The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1955

THE d itorial C <> 111, 111, e n t o i11tc r f <)r Pr<>Sp • ·tive Pr achers • l'ltt \ t1gt1,t 1,,t\{' <ll' tl11,. 111ng-.t zi 11 <' <·a rri ('cl a11 <'< lit<>r1 ,1l P111r., 1111(l <' r 111<' <'H J>1ic>11 '• ]>c>i111Pr~ J~',>r ) ' c>t111g l)ren<·ht' t, ·· ' l ltt' }>Ht!t' i1l ,1 >1 t· Pcl <'<> t1~iclPrctlll<' vc>111111<'111 a11<l 111a11~· <'<>1111>li111P111ar.,· l<'ttPr~ ,,·p re' rP< · . \\ ( tltl\\. ])l't'"t't\t a e<lt11111c'11t,lr) cl<' · ig- 11 )cl fc>r 1l1t 1 <',, -<'" <>f ., <>ltll!.! 111P11 ,vl1c> 1>lc111 tc> <>tJtPr tl1,, 111i11i~1r)·. ,,.. llPll tilt' cl\lt<>lll()l)ilt' cl<'H lPr ,,· is}lt's lt> clttrnc·t clttt•11tic111. l1P 11rP– , t'll t, t }1p lll()tltl l l'()llS])ll'\lO\ l~})· l )• t.\tl 111 tl1t) t•t'\11ter <)f tl1f\ sales 1· lt>111 or < l is 1> 1 c1.,· '" i11 < l t>\Y <)11 cl r11g , f l>lP11tli11l!· t<)l< r. ,,·itl1 ,l l1ac·l,– grl 1111tl of 11al111. t 1· otl1er 111ate1·ial. l ",11c1ll) c1l)l)' e tl1e tcl r . potlig·l1t. <lre foe11 , c'tl 111)<->11 it . ..L\11 )f this i: clt', i!.!11r·tl to J)1·p',e11t tl1e 111c)clel i11 a fa,·t)rn l)le ~etti11g·. 'rl1P cleale1' i. 11tlt , elli11l! 1·11~r~. J)al111.· or sJ)Ot– li~l1t , : all of tl1ese e111l>elli:h111e11t .. l)Pi11l!· 11~rcl 0111)" to r111J)l1a."ize th t·t:>11tPr11ieet> tl, c r1uto1Hol>il<. I 11 c>1·tler tc> J)re~e11t the ({os1)el t<) llt' ' t a tl ,·a11 ta O'e 111a 11,· f aetors. ot h- t"' .. er t l1a11 a l)il it~- to i11 ter1 r Pt tl1e ~ eriJ)t111·e,. a1·e 11eedecl. 1I I ~ 1 }: Dl "< • ...\. T1 <) X : ) I a 11 ~- ,·ot111 CY 111e11 fee 1 that 0111,,. a ,,·or king . .... . 1~11c1,,·leclge of the '\\ .... ord i.· 11ece,,.·a1·~- a11tl tl1at ,,·l1e11 a l~il)le rollrRe l1a~ ll }e11 to1111) letecl l1e is r ead~- f 01-– , er,-i ·e. If it i. fo1111cl i111JJO sible t<J atte11cl a I.Jiberal .... :\.1·t.· C 1 011 ge, tl1P11 tl1e , ·01111g· 111a11 ·l1011lcl l)I"O– cee 1 to a i1t1l11it. h11t lo11g ~-ear .' of <·011tal't ha ·0 11,·i11eecl 11s tl1at 1111- tle1' 1101·111al t·o11clitio11 ·-a11d apart fro111 ,11eeial gift. - hi. 111i11i:tr) 1 ,111<1 i11fl11r11 ·r ,,·i ll l1e li111itPcl. HI, I>~\ l"T< R... TE: \\~e ha,~e 11oted tl1P 111e11 ,,·}10 ha,·e lo11g a11d :-.l1ort 1>a toratP. , 1 0111e n1e11 l1a,·e l)tlt fe,, ]Ja ·t c>1--ate · i11 a lifet i111e: tl1~r" arfl al,,·a,- 011 tl1e 1110,·e • • .:\11al:·· is i11clitatP tl1at p1·ea ·l1- i11Q abilit,- l1a~ bt1t little t o clo \\titl1 .. t l1e le11Q th of tl1e pa to1·ate. The J)ast •r ,,·}10 i 11101·p greatl_\· ]o, ·e(l ,,·itl1 each l)a · i11g .\·ea1· is cli tre. :ed at tl1e tl1ol1gl1t of lra, i11g-. a11cl the flocl, ,,·pe1) , at tl1e ,·e1~.\· tl1011ght of 11 i. cl eJ)a rt11rP. The lo11g te1·111 J)1·ea ·lie r i J)a toral. ki11<l. 1111clp1·- sta11<li11rt. :·11111athetic·. a11cl l)l'a<·- l ic ~, ,p)f-(·011trr,l. II 11e,·pr JJaracle.· 11 • tl1ltr ·11 JlrolJle111" l)efcJre thr eo11- !!I' :lQ a tio11 a11tl 11 e,·e1· cleal · ,,·i th 111at ~r, 0 11 tl1P J)latfor111 ,,·hi(.-1 . }10111<.l t)e a,lj11~tecl lJel1i11cl tl1e fa, -e I s rl cloo1· of t lie }10111e. It j" tllt stabli l1e<l proee<l11re <..>f so111e I asto1· to · · 1·al~~.. th e ·<Jtt!!reO'a- 1 ic>11 J) r ri c>c lit·,1] l~·, ,111cl fc>r t l1c>s<' J1,ll'-l– t<)l\ ' thPre i~ 11 rt1 <l f c> r tl1 e fr P< tltP11t "'<..) r,· i l' e1 <> f cl 111 o,· i 11 ~r ,· a 11 . HI i J>()SJT I<)K : \ \Te ar ,·er,· • fc1111iliar ,,·ith thP 11rer ogati,·ps of tl1 1)a:tor ,111cl l1is r elatio11ship t o t l1P ·011g·1· t 1 ~:atio11 a~ .·et fort 11 j 11 thr i 'fe1·iptlll'(l : }10,,·e, re r. it lllll:t l)r r etog11i z(lcl tl1at e, 'e11 ,,Tit11 a y)r o1>– er .·tr11 ·t11re i11 the .. Te,,,. TPsta111 e11t c·l111rel1, thP pastor is ('011sta11t 1~~ dealinO' ,,·itl1 hl1111a11 11at111·e. It i.· llOt al,,·a~r, PXpeclie11t to Pllfor ·e i11 £1111 111eas11re ,1 11 of the J)r eroga ti,·es ,,~hi<:h are hi.~ ~ •cript11ral 1·ight. l t 111 \1:t tJe I' f 111e111 ber eel that t 11 el1l1rth ho11:e ,,~a. · er ec·te l lJ1· th e ._ 1·e.· ide11t people a11cl i.· a ·tt1all)" \111- cler the to11trol of the lo ·al ·ht1r ·h. It ,,·a · h1'tl that lo ·al eh11r(·h tl1at <·all "'·a: i.· ·11ecl a11cl it i~· thr11 that loea1 th11rl'l1 that t}1p pastorate l'a11 l)e tern1i11at e(l. ,, ... e a1'e 11ot ad– , ·o ·atiuµ: that the J)a:to1· :l1011ld :acrifi ·e the 1·p:po11:ibilitie: of hi.· offi<'e or co1111)1·0111i e hi: po ·itio11, l)11t ra tl1er ,,·e a1·e ,,·ar11i11g· ag·ain,· t that attit11cl e of o,,·11er ·hip a11cl lit– tator . hip ,vhi ·h 111a11.\T t i111es eha1'– atte1·ize: a J)aHto1--atP. I1 I ~ \ "" I .. ~ IT... \T I ( X : "\, ... e cl <) 11o t hesitate to :a,· tl1at the be. ·t ,Yorl\'. • of tl1e pa:to1· i: clo11 e i11 the l10111e.:. J 11 1110:t t a:e: of eo11,rer:io11. ,,.. hile the 11e,,·l,· 1)01'11 ,·ai11t 111a ,~ a118,,~er • • tl1e platfo1·n1 eall . the grol111cl- ,,·orl< l1a~ lJee11 do11e i11 t l1 e ho111r l1y· • the pastor, or :0111e 111e111ber of t l1e co11gre~:atio11. Tl1er e a1·e tl10. e pa.·– to1--. ,vho proclt1te .. t ript111·e to pr·o,·e tl1at e Jltal r e. po11.·ibilit>· 1·e ~t ." 11po11 the leac·o11: 01· all 111e111- l)e1 ... · of tl1e ch11rc·l1 . l)t1t ,,·r i11:i.·t that goocl ho111e ,,?ork l)~- thP pastor i.· 111or P i111po1·ta11t tha11 ~:oocl 1>lat– f o r111 ,,·01--k. i11 a c· h 111·e 11 of :111 all 01· a,·p1·age 111e111l)Pr .·l1i1>. ( A :t1·011g ,·i:itatio11 1)rog·ra111 i11 a11~· cl111r(·l1 l>ri11g · r Ps11 l t . . ) IIIS BlT~ ·1~E. 1 .. 1 : T11e l)tl. i11e: 1>eo1)l e c,f a11:· cl111rc.:h 111a: · r ea 011- al)l: .. eXJ)e ·t t}1 e l)a. t or to J)at1'011- izP thr1ir ale. or p1·,·itP. 1,11<1 J)a"t(>r l1 <>11 l cl bP li111it Pcl i11 l1i:-,, 1>11r<'hase1~ h)'" hi~ al>i l it)· tc> J>H.''· I f it i: 11e<·rs. ar_\" <Jr exp clie11t fc,r tl1r J)a:tcJr to <>pc-111 a tharg-r ac·– c·o1111t. tl1r l)ill s l1ot1lcl br c·o,·er cl ,,·itl1i11 th irt~,. cla.r·s. Jf for a11~· r r a8011 a11 aeC"o1111t c·a1111c>t llP c-o,·– r r rcl hr . ·hc>ttl l , ,iHit t hP ereclitor a11cl ex plai11 tl1r eircL1111sta11ee. 'l'hP11, if l1r is 1111a l1le to 1nrrt thP fl1ll al'c:01111t at tl1P r11cl of a11othPr t 11irt,.. cla, .. s hP . ·ho11 ld 11pgot ia te a • • Joa11 . a: .·et fc>rth i11 0111· P 1itoria1 11ri11t rcl i11 thr A1tg11.· t i.-.· t1e. 11 I~ 1 FR l Ji:X l)S: ) I a11>· l)a:tor ~ st t1111 l1le l)~- . ·11rro1111 cl i 11 g· the 111. 'Pl \'e ,,·ith a <'licJlte. ' ~ot l1i11g ,\Till ,,·r etk a pa.·to1--atp <111i<·ker t ha11 a µ:ro111) of 4 • favor i te:. I t mu.·t br rP111P111lJPr e<l t l1at the pa. ·tor i.· the she1)l1ercl of the P11ti1·e f loek a11d that tl1e offieial fan1il, · i.· the boar cl .. of ·a(l,·isor.· 1 '-1.,.0T a fe ,,· .·elf- appoi11ted 'g·l1a1~cJia11.· ' ' \VhO ba,re µ:ai11Pd hi: atte11tio11. Ill~ ()LD (}E : I~a ·to1\ · of Reg·– l1lar Bapti:t ( 1 h111·cl1e · ha,..e .·11f – ficie11 t i11 ·0111e to l i, ~e con1for ta 1)1,~ • l)11t 11ot .·11ffitie1 t to bt1ilcl a larae c·apital ·tr11 ·tl1re. It i . a ,,·ell-kno\\·11 fa ·t that ·11111' ·he... lo 11ot prefer a pa. ·to1' of ad, ·ancecl aCYe, l11 le... · l1 P 1 1ight l>e 011 of that :ele ·t g:r<>llJJ of pa.·to1·s ,,·hP1'e the J)POJ)lP ·' ,,·ee1) at tl1e , ,er~ .. tl10,1g l1t of hi.· cl e11a1·t111·e. · · l t i: tl1erpfore ex1)edie11t that the l)a~tor l)Pgi11 to J)1·e1a1"e for re– tiren1e11t at thP , ,. el')" l)egi1111i11g of l1i: 1ui11ist1,,·. There are 111a11, · \\' ho . ~ ·l11·11g off tJ1e p1·ol)le111 ,y·ith t l1e t h ol12.h t tl1a t. · · tl1e Lord ,,·ill pro– ' ricle. ' . The . a111p 111i O'h t l>e saicl eo11 ·er11i11g· 111a11~· othPr tl1i11g~ ,,·l1i('h fall 1111cl Pr thP catpaor,· of ~ . pe1-. ·011al r . 1)011. ·ibilit : ·. Rol'ia l ~ 1 ect1ritv i.· a,..ailable to tl1e .. 1)a:tor 1t11(le1~ tertai11 eo11c1itio11~. l111t s11c:l1 J)l'O,'PPl't i.· 11ot a s11l).·ti– t 11tp f or ·a ·}1 i11 ha11d lJefore a11cl after' the age of ·ixt~· fi,· . The l)a:tor :ho11lcl, at tl1e begi1111i11g of l1i. · 111i11i .·trJ· . p1·oe111·e a :111all e11- clo,,·111e11t i11.·ll1·a11t·e })Olic:: ·, i11 ·rea. - i11g tl1e"P I)OlitiP })P1·ioclieall~·. rl'}1prp art C)t}1er for JllS of i11, ·e"t-