The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1955

• \\ It r'Hlllt' l ) }):tss. :ts s\l ll l llll ' I" lrt' ' ' 11iol1. tl1:it .\I r. 1'. A\ . l l1ristin11 littttl ll]' }1is t')"es it, tl1, l1ill , ,ltl<l sH ll 1. · I, . tllt' 11, t <la,, <'<)111,\t l, c111<l "' I 11 ll< ,, :ll't' Ht llHlttl. ( 1 (l l \lt' . ll' t ' t!() 1111t(l t ll\' l1l'i, 1 l1 t, l ll' t< l ~ t1,· , -.1 , 1<)1·,,. , , · l1t'l'<' t It< t'(l<l l l> r t'Pi' l' "' 1· l'l'Sil ,, , clll(l u. l <l l'l(ll l'\ "" 'l' ll t' S H- • • • \\ ,l l t. .. l'll< ll "' l'PH l,l',t \\ 1, cl~ , •• l fll t ]1 .Jr, 1)....\ . l 1 l1r1"'t 1a11. ·· \ ~et 1l11·c) 1 f c.. 11 r t l 1 i 11 ~ s 11111, t b t, ( l t> 11 l 1 ) e ft) r "' • • ·· I'l1rre tl1i11!.!~ I <·a 11 111i11l( of. l,t1t ll<.lt fc..ll l r . · • r t1 ,11<)l l( l<'c l • Ir. l1r1"'t1<111. ·· \\"'t\ 11111~1 ,1r ra11!.!. e f or l\t r flc..> ,, <'l'::-. to llP e,1 r etl fc)1·. ()llr c..:11il·l,e11, ll'tl . c111cl t l1cl 111ail for– ,,..arc..ll)tl. l111t tl1 l ft)llrt l1 ri l11cle · 111,· • 111 i11 l . . . · · Tl1 _) fo11r tl1 i, lil~P 1111 to tl1e fi1·st tl11·L 1 l, :·et 111or l' i111 1>o rt a11t tl1a11 ,lll. ' r ll<>ll :--.] 1a }t (l ig· i11t o t }l.'' l)lll'SP <lllc..l 1>,l.' t)ll r t it l1e t l1at t l1e ,,.. 0 1·1~ •Jf Oll r l "t)r (l l1<>lll ll 1 ro~ JlPl' a11 l tl1at it 111a, · l)e ,,·e]l ,Yi t l1 t l1re. for • ,·p1·il .'· I "a>· 1111t o tl1P ). tl1ot1 l1a. t 111orP 111011r, · 110,,· t l1a11 t l1c>11 ,,·ilt • l1c1,·p , , ·l1t111 t l l<)l l tl o t r etl1r11. • ...\.11d it ·a111 t o J)a ·s tl1~.t )11·. l'l1ri"' tia 11 }lai(1 l1i: titl1 P. f._ :r the ,·ac·,1tit) ll J)r1·ic)cl a11cl 111or e g r eat l),· e11io,·rcl l1i~ l1 olitla ,·. The faitl1 • • • ,,·orltt.)I'"' t?. 1·ea tl.'- r e j o il'ecl to(, . ·a.'" - i11g-. · · <) f a t r11tl1. ther e ar e tl10: e ,,·110 lo,·r tl1 I--' <>1·cl a11cl C' a1~e f or Il i-.. ,,·01·1~ ~ ' · ....\11cl ~o it ,,·a.. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE SERIES SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE • . L e. son. ) I ,, 0111cl like FREE infoJ·n1ati<)11 checl{ed b el o,,.. : --Begi1mer Dep t. --P1·in1a1·~r Dept. --.J1111io1-- Dept. --Intermediate D ep t. --··..:enior Dept. --1:---oung Peopl e' D ept. --... cll1lt Dept. --" llpt. ancl P a to1-- --Flan11elg1"aph o pel H e1--a l d W eeklJ UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059, Cleveland 1, Ohio r \~! )~ 0 11io Associ<1tion Of R c~·ul <tr Ba.n tist Church es BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA ):()0 f) ::3() l ll :Ol) 11 :()() 2 :( )0 ·) ·1 h.) """ • ! : : ( )() ., 1- . ' ) • • ! - . 0 ' : , ") :()0 9 :: () 9 :-1.- 10 :45 11:00 P.)I . P. I. . I. 2 :oo P .ir. 2: 15 3 :()( ) 7 :30 P. I . : 0 9::3() .L\ .:\f . 9 :..i..- 10 :45 1 :3() 7 :30 P. '.I. :()0 ()<·to)) 1.· 17-20, 1955 L i L I • ~~ < > l l u .~ (' l' \ I <' P ~ ..\ <l<ll'P ,:.., <>f' \\crPJ<·<>lllC' l{e)' 11 ot r .. \ cl(l1·) -.· • '1' l TE~ 1 1) ~ \ , .. · ({et J\ tcttl cli11t r(l Fi l> t1r' 1 i lJ 1 :.\1 e::,,a g· ' 1 :\l11si · 111 '111 C 1 l1t11· ·}1' ' l i11g·ti1ne ~fe:-:ag·e Btt. iue:.· [ )C)ll I J()()llli .· .i:\ lla11 1~. IJe,,· i.; \\T alt l' } y> ()ll}l O l~(l,,·ar(l H ]111i<'l{ Earl \ . \ \Tillett:, p1· i-,icli11°· .J an1e.· T. J e1,en1ial1, i 11 1 11 a rge llall Da11t 1. p1· :i(li110 1 011g·r g·atio11al ~I11: ic l\li.·: io11arv ~Ie ·:ag:e Re,~. \\.. i l lia i11 1 ar111i ·l1ael, 1 peake1· ; 1 i11g ·pi1·a ti 011 D0c-t1·i11cll l\l · ·ag·e B. F'. ( 1 at "Tl1 Ilol}? 1 pirit a11cl rro11g-l1e.·.. I i:l'11.· ·io11 J)e1·io 1 'Th )j. S1t11tlay " iill ic \ e1·11e l ). l )l111l1a111 Robert J. Revnhout • e 11 oo 1 . t\ cl,·a 11 e e ' ' .... ::o ·iati<>11 Hol11· Ea1,1 ,T. \\Tillett:, pre:i(li11g: ({e11e1·al b11:i11e ··-Report ·- tati.· ti ·. )Iis~ic)11a1·:· " y111pos it1111 Hall Dal1t 1. 1)1·e:itli110· THl~RSI) ....\ \ ... l_)1·a i. ·e ~e1·,·i · Bil)le i\I :sa~re J e\\·i. 11 ::\[i · ·i ou Rob ert E. ~Ir~ eill cla111 ....\.. ( :alt R ,~. H l11· .A..\lla11 1 • ni t ·alf :peak l' 111·:. f ie()1·o·e ({ib:011. p1·e ·itli11 o· )1 :11~:\" " 1 1: R1"":\I H11bj t: .. , ... i ·itati 11 l~,"a11Q:eli:1n,. L ea l ei· · : Re,·. J 01111 J ,al)·o--i 11'. ....\ . . H 11g·l1e. •