011 tl1r little thi11g's. (9) III H ...\J->PROA( 'II: Arr og·a11 ·e i!-i to be cleplorecl a11d 11eitl1er the ,,·orlc.1 11or the t hl11· ·h 1)1·efe1· · 0 11e ,,·}10 is clo111i11atecl 1>} 7 self-estee1u. I t i~ ,;rritte11 : B'ol' ,,·l1osoe, 1 er exaltetl1 l1i1n– s0 Jf bl1all lJe c1ba,1ec_l: l)11t he tl1at l111111bl eth l1i111: elf . ]1all l)e exaltecl ( L11 l{e 1-! :11 ) . 1' 11<.) I1orcl ~J e. ·11s 1 h ri."t ,,·a. e11- a l)l ecl to pi-e-cletern1i11r tl1e 1na11y tl1i11~~ i11 J1i. c>art}1lJr lifP, over ,vl1i<·l1 \\'() l1cl\ '<1 110 c·o11tl'ol. 111 re- 1cttic>11 to l1i:-; ltJJJJ f r1r l1J1ce l1 r r lretecl 1(> 11,1,·e '· 11<> f or111 11c>r eo111li11e8s . . . 11 <) l,Pa11t,r t J1a t \\'Cal .·J1ot1lcl cle- • s ir<~ }1i111. ' 111 rc]c1ti o11 to JJ fJ JJu!ar- it.11 l1 cl "l1c,s cl to l>P clc)~J)i8e1cl ,111cl a 111a11 <>f s c,,·r<>\\' . . f11 rcla1io11 to l'iel1c•s l1c> J>rPf lJ'r tlcl to J)r<1~e 111 }1is 111 <1ssag·<l \\ 1 itJ1cJ11t 1J1cl lJ l 11 efii of fi11,111<·i,tl J>l'Pst ig·<', 'f'c>x<als l1avp '1,,J ·:,; a11tl tl1c• l,ircls <>f 1 h 'l ai r ltH\P 11 est s, l>tlt tJ1p S<)ll ,,r ~l clll }1c11J1 11<)1 \\'h(• )' P t<> }cl.) 7 }1iS }l{'clC) ' ' 111 C)l'tl<l t· 1<) s l1c>\V fortl1 l1i :-; l(it1g s l1i}J l,r gi1·<l<·< I l1i111 sc• ll' ,t1>olt1 \Vit l1 a 1,,,v< 1 I a11 , l \Vtt s }1P<l 11t<· c.lis ·itJl •s !"( •( t . '1() {)Jp \ ()ll})U' J>J'P,lC'}}C-' )' \\T(_. )HJitl1 ' t"l ()111 1 liHf llt 1 is ( ]<ul ':,.; P .Xcl)llJ)l e lllHtl ; llP i:-; ( l<Hl s c,x l1il,it. 11 ( i~ <J otl 's \111lJ,.U·,8,t( l<>I' ( :! ~() l'i11tl1i,ll) :,i f, :17- ~1 . \11 ... \1111,a ssa lc,1· is ,t g<>VP 1'11 - J11<... tli age 11t or t )ip l, igl1v~t 1·n11J< 1~r. ])l'C8Pllti11g· l1i · t0lll1 tr:)· 8 i11 tp 1·– P, t~ at a for eiJr 11 <'Hp ital . Tl1 r l>Hs- 1<)1' 111t1 s1 110,· r r f<>rgrt tl1c1t }1p is 011 tl11t)' (l \ ~P l')" ll O lll' C>f ('\'Pl'\r cl}l\' . . . . , a 11 cl 1 t 1 < l e1 1 · t h e , , 1 a t c: h f 11 l <',· <' ~ <J I' • tl1 ose ,vh c> clc 1 1>r11cl 1t 11011 l1i11i, a11cl t )1 ORe \V ll t) arP HP<.\ l{ i11g· ( J O(l . Tl1 e i11fl11 r 11er <>f tJ1 <1 JJast c>r is 11 ot lrter111i110cl 011 ly l>y 11 is abi i 1ty tc> ]11'C'H.C.' h ll C) l' l)}" ]1i8 <l Pg'l 'PC' <>f pffo1·t i11 Hr rvier 11 c) r 1>)' l1i8 11 r r - so11a] jt , .. lJ1 1t el ls<> lr,T t hP 1i1t lr • • \VP o ·c·,1sio11ctll).. Jl l tl )lis l1 cl ll cll' – t icle lr .. ig·11ecl to st i111ttlate t}1e C' ir l' lll,1ti o11 of this 111 a~·<l ii11e bltt ' 11e,,e r 11 ,1 , 'r \\' P J)11l )li s l1 fig11r P8 t<> i11clic·,tt() 011 c) <)f <>l11' c>l)jt1et i\ 1 ~– Tl f r e it 1·.. : r1 1 l1r bc1sie t ' OHt of J>ri11 ti11g· a t,, 1 e11 tJr l >ag·c i88ll is $1~)1. ()() for the fir.;t 1 ,()()() 1 0[)ieR. Acl litio11al h1111clrec1,1 ,lre pri11tecl at a ·ost 0f $4.7 (). I I 11 ee t 11 e 11101·e aclcli t io11a1 h1111 clrecl 1Jri11tecl the lo,ver tlll' a,,era 0 ·e co ·t pe1· COI)Y. 'I'ho:e \\ 1 ho ,Yi. ·11 to 11 11) i11 the J)ro111otio11 ,,,ill c111ic l{}Jr :ee the v\ 1 icl e c1cl , 1 a11 t ag'e i11 eo t a .. r lat cl to the cir· L1 latio11. ()t11· fi r ·t object ive is to I"ea ·11 a , 111an)"" 1· ader: a· })O~,. ·ible t li e ·011 l obje ·ti,· i · to clo thi. at a 111i11i1n t11n eo ·t. \Ve belie, 1 e tl1at t l1rHe fig·t1r e.· " rill i11:pire l)a. tor·: ct11 l t 11 llf ·11 re1)1·es 11tati,;re · to l)llt. fort l1 a11 ef– fo1·t to e11li:t tl1e fa111ilie of t l1c eo11greg·atio11 a · reac1e1·: of tl1e pag·e: . 11ly t,, 1 0 el1 l1 r cl1e8 i11 the f ello\v:l1i1) ha ,Te tl l) ·e1·i 1>t io11 s e 11 - t 1·ec1 fo r ectc 11 fa111ilv'" of the 111e111- • lJrrsl1i1): JJrooksicle B aJJ! isl (YJi urcl1, ( ilevela11cl, a11cl Grace B<tpti·t ( "Ji1crc/1 , rrroy l1io . 1 ():\l l N({ E\TF.11 'l'R '1 1 l1 P .L \ 111111 a 1 l\ I c r t i 11 g· of () 11 i o ,\ ssoric1tio11 to l>e l 1Pld i11 l{etl1Pl 13,1 1>tis1 ( 1 l1L11· e l1, l'i.Jri ', 1> p1111s)Tl,· ct11 - ia, ()t·1<>1H' r 17-:2() i11 ·lt1si,·<_... rJ' l1 t1 .. \1111 11,11 :\1 p ll i11 i!.' <>1' I l Pllrc>11 .J \ "'i~C}tiat io11 ic> lJP l1t1ltl i11 tl1P l 1 ' irst 1{H J>1i:-,1 ( 1 }1111·C'}1 l .1a <1rn11 g· 1 , ;\l<>11 - clc1.' ,ltt<l ' l ' tt<>~< lH)', HPJ>t<·111l>< 1 1· 1 !l – •>(J l <) .... - . . . ) ') J) pc li<·a1 i<>ll of tl1c• l{ P 111 tJclt 1 ll\tl J{pt}1le'1c>t1l l!a1>tis1 ( 1 ht1re J1, ( 1 l P \l~- lc:t11 cl < )}1ic, Nt111t l,1, H t'te1·110011 , . •'<' 1>1 PltlhPt' 11th . J{ p\ {;IPtlll II . l>H vis iH l>HS1<>r of t)1p <·h11rc·l1. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 110-118 E. Oak St., Butler, Ind. Per Per H. K. FINLEY, Editor 120 Park Avenue Elyria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. CARL W. MARTIN 316 Tenth Street Elyria, Ohio Subscription Rate: single copy _____ _________ -$ .15 year ______________________ $1.50 Advertising Rate: Per column inch ______________ $ 1.50 Per half page_________________ $21.00 Per full · page _______________ $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE COUNCIL Ohio Association 0£ Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. E. V. WILLETIS 11 Adams Street Berea, Ohio Secretary REV. REGINALD L. MATTHEWS 937 Grand Avenue Toledo 6, Ohio Treasurer REV. VERNE L . DUNHAM 227 Kansas Avenue Lorain, Ohio Missionary REV. HALL DAUTEL Gallia & Waller Sts. P ortsmouth, Ohio Young People REV. W. H. GREEN Baptist Parsonage Gallipolis, Ohio M 111bei-s REV. JAMES T. JEREMIAII REV. ELTON C HUKILL REV. T. FRED IIUSSEY REV. ALLAN E. LEWIS REV. JOHN l, . BAI.1 0